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New Beginnings : A Novella (Men of Whiskey Row Book 2)

Page 10

by D. A. Young

  “With that bein’ said, I feel compelled to disclose that I like my sex anything but simple. I like it wild, rough, hot, and dirty, the kind of sex that will tarnish your little halo forever. I will fuck you so hard that it will never sit straight on your head again.” Holt watched her plump, little mouth drop open in shock and her eyes dilate in response to his words.

  “The reason I’m tellin’ you this is because I wanna date you. I’m very interested in you; and unless I’m readin’ the signs wrong, you’re interested too. If this is somethin’ you wanna pursue, let me know. I leave tonight but will be back in time for the ball. Give me an answer then. If I imagined everything…then you have my sincerest apologies, Kat.”

  It was the hardest thing in the world to do, but Holt stepped away from her and pointed at the package on the table. “Merry Christmas. I hope you like it.”

  Then he left again without looking back.


  Darby paused by the kitchen entryway, watching Kat, sitting on the kitchen island, looking out the kitchen window. Outside he heard a truck engine and recognized it as Holt’s Ford-350. So Holt finally made his move. Darby spied the pink package on the kitchen table and was unsure of how he felt about it.

  “You alright, Kat?” he asked concernedly coming into the room, and she shook her head as if to clear it.

  “I’m good, D. What are you still doin’ here?” she asked curiously, hopping down from the counter. “I thought you’d be headed back to town by now.”

  “Nah, I checked in with Ginger, and she said it was a slow night. Everything is under control,” he said, easing into one of the kitchen chairs. Darby picked up the box and held it out to Kat. “I’m assumin’ this is for you?”

  She blushed, and he still couldn’t believe that she wasn’t the chubby little toddler who used to follow around after him and his brothers. Kat had grown into a very beautiful, young woman, and Darby honestly couldn’t blame Alexei for the way he felt about Holt. “Is that from who I think it’s from?”

  He watched her tiny chin rise in defiance. “It is. What say you about it, Darby Sullivan?”

  Thoughtfully he rubbed his beard. He could see in her eyes that she really wanted his approval, but if he didn’t give it, she wasn’t going to stop, curl up and die without it.

  “I say that Holton Brammer is one of the finest men I’ve ever known,” Darby said quietly, watching the relieved smile spread slowly across her face. “I also say that if he breaks your heart, my brothers and I will make it our personal mission to ensure he’d wish he’d never been born.”

  At her surprised look, he grimaced. “Oh what, you thought since we’ve known him all our lives, it’d be different? Fuck. No. It’s because he’s known us our entire lives that he won’t get any fucking passes.” Darby attempted to reassure her. “Don’t worry, we’ll do our best not to interfere, but you won’t be able to hide shit from us. Just like there won’t be any place he’ll be able to hide from us if he hurts you.”

  “Oh my goodness, the way y’all like to take things to another level,” Kat said with a frown as she pulled a chair out and sat next to him. “He’s been nothin’ but a gentleman, honestly.”

  Jack entered the kitchen, followed by Casey who was carrying two large suitcases and a small travel roll on. He set the luggage down with a thud before following Jack to the table. Jack looked at the gift, then Darby. “Sounds like we got here just in time for a family meeting. What are we talkin’ about?”

  “Kat thinks we’re jerkin’ her chain about Holt,” Darby explained to his brothers as they pulled up seats at the table. “She’s convinced they go together like moonshine and a mason jar, and that we won’t touch a strand of his pretty, Barbie-blonde hair if he gets outta line.”

  “Oh he surely won’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of when we’re done with him,” Jack drawled, grabbing Kat’s wine glass and taking a sip. Casey grabbed the box and started pulling the wrapper.

  Kat snatched it back and set it in her lap before sticking her tongue out at him. He stuck his out at her, as Darby and Jack shook their heads.

  “Well I appreciate your concern for me, but I think he’s a nice guy, and I’d like to see where this goes,” Kat said primly. They all stared at her. “Y’all stop looking at me like that! What am I missing?”

  Casey snorted, “Only the obvious. We’re all really nice guys, Kat. It’s why we got laid as much as we did!”

  Jack winced and raised his eyes up to the ceiling. “Not so loud. I’d like to sleep in my own bed tonight.”

  “Not to change the subject, but I have to get something off my chest,” Kat said hesitantly. Immediately they straightened up, their expressions serious. That’s what she loved best about them—that no matter what they were doing, they always made time for her. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and released her words on her exhale. “I saw my parents together today, and they were looking at each other like they still had it really bad for each other.”

  Silence. Kat opened one eye slowly and then the other. No one at the table looked surprised by her admission. “Why does no one look surprised?! It shocked the hell outta me!”

  Casey leaned forward slowly. “Kat, I wanna ask you somethin’, if it’s okay?” He watched as she bit her lip and nodded her consent. “You don’t…still believe in…the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny also, do ya?”

  Kat reached over the table and punched his arm as they laughed at her. “You’re such a jerk, Casey!”

  Casey fell back in his chair, howling with laughter. Jack, observing Kat’s quivering lip, kicked him under the table, and Darby cleared his throat.

  “Why is this funny to you guys?! You think my life is a game?!” she cried, glaring at them. “My entire life, I’ve thought they couldn’t care less what the other did, until this afternoon. They were looking at each other the way Jack and Noelle look at each other or even you two with Sidra and Avery! My father shut me down when I asked him about it, which makes me even more hesitant to ask Mama. But I want to know everything there is to know.”

  “Hell, Kat,” Jack said gently, “Sometimes things aren’t meant to be at certain times in people’s lives. It doesn’t mean that it won’t be eventually; it just means when the time is right, it will happen.”

  Jack winced; judging from his brothers’ expressions, his explanation sounded as lame as he felt saying it.

  Kat stood up suddenly, “Don’t try to feed me platitudes, Jack. Just. Don’t. My entire life I’ve heard about Aunt Moira, and what I’ve heard, I love. Do you hear me? I love her. I love her because she was a good woman that gave me wonderful brothers, and she loved my Mama. I love her because you guys love her, and aside from Papa and Uncle Ian, you’re the smartest, finest men I know.”

  Tears started to blur her vision as she pointed at herself. “But for me, this is where it gets complicated. Mama would rather hold onto grief for your deceased mother, may she rest in peace, than live and have love with someone who is alive and obviously still cares for her. I want to know why, seeing as how you all knew, everyone has let this go on for as long as it has?? Why no one has sat these two stubborn fools down and spoke life to them?”

  She looked at Darby and Casey who were regarding her somberly. “When Jack was hiding away in this very house, didn’t both of you stage an intervention because you cared about him?”

  Grimly they nodded their heads and she continued. “I see. So you’re saying my parents, who’ve given you nothing but love, aren’t worth it??? This situation isn’t right, and it needs to be fixed. Now y’all can help me or watch as I go up in flames by my damn self. Either way, I’m stickin’ my nose in where it’s not wanted.”

  Kat took the wine bottle and her gift with her as she strolled to the back door. “Oh and for the record, I’m aware of the reputation nice guys have, especially about them finishing last. All I’m going to say about that is: I’m hoping Holt would be gentleman enough to let a lady finish first and several
times at that. Good night, guys.”

  She laughed deviously and exited the kitchen as they attempted to cover their ears.

  “Why does she do that?!” Jack growled, shaking his head in annoyance. Darby looked physically ill, while Casey tried to gauge his own eyeballs out.

  “She gets in yer head worse than Hannibal Lecter,” Casey muttered. He looked up at his brothers. “But she’s right though. We’ve been tip-toeing around them for way too long, lettin’ them get away with this shit. Ma wouldn’t want this for Viv, and we owe it to Kat to help fix it.”

  “Amen, brother,” Darby agreed, getting up from his chair to grab the platter holding the gingerbread cake, from the counter. He brought it over to the table. “Y’all want any of this?”

  “Hell yes, I’ll take some of that,” Casey said eagerly, jumping up and grabbing some plates and forks. “Damn Noelle puts both her feet in that cake! It’s my favorite thing in the world to eat.”

  “Oh really? I don’t think it is, Case,” Jack drawled sarcastically. At his brother’s look of confusion, he elaborated further. “Ya see, thanks to my daughter’s baby monitor, I happened to hear you tell Sidra what your favorite meal was.”

  Darby frowned disapprovingly at the chagrined expression on Casey’s face. “Tell me you didn’t say what I think he’s implyin’ you said.”

  Clearing his throat, Casey apologized to his oldest brother. “I’m sorry, bro. I didn’t mean for that to come out. I just lost control of…why am I even explainin’ myself to y’all? You’ve met her! She just has a way of gettin’ under my skin!”

  “Yeah, well Sidra doesn’t affect us the way she does you. So keep your dirty mouth behind your own closed door and nowhere near my precious baby. I mean it. I thought my ears were gonna start bleedin’. Pull a stunt like that again and I’ll tell her mama and Viv,” Jack threatened, smiling smugly as Casey turned pale.

  “I’m appalled at your behavior, Case,” Darby said grimly, and Casey gave him the finger.

  “You’re appalled at my behavior?” Casey asked incredulously. “That’s rich, comin’ from someone who was eye-fuckin’ Ms. Avery all night. It’s a wonder the poor girl didn’t go up in flames.”

  Darby grinned shamelessly as he helped himself to a piece of cake. “Yeah, well, never underestimate the power of a woman in a white tee, is all I’m sayin’. At least I kept both my hands above the table. We don’t even know if you washed your hands when you got up.”

  “Well why don’t you find out?” Casey suggested and stuck his finger in Darby’s slice of cake. He jumped out of the way as Darby tried to grab him, and Jack interrupted them before they really got out of hand.

  “If the two of you are done messin’ around, could you please reassure me that you both have nothin’ but the purest intentions towards my wife’s friends? Because I’ll be damned if you two screw up so bad with them, that we all get put on my wife’s bad side; are you guys hearing me?” Jack demanded, watching as his younger brothers exchanged looks.

  Darby spoke first. “With all due respect, Jack-”, causing his older brother to interrupt him with a growl of aggravation.

  Casey nudged Darby with his elbow and reminded him, “Don’t forget honesty. Honesty is very important.”

  “Shit! You’re right.” Darby agreed, before turning back to face their older brother with a solemn expression. “With all due respect, we’d like to say that all of our intentions are pure, but honestly they aren’t.” He held up a hand when Jack opened his mouth, no doubt to give him an earful. “If you could just think about how you feel about Noelle, then maybe you’d have an inkling of what we’re goin’ through and try to assist instead of…cockblocking?”

  “Noelle is my wife, you idiots,” Jack ground out. “Darby, are you tryin’ to tell me that’s where you’re headed with Avery? Because if that’s the case, then say so, and you’ll ease my mind. She’s been through a lot, and somebody who uses romantic techniques like smackin’ bottoms and shoutin’ ‘woo-hoo that ass is mine!’ ain’t gonna do it.”

  Darby was pissed. This was the second time tonight someone he cared about made the wrong assumption about him. “Fuck you, Jack.”

  Setting his plate of unfinished cake down on the table, Casey and Jack watched as he stormed out of the kitchen. Casey then walked over to the luggage with a sigh of resignation. “You better fix that, and you better do it before your wife finds out. She’s gone to a lot of trouble to make sure we all have a happy holiday. And before you even start on me, big bro, I’m just gonna tell you, the less you know the better.”

  Jack stood up, tossed the uneaten cake into the trash, and then put the dirty dishes into the sink. “Who you tellin’? I’m starting to think the less I know the better is the right way... That way I’m not implicated as an accomplice. That’s how the law works. Am I right, lil bro?”

  “You are correct, sir.” Arms fully loaded, Casey walked to the back door. “Please tell Noelle, thanks for a wonderful meal. She outdid herself as usual. I’ll see you in the afternoon.”

  “Is it safe to assume that we should set the breakfast table with two less settings? Jack inquired dryly.

  Casey nodded his head determinedly. “That’s the plan, brother. Can you help me get the door?”

  “I would, but that would definitely make me an accomplice. Goodnight,” Jack said and left his overloaded brother to struggle with opening the backdoor.

  Chapter Nine

  She was going to kill him, Sidra thought to herself as she went downstairs. She would toss a radio in his bath. Or maybe push him down the old well at the edge of Jack’s property. No, she would tie him to the ground, pour honey all over him, and let these southern fire ants eat him alive. The method didn’t matter because the end result would be the same. Casey Sullivan’s goose was cooked, and he had no one to blame but himself. But wait. Was death too good for him? If she kept him around, then there would be plenty of years for her to perfect her torturing skills him, she mused.

  As she passed the sitting room, she saw Alexei, Ian, Darby, Guy, and Jack sitting at the card table, playing poker. Sidra couldn’t help but notice that only Darby and Jack weren’t surprised to see her standing in her coat and pajamas that she’d borrowed from Noelle, along with the Wellie boots in her hand. She glared at the duo, and they quickly averted their gazes. Sneaky, sneaky Sullivans!

  “Bit late for an evenin’ stroll, ain’t it?” Guy asked conversationally, a hint of a smile dancing around his mouth as he laid a card down.

  “Don’t start with me,” Sidra warned as she forcefully shoved her feet into the boots. It almost made her smile, as she imagined it was Casey’s behind she was plowing her foot up with such vigor. “I am so not in the mood for more crap.”

  “I vote we check on him in an hour. That smirk held way too much enjoyment for me to be assured that he won’t be meeting with an ‘accident’,” Alexei offered as he gave Sidra a wink and a warm smile, causing her to blush. Good God, the man oozed sexiness. How was Vivienne managing to resist him? Or better yet why??? Focus, woman! Focus!

  “Why are you all so worried about him? I’m just going to ask him a question,” she tried to say it sweetly, but it came out in a growl.

  Jack looked up from his cards with alarm. “Did anyone else hear her say axe? I’m almost positive she said ‘axe’.

  “She’s going for a Lizzie Borden theme?” Guy looked at her thoughtfully, and then shook his head. “Nah, I can’t really picture it. She’s more of a praying mantis type. Lure him into a false sense of security with great sex and then bite his head off.”

  “I happen to be quite fond of him, but if that does happen, I want his trailer,” Ian declared. Everyone turned to look at him. “What? It’s a nice Airstream and besides, I’ve wanted to do a road trip for a while now.”

  “So you’re not even going to attempt to be concerned about his welfare?” Darby asked as he grabbed a handful of peanuts from a bowl and tossed them into his mouth. “That’s supremely col
d-blooded, Ian.”

  “Not in the least bit, son,” Ian shrugged unconcernedly. “Those who play with fire and expect never to be burned are both arrogant and stupid. But playing with it is what excites them. They love the danger and excitement. That works both ways, doesn’t it, my dear?” Ian asked, observing Sidra with shrewd eyes as he said to the group. “Clever young lady, that one is.”

  She stuck her nose in the air. “Goodnight, Yoda.”

  They chuckled at her retreating back; and just when she thought she was home free, Noelle’s voice rang out from the top of the stairs. Sidra turned and saw her standing there grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

  “We’ll be seeing you in time for dinner tomorrow, I assume?” she teased, making Sidra grit her teeth even more. Noelle added in her best Desi Arnaz voice, “Don’t forget, you’ve got some serious explaining to do, Luuucccy!”

  “Girl…bye!” Sidra said, tossing her hand back at her friend. As she closed the front door, she heard Noelle call down to Jack “I think you should warn him, Jack.”

  He replied, “What would be the fun in that, darlin’?”


  As Sidra trekked across the snow to the silver trailer, she couldn’t help the hum of anticipation running through her body, slightly tempering her anger. There was also a bit of confusion mixed in. After their encounter in Ruby’s room (she was so going to pray long and hard for forgiveness at tomorrow’s evening mass), Sidra did her best to avoid Casey. She’d stayed in the kitchen with the other women, enjoying the company and the established tradition of making dinner together. As she mashed potatoes, she mentally cursed herself for being so weak and unable to resist him. Part of her wanted to knee him in balls and demand to know if he took blondie home; the other part just missed him. Missed his warm smile and strength. Missed the moments after sex- that brief thirty-second interval she allowed herself to revel in the strength and security that she secretly coveted above all else. Tonight at dinner, he’d thrown her into a tailspin when he sat down next to her. Yeah, tonight’s dinner would certainly be the only thing she and her girls would be talking about tomorrow. Her stomach growled just thinking about the dinner she’d wasted.


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