Party Dreams

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Party Dreams Page 1

by Sue Bentley

  Table of Contents


  Copyright Page

  Title Page

  Chapter ONE

  Chapter TWO

  Chapter THREE

  Chapter FOUR

  Chapter FIVE

  Chapter SIX

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter EIGHT

  Chapter NINE

  About the Author

  To Molly, fun little Westie run-around


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  The young, silver-gray wolf bounded toward the stream that ran through the snow-covered valley. Dipping his head, Storm lapped at the clear, icy water. It felt good to be home again.

  Suddenly, a terrifying howl rose in the still air.

  “Shadow!” Storm gasped. The fierce lone wolf, who had attacked Storm’s pack and left his mother wounded, was very close.

  In an instant, there was a bright gold flash and the young, silver-gray wolf disappeared. Where Storm had been standing, there was now a tiny, spotted Dalmatian puppy with a pink muzzle, a wet, black nose, and huge, midnight blue eyes.

  Storm’s puppy heart beat fast and he started to tremble as he hoped this disguise would protect him. He had to find somewhere to hide—and quickly.

  There was a clump of snow-covered bushes some way upstream. Storm ran toward them, almost tripping over his own paws as they skidded on the hard snow. He was just about to leap into the bushes when he saw the dark shape of an adult wolf crouching beneath them.

  Storm gasped. Shadow was waiting to ambush him! It was too late to run. This was the end.

  The adult wolf lifted its head.

  “Storm! In here, quickly!”

  “Mother!” Storm sighed with relief as he recognized the gentle face of the she-wolf.

  He scrambled into the bushes, his body wriggling and his short, thin tail wagging a greeting. Canista rumbled affectionately as she licked her disguised cub’s smooth, spotted fur. “It is good to see you, my son,” she growled softly. “But you cannot stay. Shadow wants to lead the Moon-claw pack, but the others will not follow him while you live. It is too dangerous for you right now.”

  Storm growled and his midnight blue eyes sparked with anger and fear. “Shadow killed my father and three litter brothers, but he will not lead our pack. I will face him and fight him!”

  Canista nodded. “One day you will, Storm. But you are still too small and I am weak from Shadow’s poisoned bite and cannot help you. Use this disguise. Go back to the other world and return when you are stronger.” As she stopped speaking, her eyes clouded with pain.

  Storm whined with sympathy. He huffed out a puppy breath filled with tiny, gold sparks. They swirled around Canista’s injured paw, before sinking into her fur and disappearing.

  “Thank you. The pain is easing,” Canista sighed gratefully.

  Suddenly, a dark shadow fell across the bush where Storm and his mother were hiding. Iron-hard paws scrabbled at the packed snow as the fierce wolf came closer.

  “Come out, Storm! Let us end this now!” Shadow challenged.

  “Go! Save yourself!” Canista urged.

  Storm whimpered and his big, blue eyes widened as he felt the power building inside his little body. Glittering sparks ignited in his smooth, spotted fur. The golden light around him grew brighter. And brighter . . .

  Chapter ONE

  Paige Riley sat sulking in the back of her stepdad’s car. It wasn’t fair. She’d been right in the middle of talking about birthday parties with her two best friends, when Keith called to pick her up.

  “Why couldn’t Mom pick me up, like we planned? Then I could have stayed another hour with Amy and Tori,” Paige complained. “Mom knows we always get excited because our birthdays all come so close together.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t want to say anything until we were by ourselves, but your mom’s been taken to the hospital,” Keith explained as he pulled away from the curb. “They’ve done tests and she and the baby are both fine, but she’s going to have to stay in the hospital and rest until he’s born.”

  Paige was glad it was nothing serious. “Poor Mom. She hates hospitals. She won’t like being stuck in there for weeks. It’s a good thing spring break starts tomorrow. I’ll be able to go and visit her every day and cheer her up.”

  Keith glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “Well, maybe not every day. I’m on nights for the next two weeks. So your mom and I think it’s best if you stay with my mom for the time being.”

  Paige wrinkled her nose. She’d never met Keith’s mom, but she knew that she lived in a village out in the middle of nowhere. “Do I have to? Can’t I stay in town with Granny and Gramps Riley instead?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid not. They’re on vacation,” Keith explained. “I know Brookton Village is a little remote, but I’ll come over and get you when I can and take you to see your mom. By the way, try not to call my mother Gran or Nan, okay? She’s a bit sensitive about her age.”

  “What should I call her then?”

  “Her name’s Deborah. She likes everyone to call her Debs,” Keith said.

  Paige snorted. Debs! What sort of name was that for a stepgran? “Anyway, I don’t need to go and stay with anyone else. I can take care of myself in our apartment. I’m not a baby. I’ll be ten in two weeks.”

  Keith smiled. “I know. And you’re a very grown-up, sensible young lady. But I don’t like the idea of you being left by yourself all day and all night. Besides, your mom will feel happier knowing that you’ll be taken care of. We can’t have anything worrying her at a time like this, can we?” he said reasonably.

  There was no answer to that. Paige knew when she was beaten. “But what about my things? I need my jeans and sneakers and—”

  “I’ve already packed a suitcase for you,” Keith interrupted. “I can get anything else you want later. All right?”

  Paige nodded miserably, her shoulders drooping. It wasn’t all right. It was all wrong! This new baby had somehow managed to spoil things for her before he was even born! She probably wouldn’t even be able to have
a birthday party.

  Her heart sank as she thought of Amy and Tori, who would still be planning their parties and deciding what to wear. There was no point in her joining in now.

  Keith drove through town and out on to a country road. After what seemed like hours, he turned down a dark, twisty lane and stopped in front of a large, detached redbrick house. There was a light on in the porch and just as Paige reached the front door it creaked open.

  A woman with tied-back, dark hair, a flowing velvet top, and jeans swooped out in a cloud of perfume. “Hello, you must be Paige. Come in, darling. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you.”

  Paige smiled stiffly, wishing she could say the same. “Thanks for letting me stay with you, Mrs. Stokes,” she said politely.

  “Oh, call me Debs—everyone does,” Debs said, beaming as she ushered Paige into the house.

  Paige stared at the colored floor tiles and stained-glass windows. Old-fashioned glass wall lamps cast a dim glow over the rich wallpaper and dark paintwork. The house was like something out of a creepy ghost story. Paige wouldn’t have been surprised to see giant bats hanging upside down from the ceiling.

  Keith took her suitcase upstairs and then came into the kitchen where Debs was filling the teapot. “I’m going to take off now. They’re expecting me back at work. Will you be okay, Paige?” he asked.

  Paige nodded uneasily. She wasn’t okay really. She hated this gloomy house and she didn’t know what to make of Debs, but she wasn’t about to say so in front of everyone.

  “I hope you’ll be happy staying with me in my funny, old house, even though I know that you must be longing to be at home with your gorgeous new baby brother,” Debs said, smiling warmly.

  You couldn’t be more wrong, Paige thought, but she wisely stayed silent.

  After Keith left, having promised to call the following day, Debs made hot chocolate. As they sat drinking it, Paige stifled a yawn.

  “You look worn out. This is all a bit sudden, isn’t it? Come on, I’ll show you your bedroom. Bring your drink with you,” Debs said kindly.

  Paige trudged upstairs behind Debs. Her bedroom had the same rich wallpaper, dark paintwork, and heavy furniture as the rest of the house. Paige blinked at the enormous four-poster bed that stood against one wall.

  “Impressive, isn’t it? That bed’s been in the family for forever. I was born in it and so was Keith,” Debs said cheerily.

  Yuck! Too much information, Paige thought. “I’d like to go to sleep now, please,” she said hurriedly.

  “Of course you would, darling. It’s been a long day. Sweet dreams. I’ll see you in the morning.” Debs closed the door behind her.

  Paige quickly undressed and brushed her teeth at the big, old-fashioned sink before climbing into the vast bed. She lay there shivering. Moonlight poured in through the curtains, casting shadows and making the dark furniture into lumpish shapes.

  Her tummy felt all tight and churning. A wave of loneliness washed over her. She wished her mom didn’t have to stay in the hospital. This was all her baby brother’s fault.

  Suddenly, a dazzling flash of bright light lit up the whole room and Paige gasped as her sad thoughts disappeared with the darkness. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief—at the bottom of the bed seemed to be sitting a tiny figure, glowing with thousands of diamond points of light.

  “Aargh! A ghost!” Paige gave a strangled scream and dived under the covers.

  Chapter TWO

  Paige lay under her bed covers trembling like a leaf, but nothing leaped on top of her and the room seemed strangely silent. Maybe she had imagined the whole thing. After all, she was really tired and not feeling like herself at all.

  Very slowly, Paige lowered the covers and peeped over the top of them. “Oh!” she gasped.

  To her complete amazement, a tiny, cute puppy with black spots on a smooth, white coat and the brightest midnight blue eyes she had ever seen was sitting on the bed.

  Was it a ghost dog? Whatever it was, it wasn’t glowing anymore. In fact, it was blinking at her and wagging its skinny, spotted tail. Paige found herself smiling as her heartbeat began to return to normal. She sat up properly and leaned back against the pillows.

  “Hello! You are gorgeous! I didn’t know that Debs had a Dalmatian puppy!” She rubbed her fingers together encouragingly, hoping that the puppy wanted to make friends.

  To her delight, it padded up the bed toward her and she felt its slight weight as it climbed on to her legs.

  “I am sorry if I startled you,” the puppy woofed.

  Paige did a double take and snatched back her hand. Maybe it was a ghost puppy after all! “How come y-you can s-speak?” she stammered.

  “Where I come from, all of my pack can speak,” the puppy yapped. Despite being so tiny, it didn’t seem to be too afraid of her. “I am Storm of the Moon-claw pack. Who are you?”

  Paige still couldn’t believe this was really happening, but her curiosity was getting the better of her fear. She watched warily as Storm lay down on the old-fashioned bedspread and then put his head to one side as if expecting an answer.

  “I’m Paige. Paige Riley. I’m staying in this spooky, old house because my mom’s in the hospital resting until my baby brother’s born,” she found herself explaining. “My stepdad can’t take care of me in our apartment because he has to work.”

  “I am honored to meet you, Paige,” Storm woofed, bowing his head.

  Paige hardly dared to move in case she frightened this amazing puppy away. She noticed that Storm was beginning to tremble all over.

  “Are you okay?” Paige couldn’t imagine why he might be afraid of her.

  “I need to hide. Can you help me?” he whined.

  Paige frowned. “Who are you hiding from? Is someone after you?”

  Storm’s bright blue eyes flashed with anger and fear. “Yes, a fierce lone wolf called Shadow, who attacked my father and litter brothers and wounded my mother. Now he wants to lead the Moon-claw pack, but the others want me for their leader.”

  Paige listened in amazement. “But how can you lead a wolf pack? You’re just a pup—” she began.

  “I will show you!” Storm barked.

  He jumped up and leaped off the bed on to the thick carpet. There was another dazzling, bright gold flash, so bright that Paige was blinded for a moment.

  “Oh!” she rubbed her eyes and, when she could see again, she realized that the cute Dalmatian puppy had disappeared. In its place, there stood a magnificent, young silver-gray wolf.

  Paige eyed the young wolf’s sharp teeth, muscular legs, and huge paws that seemed too big for his body. As he shook himself, gold sparks danced out of his thick fur.

  “Storm?” she said, inching back under the covers.

  “Yes, it is me. Do not be afraid. I will not harm you,” Storm rumbled in a soft growl.

  But before Paige had time to get used to seeing Storm as his impressive real self, a last flare of intense gold light filled the gloomy bedroom and Storm reappeared before her as a helpless, little Dalmatian puppy.

  “Wow! You really are a wolf. No one would ever guess,” Paige said, deeply impressed by Storm’s disguise.

  “Shadow will not be fooled if he finds me. I need to hide now.” Storm gave a little whimper of fear as he began trembling all over again.

  Paige’s soft heart went out to him. With his smooth, spotted fur, alert, little face, and huge, glowing blue eyes, Storm was the most gorgeous puppy she had ever seen.

  “Why don’t you jump back up here and stay with me tonight?” she suggested. “This bed’s so enormous that half my school could hide in it. We can think about what else to do in the morning.”

  Storm gave her a doggy grin and then leaped back up onto the bed, trailing gold sparks behind him like a tiny comet. “That is a good plan!”

  Paige made a cozy bed for Storm by fluffing up a spare pillow.

  “Thank you, Paige,” Storm woofed. He jumped onto the pillow and circled around and ar
ound before finally settling down. Tucking his nose between his little, spotted front paws, he gave a contented sigh. “This is a safe place.”

  “Yes, but it’s still very dark in here,” Paige said, trying not to sound too nervous.

  Storm lifted his head again. Gold specks twinkled in his spotty fur and a soft glow spread outward from him, lighting up the room. “Is that better?”

  “Much! Thanks, Storm.” Paige lay down and snuggled under the covers. The four-poster bed didn’t seem so big and lonely any more.

  Maybe staying with Debs in this gloomy, old house wouldn’t be quite so bad now that she had Storm for a friend. As Paige and Storm fell asleep, the gentle glow filled every shadowy corner and just stopped short of spilling out under the door.

  Chapter THREE

  “Rise and shine, darling!” Deborah Stokes poked her head around the bedroom door the following morning. “Goodness me. Where did that puppy come from? Keith didn’t say anything about you bringing a pet!”

  Paige woke instantly. She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Oh no. She must have overslept!

  Storm was just waking up, too. He stretched his front paws out and yawned, showing a pink tongue and sharp, little, white teeth.

  Debs put her hands on her hips. Her hair was loose on her shoulders and she was wearing a black kimono with big red poppies all over it. “I’m waiting. I think you owe me an explanation, young lady,” she said sternly.

  Paige gulped. “You’re never going to believe this, but Storm’s here because he’s hiding from his evil enemy. And guess what. He can ta—” she began excitedly, but Storm suddenly reached over and tapped her cheek with one tiny, spotty front paw.


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