New Beginnings : A Novella (Men of Whiskey Row Book 2)

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New Beginnings : A Novella (Men of Whiskey Row Book 2) Page 9

by D. A. Young

  Shaking with laughter, he helped her stand to her feet. “I make no promises. C’mon, let’s get your bathwater runnin’. Ruby and I will leave you to freshen up. If you really wanna keep me quiet tonight, just feed me some of your addictive kisses, darlin’. Or those sweet brown-”

  “Jack, little ears!” Noelle hissed, covering Ruby’s ears.

  He smiled innocently. “I was just gonna say sweet brownies.”


  The kitchen was filled with the hustle and bustle of dinner preparation. Kat pulled the rosemary and thyme Parker House rolls out of the oven and sprinkled them lightly with sea salt. Vivienne assisted Noelle in transferring the enormous pot roast from the old, scuffed-up cast iron pot to a ceramic dish with poinsettias printed all over it. Sidra carefully ladled the gravy and vegetables back in, before wiping away any splatters. Avery filled a huge bowl with steaming collard greens and ham hocks and then another with homemade mashed potatoes.

  “I still can’t believe Ian gave you Harvey’s pot.” Vivienne touched the old pot lovingly. “You have so many of his ways, which I truly believe he lives on in you and Ruby. Some of her expressions are pure Harvey.”

  “I miss him so much. When we finally moved into this house, Ian gave me all his old recipes, cookbooks, and his copper pots and pans collection.” Noelle said tearfully, then waved her hands dismissively at Vivienne’s concerned look. “Aaaargh! It’s these damn pregnancy hormones; they’ve got me going crazy.”

  She turned to survey the dessert tray and asked “Can someone do a dessert check? We should be good, but if not, I can easily whip up the trifle I was saving for Christmas day.”

  “For dessert we have Holt’s cookies, gingerbread snap cake, red velvet cupcakes, and sweet potato pie. Between all that and dinner, we’ll have leftovers for days!” Avery exclaimed.

  “Sweetie, have you seen the size of those men?” Vivienne questioned with a raised eyebrow. “If we have any leftovers, I’ll be surprised.”

  “Yeah, I learned the hard way what they could do with one baked ham,” Noelle reminisced. “It was gone in ten minutes flat.”

  “We should probably start loading up now. The sooner we eat, the sooner we can call it a night,” Kat said listlessly as she pulled the large, wooden serving trolley from the pantry.

  Vivienne frowned as she observed the curious glances the other women exchanged before looking at her questioningly. She shrugged to indicate she didn’t know what was wrong with Kat. Gone was the teasing expression from earlier, and she seemed pensive. She wondered if it had to do with the Swede. Had he done something to hurt Kat? If so, he wouldn’t live to regret it or apologize for it, Vivienne vowed to herself.

  When the trolley was full, they wheeled it down the hall to the formal dining room that was added on to the house before Thanksgiving. They stopped right at the entrance to observe the sight before them.

  Sidra murmured, “This must be what it’s like to get everything on your wish list all at once.”

  “Amen,” Avery co-signed with a sigh, resisting the urge to fan herself. “I vote we change the town name from Whiskey Row to Eye Candy.”

  “Yeah, well one of those things isn’t available, hussies, but I hear what you’re saying,” Noelle agreed.

  “You think we’d be used to it, huh baby?” Vivienne turned to her daughter for confirmation. Even though she knew good and well what the answer would be.

  “Come on now, Mama,” Kat chided, eyes fixed firmly on Holt as she shook her head no. “You know as well as I do, a view this good never gets old.”

  The volume of Donny Hathaway’s classic “This Christmas” assured the women that the men in their lives, talking and laughing amongst themselves, couldn’t hear them. Ian was playing with Ruby and talking to Guy, while Casey and Holt set the table. Alexei, Darby, and Jack were mixing drinks. Each man was incredibly attractive in his own way, but what made them more so was their kind and caring personalities. These were men who loved hard and were fiercely loyal to their loved ones. Men that would fight just as fiercely for the people they cared about. Family came first to them, and they didn’t associate with those that didn’t share that belief.

  Clearing her throat, Vivienne spoke loudly. “Dinner will now be served, gentlemen.”

  As each man looked up, conversation died, and they stopped what they were doing to stare at the women in the doorway. Softly Guy said, “They’re like a beautiful box of chocolates in various shades and flavors.”

  “Some are achingly sweet,” Darby said, locking eyes with Avery who blushed but held his look with a tentative smile.

  Eyes focused on Sidra, Casey nodded, “And some filled with spice.”

  Jack’s eyes were filled with pride as they rested on Noelle. “Some are no longer available.”

  “Some leave you craving it and wanting more,” Alexei muttered, thinking of Stuart Royce trying to push up on Vivienne.

  “Some are no longer made, but the memory of them will live forever in your heart,” Ian said mistily, holding Ruby close to him. He glanced at Holt who was staring intently at Kat. “Nothing to add, Holton?”

  Holt’s gaze remained steady on Kat, who seemed sad tonight. He could sense it when she arrived but wasn’t quite sure how to address it. Aware that his friends as well as Alexei were awaiting his answer, he decided to speak from the heart. “Some chocolates are delicate and complex. They can’t be consumed in one swallow. They have to be savored in the slowest of bites, so their flavor can evolve, like a fine wine.”

  Alexei’s face turned to stone as he glared at Holt. “Brammer.”

  “Not now, sir. Let’s just enjoy the night, shall we?” Holt didn’t wait for the older man’s response as he walked towards the group of women. “Good evenin’, ladies. Everything smells wonderful. Kat, allow me to assist you with this.”

  He smiled at her, and his heart stuttered when she shyly smiled back, even though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Gently, he took charge of the trolley and wheeled it toward the large table, ignoring Alexei’s menacing stare. Taking their cue from him, the other men quickly moved forward and assisted in transferring the steaming covered dishes to the table.

  Ian was grinning from ear to ear as he buckled Ruby into her high chair. He then approached Alexei, who was still standing in the same place like an imposing boulder everyone had to maneuver around. “Be easy, old friend. Relax and have a seat.”

  Alexei could barely contain the jealous rage viciously consuming him. It seemed in one day all that he held dear could be lost to him forever. First, he found out Vivienne was spending time with another man that was clearly interested in her. Now this upstart asshole was all but declaring himself to Katerina and giving him, her father, the finger as if to say, ‘Fuck you, old man. She’s got somebody new to call Daddy now.’ He wanted to smash his fists into Brammer’s face until he was laid out, and then drive to D.C. and give it to Royce ten times worse, just for thinking he had a chance with his wife.

  “How can I relax, Ian?” He spoke through clenched teeth. “He all but challenged my position-” he abruptly stopped speaking as Ian grabbed his arm and steered him to the corner.

  “In what way, old friend? By showing you he understands and appreciates all that your daughter is and needs? Are you really so mad that a fine young man, from an upstanding family, would dare to have good enough taste to be interested in the lovely Katerina???” Ian scoffed. “The nerve of him, thinking he has a chance. I mean after all, we only want the lowest of the low scumbags showing interest in our women, correct? Because we don’t have firsthand knowledge on how a situation like that could turn out, do we? Get over yourself, Alexei. Quick, fast, and in a hurry. And take a damned seat, so we can enjoy this lovely meal before it gets cold.”

  Ian stood firm until Alexei reluctantly smiled, willing to concede his friend might have some valid points. “Spasibo, Ian. Although not always appreciated, your way of making one see the truth is always candidly refreshing, friend.”

  “Sssh, don’t tell anyone, but it’s my superpower,” Ian said confidentially, patting his friend on the back encouragingly and leading him towards the group that watched him like he was a rabid Siberian tiger ready to pounce.

  Everyone visibly relaxed at the sight of Alexei’s forced smile, relieved that the night would not be ruined. That is, until Casey pulled out the chair right next to Sidra’s and sat down, much to her dismay. It was like a game of freeze tag, and no one moved but her as she turned to scowl at him ferociously, which he ignored. Noelle sprang into action with a squeak of dismay and lunged for the silverware she’d just placed next to Sidra’s plate. Alarmed as well, Avery turned to Jack, asking with urgency, “Where do you keep your first aid kit?”

  “That won’t be necessary, ladies,” Casey assured them confidently before looking around the table at the wary group and the silently-fuming Sidra. Cheerfully he said, “Well don’t just stand around y’all! Let’s eat!”

  Chapter Eight

  Kat filled the sink with warm, sudsy water before dropping all the dirty utensils into it. Next to her, Holt loaded the dishwasher silently. From the corner of her eye, she watched the blonde giant work smoothly and efficiently. Eager to escape the dinner table shenanigans, she’d volunteered to do the dishes by herself. After the drama-filled day, she just wanted to be alone to process her chaotic thoughts.

  Still stinging from her Papa’s words earlier, Kat was terribly confused. For her entire life, Vivienne and Alexei lived apart. They never spoke badly of each other and focused only on her best interests. She’d always felt incredibly blessed to be the center of their world, and that they didn’t hate each other like her other friends’ parents who were horribly bitter towards one another.

  Vivienne always insisted that Kat was made in love, but she and Alexei just couldn’t live together. Fine, whatever. Kat could have lived with that answer, and even Alexei’s insistence that Vivienne stay married to him, because his greedy, Russian relatives would fight her viciously for their daughter’s inheritance if he died and they were not wed. They always seemed like happy, productive people who managed to lead fulfilling but separate lives.

  Always respectful, Alexei and Vivienne were discreet about dating and had never in Kat’s entire life, brought anyone around her. In fact, she had never even seen them show an inkling of attraction towards anyone else. Until today. With each other. And it had been hot enough to melt an iceberg. In fact, it was so hot, that for a moment she’d totally forgotten about the ick factor of it being her parents and became just as engrossed as all the other town lookie-loos.

  “Would you like to talk about it?” Holt inquired quietly as he watched the myriad of emotions flicker across Katerina’s face.

  She smiled faintly. “No, I think I’m just tired. It’s been a really long day.” She gestured to the dishwasher. “Thank you for helping. It seriously would have taken me all night to do them.”

  Holt grinned. “Oh that was nothin’. It was my pleasure to help any way I could. How long are you stayin’ in town?” At her surprised look, he explained, “I know your business takes you away frequently, so I guess I was tryin’ to see if you’d be here for the ball?”

  Kat nodded her head eagerly, “I will definitely be here for the ball. Any way that I can support my brothers, I certainly will. It’s a huge milestone for them and all of us, ya know?”

  Somberly Holt nodded. “It really is. I didn’t think they would ever recover enough to celebrate Ms. Moira’s life, but I think it has a lot to do with Noelle and älskling. Those two make them feel like anythin’ is possible,” Holt grinned teasingly. “Well shoot, I don’t really need to explain it you, Kat. Didn’t you feel all that energy at the table?”

  Shuddering, she mumbled, “Please don’t remind me! I don’t even want to think about what Casey’s hand was doing under the table. When Avery spilled her water, and everyone tried to help clean the mess up, I kept my eye on Sidra.” At Holt’s raised brow, Kat explained, “I just knew she would see it as the perfect diversion tactic to gut Case like a fish.”

  Holt threw back his head and laughed. The sound was equivalent to silk being rubbed against Kat’s skin, and she liked the way it made her feel. Geez, how could a guy like him really be single? He was perfect in every way, but not her usual type. Kat liked them just a little taller than her and chocolate-flavored with dreads. Spirituality was a big plus as well. Her mother said she liked bums. Kat didn’t even want to think of what her father would say. According to him, she wasn’t allowed to date until she was fifty!

  So no, Holton Brammer definitely didn’t fit her type. Although he looked very comfortable in his plaid shirt and low-slung jeans, with his blonde hair, sexy, blue eyes, and heavily-muscled body, Holt resembled Chris Hemsworth and could easily play the role of a Norse god or a Viking, conquering everything in his way. It was because of this that Guy graced him with the nickname Thor. He was absolute perfection.

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” Kat blurted out. Surprised, he stopped laughing to look at her. Silence descended between them. Awkwaaaard. “I mean I have eyes, and I see the way the girls chase you guys down. But I’ve never seen you with anyone. Why have you never settled down?”

  “I’m a very patient man, Katerina,” Holt stated simply, “I don’t like to make rash decisions. Nor do I like to waste my time or anyone else’s. Therefore, I will never settle.”

  “Holt…Are you a virgin?” Kat asked incredulously, and he seemed amused.

  “Because I don’t have a girlfriend? No, I’m not a virgin. Do I sound or act like one?”

  “I just…have never…seen you with anybody,” she finished lamely and then turned to wipe down the counters, thoroughly mortified by her forwardness. Could the floor just open up and swallow her right now? He probably thought she was the tackiest, little thing, just jumping all in his business like that. Why couldn’t she be sassy like Sidra? If she were anything like her, the conversation wouldn’t have floundered and turned into dead air.

  Kat could feel Holt’s hot gaze drilling holes into her back. It was soooo painfully quiet in the kitchen as they worked. Maybe he wasn’t interested in her like her best friend Autumn thought. If he were, he would have asked about her status wouldn’t he? She reasoned with herself.

  “Are you?” Holt asked harshly. Dating Princess Romankov would be damn near impossible to do in this town, between her brothers, Alexei, his bodyguards, and those ginormous, fucking bear dogs. But then he remembered the man who met her at Darby’s pub last year and anger flooded through his body. That slip of a man had withstood their interrogation, no matter how badly he looked like he wanted to faint. Surely he, Holton Brammer was made of sterner stuff than that wuss?

  Slowly Kat turned to face him, a fiery blush staining her skin as she nodded her head yes. “I know it’s crazy in this day and age, but I just think it’s something you don’t just throw away.”

  This time it was Holt who turned away from her to stare out the kitchen window into the snowy night as he tried to hide the physical reaction her admission stirred in him. He was hard enough to drill through a frozen lake, and his dick felt like it would never stop expanding. To know that no one had ever enjoyed the sweetness of her body brought him a joy he’d never felt. It was at odds with the vortex of raging desire he felt for her. He had to get out of here.

  A soft touch on his arm caused him to look down. Katerina’s hand, so small and perfect, rested on his huge forearm. Her slim fingers were adorned with delicate, gold rings and chains, the pointy nails painted a deep, deep burgundy. At one time the thought of nails that sharp being anywhere near his cock would have made him cringe, but now all he saw were her hands stroking his thickness and bringing him endless pleasure.

  “Don’t.” Jerking away from her, Holt strode to the coat rack by the back door and grabbed his coat and hat. Hurriedly he put them on and walked out the back door without a backward glance at her.

  Shocked and feeling rejected, Kat
stood there for a moment, feeling like the biggest loser ever. Then she got mad. If Holton Brammer didn’t want her, then she wouldn’t waste one more moment of her life on him. Fuck him. She strode over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass drying on the dish rack. Kat was pouring the wine into the glass when the back door flew open, and startled her. Red wine spilled onto the floor as Holt came back in with a vengeance. In his hands was a medium-sized box wrapped in pink, shiny paper with silver tiaras all over it. He set it down on the table next to her.

  Kat glanced at the box and then him expectantly. Holt lifted her by her thighs, pressing his hardness into her center, enjoying the way her eyes widened in awareness. She bit the corner of her bottom lip as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. At this close proximity, Holt could see the tiny freckles on her nose and admire her sexy little mole. For a moment they stood like that, with him effortlessly holding her, and Kat reveling in his strength.

  Their eyes remained locked as he set her on the island and leaned in close. He smelled like crisp cotton and citrus, his breath spearmint fresh. Kat lifted her hands to cup his face, gently rubbing the fine blonde hairs of his goatee, and he closed his eyes, savoring her touch. Growing bolder, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his full lips, giving him the barest flicker of her tongue. It was sheer, unadulterated heaven for both of them. Holt’s eyes flew open, and his grip on her thighs tightened imperceptibly. He wished he could stay locked in this moment forever with her.

  “Katerina.” Never had she heard a sound as sexy as the way he growled her name. “Listen to me.”

  She swallowed hard, wishing he would stop talking so she could taste him again. “I’m listening.”

  “I’m a simple man with simple tastes. I like honesty, great food, good friends, and fine details. I never take or use more than is necessary and refuse to live in excess. What you see is what you get with me. I have never lied, cheated, or stolen anything that didn’t belong to me. My life is uncomplicated, and I strive to keep it that way.” Holt took a deep breath, acutely aware of Kat’s firm, slender thighs beneath his palms. Her chest rose and fell in time with her labored breathing. She smelled so good, that he would vividly recall her scent later that night as he jacked off to this moment.


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