SEAL's Secret: A Secret Baby Military Romance

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SEAL's Secret: A Secret Baby Military Romance Page 3

by Virginia Sexton

  I take a deep breath and match his sarcasm. “Now, if you are real man, you would climb a tree and jump out of it with a spear in hand to get your deer. And you’d be drinking mead, not beer. Out of the deer’s horn.”

  He chuckles softly and changes subjects. “You look pretty familiar, but I can’t quite place you. I mean, more so than being a friend of my sisters.”

  “Probably my sister, Susan. She was closer to your age in high school.”

  “Susan Yates?” His eyes search the ground, and I can tell he’s looking back into his memory. A little smile comes over his face. “I remember Susan. I think she was the senior captain of the cheerleading squad when my sister was a freshman. Is that right?”

  “Sounds like the right time frame.”

  He’s about to respond when Kelly’s brother-in-law Thad catches Tobias’s attention. “You need a hand with that?” Tobias asks.

  The younger man looks up with frustration on his face. “I was just going to pour a little gas on the kindling and light a match, but everyone insists we’re roughing it and that I need to light this thing the good old-fashioned way.”

  Tobias takes a few good-natured slaps on the back from bystanders and offers a few handshakes before he kneels beside his brother-in-law. “They have you rubbing sticks together to try to light a fire?”

  I head off to refill my Solo cup and grab Tobias another longneck since no one seems to have noticed his is empty, but before I go, I can just barely hear Thad lean in and murmured something about getting out of here and getting laid. If I were him, I know what my choice would be. Not that I go about getting laid all that often. Or at all.

  I grab a Bud Light out of the cooler and refill my Solo cup when I catch the scent of a sweet cigar. “Hey. Mind if I borrow that? I’ll be right back.”

  “Sure, sweetheart,” some guy with graying hair says as he gives me a wink.

  With a tinge of annoyance, I ignore the sweetheart comment and take the proffered Zippo. I make my way back to the boys still kneeling beside the fire, Tobias readjusting the sticks and dry leaves, actually getting a bit of smoke out of them. I tap him on the shoulder with the butt of the beer bottle, and he looks up.

  I kneel down, act like I’m pointing at the sticks, and indiscreetly thumb the zippo, sending an — imagine that — ready-made flame to the dry leaves and grass Thad had already accumulated. I raise my voice to a clearly audible level while stashing the lighter. “Look at that! You make it look so easy.”

  Both boys give me a shake of the head and a silent chuckle as the crowd erupts in praise for the macho men. I meet Tobias’s eyes, and I see something there that takes away my self-conscious streak as I stare into his baby blues. A couple moments go by with just him and I looking at each other like that, Thad rushing to arrange the kindling to catch fire.

  The spell is broken by Tobias’s mom and a pair of headlights streaking across what was quickly becoming a dusk-filled scene. His mother turns. “Toby! We have a latecomer. Is there another good spot for a tent?”

  Everyone’s attention is on the new car, except for mine. I’m still looking straight at him, so I can see the myriad of emotions that flash across his face before he fixes a smile on. There’s the attraction that was there before the interruption, then annoyance, then frustration, or perhaps it was anger, followed by what looks like guilt, and then a stolid resignation.

  “Thank you for the beer, Casey,” he whispers before he rises. “I’m on it, Mom.”

  I rise with him, moving for a battery-operated lantern which has made its appearance on the snacks table. “I’ll act your backup.”

  He holds a hand out to me, palm out. “No need. I got this. Go find your daughter and enjoy yourself.”

  I shake my head. “Were not doing this again, Commander Dean. The sooner we set this tent up, the sooner we can both relax, okay?”

  He holds his beer bottle up, and I match the toast with my red Solo cup. “Okay,” he agrees.


  I hold the lantern high as Tobias shuffles the last of the latecomer’s possessions into their fully erect tent. A tent which is much larger than mine, by the way. I’m a little jealous, to be honest. They have two air mattresses in there, now fully inflated, and enough space in the central compartment to set up a folding table and four folding chairs. Roughing it. Right.

  Thad has set the fire going full bore at Bonfire Setting, and it has now become the main focal point of the burgeoning evening’s revelry. Shouts of Toby and Tobias are raining down in our direction, and dozens of sets of arms wave for us to rejoin the group.

  I catch him murmuring to himself, “Christ. What I wouldn’t give for a real mattress and to just sleep for a week straight.”

  I walk by his side as we slowly make our way back to the gathering. “Why don’t you go? Get a nice hotel room. I can tell everyone you found a secluded spot back in the woods and pitched a tent for yourself. That you needed a little time to yourself. They’d believe it. It’s true, after all, isn’t it?”

  He stops abruptly, so I come to a jerking halt as well. He turns to me, a look of intent concentration on his face. “Come with me.”

  Thank God it’s getting dark, because I feel a blush come over my face. “No. You forget Jenna is here, and she’s so been looking forward to camping.”

  He puts his hand back in his jeans pocket, tugging his waistband down, making my eyes draw to the little patch of skin visible now at his inner hip. It’s feathered with just a hint of dark hair. He cocks his head to the side. “Sure. She’s been looking forward to camping.” He points toward Jenna, who hasn’t checked in with me once since she ran off with the other kids. She’s making s’mores, and she looks happier than I’ve seen her in ages. “Your daughter is perfectly happy right where she is — as you, yourself said, you don’t need to be here the entire time — have Kelly keep an eye on her. We’ll be back bright and early in the morning. Promise.”

  I know what this kind of offer entails. I’d be lying to myself if I hadn’t been thinking about him in a sensual manner nearly the entire time. I can’t help it. Not only does he have a hard body I’d absolutely love to latch onto, but he’s easy to talk to — something my shyness around men usually prevents. “I don’t know, Tobias. I’m not exactly the kind of girl to spend the night out with a random guy. If you know what I mean.”

  He opens his arms, palms out, putting himself on display. “I’m not some random guy. We go way back, you and I.”

  “Your sister and I go way back,” I correct. “You knew my older sister, not me.”

  His arms drop to his sides, but I can tell by the look on his face that he’s not giving up. “I’m not making the proposition you think I am. You’re right, it would be nice to get out of here and sleep in a real bed, but that doesn’t mean I expect you to be in that bed with me.”

  I purse my lips and twist my brow at him, making it obvious I don’t believe him.

  He’s still not giving up. “Tell you what. Let’s bring Jenna. Things are going to be winding down here, and she won’t be missing much of the camping fun. Would you believe that I don’t want to just get into your pants if she comes along?”

  Okay, that makes it a little more believable. “Wouldn’t you rather be going to town with Thad?”

  “He’s a great guy, but he has a one-track mind. Not that I don’t sometimes as well, but what I really want right now is a good meal, hot shower, and a comfortable bed. In short, I’d like some time alone, but not completely alone.” He readjusts his footing and places his hand over his chest, making the slightest of bows. “Casey Yates, I would be honored if you and your daughter would accompany me to an evening of fine dining and luxurious accommodation. Will you please accept?”

  Something inside of my stomach twists, and my spirit opens up — something that I can’t quite explain. I push away and go with my default: “Tobias, I can’t afford something like that. Buying a little tent on sale was a stretch. I’m on a tight budget.”

  He puts on an offended face, his hand still on his chest. “You, Madame, have earned your keep with all the help you’ve given me today. It would be an outrage to my manhood if you were to insist on paying. My treat.”

  “I can’t.”

  He takes his hand from his chest and points at me. “I seem to remember you not taking no for an answer earlier. I won’t take no from you now. You and Jenna — you’re coming with me.”

  There’s command in his voice, and I see the combat veteran officer coming to the forefront. He’s got me. I try to keep from smiling too broadly. “Very well, Commander Dean.”

  Casey had protested again when she found out what I had planned. Actually, it was less of a protest and more like tugging on my sleeve and then finally punching my bicep when I was on the phone with the landlord of the cabin. As a soon as we got into an area close enough to civilization that my cell phone had a couple of bars, I had looked up the nicest place I could find.

  “Seriously, Tobias, we could have just gone into a Motel 8, or something.”

  I wave her sentiment away before getting back to popping the top off a bottle of red wine. “I would have rented a place like this even if it was just me. Unlike some people I know who seemed not to mind being crammed into an itty-bitty two-person tent, I like my space. I want to feel like I’m home, not like I’m out in the field. Just wish I had my robe and my fluffy slippers.”

  She giggles a little as I pour her a glass of wine. “You — Commander Dean — have fluffy slippers?”

  I pour myself a nice, tall glass next and keep a completely stoic face as I confess, “Donald Duck. I love the guy. I may or may not have gotten a tattoo of him on my ass one very drunken night in Tokyo.”

  She snorts out a laugh and cups her hand to her chin just in case she spurts out wine. “I have to see that.”

  I straighten up and begin to unhitch my belt. “He’s got an anchor and a cigar and everything.”

  She turns the most intense shade of red. “Oh my God, no. It’s a matter of speech. I don’t want to see your ass.”

  I highly doubt that. I take a step to the side and look out into the spacious living room. Jenna is passed out on the couch, exhausted and covered with a fleece blanket. I finish unbuckling my belt and yank my jeans down to my ankles, exposing my olive green, government-issue boxer briefs. I kick my heels out of the jean’s legs as I grab both my glass and the bottle of wine. “I’m offended. I have a very nice ass. Come on, there’s a Jacuzzi out back, and I had the landlord warm it up before we got here.”

  I don’t give her a chance to protest as I turn before I can’t hide my smirk anymore. I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t hide something. Casey’s eyes were glued to my package as soon as I yanked my pants down. That kind of attention from a hot young thing like her is enough to get any guy a little stiff. Something else I can’t hide — I feel my boxer briefs expanding in the front. I hastily open the sliding glass door and set my drink down on the deck so I can rip my T-shirt over my head. The tub is recessed into the deck so all I have to do is step down, and within seconds, I’m sinking into the warm water — pausing for a moment to let my balls adjust to the heat.

  I look back to the door, and she’s standing there, her gaze drifting between me and back into the living room. I try to put her at ease. “She’s passed out, and you’re just getting in a Jacuzzi tub — that’s all.”

  “I don’t have a bathing suit.”

  “Neither do I. Just strip down. We’re both adults.”

  I have to admit, she looks a little perturbed as well as a little curious. “I’m well aware we are both adults.”

  I splash at the water. “Come on. Nice and warm. I’ll turn on the jets.”

  She takes a big breath, completely filling her lungs and holds it there for just a moment. In one big rush, she lets all the air out and dips to put her wine glass down. Victory! She sashays her hips in the most delectable way while shimmying out of her jeans. Hastily, she removes her top is well, and I barely get a good glimpse of her plain panties and bra before she’s in the water up to her neck.

  She seems a little more comfortable as a soon as she has the added cover of the bubbles disturbing the water’s surface.

  She’s still uncomfortable with the overt sexual tension, but I know one subject that can put anyone into a very non-sensual frame of mind, and I decide to put her at ease. “Do you work?”

  Her eyebrows crease a bit, and I can tell that whatever the job is, it brings her stress. “I do, but I’m on vacation, and I don’t care to talk about work — unless you would like to tell me about what you’ve been doing in the Middle East for the past eight months?”

  I salute her with my wine. “Touché, Madame. How about something I’m sure any mother enjoys talking about. Tell me about a Jenna. What are her interests? Every kid has That-One-Thing, don’t they?”

  She relaxes immediately, and creases at the corner of her eyes appear as she smiles. “Jenna has a very big That-One-Thing. She’s eyeballs deep into gymnastics.”

  “Gymnastics? Like, tumbling?”

  Casey leans back against the wall of the Jacuzzi and tilts her head back, looking up at the stars. “All of it. The horse, the parallel bars, the vault, the floor routine. And she’s really good, too. Just — I would never imagine how expensive a sport would be that only requires a leotard for competition.”

  Unlike my guest, I have eyes only for her. I don’t care what the stars and the moon look like. To see her relax — it’s beautiful. She looks even younger now, and it makes me feel like maybe I could have the chance of that kind of relaxation tonight as well. Maybe some of the stress and anxiety could melt away like I see hers doing right now. “Well, there’s also that chalk all gymnast use liberally on their hands, right? That has to be a fortune in itself.”

  She snorts out a little laughter. “No, it’s the clubs and the traveling. Gymnastics is something that is usually participated in by — shall we say — more affluent families. It cost thousands just to be on these teams and travel to the tournaments.”

  “But you say she’s good?”

  “She’s very good for her age. Problem is, it’s not like there’s a career in gymnastics. Even those girls in the Olympics are so young. She might be able to get a college scholarship out of it, but that’s all. Even though — all that traveling — even though it’s expensive, it’s giving her opportunities and experiences I never had when I was her age. I really want her to be able to continue.”

  “Aren’t there foundations or grants you guys can take?”

  I see the tension begin to come back into her facial features, and I regret having brought up money. Even for the wealthy, it is almost surely a source of auto-stress. She gets the sad smile on her face and tilts her head to me. “There are. And we have one of them. It’s still expensive.”

  That look she gives me — it travels straight down my spine. “You know, I might be able to help. I’m involved in all sorts of charities.”

  That smile of hers shines in her eyes, but she gives me a little shake of the head. “That’s nice of you to say, but making it on your own is part of what makes one strong, isn’t it?”

  Call it the wine going straight to my head after not having access to alcohol for so long. Call it the camaraderie I established with her as she helped me set up the campsite all day. But, I don’t want her to do it all on her own. As she so skillfully pointed out earlier today, it goes against everything I am as a military man to have one individual struggle through by themselves. Putting in a team effort makes everything in life so much easier — and so much more enjoyable.

  Perhaps that’s why I wanted her and Jenna to come with me tonight. I’ve gone and created myself a little insta-family for the evening. Right here. It’s what I want, but what I’ve never allowed myself. This could be me. Enjoying a beautiful evening with a woman by my side, a kid in the house tucked into bed. Instead of fostering a family, I’ve devoted my young adulthood to the military. A pit open
s up inside of my chest as she closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, relaxation infusing her very being. I feel my muscles lose their tension.

  I take a chance — where would I be in life without all the chances I’ve taken? — and I scoot closer. I lean one arm up and onto the deck, turning sideways to face her, and Casey opens her eyes. She doesn’t look surprised that I’m closer now. I reach out and touch her cheek, and those eyes of hers stay glued on mine.

  I lean in, watching her the entire way as I close the distance between us, and I close my eyes just before I place a tender kiss on her lips. I hear her take in breath as her lips respond to mine. Slowly, I move my mouth over hers, and despite the warmth — goosebumps move over my skin as her fingers touch my chest.

  I place my palm to her cheek and pull her in to deepen the kiss, and she greets me willingly. Her hand smooths up my chest and wraps around my neck, and my cock responds as she lets out the gentlest of moans. Wine deposited on the deck, I send a hand under the water to feel at the skin of her sides. She jumps just a little at my touch, but her lips respond with enthusiasm.

  I push a little further, giving her a low growl and pulling her closer. Both of her hands are in my hair now, and her breath is coming heavy. I throw caution to the wind and make a quick movement. Both hands on her hips, I pull Casey onto my lap so she’s straddling me. Her eyes open, and she’s wild with surprise and desire. I don’t give her a chance — I run my hands up her back and press her breast against my chest, capturing her mouth once again.

  Groaning now, I dig my fingers into her back, making sure to take up all the space between our bodies. She settles into my lap, and my stiffening cock rubs between her legs. As soon as it makes contact, Casey lets out high-pitched moan. She rises on her shins to create space between her pussy and my shaft, but I pull her back down. I roll my hips and move to a familiar rhythm, one I am admittedly out of practice with at the moment.

  She’s panting now, but she’s getting into me — allowing me to settle my hard prick between her legs again. I tear myself away from her wine flavored lips to look into those eyes again. The desire is still there — but something else as well. Is she scared? Easy, turbo. You’re going too fast. There’s no doubt she’s turned on, but I keep the rocking of my hips to a minimum as I turn my attention to her neck.


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