RESCUED (Elkridge Series Book 6)

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RESCUED (Elkridge Series Book 6) Page 15

by Lyz Kelley

  He reached over and drew a line with his finger down the side of her face, under her jaw and then down her throat. “I’ve always believed you could do better than me. You can do anything you want, choose any guy in this town, yet you’ve always chosen me. I don’t understand why. Maybe that’s why I’ve always struggled with what goes on between us. Tonight, I won’t question why. The answer is yes. Yes, Karly, I won’t fight this. You make my nightmares go silent. That’s a good thing.”

  She looked at the cabin. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  “Wait here. Give me two minutes.” He shot out of the truck, opened the front door, and went in the house. He lifted the emergency candles from the cabinet and placed them around his room, lighting them as he went. After he put the third candle on the side table, the front door opened.

  He turned. The moonlight flowing in from the windows outlined her silhouette. She looked like an angel. He drew a shaky breath and reached out to take her hand.

  “This is your dance, Karly. I’ll follow where you lead,” he said, giving her an opt-out card. “There is shampoo in the bathroom cupboard. I think it’s the kind you like. Plus a clean towel and a new toothbrush.”

  “You bought me shampoo?” She searched his eyes. “Did you think you might get lucky?”

  “Call me optimistic. I also have condoms in my nightstand drawer.”

  A weird expression crossed her face, then evaporated just as quickly. “I want to make the awful things that happened today go away.” She reached for the edge of his shirt to lift the cotton fabric over the top of his head. “I want you, under the covers, right now, Lopez.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and started to walk her backward toward the bed, toward paradise. “That sounds like a perfect plan.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thad kissed her shoulder, and Karly yanked at the top button of his jeans.

  She wanted him naked, fast.

  He skimmed out of his pants. She threw off her shirt. The bra came next, then socks. She molded her body to his, trying to cling to his skin like plastic wrap. Tight. Perfectly sealed.

  Making him lose control.

  Making her mind stop thinking about all the reasons she shouldn’t be doing this.

  When he slid her cotton hipsters to the floor, pure joy surged through her limbs, and fought back the plague of doubt.

  He made the years of resentment and loneliness melt away, and she tried desperately not to worry if the feeling would last, or if she’d regret being with him in the morning.

  His muscles bunched when he picked her up to place her in the middle of the bed, and then crawled onto the bed slowly.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked, his voice rough. His need clear.

  She closed her eyes, beating back her indecision. “I’m sure,” she said, with confidence she didn’t quite feel.

  Her heart began to churn with raw emotion while he kissed her belly. His glorious, warm, muscular mass made her female parts eager for more. He nuzzled her throat, working his way across to her mouth, then back down to her breasts.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Joy crowded out any other feeling. “So are you.” She ran her hand down his side, sliding over the ridges of his scars.

  She arched to meet him. He cupped her bottom to pull her core against the most mouthwatering erection, then he kissed her.

  “I need you, Karly.” She couldn’t mistake the urgency in his voice.

  “I need you, too,” she echoed, this time believing the words. “Make love to me.”

  Twining her arms around his neck, she made her point by pressing her mouth against his, pressing hard, with a little bit of sloppy.

  “I’m taking my time. The first time was a little rushed.”

  She bit his cheek. “No you’re not. I want you now. Right now.” Before I change my mind. She kissed him hard, wild, releasing the sexiest, most erotic sounds from him she’d ever heard. Her breath came in short bursts.

  “Karly,” he whispered and buried his fingers in her hair. “I want you. I want this.”

  Thad ignored her commands. Apparently more interested in ticking items off his own agenda, he slipped his fingers between her thighs. Her core burned, and she wiggled and pressed harder against his fingers. He licked and kissed. Every tiny caress magnified the sensations cascading throughout her entire core. He was hot. She wanted more.


  He shifted, pinning her to the bed, and rolled on a condom.


  She shivered, needing his warmth to wrap her in ecstasy. He pressed his mouth to her throat while one of his hands caressed her nipple. She cupped his face until their eyes met. “Now, Lopez.”

  There was no air between them as he slid a thigh between hers.

  “Now?” He murmured the words before kissing her hard, demanding her attention. And as soon as she returned his kiss, he pushed into her. Mutual gasps of pleasure punctuated their joining. She was ready, but he eased her back down, only to build her up again.

  What was it about this man, who could make her want things she’d never believed possible? She closed her eyes to savor every sensation, but then she wanted to watch him. Connect. See the moonlight dance across his skin. Let his body tell her things he never could say aloud.

  He pushed in, deeper. Every thrust coming harder, faster. “Thad. I know you don’t like people telling you what to do,” she gasped for air. “But if you don’t hurry up…”

  “You’ll what?” His breath was hot and warmed her neck.

  She wanted more. “You’ll regret it,” she declared, with clear intent.

  “Yes, ma’am. I aim to please.” His eyes turned dark, and he thrust hard. “Is this what you want?” He pulled out almost all the way and thrust again.

  “Heck, yeah.”

  The ride was exquisite. She went up and up and up. A dozen more thrusts, and she exploded like pop on a hot day, thoroughly, completely—a sugary sweet mess.

  He arched back, his need taking over. A minute later he jerked his release on a groan, then he went limp and collapsed.

  Her chest heaved while she struggled to catch her breath. He slid his hand under the nape of her neck and gently lifted her mouth to his.

  She expected him to roll off and braced for his absence, but he remained. A soft rumble started in his belly, then turned into a full-fledged laugh, and she shoved his shoulder.

  “What’s so funny?” She turned his head to better see his expression.

  He held his weight on his elbows before he tucked and rolled to the side, resting a leg over her hip, keeping their bodies connected. Her forehead rested on his chest. Her breath brushed his skin, followed by goose bumps. He buried his face in her hair.

  “That was…that was awesome.”

  Awesome didn’t describe the feeling, but there wasn’t another word that was better. She nudged him with her elbow. “Can we do that again?” she murmured. “Only, this time we do it at my pace.”

  “Are you trying to kill me?” His teeth sank lightly into her shoulder.

  Shifting upward, she kissed his ear, then the little spot under his jaw. He hissed his excitement.

  “Two can play that game.” He returned the gesture by pushing away, flicking his tongue across her nipple, then blowing.

  “You’ve learned a thing or two.”

  “Hold on, let me get rid of this.” He pulled a tissue from the box on the dresser and disposed of condom number one. “Give me a minute, and I’ll show you a few more tricks.”

  “No.” She giggled at his reaction and pushed him onto his back, riding him to the top.

  He tried to touch her, but she forced his hands above his head. She kissed and nibbled him again even harder than the last time. “My turn.”

  She took her time licking, teasing, her moves bolder and bolder, until he had time to recover. When he stiffened again, satisfaction zipped up and out, stimulating every cell. She reached for another condo
m and rolled the rubber sheath in place.

  She shifted, putting her hands on his chest and slowly lowering onto him. When she rose onto her knees, he thrust his hips up just as she pressed her weight back down. His hands circled her waist while her core tightened, and she rose again. She threw her head back, relishing the dreamy, giddy experience of making love with the man she loved. When she lifted, he gave her a hard thrust, forcing her to gasp his name. Her thighs tightened against his sides. He held on while she rode him hard, their breaths panting in sync, making everything else in his world disappear.

  She wanted to mark him.

  No matter what happened between them, she wanted him to remember this night—this one night, never to be repeated—because the shields she’d put in place to protect him, to protect his heart, were weakening. She needed to be strong enough to walk away.

  She threw her head back and screamed into the night, as he pooled his energy to give her what she wanted and thrust into her core, once, twice, before her inner muscles began to spasm and she collapsed onto his chest.

  She lay still, listening to his breathing and the beat of his heart slowly dial back to a normal rhythm. His hands slowly moved up and down her back.

  She savored the smell of his sex musk. Gently, he rolled her to his side, efficiently disposing the condom, then framing her body with his arms, chest, and legs. He hauled the blanket up from the foot of the bed, tucking her in while her heartbeat slowed.

  When his breathing evened, and his body grew heavy, she kissed his chest and whispered, “I love you, Thad.”

  The idea wrapped around her like a summer’s breeze. She loved him. She always would, but it didn’t mean they could ever be together, in the real sense. He’d hate her when he discovered what happened.

  She just wanted a bit more time before she had to let him go.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Karly woke up stiff. She’d slept hard...then realized she wasn’t lying on a bed. She was sprawled on top of Thad.

  She didn’t dare move. Her cheek was plastered against his chest, and her legs were so intertwined with his, she’d never be able to untangle the mess without waking him. She opened one eye. The room was a disaster—a teenager’s room on steroids. She closed her eyes with a grimace.

  “It’s all right. I’m awake,” he rumbled, sliding a hand up her back, gently caressing. Her insides trembled with the memories of her wildest fantasy, only the dream had been real. Her sensitive female parts were proof.

  She gave in to the inevitable embarrassment. “Please tell me I didn’t snore or drool.”

  “Okay, if you want me to, but your snore is rather cute. I like it.”

  She used his chest as leverage to roll to the right. “No one likes snoring.”

  His arm circled her back, keeping her from going too far. “I like yours.”

  The sexy vibration of his voice and the memories of their lovemaking made her insides quiver. Her heart pulsed. Her body temperature climbed.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Why? Are you going somewhere?”

  He slid his hand down to her lower back, lifting her up within reach of his mouth, placing little kisses on her nose, lips, chin, anywhere he could reach, aiming for a repeat performance.

  “Mmmm, Thad?”

  “Not yet.”

  He slid his tongue across her mouth, tasting, tempting her to let him in. An onslaught of tingling sensations sang through her core. He could make her come alive in ways she’d never thought possible. It was like Fourth of July fireworks, Christmas lights, and New Year's confetti rolled into a single thrill.

  “What do you mean, not yet?” she pushed away

  “Too late.”

  His hand skimmed over her shoulder blades.

  “You are so frustrating. Why won’t you answer my questions?”

  There was that push and pull again.

  A slow, sexy-ass smile lit his face. “I was hoping we could have a slow start to our day. As soon as your brain wakes up, it’s all business.”

  “When you own a business, I’m afraid it’s all work. I’m constantly thinking about feeding, washing, placing the animals. Speaking of which, I should make sure the girls got all the puppies and kittens back in their cages.”

  “I’m not talking about Helper Shelter.” He placed a hand on her hip.

  “You’re not?”

  “No. Helper Shelter is a part of you—an important part. I’m talking about the sterilized version of you, the one you showed to your dad, mom, and brothers. The side of you that would rather appease and avoid conflict than fight for what’s right. You tiptoe around the issues so you don’t have to hurt anyone’s feelings. Like now. I bet you’re thinking of ways you can leave, but you’ll stay, just because you think it’s the polite thing to do. Just once, Karly, I’d like to see you live without regrets.”

  Damn you. You know me too well. “Well, that ‘all business’ you talk about has gotten me this far.”

  “I get that. In boot camp, the instructors pushed until I was completely exposed. I could draw on fear or anger or resentment, whatever they threw at me, until they pushed past my defenses. For some, it can get ugly. Civilians can go all their lives without getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.”

  “What is your biggest fear?” she asked while drawing small circles on his chest.

  He turned to look at the wall, then the ceiling, his jaw working out a response. He released a long-held breath and looked straight into her eyes. “Not having the confidence to stand my ground when the shit went down.”

  “The day I left, my dad beat me because our parents didn’t want us to be together, but there was more. I only told Kenny part of the story.”

  “So tell me all of it.”

  “My dad had been out drinking, and was still pretty drunk when he got home. He woke my mom and demanded she make him some eggs over easy. Because she was still half asleep, ma broke a yolk. When I heard the shouting, I crept downstairs. Sarah was standing in the hall, begging me to do something. Anything.”

  “What were you supposed to do? You were barely eighteen.”

  “Protect the innocent. The only crime my mother ever committed was not leaving her abuser.” Thad put a forearm over his forehead while his words got smaller and smaller. “He beat me from one end of the house to the other. The last punch I ducked, and he hit the doorjamb. After that, I took off. I ran. I didn’t stand my ground.”

  Her heart ached for the boy, but she wanted to weep for the man. All these years he’d felt responsible. She reached toward his face, but he turned away.

  “He put my mom in the hospital that day. Don’t feel sorry for me. It’s misplaced. The Army drilled me until I could stand and shoot while bullets and bombs went off around me.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?”

  “No, just the opposite. I won’t run anymore. I know my limitations. The Army pushed me until I figured out which side of the line I wanted to be on. I chose to be the guy who wouldn’t run, when shit was going down, I would take it.”

  She lifted onto her elbow and slid her arm around his neck and kissed him with a slow I’m-going-to-take-my-time kiss. Letting go, she tugged on his arm, making sure he was paying attention.

  “No regrets sounds nice.”

  “There don’t have to be regrets. Not between us, Karly.”

  She lay on her back, intending to pull the covers up, hide, escape from the scrutiny, but then she remembered. Thad didn’t judge. He might get jealous, want her for himself, but he never judged her. He always took her side. Always. “Then you’ll have to help me learn how to live that way. I can’t change overnight. We need to take it slow.”

  “I can do that.”

  “What do you say we go feed the dogs, and then get started on updating my website and working on that social media stuff you were talking about?”

  “You’ll seriously allow me to help you?”

  “Uh-huh,” She slid her finger down the
side of his face, over the sharp early-morning stubble. “Right after you show me last night wasn’t a one-off.”

  He lifted his head and took playful aim at her finger with a snap of his teeth. “Is that a challenge?”

  No regrets, she chanted. “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  She squealed when he flipped her onto her back, then silenced her surprised gasp with a kiss before making his way slowly toward her belly, licking and caressing and kissing his way along. He took his time, because he always took his time, and she let him. His fingers played with her folds, teasing her until she writhed with need. The sizzling sensation balanced on a knife edge between good and bad. Since she was sore from the previous night’s lovemaking, the intensity made her gasp. She reached to push his hand away, but he held her wrist and continued the in and out, back and forth until the feel was too exquisite to ask him to stop.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Her muscles quivered with each small touch, stroke, and kiss.

  He temporarily changed the rhythm, then slid two fingers deep, sending her up that sensual ladder until she reached the top and exploded. As she slid down the other side, she sank into the mattress. She couldn’t move. Her bones had melted into mush. He slowly made his way back up and stretched out beside her.

  “Now that’s what I call a morning wake-up call,” he said in a raw, husky voice, telling her she wasn’t the only one affected by the morning's activities.

  “Oh, baby,” she managed to whisper. “And you’ve got my number. Now, it’s your turn.”

  She leaned in to show Thad a thing or two, but a familiar chiming ringtone filled the room. Karly pushed away and she scrambled to the end of the bed and scrounged through a pile of clothes on the floor.

  “Mom. What’s up?” She managed to ask before sliding off the bed and landing in a sprawling heap.


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