Hannah the Healer

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Hannah the Healer Page 10

by George H. McVey

  Henry had just ridden up to the jail in Creede. He was tired; he’d been up at the mine investigating what appeared to be a series of thefts. Turned out that one of the mine engineers was getting a bit forgetful and had misplaced a couple of bags of gold dust. They’d found them in the bottom of his old desk. He’d been putting them there like he used to before they’d gotten a safe that they all used. Henry was tired and hoped that Hannah was ready to head for home. He swung down from the saddle and headed for the office. Might as well make a pot of coffee while he waited for her to come tell him she was ready to go home.

  He’d just reached the boardwalk when he saw Bob running down the street clucking and squawking and beating his wings as he came. A sinking feeling came to him as the bird came close. Bob never was far from Hannah; for him to be acting this way could only mean one thing. Henry’s wife was in trouble. “What is it, Bob? Where’s Hannah?” The bird turned the minute Henry asked where Hannah was and started back up the street. There beside the Golden Nugget sat her buggy. Bob headed straight for the doors of the saloon. She must have gotten a call to go doctor one of the girls, but Bob wouldn’t be worked up if everything was all right. Henry entered the saloon with Bob right on his heels. Archie Grady was sitting at the end of the bar. “Get that nasty bird out of my saloon.”

  Henry’s hands went to the grips of his Colts, slipping off the hammer thongs. “I’m looking for my wife, Archie, and when her rooster and I find her we’ll leave. Which room is she in.”

  “She ain’t here. I’ve been here all day and I ain’t seen her at all. Go look somewhere else for her.”

  Henry’s eyes hardened and he walked up to the oily man that he knew had been previously involved in abducting women, including Hannah. He reached down and hauled the human trash up by his shirt front. “I’m going to say this once more, Archie. Her rig’s outside so you tell me where she is or I’m going to let her rooster have at you. If he can’t loosen your tongue, I’m gonna have a go at ya, and if that don’t work I’ll throw ya in jail for kidnapping.”

  The slick dandy smiled. “I told you she ain’t here. Why maybe she just got tired of an Eastern Greenhorn pretending to be a real man and found her someone better to run off with.”

  Henry saw something in his eye that said the man knew where Hannah was and was gloating in the fact that Henry didn’t have a clue. Henry pulled him closer and whispered in his ear. “I gave you fair warning; you remember that in about five seconds when you’re begging me to stop that rooster.” Then he shoved Archie on the floor. “Loosen his tongue, Bob.”

  With a loud squawk the rooster flew up on the man’s chest and started pecking and snapping at Archie’s face, neck, and ears. Archie started screaming and trying to cover his eyes but every time he got his hand up, Bob would peck it drawing blood. In less than five minutes, Archie was screaming to get the bird off of him before he lost an eye. Henry saw several patrons and the bartender move to help and drew his Colts. “Anyone move another step and I’ll arrest you for obstructing justice. Archie, you better tell me where Hannah is or Bob there will peck your eyes out.”

  Archie yelled. “She went upstairs with Gus into the last room. That’s all I know.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Couple of hours.”

  Henry called to the rooster. “That’s enough, Bob.”

  The rooster stopped pecking and hopped off Archie with a loud Cock-a doodle-do. Henry and Bob raced up the stairs and down the hall to the room on the end. When he got to the door, it was locked. He didn’t even ask for a key, just pulled his right-hand Colt and put a slug into the latch. He kicked the door and came into a completely dark room. He lit the lamp on the table by the door and saw a bed that had sheets piled to look like a body was in the bed. A drag mark where something had hit the edge of the bed and moved it was evident, and there was a scrap of cloth laying on the floor. Henry picked it up and noticed a sticky sweet smell that reminded him of the ether Doctor Thomas used when he and Hannah had to do surgery on someone.

  Hannah had been knocked out and kidnapped again. Henry stormed out of the room and pulled both Colts as he came down the stairs. Several men were standing around Archie who was wiping the blood from Bob’s attack off his face. Henry pointed the Colts right in Archie’s face and pulled back both hammers. “You got about ten seconds to tell me who Gus is and where he’s taken my wife before I blow your head off, Mr. Grady.”

  Archie looked at him and said, “Who is Gus? He’s the man my uncle hired to watch over the girls. As for your wife, I told you last I saw she went in the room with Gus. If they aren’t up there I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Stand up. You’re under arrest.”

  “For what?”


  “I told you I didn’t have anything to do with your wife.”

  “You know, Archie, I don’t believe you. That’s twice people who worked with you and for you have kidnapped Hannah, so until I’m sure you’re not involved, you’re going to jail. When we get there, I think I’ll strip you down and tie you to the bed and let Bob peck at some other places besides your face. Maybe then you’ll remember where your employee might have taken my wife.”

  Just then one of the working girls spoke up. “Marshal, I overheard Mrs. Hannah and Gus the last time she came here. She called Gus another name and he told her to keep quiet or he’d hurt her like he’d hurt her sister.”

  Henry froze and looked at the dark-haired girl. “What name did she call him, miss?”

  His blood ran cold when she said, “Augustus, she called him Augustus something.”


  “Yes, that was the name.”

  He looked at Archie. “Augustus Rayner is a killer with a bounty on his head in New York. Last chance, Archie, where did he take Hannah?”

  Archie smiled. “I have no idea, but it doesn’t sound too good for you, does it? Reckon you’ll be a widower soon.”

  Henry grabbed the man by the shirt and tossed him halfway across the bar. “Get moving, you’re going to jail and this time your uncle won’t be able to buy your way out.”

  Archie might have been inclined to try and run but Bob was on his heels the whole way, squawking and pecking. Once he was locked up, Henry turned to go see if he could find a trail to follow. As he came out of the back of the jail where the cells were, he saw a lady with graying auburn hair standing in front of his desk. “Hello, Marshal Wheeler. I don’t have time to be subtle about this so I hope you can take the shock.

  “My name is Penny and I’m a messenger and guardian sent from God.”

  Henry wanted to discard the woman as crazy and get on with looking for Hannah but when she started to glow like the sun he stopped in shock. The light dimmed enough that he could see the woman. “Augustus Rayner has your wife tied over the back of a horse he’s leading up the mountain pass to Durango. If I were you, I’d make haste to catch them before he stops for the night. He plans to violate her like he did her sister before he killed her.”

  Henry didn’t say a word, just detoured to the desk and pulled a box of shells for his Colts and rifle from the drawer and headed out, slipping the box in his saddle bags. He turned to see the woman setting Bob on the saddle bags. “Take Bob with you; his job isn’t complete.”

  Henry nodded, “Thank you, Penny.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, boy, go save our girl first.”

  Henry nodded and kicked Fury into a full gallop. He didn’t look back but if he had he would have seen Penny fade from existence behind him.


  Hannah woke to find herself tied over the back of a horse, her head pounding from the ether used to knock her out. She instantly remembered what had happened. Her sister’s killer had tricked her, and then knocked her out and tied her over the horse she was on. He was sitting on another and leading the one she was secured to. There was a rope tying her hands to one stirrup and she figured her feet were tied to the other one. They were somewhe
re in the mountains. She sucked in as large a breath as she could and screamed. Augustus laughed. “I see you finally woke up. Well, scream all you want; we’re high up in the mountains and there ain’t no one here to hear you.”

  She took a deep breath to scream again when suddenly Penny was beside her on a black horse with a white blaze down it’s forehead. “He’s right; there’s no one here that can hear you.”

  “Penny, can you help me?” Hannah whispered.

  The woman shook her head. “I’m not allowed to show myself to anyone but you and now Henry, too. But that’s it. I’m here to give you courage, my dear. Your husband is on his way and he has Bob with him. They aren’t slowed down by having to lead a horse so they should catch up to you in about an hour. You just stay strong and preserve your strength.”

  The woman started to fade and Hannah cried quietly, “Please don’t leave me alone.”

  The woman came back to the same density she’d been earlier. “Lightning and I will stay with you as long as we can, my dear. But I’m not allowed to interfere with Augustus. Whatever happens will be up to you and Henry and Augustus.”

  Hannah nodded, “I understand. It’s just I’m afraid.”

  “I know, dear. I remember when I was in your situation. It was the most afraid I’d ever been in my life.”

  “But you survived it?”

  “I did. But only because God led Nate to me. He helped me survive what was done to me and his love helped heal me.”

  Hannah couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down her face. “Are you telling me I’m going to have to endure what Augustus has threatened?”

  “I don’t know, dear. I’ve told your husband how to find you. If he gets here in time; then no, but I don’t know the future. I only know what the Boss lets me know.”

  “Is there nothing you can do to help us?”

  “I can’t do anything that will reveal me to anyone but you and Henry.”

  “Penny, you said if I need something from you to just call out and ask, right?”

  “Yes, dear, and as long as it doesn’t violate the rules the Boss gave me, I’ll do what I can.”

  “That thing you did to get me to the Golden Nugget to help Celeste; could you do that for Henry? To get him here faster?”

  Penny thought for a second. “I believe I can. It doesn’t violate the rules I was given.”

  “Will you please bring my husband and Bob to me, Penny?”

  The temporary angel smiled. “He’ll be here faster than you can doubt it will happen, my dear.”

  Then the woman and horse were gone.

  “What are you mumbling about back there?”

  “Nothing that would interest you. Augustus Rayner. I’m just praying and asking God to save me.”

  Augustus laughed. “Well save your breath. Ain’t no one going to save you. You belong to me now.”

  Henry raced up the mountain. He was pushing Fury as hard as he could, but he knew soon he’d have to slow down or risk killing his horse. Just when he was thinking about it, the angel appeared beside him on a big, black horse. “You’re not going to make it in time to keep her from being hurt, Henry. Not on your own. I need you to give me your reins, please, and trust me.”

  Henry looked at the woman and realized all at once who she was. This woman’s portrait hung over the fireplace at the Dueling N’s Ranch in Redemption, New Mexico. This was Nathan’s grandmother, Penny Ryder, wife to Nugget Nate Ryder. “Mrs. Ryder, I trusted your grandson with my life several times; I believe I can trust you, too.” He handed her Fury’s reins. She smiled at him, “Would you mind holding on to Bob and maybe your saddle horn? We’re going to move at angelic speed.”

  Henry reached behind him and scooped up the rooster and held him tight against his chest. The rooster tucked his head under his wing and became very still. Henry reached his other hand and twisted it in a handful of Fury’s mane and grabbed the saddle horn. Before he knew what to think, they were thundering through the sky, moving faster than any horse naturally could; yet Fury wasn’t even running, just a gentle trot was the motion Henry felt in his faithful mount.

  Soon he could see two horses on the ground just a short way ahead of them. Penny led them closer to the ground and Fury’s pace increased from a trot to a full gallop just as his feet hit the ground. Penny handed the reins back to Henry. “That’s all I can do. The rest is up to you, Marshal.”

  “Thank you.”

  The woman nodded and then faded away. Henry could see that Hannah was tied over the saddle and her horse was being led by Augustus. He let go of Bob who clucked and hopped on his shoulder and then to the back of the saddle. He leaned forward giving Fury his head and the magnificent golden palomino poured on speed. How Rayner couldn’t hear the thundering of his hooves, Henry couldn’t understand; but the big stallion drew even with the mare his wife was tied to. Henry got the horses as close together as he could, pulled his left leg across the saddle and stood with it in the right stirrup, and then vaulted over to land right behind his wife on her mount. He wrapped his hand in the horse’s mane, leaned to the left, pulled his bowie knife, and cut the rawhide strip tying her hands to the saddle. Then he leaned right and cut her feet loose. He stuck the knife back in his belt and hauled Hannah upright. When he got her sitting upright on the horse, he kissed the back of her neck, handed her the bowie knife, and motioned for her to cut the lead rope going to Rayner’s mount. She nodded and leaned as far forward as she could and quickly sliced the lead rope in two. Henry pulled back on the handful of mane in his fist and the horse slowed to a stop. He’d just swung Hannah to the ground when Rayner realized the lead rope had gone slack and looked back. When he saw Hannah on the ground, he turned to fire at Henry. Just as he drew a bead, Fury drew up beside Rayner and there came a super loud COCK-A-DOODLE-DO! Rayner’s head jerked to the sight of Bob standing tall in the saddle with both wings flapping furiously. The rooster launched itself at the outlaw and caught him square in the face with his spurs. Rayner screamed and fell off his horse, rolling to try to get away from the rooster that was scratching and pecking away at him. Before anyone could move or shout, the rooster let go of the man as he rolled off the side of the cliff. There was a terrible scream and then silence.

  Henry got down and Hannah flew into his arms. “I knew you’d come.”

  Henry pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he came up for air, he said, “Hannah, never doubt that I’ll come for you. I’ll always come for you. I love you, sweetheart, more than I ever thought I could love anyone.

  Hannah smiled. “I know, darling, and I love you, too.” Bob strutted up to them clucking all the way. “Yes, Bob, I love you, too. Thank you for helping to save me.”

  The rooster clucked and crowed as if to say, “Think nothing of it, ma’am, just doing my job.”

  Henry looked down at the rooster, too. “Yes, Bob, thank you for your help. I believe you saved my life today as well. I reckon that makes you my deputy now, don’t it? The rooster looked sideways at Henry and then puffed up his chest with a strong Cock-a-doodle-do! “No, I’m not giving you a badge. Where would you wear it anyway?”

  Henry walked over to the edge where Rayner had fallen over and looked in the deepening twilight. He couldn’t see anything but he doubted that the killer could have survived the fall. He collected Rayner’s horse and the mare that Hannah had been tied to. Then he pulled a length of coiled lasso out of his saddle bags and fashioned a new lead rope for the mare and helped Hannah up onto the horse Rayner had been riding. After placing Bob on the mare’s saddle he climbed onto Fury. Looking at his wife and then back at the rooster, Henry said, “Let’s go home.”


  Henry lay in bed watching Hannah sleep. She’d clung to him all night, even in her sleep and he’d had to soothe her through nightmares several times. He’d talked to Doctor Thomas when they’d returned and he’d checked Hannah over and declared she was physically okay. He had given Henry some medicine to help her sleep and warn
ed him it might take a while for her to get over the terror of being kidnapped a second time. He would hold her and soothe her as often as he needed to. He watched her as his heart filled with his love for her.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him, snuggling closer. “Good morning, Marshal Wheeler.”

  “Good morning, Nurse Wheeler.”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “Have you been awake long?”

  Henry shook his head. “Not too long.”

  “What were you doing? Watching me sleep?”

  He nodded and then smiled. “Yes, and thinking.”

  “About what?”

  He stroked her cheek. “This is going to sound crazy but I was thinking I owed Augustus Rayner thanks.”

  She frowned. “Why would you owe that killer thanks?”

  Henry looked her straight in the eye. “Because he kept me from making the biggest mistake in my life. If not for him I’d have married your sister instead of the real love of my life.

  “Well, I’m not sure I agree you owe him thanks as much as you owe Esther thanks. I guess we owe Ketchem thanks as well then. For shooting you in the back and trapping us together for a week.”

  “Maybe we do. But there is one thing all of this has taught me.”

  She snuggled closer, her hands going around his body pulling him as close as possible “What has it taught you?”

  “That often the person you’re looking for is right in front of you the whole time you were searching for her, only you don’t realize it till it’s almost too late.”

  “But you did realize it, Henry, and we have a lifetime to love each other.”


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