Darkness of the Wolf

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Darkness of the Wolf Page 5

by Bonnie Vanak

  The Remorae shifted into its natural form. It resembled a large colorless slug as she inched on two legs toward a screaming Brianna.

  Guy snarled in frustration. But inside his mind, Kayla spoke. Keep him distracted. I’m going into Danielle.

  Fear raced through him. Don’t. You’re hurt and you may not have enough energy to leave her.

  It’s the only way to find out what our best offense is.

  Guy waited, watching Henri. Then Kayla spoke into his mind. We need salt. This is why Henri lives here, to avoid suspicion. No one would think of a Remorae living by saltwater.

  There’s salt in the cooler, Guy told her. When I give the word, throw it at Danielle.

  Using all his powers, Guy nudged the cooler open. The top of the shaker unscrewed, then the container floated out, skimming near the floor. His attention riveted to their faces, Henri didn’t notice.

  Guy placed the saltshaker in Kayla’s opened hand. Now!

  The Remorae’s mouth was an open pucker as it rested against Brianna’s forehead. Brianna screamed as the creature began to suck.

  With a loud snarl, Guy charged Henri, using his telepathy to jerk the gun out of his grasp. Kayla whirled, dashed the shaker’s contents at the Remorae.

  Salt sank into Danielle’s skin, releasing a gush of colorless fluid. She screamed, breaking her hold on Brianna.

  It was all he needed. Guy shifted back, grabbed the Remorae and lifted her, and whirled toward the open balcony doors.

  With all his might, he threw her downward. Guy winced at the horrid screams that followed as she splashed into the bay.

  “No!” Henri wailed and ran outside, leaping over the railing after his wife. The Draicon fell into the sea.

  It was over.

  The drive back to the city was agonizingly long. Kayla lay against the seat. Her energy levels depleted, she needed medical attention to heal. His mate was hurting, and he was powerless to help her.

  When they arrived at the hotel, Bernard, alerted by his phone call, scrambled out of the hotel with an army of staff. They placed Kayla on a stretcher and wheeled her away.

  Guy started after her, but his friend stayed him. “She’ll get the best care. There’s nothing more you can do for her. Take care of the little one.” Bernard nodded toward Brianna.

  Frantic with worry, he forced his emotions to calm as he paced in the lobby. Brianna sat quietly by one of the stone statues.

  It would be okay, he assured himself. When Kayla healed, they’d return, and give Brianna to Dell. The little girl needed a pack, a Draicon life.

  And what of her real family, his conscience asked.

  His stomach knotted. Kayla would accept it. She must. They were destined mates. They would make a life together.

  Brianna touched the statue of a mother holding her child and called to Guy. He squatted down besides her. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “What is that woman doing?”

  Puzzled, he glanced at the sculpture. “She’s hugging her child.”

  Her small fingers rasped against the stone, caressing the raised ridges of the mother’s carved hair, tracing the gentle curve of her upturned mouth.

  “Why is she smiling?”

  “I don’t know. Probably because she loves her.”

  Brianna looked confused. “The elders in the pack didn’t do this.”

  “They didn’t hug you?” he asked, stricken.

  She shook her head. “Is that what Kayla did? She hugged me?”

  Guy stared. Brianna had never felt the warmth of arms embracing her in love. In a way, she was like him. He’d suffered through thirty years of a stone-cold prison. But she’d been imprisoned, as well, inside a stone-cold pack that never expressed simple affection.

  “Yes, because she loves you,” he told her.

  “Oh! I liked the feeling,” she admitted.

  He knew then what he must do. Brianna needed her big sister. And Kayla needed to be happy. Brianna would make her happy.

  I can’t do this, he thought frantically. If I don’t give Brianna to Dell, I’m screwed, back in prison again. Prison would make him as wretched as he’d been before.

  Just as alone.

  His fingers sought the Identi chip buried just beneath the skin on his wrist.

  I’m sorry, Brianna, he silently told her as he watched the little girl put her arms around the stone mother. I can’t do it.

  Every wolf for himself.

  But this time, the adage made him want to scream.

  Chapter 10

  Three days later, Kayla awoke in her hotel suite. Fully healed, her shoulder no longer ached. She showered, dressed and walked into the kitchenette.

  They were leaving today.

  Three days spent with Guy, making love, talking, getting to know him. Getting to know Brianna. His gentleness with her sister had turned her heart over. His fiercely protective manner and devoted attention had made Kayla finally drop all her defenses.

  Nothing would change in this room after they left.

  But everything would change for the two people sharing it now.

  The coffeemaker was filled. Guy’s thoughtfulness touched her. He knew exactly how she liked it, and had it waiting when she awoke.

  He sat outside on the balcony. Kayla poured herself a cup. She sipped as she studied him through the beveled glass sliders. The bitter Arabian coffee lingered on her tongue. It tasted like salty tears.

  She opened the sliders and went outside to join him.

  He was staring at the mountains, his feet were propped up on the planter. Scraggly ferns leaned over and tickled his bare feet like playful children.

  He was not smiling.

  Kayla stood next to him. Her throat closed tight.

  “I made all the arrangements. Instead of flying into Fort Lauderdale, we’re flying into Miami so Dell won’t see you, and then you take Brianna to your home,” he said quietly.

  She started to argue, when he turned toward her. Kayla’s heart lurched at his stark anguish. “Take Brianna, give her a good home. I trust you will.”

  “You said she needed a pack.”

  “She needs her big sister more.” The blue in his eyes blazed like incandescent light. “She needs love, Kayla. And if she goes with Dell, she won’t find it. She needs that more than anything the Draicon can give her.”

  “I need you,” Kayla whispered.

  “I need you—hell, sunshine, more than you can know. But more than that, I need you to be safe and happy. I’d do anything to see that.”

  Roosters crowed in the distance. The world was waking up. How she wished it would sleep, and leave them be for a while longer.

  “Our world is growing too dangerous.” He shoved a hand through his shaggy hair. “We don’t have to worry about just Morphs now. That damn Remorae nearly killed Brianna.”

  “But what will you do, Guy?”

  “I’m turning myself over to the Phoenix.” His jaw tightened. “And then back to prison.”

  He stood. Her coffee cup clattered to the ground, the brown liquid an exclamation mark against the stark-white marble.

  “No, Guy, no, you can’t go back there.” She wrapped her arms about his waist as if to anchor him to her. “Run away, you can hide.”

  “You know I can’t,” he said gently.

  Guy smoothed back her hair from her face. “I have to turn myself in, sunshine. There’s a chip beneath my skin that will be activated today if I don’t. I can finish my sentence, as long as I know you’re safe.”

  A sentence in a living hell. Tears trickled down her cheeks as he buried his face in her hair. Then he lifted her chin with his hand. His kiss was deep, hard and desperate as his lips moved over hers.

  As if he kissed her for the very last time. The hell with that, she thought savagely.

  Minutes later, while Guy was showering, she made a phone call to the States. Jack and Denise agreed to help. Kayla hung up, feeling a faint glimmer of hope.

  This could work.

>   Her plan went smoothly. Their plane arrived at Miami International on time. Guy kept glancing down at his wrist where the Identi chip was buried.

  Soon, it would start pulsing again.

  At the baggage carousel, she saw Denise. The redhead nodded and ducked into the ladies’ room. Kayla took Brianna’s hand. “Guy, we need to use the restroom. Why don’t you get our bags?”

  He nodded, looking distracted. She longed to touch his arm, assure him everything would be all right.

  Inside the restroom, Denise handed her a small bag she’d requested. Her friend gently took Brianna’s hand. “Honey, you need to come with me. Kayla has something she needs to do. I want you to wear this hat. You can trust me, okay?”

  Kayla held her breath, not sure if her little sister could trust a human. But Brianna inhaled, smiled at Denise as her friend tucked the girl’s long blond hair beneath the pink cap. Kayla gave Brianna a goodbye hug and watched them leave. Taking a deep breath, she exited the restroom.

  Guy stood with the bags near the carousel. His eyes narrowed as he saw she was alone. “Where is she?” he demanded.

  “Safe. She’s with my friend. I’m staying.” Kayla fished in the black bag and drew out a small knife. “Brace yourself, this is going to hurt. I’m getting that damn chip out of you so you can be free.”

  Torment swirled in his gaze. He grazed her cheek with a soft kiss. “Sunshine, you are one hellava woman. I love the fact you’re willing to do this. But it’s impossible. It’s wired to my heart. The minute you try to dig it out, it delivers enough juice to kill me.”

  Her throat closed. Kayla put the knife back. “Then we’ll find another way. I can’t just let you leave, Guy.”

  A barely perceptible beep sounded from Guy’s wrist. “You have no choice, darlin’. My sentence just started again.”

  “We can run,” she said desperately.

  But even as she took his hand, light flashed nearby. A tall, intimidating man leaned against a rack of baggage carts. Kayla’s breath hitched.

  The Phoenix.

  “Time’s up, Guy. Where’s Brianna?” he asked.

  Guy closed his eyes. “I’m not giving her over, Tristan. She belongs with Kayla. Brianna is her sister.”

  “Those weren’t the arrangements,” the Phoenix told him.

  “I know.” Guy held out his wrists. “So sue me.”

  The humans milling about them seemed oblivious. Tristan had obviously mind-shielded them from seeing.

  “No!” she screamed, surging forward as the green-eyed immortal snapped silver handcuffs around Guy’s shaking wrists. “You bastard, don’t take him back—they’ll hurt him again, they’ll…”

  “Sorry, Kayla,” the Phoenix said gently. “Rules are rules.”

  “Please,” she begged, looking at Guy. I know you can’t love me, but I love you.

  Anguish etched Guy’s expression. “I was wrong, sunshine. I can learn to love again,” he whispered.

  Tristan waved his hand. They vanished like mist beneath the hot Florida sun. Burying her face into her hands, she let the tears fall. He was gone for good.

  She could never get him back.

  Chapter 11

  The stone-cold concrete floor of his cage sank into his very bones. Naked, in human form five days after his arrival, Guy huddled in a corner of his cage. His body ached. But the physical pain was little compared to the emptiness inside him. He missed Kayla, and it hurt so bad he wanted to die.

  Then, suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in his mind. Guy, I’m here.

  Lifting his head, he caught the delicious scent of honey and wildflowers. “Kayla,” he whispered.

  The rasp of metal sounded. Guy raised his head, his heart thudding furiously as he watched a silent figure jimmy the lock, open the door and slip inside.

  His breath hitched as Kayla approached. He struggled to his feet, threw his arms around her and buried his head into her hair. For a moment they remained in each other’s arms. Then she gently untangled from him.

  “If you can’t come to me, then I’m coming here to live with you. Jack and Denise will raise Brianna.” Kayla bit her beautiful lower lip. “I can wait for you to love me.”

  He brushed the hair back from her face. “You don’t have to wait any longer.”

  In a flash, she shifted. The beautiful silver-gray timber wolf looked expectantly at him. Just as long as they don’t expect us to publically mate or something gross like that.

  Guy sank to his knees, running his hands over her fur. He marveled at her tremendous sacrifice. No one had ever loved him this deeply, or completely.

  Light flashed in his cage. Guy gave a low snarl and put his body protectively before her as Tristan appeared. The immortal leaned against the wall, regarded them both.

  “Don’t you dare hurt her, Phoenix. If you want to blame someone, blame me. But let her go.”

  “You’re both free.”

  Tristan depressed a button on a small box and the chip deactivated. He squatted down, removed a tool from his pocket. Guy grimaced as the Phoenix used it to remove the Ident chip, then blotted his bleeding wrist with a clean square of gauze.

  It’s gone now. For good.

  Kayla shifted back to her human form. Naked, she curled against Guy.

  Tristan waved a hand, clothing them both. He smiled. “There’s a new car waiting for you outside. A bank account in both your names with the forty thousand dollars promised to Kayla, plus an additional thirty million dollars, ten million for each decade you suffered in prison, Guy.”

  He felt as if the Phoenix yanked out an invisible rug from under him. Guy stared at the Phoenix, wondering when the guy would start cackling about it being a cruel joke.

  “I don’t get it. What about Brianna?” Kayla faced Tristan. “I’m not giving my little sister over to Dell.”

  “Dell never did want Brianna. I only told you that to test Guy.”

  “And why the hell would you do that?” Guy demanded.

  “To see if you’d put another’s needs before your own, or if prison had ruined you. When you sacrificed your freedom for Brianna, I already made the choice to free you. But I decided to see what Kayla would do. When she chose to be with you, I knew you both were the right choice for the job.”

  The Phoenix turned to Kayla. “You have a rare gift. You can detect evil, no matter how it’s disguised. Danielle wasn’t the last Remorae. There are others looking for the Draicon orphans hiding in the mountains of Île de Sanglier. We need you and Guy to find these children and bring them to safety.”

  “Is that the condition for my release?” Guy asked.

  Tristan shook his head. “You’re free, regardless. The choice is yours.”

  “You’re immortal. Can’t you do it?” Kayla asked.

  “I’ll help as I am allowed, but I can’t give these children the love and attention they need. Not like the type you and Guy can give them.” He looked steadily at them. “Will you do it?”

  “What about my business? Denise and Jack need me,” she protested.

  The immortal smiled. “Denise and Jack will follow you wherever you go, Kayla. They’re Draicon. You can train them to help.”

  She gasped. “Draicon! All this time they acted human. I couldn’t even scent them.”

  “They disguised their scents. Dell sent them to look after you,” Tristan said gently. “He isn’t such a heartless bastard, after all. They volunteered, because they didn’t want you to be alone, either.”

  Resolve shone in his mate’s eyes. Suddenly for the first time in decades, Guy felt renewed purpose. He took Kayla’s hand, turned it over. “Kayla, I’m willing, and able. If you’ll stand by me, I say let’s do it.”

  She squeezed his fingers. “It will take some organizing, and I’ll need time to regain my full powers, but those little ones need us.”

  “Good. In one month, go visit Bernard and he’ll have an assignment waiting for you.” Tristan waved his hand.

  They found themselves outside th
e zoo, a sleek black Camry waiting for them. Keys were in Kayla’s hand. She grinned, and Guy’s heart turned over.

  “I guess the Phoenix thinks I’m a better driver than you are, wolf.” She laughed.

  He took her into his arms, gave her a long, slow kiss, loving the feel of her warm, soft mouth against his. He could face an army of demons, Morphs and Remorae, as long as Kayla was by his side.

  “I don’t mind,” he murmured against her lips. “So long as I get to pick the music. And it’s not ‘Jailhouse Rock.’”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-3861-3

  Darkness of the Wolf

  Copyright © 2009 by Bonnie Vanak

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