Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4) Page 18

by J. Nichole

  Monica gasps. “I know we just met but… he gave you what? And why would you want to be in a relationship with him?”

  “It’s a long story. In short, I found out over the break I had chlamydia. I’m not sure if he is the one who gave it to me.” Sighing, she lowers her head. “I don’t know why I still want to be with his ass.”

  Monica is silent. Nicole perks up quickly and says, “It’s cool. I don’t have myself figured out yet, either.” Monica grins.

  “How about I ran into one of Chris’ old flings today when we were leaving the restaurant.”

  Monica looks intrigued. “Really? How’d that go?”

  “Let’s just say, she seemed bitter.”

  Nicole nods her head and says, “Interesting. Was she rude to you? I could see myself being pissed if I saw Jody in a few months on a date with a chick.”

  “Chris made sure he introduced me as his girlfriend, which probably made it sting even more. But she was definitely rude. I attempted to shake her hand, but she left me hanging.”

  “Oh hell naw. If I saw Jody, and then he had the nerve to introduce me to his girlfriend, I probably would do the same thing. No offense, Laila.”

  “None taken. I see your point. But she can’t be mad at me.”

  Jennifer nods her head in agreement. “I assume Chris told you who she was afterwards. Were you upset?”

  “It’s odd, because I had a feeling I knew her from somewhere. But Chris told me who she was when we left.”

  “What’s her name?” Jennifer stands up and grabs her laptop. “I’m sure we can figure out where you know her from pretty quickly.”

  Nicole adds her two cents, “Hell campus is small, I’m sure you saw her walking around somewhere.”

  I join Jennifer on her bed as she launches Facebook on her laptop. “Her name is Courtney.” Jennifer snaps her neck around.

  “Courtney. You really don’t remember where you know her from?” She gives me a wide-eyed expression.

  “Obviously not,” I say. Monica and Nicole are waiting in anticipation.

  Typing on her keyboard as if her life depended on it, she pulls up Chris’ Facebook page. Monica and Nicole are both gathered around us.

  Scrolling through his page, she stops and points. “Her, the girl I told you was a little suspect. The one with posts, like every day.”

  Pulling the laptop from Jennifer, I enlarge Courtney’s picture. Damn, that’s definitely the girl.

  Monica leans on the bed to get a better look. “I mean, he introduced you as his girl. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”

  “It’s not usually the guy I worry about as much as the girl. Girls can be scandalous, and even if he isn’t interested, she could throw herself on him. Who turns down free pussy?”

  Nicole snickers. “Nobody, especially when their girl isn’t giving it up.”

  “Ugh, fuck you, Nicole. That’s rude.” I stand up and face Nicole. “Why do you always have to throw that in my face?” Rolling my eyes, I take a deep breath. “You just want us all to be whoring around campus like you.”

  Nicole steps back. “Damn, Laila, tell me how you really feel.” She places her hand on her hip. “For the record, I’m not a hoe. I’m just experienced.”

  Shaking my head, I turn away from Nicole. “Whatever.”

  Jennifer places her laptop on her desk. “Monica, have you been down to the cafe yet?”

  “No, I haven’t. I could definitely eat though.”

  On our way to the cafe, we discuss our plans for the L.O.S party on Thursday. Now that Jody is out of the picture, it may not be a good idea for us to get a ride from Mark. We decide we’ll take our chances with the shuttle line. Jennifer tells Monica about a few of the parties we’ve been too, and she gets excited.

  Monica agrees that the walk to the cafe is entirely too long. Inside, we show her around and point out the best entree lines. After they each get a plate, we sit down. I’m not as hungry as they are, but get a bowl of fruit to snack on.

  I glance up and see our bodyguards a few tables over. “There goes our mole, Jason.”

  The girls look up and make eye contact with the guys. The guys wave and smile. When they get up to put their plates away, they stop by our table. I greet all the guys, then look to Jason with a raised brow and say, “Hello there, Jason.”

  He responds, looking a bit confused. I’m sure he is confused because I never say any of their names. “Hi, Laila. You good, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I don’t say much else, we introduce them to Monica, and then they are on their way.

  After they leave, Jennifer looks at Monica and says, “You look like you were checking Taylor.”

  Monica smiles. “Yeah, he’s definitely hot. Reminds me of the guy I lost my virginity to.”

  Before I can even think, I blurt out, “Damn, am I the last standing virgin?”

  Nicole quickly answers, “Seems like it!”

  Jennifer turns the attention back to Monica. “I’ll be sure to get the scoop on Taylor for you. I know the guys had been complaining that they weren’t getting much play because most of the girls on campus were being swept up by the older guys.”

  “Lucky for him, he is older than I am,” Monica says with a playful grin.

  Walking back to the dorm we point out different spots. Being that Monica didn’t visit for summer orientation, she isn’t very familiar with campus.

  Back at the dorm, we separate to our rooms. I didn’t think I would like having a roommate, but it’s nice having someone to walk with me to the room.

  We both collapse on our beds and talk about our classes in the morning. Monica tells me her first class is at 7:50 a.m. I laugh to myself. I guess we all have to make that mistake at least once.

  Monica pulls out her thick Biology book and starts reading. Probably the reason she graduated high school early. This girl is self-motivated. I never considered reading before any of my classes started. I’m sure I can learn a thing or two from Monica.

  As she starts flipping pages, I lie back on the bed and think about how I’ll be re-taking Biology. “Do you like Biology?”

  Looking up from her book, she shrugs her shoulders. “It’s not my favorite science, but it’s not too bad.”

  “Maybe you can help me get through it this semester.” I scrunch my nose. “I have to retake it.”

  With big puppy dog eyes, Monica nods her head. “I can definitely help you. No failing with me around.”

  “Thanks Monica. I’ll let you get back to it. We both need you to be well prepared for this class.”

  To be sure I don’t disturb Monica’s reading, I text Chris instead of calling him. This roommate stuff will sure take some getting used to. While I wait for Chris to respond to my text message, I check Facebook and see I have a new friend request. Courtney Simms… yeah right. I click Not Now. There should be a Never in this Lifetime button to reject a friend request.

  Monica is deep into her book, but I need her reassurance that Courtney isn’t a problem. “Monica.” She looks up from her book. “Can you believe Courtney requested me as a friend on Facebook?”

  She looks surprised. “Why the hell would she do that? Especially after she dissed you at the restaurant.”

  “Whatever her purpose, I didn’t accept her request.”

  “Don’t worry about it. She probably just wants to stalk you.”

  “Ugh, all this makes me sleepy. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.”

  “Jesus, what is that?” I throw Monica a groggy glance.

  Monica scrambles to turn off her alarm. “Laila, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I had it up that loud.” I nod and flip over to check the time on my phone, and see there is a text from Chris.

  I wouldn’t mind sleeping next to you tonight.

  Guess that came after I was asleep. I’ll text him later. I have a few hours before my first class, but now I’m wide-awake. I’ll get up and get dressed.

  Monica opens the door, her face
looks as if she’s just seen a ghost. “Monica, what’s wrong?”

  She hands me a piece of paper. “What is this?”

  “It was taped to the door. Read it.” I focus in on the words. Stay away from Chris.

  “Who the hell left this on the door?” Looking closer at the paper, I check for a name. “No name. Maybe it’s Jennifer and Nicole playing games.”

  Monica looks relieved. “I hope so.” She slowly opens the door, peeping her head out before leaving.

  Chapter 25

  “What do you think I should wear to the party tonight?” Monica asks as she shuffles through her closet for the tenth time.

  “You want to be sexy but comfortable. Jennifer will be sure we stay on the dance floor most of the night.” I throw my outfit on the bed. “I think I’m wearing this tonight.”

  “That’s cute and comfortable, those booties are fierce. I wish I had more comfortable shoes. I will be stuck in either sky high pumps or flats.” She pulls a pair of heels out of the closet. “I could use a trip to the mall.”

  “Too bad we don’t have time for any trips. We’ll have to be in the shuttle line in a few hours.”

  “I could always wear my pumps and throw a pair of flats in my purse if my feet start to hurt.”

  I love that Monica is really smart and fashionable. Paired with her sweet personality, she is a well-rounded chick. Just the type of friend I like to have in my circle.

  I smile and say, “Good idea. Nothing worse than standing on the dance floor wishing you had somewhere to sit.”

  She pulls on a camo green top and models it in front of me. “What do you think?”


  Once we have our outfits laid out, we hop in the shower. Monica starts singing in the shower stall, “Kick off your shoes and relax your feet...”

  I start singing along with her. After our shower concert, I tell her how much I love 90’s music, especially Xscape. I joke with her about being too young to know anything about that music.

  “Laila, you aren’t that much older than me. Besides, who doesn’t know about Xscape? They are a classic.”

  “I guess you’re right. I shouldn’t ride you too hard about your age. To be honest, I give you props for graduating early.”

  We finish up in the bathroom, then head to our room to start getting dressed. I haven’t really seen Monica dolled up yet. As she puts on her makeup and curls her hair, she actually looks older than sixteen. Her cocoa brown skin is practically flawless and she doesn’t need much makeup. The makeup she does apply complements her.

  “Laila, have you found a good beautician near campus?”

  “Actually, I have. It’s walking distance, too, and really affordable. Remind me to give you the number.”

  “Thank God. I was telling my mom how I wasn’t sure what I would do with my hair. After a few self-washes, I’ll need someone to work their magic.”

  “Believe me, I can relate. All this hair on my head. I can’t even wash it myself without it looking a hot ass mess!”

  Monica’s heels have her towering over me. To take our pictures she has to squat down a bit. Checking my phone, I scramble to grab my stuff so we can meet the girls in their room. “We should get going … it’s 9:45.”

  “Look at you, youngin’. You are going to pull some grown ass men tonight,” Nicole says to Monica, making her smile.

  Jennifer pulls out her phone. “A few pictures before we leave.” We pose with each other’s cameras before heading out of the door.

  There’s already a crowd waiting outside for shuttles. I look at Nicole and shake my head. If she didn’t have bad blood with Jody, Mark could save us from this long ass line.

  “I know what you are thinking. Jennifer, if you want to call Mark I’m cool with that. I can put up with Jody for the short car ride.” She crosses her arms across her chest. “Who knows if they are even going to the L.O.S party. There are a lot of parties tonight.”

  Monica looks confused and says, “Maybe my math is off. There are four of us. If Mark and Jody are in the car, does that mean we will be four deep in the back seat?”

  “Yeah, we would be four deep in the back seat.” Jennifer looks at her phone. “But I can’t give Mark a call right now, it’s too late.”

  “Let’s get in this line,” Nicole says as she walks away.

  I lag behind with Jennifer. “I need a drink as soon as we get in the party. Tonight is already starting off wrong.”

  “I hear you. Nicole sounds like she has a stick up her ass. On one hand, she doesn’t want to talk to Jody. On the other hand, I feel like she wants to see him.”

  “Maybe it’s her lack of sex. Her mood hasn’t been that great since she’s claimed to calm down.”

  We catch up with Nicole and Monica. We all bet on the time it will take us to get a ride. In the best-case scenario, we all said it would be at least twenty minutes.

  Monica wins the bet, and forty-five minutes later, we are finally cramming into a Honda Civic. Fortunately, the guy is alone and we don’t have to sit four deep in the back seat. Because Monica won the bet, she is the lucky winner of shotgun. She also gets to entertain the driver, who resembles Kevin Durant, only shorter with a baby afro.

  The line as we pull up looks like it is at least fifty people deep. Lucky us...another wait. We thank our driver and as always get his phone number for future rides. He was pleased to give us his number, even though he only said a total of ten words the entire ride.

  Monica looks like she is losing her enthusiasm for the night. I try to pump her up a bit. I lean against her and say, “All this work to get in the club. You’ll have fun once we are in. I promise.”

  She smirks. “I’m sure we’ll have fun. I guess I’m just thinking about how hard it will be to wake up in the morning.” She leans on a wall. “All this standing around is making me tired.”

  “Yeah, those early classes. I’m sure after this semester you won’t sign up for early classes unless you have no other choice. I learned my lesson last semester.”

  There are only a few guys scattered through the line, and twice as many girls. Hopefully, when we get inside it will even out a bit or guys will be choosing. Thankfully, I’m not up for grabs.

  Fifteen minutes later, the line starts to flow. As we get to the door, Monica looks nervous but she doesn’t have any issues getting in. Luckily, they only require a school ID card to get into most of the clubs.

  We easily make our way to the bar. A few guys are standing around, looking ready and willing to pass us a drink. I small talk with the girls while I wait for one of the guys to approach us.

  “Tell me why we decided to come to the L.O.S party again?” Nicole says with an attitude.

  “Look Nicole, we don’t have time for this attitude. You need to check that shit…quick,” Jennifer snaps back.

  I don’t even like to drink, but tonight these ladies will have me seated at the bar.

  Monica starts to feel the music. Her hips start swaying and she grabs Jennifer’s arm. “Are you ready to dance?” They head out to the dance floor and I stay near the bar with Debbie Downer.

  “Nicole, are you all right tonight? You seem like you have an issue, or a few.”

  “Laila, I’m good. I didn’t realize how much I missed Jody until tonight. It must be getting to me.”

  “I had a feeling that’s what was going on. How about we hang by the bar. If nothing else, you’ll forget about him for the night.”

  Finally, one of the guys approaches us. He throws a few lame lines out. I let Nicole entertain him while I just smile and nod, not wanting to scare him off.

  “Would you ladies like a drink?”

  “Sure, what are you drinking?” I should have said, “I would prefer a drink over this conversation.”

  “I’m drinking a vodka and cranberry.”

  “I’ll take that.” I don’t drink enough to have a drink preference. Hopefully, a vodka and cranberry isn’t too strong.

  “I’ll take a lon
g island,” Nicole says with a grin.

  After the guy discreetly hands us a drink, we drink and chat for a few more minutes. The drink isn’t too strong. I’m able to finish it within fifteen minutes. We place the cups on the bar and kindly excuse ourselves to the dance floor.

  “What a lame!” Nicole says laughing.

  “Thank you for entertaining him. I didn’t have it in me.”

  We find Monica and Jennifer killing it on the dance floor with a couple of cute guys. Nicole gets excited and pulls me onto the floor with her. We dance through at least four songs before taking a break.

  The bar has a few more guys waiting to buy drinks. We get close to the bar, and see that Monica looks like she is beyond tired. She asks for a glass of water from the bartender.

  “Monica, is it time for a shoe change? You’ve been on the dance floor for a while now.”

  “Actually, my feet are fine. It’s been a while since I’ve danced this hard. But I’m having fun. Thank you ladies for letting me tag along.”

  We all smile. “Anytime Monica. These two hardly dance. I appreciate you keeping up with me on the dance floor,” Jennifer says.

  “Do you want something other than that water, sweetheart?”

  We all glance up and see there’s a guy standing near Monica. Nicole’s neck snaps around. I look from her back to the guy standing by Monica. It’s Jody.

  Before Nicole says anything she will regret, I slowly pull her aside. “Nicole, be cool.”

  Unknowingly, Monica responds, “No, I’m fine. But one of my friends here may want a drink.”

  As if seeing us for the first time, Jody looks in our direction. “Would any of you...” he pauses mid-sentence then looks away.

  Jennifer responds, “Hey Jody, I think we are good.”

  Monica looks at me confused, then makes the connection. “Oh shit, Jody?” she whispers.

  Jody looks at Monica. “Yes, that’s me. You must be new to the clique.”


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