Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4) Page 62

by J. Nichole

  My body eases with the familiarity of him inside of me. Each stroke takes me to the brink of another orgasm. Chris knows how to bring me to an ultimate peak and ease me into an extreme low so I'm able to ride along with him until we both reach our climax together.

  We continue the rhythm in and out, high and low, with panting and steady breaths until I can no longer control myself and I moan out, "Chris." He covers my mouth with his as his body shakes. We lie with him on top of me, lifeless, not speaking, only our breathing filling the silence.

  "You have no idea how much I've missed you." He rolls over to my side. "Two years without sex was challenging." I look at him with my mouth wide open. He smiles gently. "There was only one girl I wanted to be with and she was occupied."

  The thought of him waiting in agony while I romped around with Josh makes my stomach turn. But I don't let the thought consume me. I wasn't the one who masterminded the plan that caused us to break up. "I still need time to think about all of this."

  "I can wait." He nudges his nose against my cheek. "I'll be in town until the end of the weekend. If you have time, can I take you out for dinner?"

  "I'd like that."

  "While I'm on a roll," he grins, "how about another round of 'I hope this isn't break up sex'?"

  Grinning I agree, "I'd like that too."

  Chapter Eighteen

  "For most of you, this is your last semester." Professor Dorian stands proudly in front of the classroom. "Some, even your last exam of your last semester." I wish this were my last exam. I am anxious, thinking about my last exam that has had me barricaded in the library all week. "I wish each of you the most success whether it be in your future courses here at L.U., a grad program, or even as you embark on your career."

  Dionne looks at me with a giddy grin. She accepted her offer to Millennial Magazine last week and will be moving to New York after graduation. I couldn't be more excited for her, and she's even offered to put in a good word for me once she gets in good with her colleagues.

  I walk out of the classroom with confidence in knowing if I don't ace any other exam this semester I know I'll be an ethical journalist. Instead of cramming more information into my already overwhelmed brain I take a break at Up Late Cafe. Mentally, I run through my list of things to do before graduation tomorrow. My family will arrive tonight, and we are still holding out hopes that I can score extra tickets for all those who made the trip, regardless.

  Walking to my last exam across campus, memories of my four years start flooding my mind --- from orientation with Tanya; meeting Chris; the endless fun with my roommates; to all the wisdom from my professors. Looking around, taking in the look of campus one last time, I walk into my exam, hoping I can pass. Studying for Marketing this time around was a challenge without the help of Josh, in more ways than just the study material.

  The apartment is hectic with our families coming in and out checking on us. "Are you ready for this?" I turn around to see Tanya standing in my doorway. Giving her a hug, I take a deep breath. We were supposed to take this journey together and walk across the same stage, but I'm proud that in spite of having a baby she'll still be graduating this semester.

  "It seems like we were both here at orientation like last weekend." She smiles and winks at me. I'm sure the memory for her is surreal. "We're graduating," I scream.

  "Look out world here we come." She hugs me and we jump up and down together.

  Nicole walks in and interrupts our rejoicing.

  "Hey, Tanya. Glad you made it." Tanya gives Nicole a hug and tells her she'll be back again when she graduates. Nicole pouts. "Can't believe you all are leaving me. But I'm going to be laser focused on finishing my classes and getting the hell out of here." She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "It won't be the same without you here.” She takes a deep breath. "Enough of that. It's your weekend and I have a special delivery for you." She holds up graduation tickets and my eyes widen.

  I grab them from her hand and ask, "How did you get these?" I count ten extra tickets. More than enough for my additional family.

  "Did you mention not having enough tickets to Chris?" I nodded my head. "Well, he kicked into action and collected extra tickets from his frat brothers. He had someone deliver them here to the apartment."

  When she leaves the room, Tanya looks at me with a pitiful smile. "He does care about you." She stares at the tickets then pulls a card from her purse, handing it to me. "Josh wanted me to give this to you. He also said to remind you that he'll see you next weekend at my graduation." I take the card and open the envelope. "Take your time. I'll be back." Tanya walks out of the room.

  Removing the card from the envelope I open it and read each word carefully.

  Congrats, Laila

  You made it. Pursue your passion and live your dreams. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way of being you. You have so much to offer the world and with time the world will see just how beautiful you are, inside and out. If you ever need someone to help you navigate life's obstacles I'm here. Always have been always will be.

  Love, Josh

  A tear splashes on the card and I close it, placing it carefully back into the envelope. Tanya walks back into the room and takes my hand. "No sad tears today." Wrapping me into a hug she jokes, "We ain't got time for that." I pull away and look at her. "I know. You don't even have to explain. I know," she whispers.

  "Alright. We should get ready for the party." Tonight will be my last party as an undergrad. Tomorrow I'll walk across that stage into a new chapter of my life.

  Jennifer bursts into the room, screaming, "I'm finally done!" With her cap secured to her head she says, "I think I'm wearing this all weekend." When Tanya and I both look at her sideways she says, "Hell, I earned this cap."

  We all laugh and blast music while we get ready for the party.

  Nicole runs up to me, hugging me tightly. "I found her," she yells to my family who is close behind her. "Congrats, girl. You walked across that stage like you owned L.U."

  My dad squeezes in behind her and says, "Hell, as much as tuition costs she should own L.U. Now give me a hug, Laila." I hug him tight and the family joins in around us, taking turns to congratulate me.

  Nicole pulls me aside and says, "There's one more person here to congratulate you." She turns around and stands on her tippy toes. "Let me see if I can find them." I look around for who she could be looking for when someone taps me on my shoulder.

  I release Nicole's hand and turn around. "Thank you so much for the tickets, Chris." I look over at my mom, who is still beaming and say, "My mom appreciated it too." I cock my head and continue, "I thought you weren't coming this weekend." At least that's what his excuse was for showing up a couple of weeks ago.

  "I couldn't miss this." He turns around and looks back at my family. "You'll only walk across that stage as an undergrad once." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Besides the last time I saw you didn't feel like the right time to be the last time." He winks.

  My parents walk up beside us and my mom gives Chris a hug, thanking him for the tickets. He nods his head and says, "Not a problem at all.”

  Looking back to me he says, “I have one other thing for you." He clears his throat. "I know you have a job offer in Jacksonville. And I also know how much you wanted to be in a big city with a known publication." He rubs his hands together. "Well if you are willing to move to New York Millennial Magazine would be happy to have you."

  My mouth drops and my eyes blink as I try to comprehend what he's saying. "What? How did you?"

  "I decided to open a branch of the brokerage firm in New York. Over the past year, managing the logistics, I met the editor, and put in a good word."

  "But they had my resume and never called." I look at him confused.

  "So I heard. She told me she found your resume and was impressed. Disappointed that her HR team didn't do a better job of recruiting you." I look at my parents and they are as stunned as I am. "I'll be moving there. I found an apartment last
month." He grabs both of my hands and asks, "Join me?"

  I look down at our hands and say, "But I've already accepted the offer in Jacksonville." Chris looks deflated. I'm torn between not burning a bridge with What's Happening Jacksonville and following my dreams.

  "Just consider it," he squeezes my hands. "Enjoy your family. I'll catch up with you later." When he releases me, I watch him walk away. As if the day wasn’t already overwhelming, that news just blew me away.

  My mom embraces me and whispers in my ear, "Agape love."


  I rip the tape off of the last box. Inside I find a picture of me, my roommates, and Tanya from graduation night. I place it on the nightstand near my bed. They'll always be the best part of me.

  When everything is unpacked and in its rightful place, I return to the kitchen and pull a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. Opening and shutting each drawer until I find the corkscrew, I pour a glass of wine.

  Across the small apartment I see the sun setting over the horizon. I grab my phone and snap a picture of the orange hues reflecting off of the bridge. I post the picture to my social network with a caption that reads, "The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. - David Russel."

  Sitting on the couch with my legs crossed I scroll through my contacts until I find Dionne's phone number. "Are you busy?"

  "Just trying to catch an Uber after failing for the second time to take the train into Manhattan." She huffs. "It'll take a while for this country girl to get used to the city."

  "You'll get it eventually,” I encourage her.

  "Have you started learning the subway yet?" When I decided to accept Chris' offer to move to New York I was beyond nervous. Not only that we'd be giving this relationship another try but that I'm in a huge city, one that has been known to make or break a person.

  "No. Maybe if we give it a try together we'll get it." I hear horns beeping in the background and people shuffling past her. "Call me when you are home safe. I don't want to distract you."

  "Talk to you later." I hear her say between cursing and groaning at the summer heat.

  While I wait on Chris to come home I take a hot shower and pamper myself; shaving my legs, painting my nails, and moisturizing my hair. With my hair under a shower cap I lean into the mirror to apply my facemask and through the reflection I see Chris standing in the archway of the door.

  He reaches over and smudges my facemask. Taking a sniff he says, "Is this how you stay beautiful?"

  I smile and say, "I had to keep myself occupied while you were gone."

  He begins to unbutton his shirt. "I missed you all day too." He walks into the bedroom and says, "Looks like you finished unpacking all your boxes."

  "Yup. Between the two of us we don't have much space." I follow him into the bedroom. "The closet is stuffed." I point to the side that's supposed to be my half.

  "Welcome to New York." He winks. Sitting on the bed to unlace his shoes he says, "The little space we have here, I'm glad to be sharing it with you."

  I nod my head in agreement. "Love is about sacrifice."


  As an Indie author, I appreciate you taking a leap of faith to read my work. I'm truly honored that you not only purchased the book, but you also finished the book. Now that you've read the book, and I hope love it, I need you to leave a review and tell a friend.

  You purchasing the book is like a warm day in the middle of winter.

  You finishing the book is like a chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven.

  You leaving a review and telling a friend is like a child saying I love you...unsolicited. Just warms my heart.

  And I live for warm heart moments, so tell me what you think. Good, bad, or indifferent I want to hear from you.

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  Three years ago, I began a journey, one that was not expected but accepted. I've always been an avid reader, and have a love for words in any form, whether they are song lyrics or quotes but it never occurred to me that my love of reading would grow into a love for writing.

  The story of Laila and Tanya came to me while I was driving one day. I originally planned to do a four-book series, but after finishing Freshmen Fifteen I decided one book was enough. To my surprise, my circle (the one's who I hold dear) told me that they wanted to know more. In other words, the ending of Freshmen Fifteen wasn't a good ending because it left readers unsatisfied.

  It was then that I realized that you have to listen to your heart. It's God whispering His plans to you. Like I said, I planned to do a four book series. My circle then confirmed that I needed to get back to work to complete what I started, to deliver on God's plan for my life.

  I thank all those who have read my work, who have provided honest feedback and criticism, and cheered me on along the way.

  To my husband and daughter, I am forever grateful to you for allowing me to sneak away at times to write, spending countless hours trapped in front of the computer.

  Thank you, all of you. I am forever grateful!




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