Love's Learning Curves

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Love's Learning Curves Page 6

by Diana DeRicci

  Gasps and sounds of breathless wonder were coming from all of them, gazing out the tiny corner window at the view of the tree-shaded parking lot.

  “Whose is that?”

  “Did you see who drove it?”

  “See what?” Sheridan asked.

  “That sweet car!” Lucy was gripping Belinda’s elbow, with Mona standing on her toes to see over them. “Red foreign something. I can’t make it out.”

  “You mean the Alfa Romeo?” Sheridan asked calmly. Three women gaped, spinning to face her.

  “It’s an Alfa Romeo?” Lucy gushed.

  “I don’t know anyone with that kind of money,” Mona whispered, her eyes wide.

  Sheridan didn’t say anything, thinking, No, but I do. Dario was a Financial Director for his father’s company, a leading aerospace solar panel design manufacturer, which worked closely with NASA. She knew the car had been a gift from one of their Italian contracts, but letting the girls think what they wanted was too delicious to not savor. Not that she hadn’t drooled a bit herself when he’d pulled up at her door in it. Revenge sure could be sweet, she mused. When he’d said style, he knew what he was talking about.

  A knock at the door gave them their warning. Belinda tugged on Mona’s veil. “You ready?” With a last envious peek at the car out the window, Mona nodded.

  Sheridan couldn’t help the small smile of victory. Mona was going to flip when she realized she’d come in that ‘sweet car’.

  * * * *

  Dario was well behaved, at least outwardly. The entire time he sat on his pew, his eyes never left Sheridan. Taller than the others, and sinfully, exotically dark where they were blonde and pale, she stood out like a vibrant orchid amid hothouse roses.

  He wasn’t in the least interested in the sticks standing with her. He was salivating for the curves in the yellow chiffon and satin trim. His cougar had ceased its impatient yowling and whining at some point during the drive to the church, calming down to an attentive crouch, the whip of a tail on his subconscious his only sign of the cat’s angst at being made to wait. He’d had to be on his best behavior since Tuesday, him and his cat. Dario hadn’t seen her since their night together. His cat was less than pleased with the situation.

  Dario wasn’t exactly thrilled with it either, but what could he do? At least they’d had time to talk in the evenings. Sheridan hadn’t been kidding when she’d said Mona wouldn’t give her a moment to breathe between then and today. Between fittings, finals and rehearsals, Mona had been running his woman ragged. Thankfully, the semester was officially over and after this weekend, Dario wasn’t letting the gorgeous woman out of his sight again.

  Smooth skin, hued with a spring tan complimented thick waves of black, inky curls swept into a twist held in place with the pearls all the maids wore. Only hers were white to show in her hair, while the blondes wore them in deep golden hues.

  The pale yellow dress she wore showed her curves in spectacular sculpted beauty. Her breasts were full, round and plump, pushing snugly into the neckline. Moving his tongue over his teeth, he craved licking the valley between her breasts, nibbling his way over their softness until he lapped hungrily at beaded nipples. He wanted a repeat of Tuesday night, and then some, badly.

  With a crooked finger, he tugged at his neckline. He wished it were a little cooler inside the church. He had no choice but to yank himself away from the visual temptation she made. Heat singed his chest as the image took hold before he completely blocked it, imagining the way she would feel, smooth as satin and liquid soft. He closed his eyes, focusing instead on the preacher’s words. That helped derail the lust snaking through his veins. A few more slow breaths and he was once again under control.

  With agonizing slowness, the minutes ticked past, the ceremony coming to its close. He’d only imagined her undressed a handful of times, dying to discover what she wore beneath that dress. He craved to undress and unwrap every delectable inch of her shapely form.

  Applause erupted and he focused forward, standing to join the others to greet the newly married couple. The bridesmaids formed up, pairing off behind the new couple to leave the front of the church. Watching Sheridan put her hand on the groomsman’s arm brought up a snarl that he had to cough to hide, surprised at the unbidden reaction in not only himself, but his cat. Neither liked her touching or being touched by another male.

  When she crossed in front of him, she sought him beyond her escort’s chest and smiled, warmly. The cougar itching to tear her escort apart, calmed. It amazed him how quickly his cat reacted, and equally how fast the knowledge that she was safe soothed the beast.

  He trailed the guests leaving the church’s interior, all congratulating and shaking hands with the wedding party. When he reached Sheridan, he purposely leaned close to her and nipped at her neck with his lips, subliminally marking her when he wanted to do so much more. “Lovely,” he murmured. Her reaction was instantaneous. The hard exhale, the grip on his hand. He wasn’t alone with his desire. The sudden flare of heat on her skin beneath his lips burned him.

  He hated letting her go, only moving down the line because he had no choice. One of the others in yellow, the maid of honor, he thought, sounding congenially interested, asked him, “Who are you? Do you know Brant or Mona?”

  Offering a devastating smile down to her, since she was at least a foot shorter, he replied, “Neither,” then moved on, leaving it at that. He congratulated the couple, studying Mona, who could’ve been sisters with the other two. Shaking Brant’s hand, he looked him in the eye. “Congratulations, and thank you.” Dario doubted he’d ever understand why he’d said that, though he still wanted to beat the shit out of him for the way he’d treated Sheridan. He did have enough couth to not do it at the man’s wedding. Studying Sheridan’s ex, Dario guessed he was handsome enough, but considering the woman he’d actually chosen, he had to wonder just what the other man had been thinking. His opinion hadn’t changed. Brant was a fool, and his loss was happily Dario’s gain.

  “Glad you could come,” Brant replied automatically, his puzzled expression saying he was trying to place him, but the next person behind Dario interrupted and he was forgotten, nudged along and out of the way. Dario angled to the edge of the foyer, a palm to his chin as he continued to watch Sheridan charm the guests. His cat had begun pacing again, unhappy with the continued distance and all the attention she was drawing.

  With a moment of quiet aloneness, he asked, What is with you? You’re driving me nuts. The feline whined, butting against his cage to be out. Out? He flattened a hand to his chest when the answer was a head ram to the solar plexus. Okay. I get it, but I can’t do it here. You know that.

  A light laugh brought his focus to Sheridan and a young male. When he moved too close to her, as though whispering to her, Dario’s skin rippled with the energy to shift and he had to fist his control with an iron will.

  The huff of plain disgust at the forced block echoed between his ears louder than a gong. Just because you want to screw her brains out and mark her, doesn’t mean we can.

  He swallowed the ‘ow’ he almost blurted when claws tore at his innards. Behave! Go to a corner somewhere or I’ll torture us both and not even kiss her.

  That seemed to get the cat’s attention. With his tail poised and a flat nose in the air, he slunk into Dario subconscious. “Beast,” he muttered.

  Finally, the last of the guests left. With a sigh and looking much more relieved when she spotted him, Sheridan cleared the distance between them. “Thank you for being here, for waiting.”

  He didn’t think twice. He simply wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her into his frame. Her hands lifted to spread across his chest, not pushing him away, more for balance. It didn’t matter. He pulsed beneath the press of her palms. He’d have given anything in that moment to rip his suit off and let her touch him skin to skin.

  “I’m all yours,” he breathed. He knew she’d take it to mean for the evening.

  He meant it forever.
Time slipped away as he stared into her eyes. Dark orbs deepened, drawing him in, making him crave. The pulse in her neck beat harder, echoing his already racing heart rate and the pounding of his blood. Remembering her reaction when he’d suckled on that pounding point sent shards of sharp need slicing through him. He’d never wanted any woman more than he wanted Sheridan in that moment.

  “Sheridan, you ready for the pictures?”

  She drew a breath, as if shaking herself back into the now. “I guess.”

  “You do what you need to, love. I’m not leaving without you.”

  Mona tugged Brant to the spread church doors amid yards of white satin. “See it? Whose is it?”

  Brant let out a low whistle. “I don’t know, but color me green.”

  Meeting Sheridan’s eyes as his grip loosened from around her, a shared grin of justice said it all. Just wait, he mouthed. Laughter vibrated her chest, and he tightened all over in reflex.

  “Evil. You’re plain evil.”

  “Never doubt it,” Dario replied with a teasing boast.

  Reluctantly, he let her go, taking a position out of the way to let them do the portraits of the wedding party. Sadly, he never could get his erection to go away.

  How could he when he kept envisioning her spread across the hood of his car, screaming his name as he finally branded her as his?

  Chapter Nine

  “Thank God,” Dario breathed, sweeping Sheridan into his arms to spin her to the dance floor. “I’ve been dying to hold you. The best man, Michael? Long winded bastard.”

  She laughed, giggling deeply into his shoulder. “That’s Brant’s brother. Lots of ammunition, if you know what I mean.” She leaned into his strength, her arm around his waist while he held her to move them effortlessly to the waltz being played. She closed her eyes and floated with him as one song fed into another, wanting nothing more than his arms and the swaying grace of his body pressed to hers. She’d missed him. No sense in avoiding it.

  “Who was it that walked with you?”

  She followed his easy pace with half a mind, worn out and ready to unwind from the long afternoon. A lot of pomp and circumstance. Sheridan doubted Mona would remember anything that wasn’t in a picture. “That was Leroy.”

  “He seemed very friendly,” he mentioned with a stiff tone.

  She peeked at him, noting his taut jaw. Was he jealous? Why?

  “He’s married. I don’t think his wife would’ve appreciated it if he’d been that friendly.”

  When his entire body shuddered, relaxing within her embrace, she realized he had been jealous. The truth made her snuggle in closer. There were still a lot of things to work through, but right at the moment, all she wanted was his arms and quiet.

  He’d been the perfect gentleman all week. He’d stayed all Tuesday night, waking her once more to make slow, sweet love to her. She’d never felt more treasured in her life. While in the shower Wednesday morning, he’d made the coffee, then they’d traded places. With a kiss and a good luck on her tests, he’d left her to go home and change for work. They’d talked every night she could get away from the wedding shenanigans. Then today, he’d arrived in the 8C and like Prince Charming to Cinderella, had escorted her to the wedding with a flattering amount of attention. She refused to think that he had an ulterior motive for all the attention. She desperately wanted to believe his interest was genuine. Because, no matter how she tried to protect her heart, she was losing it to him.

  He tipped down when she sighed in contentment.

  Desire flared in his bright golden eyes. A frisson of excitement stole through her, leaving a wake of needy desire. The heat in his touch sent her pulse racing. Though the way he looked at her, the way he held her, almost had her hoping.

  “What, love?” he answered.

  She swallowed. He lowered, whispering those two words. The rush of his breath skimmed her lips. Her heart tripped in answer. His thumb stroked her palm and the little thinking she’d managed evaporated.

  “I…” Her brain put up the ‘out to lunch’ sign and she stumbled over her words.

  “I’d love to,” he said on a raw growl, closing the gap between his lips and hers. Distantly, she realized he’d stopped dancing, but somehow, she couldn’t find it in her to care.

  Then his lips were brushing over hers, teasing her, and she trembled. Clinging tighter, she held on to his taller, solid frame. Dario didn’t rush one single caress. He took his time, plucking every sane thought out of her mind with each lingering taste of skin. He leaned into her and she formed to him, chest to knee. A rumbled purr rose from his chest, and she shivered at the wild sound.

  Her fingers dug into the silken weave of his jacket, gripping to not melt to the floor. Dario tilted and claimed her fully, thrusting his tongue between her lips. Sheridan heard a whimper. It was her. He plied against her tongue, learning her, enticing her and when she followed, he sucked her into his mouth with slow, intoxicating pulls. They chased each other, back and forth, the heat of his mouth, the caress of his lips, eclipsing all thought for the moment. Her breasts ached as arousal poured into her bloodstream. The weight of his hand on her spine was tender though possessive. He held her closer. Her body swelled as desire flashed through her.

  They were both breathing heavy when he released her. The man was a phenomenal kisser. She blinked and noticed the walls on two sides of her. What happened to the dance floor? “What? Where are we?”

  A gentle finger under her chin raised her to his view. “I will never put you on display, Sheridan.” The tender swipe of a thumb to her bottom lip made her breath hitch. “You ready to leave this circus?”

  “Sure. Let me see if they’ve snuck out yet. I’m sure they have.”

  He captured her mouth for a quick, searing kiss. “Don’t take long.”

  The heat in his gaze pleaded with her. Don’t make me wait, they told her. After a kiss like that, she was just as ready to get out of there!

  Slipping out of the alcove where he’d hidden them, she went in search of Belinda or Lucy, not expecting to find either the bride or groom at the later hour. She was right. A lot of the reception had already departed.

  She found the other two women, chatting near the cake table, Lucy rubbing her calf with obvious relief. “I haven’t danced this much since I was nineteen,” she complained with wry humor.

  “Hi there. I think I’m ready to call it a night.” Sheridan brought over a cushion padded chair to sit with them.

  “We wondered if you’d be saying goodbye.” Belinda shared a catty look with Lucy, who shrugged.

  “It was a wonderful wedding. I’m sure they’ll be happy.” Sheridan wasn’t up to their mind games. She’d had enough of that during the days to the wedding and the rehearsal. Her inclusion hadn’t gone over well with Belinda, not that Sheridan cared. It was as if the other woman had expected her to cause problems, when getting between Mona and Brant hadn’t been anywhere on her radar. She was too happy to shove them on their way.

  “Who is that guy you’re with? I don’t remember meeting him,” Belinda asked in fake casualness.

  “My date. You didn’t think I came alone, did you?” Sheridan felt a small jolt of pleasure seeing both of the blondes blink. They honestly thought she wasn’t over Brant? That she hadn’t moved on? She rolled her eyes inside. How much more over could she get than watching him marry another woman, with her blessing?

  “You’re dating?” Belinda quit trying to be coy. Sheridan realized what this was about. She wanted to know if Dario was available. Whether she was over Brant wasn’t even a concern. Bitch. Dario was with her.

  A warm, tender hand curved over her shoulder. “Sorry, love. We better get going. Our reservation expires in fifteen.”

  Belinda’s jaw dropped. “Reservations?” Her blue eyes gleamed with predatory interest at Dario.

  “Dinner,” Dario answered from above Sheridan, which was fine because she didn’t know what he was talking about. He motioned a hand to the catering table. �
��This was a few hours ago.” Really taking in a view of the room, she noted the reception hall was almost cleared. Sheridan realized it had to be after eight. No wonder she was dragging. He’d picked her up to be at the church by two.

  He offered a palm and she gratefully took it, helping her stand from the chair.

  “But you didn’t answer my question.” Belinda rose to walk with them, seemingly at her side, though her gaze continued to take stock of Dario.

  No matter how little right she had to do it, she desperately wanted to throw an elbow into Belinda’s side to get her away from him.

  Once outside the hall, Dario made no bones about walking for the 8C.

  “Wait! You came in the Alfa Romeo?” Belinda almost tripped in shock when her feet stopped moving.

  “Excuse us.” Dario smiled coolly then opened the door when he reached the side of the low-slung Italian dream. He took his time helping Sheridan into the car, being sure to make a show of buckling her in. Standing with slow purpose, he dropped a light kiss on her lips, making it apparent he was savoring the moment. She wondered if he was, or if he was simply goading Belinda.


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