The Proposition 5: The Ferro Family

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The Proposition 5: The Ferro Family Page 2

by H. M. Ward

  I pick up a worried vibe from her. “You’re not weak, Maggie. We’re survivors, me and you.” When I say it, I mean to comfort her, but a lump balls in my throat.

  She takes my hand and leans in, resting her head on my shoulder. “We’ll survive this too—together.”

  Chapter 3

  I don’t want to think about Neil, so I head back to the Ferro mansion and sneak inside. It’s still early. The only people up and dressed are the servants. They see me and say nothing. It must be strange to live like a statue, day in and day out, with no one but other staff actually acknowledging that you’re human. I can’t help it. I smile at the butler guy who’s always busy, racing off somewhere. He inclines his head in greeting, but doesn’t slow.

  After he passes, he turns back. “Do you need something, Ms. Raymond?”

  I smile and shake my head. “No, it’s just nice to see you.” I look at him. This man has been a staple in Bryan’s life for years. I wonder if he knows Bryan’s secret—because nothing escapes him, at least not when we were younger. I remember getting stern looks from him when we were too young and doing things too loudly while Bryan’s mom wasn’t around. But the guy never ratted us out.

  “Likewise, Ms. Raymond. Tell Master Ferro that if he needs assistance, he can ask anything of me.” His eyes bore into mine for a moment before he looks away.

  He knows.

  I nod and go into hyper-girlie drive. Before I can stop myself, I launch my body at him and wrap my arms around the old guy, hugging him in a sloppy bear-style hug. He stiffens with shock and then pats my back. “People will tell you that it will be all right. Over the next few months you’ll hear it again and again, but loss doesn’t work that way. Things don’t go back to normal, but life does go on. Talk to him about it while you have the chance.”

  My jaw drops. “What? That’d be so mean. I can’t—”

  “It’s not my place, miss, but if you were my daughter that’s what I’d tell you. Dark times are coming, if this man is your ray of light, soak in as much sun as you can, while you can.”

  I think I understand what he means, so I bob my head up and down slowly. Talking about death with someone who’s dying seems mean. We’ll end up discussing all the things we wanted to do, but never had the chance. My throat tightens at the thought and my eyes water. “Thank you.”

  “Any time, Ms. Raymond.” He bows his head to me as if I were a queen, and turns to hurry away.

  I don’t like his suggestion, but part of it calls to me. What if we did talk about it? I shake my head and clench my hands. No! I don’t want to! This isn’t fair and I can’t just accept that I’m going to lose him—not after we finally found each other again. Not after all this time.

  By this time I’m on Bryan’s side of the mansion, but I stop short of the door. My intention was to tiptoe back to Bryan’s room, but I’m caught by the Ferro I fear most—Sean. He’s leaning against the wall, his arms folded over his chest. He resembles his mother, every unspoken accusation clearly visible in his eyes. His dark clothes suit him—leather jacket, blue jeans, black shirt, and shitkicker boots. “You and I have something to discuss.”

  I mean to shove past him. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  Sean unfolds his arms, and steps in front of me. He’s silent and lethal, with crazy vibes radiating off of him like microwaves. Ding! “Well, I have something that you need to hear—about a man named Victor.” My breath catches in my throat as my hand presses to my heart. Sean pulls me by the crook of my elbow away from Bryan’s door. “Yeah, I thought you knew something about that. The papers are saying one of his men killed him, but the cops are nosing around, asking me questions about a fucking drug lord. I don’t like cops and I dislike questions even more. So, tell me, how is it that they tracked you this far? What did you leave behind?”

  I laugh, but it comes out way too high. “You think I killed him?” I’m pressing my fingers to my chest, blinking, with my jaw hanging open. Although it’s a stellar performance, something gives me away. Sean can see it.

  He steps into my space in a threatening way. His voice rumbles, “I know you killed him.”

  “No you don’t,” I snap, trying to push past him again, but Sean won’t let me move. He blocks the hall with his massive body.

  Leaning in close to my face, he whispers softly, “If I know, my mother knows, and you do not want dirty footprints leading straight to her front door. You need to part ways with Bryan and get out of here before they figure it out.”

  I shake my head and bite my bottom lip. I probably look like a stubborn brat, but I’m not leaving Bryan.

  Sean’s eyes lock with mine and his voice drops to a lethal whisper. “I can make you disappear.”

  Something wakes up inside of me, that same protective trait that made me slice Victor’s throat in the first place. My spine straightens and I get in his face. “Likewise.”

  After a thoughtful moment, the man actually laughs. Sean rubs his jaw with his hand. I can’t tell if he’s amused or thinks I’m crazy. He finally asks, “Why’d you do it?”

  “Why do you think? The man was a murdering rapist. Let’s just say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Accidents happen and I wasn’t going to let anything else happen to my friend. She’s the only family I have left.” I suck in air, trying to puff up so I’m not so small, but compared to Sean Ferro, I’m a toothpick.

  His blue eyes shift to the side before he runs his hands through his hair. “So, you protect your family and let me protect mine. Walk away. Don’t pull Bryan into this.”

  “Into what? Dead people don’t pull anyone into anything.”

  “Victor Campone is alive.”

  Chapter 4

  A tiny squeak escapes my lips and I nearly fall to the floor. My knees give way, but before I go down, Sean grabs my arms. He holds me upright and continues softly. “The cops suspect he’s alive. By the time they got there, the body was gone. Due to the amount of blood they found, their natural assumption was that one of his men killed him and dumped the body. The cops were still going down that path until recently when Campone was caught snooping around my hotel. So, unless they saw a ghost, the man is still alive.”

  “He can’t be.” I shake my head and my eyes glaze over as I remember that night. The amount of blood, the way his head hung back and the wound was so deep. “It’s not possible.”

  Sean sighs and looks at me with an expression that’s lost somewhere between pity and admiration. Leaning in close, he says, “The cut was too shallow. It’s like aiming for the heart and missing. The guy underestimated what you were willing to do once, but he won’t underestimate you again. And I’d bet anything that he’ll remain dead for a while, letting others do his dirty work, until it suits him to stage a resurrection.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  He swallows hard, his gaze shifting away and then back to my eyes. “Periodically, our business ventures overlap. I hear things. And I can tell you that if I hear it, my mother has heard it and you sure as hell don’t want to piss her off. If Campone ends up here, you’re dead. If he doesn’t kill you, my mother will.”

  He grabs my shoulders and urges me, “Hallie, take your friend and get the hell out of here before Campone finds you.” Sean releases me. “This was a courtesy warning. If you stick around and Bryan is killed because of you, well, you better hope Victor finds you before I do.” His eyes flick over me once, his intentions clear.

  I stand there for a second barely breathing. Our eyes are locked, we’re both defiant to the core, but he doesn’t know—Sean doesn’t know about his cousin. Maybe I should take Bryan and run, but I can’t. Not while he’s sick. He’ll need help and hospice care. I can’t give him those things if I run. My voice cracks when I speak. “I can’t.”

  “It’s not optional.”

  “No, you don’t understand. I can’t leave. I can’t outrun Victor, and I won’t. I’ll take care of this. I’ll finish what I started.” I have no idea how, but
I will. If I don’t, he’ll come after me and Maggie. The man is ruthless, he’ll never stop hunting us. I know that for certain.

  Sean’s dark brow lifts. “Are you insane? You’ll never get another chance to kill him. He thought you were insignificant before, now he knows better.”

  I shove past him. “I’ll take care of it. He won’t come here, and this time when I kill him, he’ll die.”

  “Hallie,” Sean almost pleads my name—almost—but I don’t stop.

  I head into Bryan’s room and close the door. I stay there for a second and tip my head back, breathing hard. I’ve never even punched a person before this. Now I just confessed to the scariest Ferro of them all that I’m going to take out the city’s most notorious drug lord. Super fuck.

  I’m still holding the bag with Bryan’s breakfast. When I tighten my fist, the paper makes a crackling noise and he sits up. A beautiful smile brightens his ashen face. “Hey, Beautiful Girl. Where’d you run off to?”

  “To grab some breakfast and get some dirt on your aunt. It’s been an interesting morning.” I smile worriedly at him and hand over the bag.

  “Dirt on my aunt?”

  I shake my head and sit down next to him on the bed. “Yeah, I figured out why she hates me. She thought I knew something all these years, but I didn’t figure out what I knew until this morning.”

  Bryan unwraps his bagel while I’m speaking and bites into it. His green gaze flicks up to mine. With his mouth full, he prompts me. “Well?”

  I think about keeping her secret, but I feel no loyalty to her. Besides, Bryan won’t tell anyone. “She’s gay. I caught her with her lover in your mom’s kitchen this morning.”

  His jaw drops and the piece of bagel falls out of his mouth and onto the bedspread. “No way.”

  I nod and look down at the piece of food. “Shocked much?”

  “Hell, yeah. She’s so demure and proper.” His nose scrunches at the thought of his aunt being sexually anything.

  “And apparently she likes girls.”

  Bryan blinks and smiles. “Well, that explains a lot of things.”

  “Yeah, like why she’s still married and allows half-dressed whores to walk around her house.”

  Bryan grins. “Of course, everyone likes a little eye candy.”

  I bump his shoulder. “Bryan!”

  “Come on, think about it. There’s been a mistress in that house since Jon was a baby. It’s the weirdest family I’ve ever seen. My mother wouldn’t have tolerated it. I’ve always wondered why Aunt Constance did.”

  “Your dad doesn’t have a live-in whore?”

  He tilts his head at me. “My dad doesn’t have time for it. He’s too busy making money to be bothered with relationships or buying ladies. But still, Aunt Connie likes the ladies. Who would have thought?” He shakes his head. “Then what the hell did I see the day we broke up?”

  Good question. I sigh and have a pretty good idea of who to ask. I grin wolfishly. “Which room does Constance use when she’s here?”

  Bryan looks confused and then his eyes widen. “Are you insane?”

  “Only a little.” I laugh and almost pinch my fingers together.

  Chapter 5

  A few minutes later, I’m knocking on the door to the guest room. A snippy voice shouts, “How many times have I told you to—” when Constance’s lover opens the door, she looks shocked. “Oh, it’s you.”

  Bryan is standing next to me. “Is this the same woman you saw when we were together?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s her. I didn’t know they were a couple at the time.”

  Constance, magically appears from behind and shoves us into the room, snapping, “How dare you waltz in here and act like this!” She’s livid. I can practically see the steam coming out of her ears. She gives her lover a look and the other woman disappears into another room within the suite.

  “Aunt Connie,” Bryan begins, but she cuts him off.

  “Constance, Bryan. For God’s sake, use the right name.” She pinches her brow and sits down hard on an absolutely beautiful round tuffet.

  “Aunt Constance, I wouldn’t have looked down on you for this. Why didn’t you tell anyone? And why the hell did you break us up? Hallie didn’t even know.”

  Constance’s eyes flick up and her gaze widens. “Of course she knew. She saw me with my arms around another woman. How could she not know?”

  “I didn’t know. I assumed you were affectionate with your friends. I was interested in Bryan, not you.”

  Bryan blinks slowly and I can tell he’s in pain. “Just tell me what I saw.”

  Constance smiles and folds her hands on her lap like she’s posing for a picture. Socialite in a robe. It’s very dramatic and she looks like all she wants is world peace. She’s more fake than a plastic plant. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Cut the crap, Aunt Connie. I saw a girl at the park years ago. Jon said that she was Hallie, but I never saw her face because she was making out with someone. We broke up because Hallie cheated on me, but Hallie never cheated on me and has no idea what I’m talking about. Some other people seem to know about it, though, and I’m guessing you have every last detail.”

  She sits there, confident. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Then, I’m afraid I might forget about your little secret here and let it slip next time I see Mom and Dad.” Bryan takes my hand and we turn to leave, but Constance jumps up, blocking the door.

  “Don’t you dare!”

  “Then, tell me!” Bryan yells. “Tell me what you did! I deserve that. You stole my happiness by taking away the only woman I ever loved. I’m lucky to have her now. I need her, and you cost me years.” He says the last word like it pains him. Bryan grabs a dresser and inhales slowly, deeply. His face pinches together and, though it appears to be anger, I know it is pain. “Tell me.”

  Constance sighs dramatically and throws up her hands. “Fine. It was your sister with some boy Jon knew. They set it up. Joselyn went to that dumpy Mandee’s store and bought a dress that resembled Hallie’s favorite. We’d seen her in it several times. Then Jon called you.”

  Bryan shakes his head. “But her hair?”

  “Wig.” She shrugs like it was no big deal. “The hair stylist was amazing. Jos looked like a replica from a distance. If you got too close, you would have noticed, but you didn’t so it all worked out.”

  Bryan laughs bitterly and steps toward his aunt. “I haven’t told anyone this yet, but I want you to be the first to know. I’m dying, Aunt Connie. There’s not a fucking thing they can do to help me, and you took the only woman I’ve ever loved away from me to hide your own selfish secret. I don’t care who you fuck, and neither did Hallie. I never want to speak to you again. I never want to see your face again. I only have a handful of days left and I’m not wasting a single second more with you. Goodbye Aunt Connie.” He turns and holds out his elbow for me. It looks gallant, but that’s not why he does it. It’s because his strength has been sucked from his body. The confrontation stole it, funneling it away from him swiftly.

  For once his aunt is silent. The door closes behind us and Bryan doesn’t look back.

  Chapter 6

  When Bryan returns to his room, he downs a few pills and does a couple of shots. His stomach is empty so it hits him hard. I take off my clothes and press my body to his. I want to hold him for a while. As he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his body, I can tell that he’s dropped a few pounds this week. Just after Bryan settles back into the bed, Sean bursts in.

  Bryan is wearing a pair of jeans and only jeans. I’m not wearing anything, so I pull the sheet up, ready to beat Sean to a pulp if he picks a fight now. “You.” he says, lifting his hand and pointing a finger at Bryan.

  Bryan just laughs and ignores him. “Get out, you crazy fucker.”

  Sean works his jaw while folding his arms over his chest. “How do you know Victor Campone?”

  Bryan’s smile fades. “What’s it to you? Bes
ides, he’s dead.” He glances at me and I give Sean a look that says shut up, but he doesn’t.

  “What the fuck is this? It’s not even nine in the morning and you’re already high? Who gave you this shit?” Sean is holding a bottle of pills.

  Bryan gets up to fight, but I jump in front of him, clutching the sheet around me. “They’re mine. Give them back.”

  Sean glares at me. “Yeah, why are you popping these? Life too hard, Princess?”

  “Fuck off, Sean.” Bryan has a warning tone that says to drop it and get out.

  “You two are going to end up dead! You’re the dumbest couple of assholes I’ve ever met.” Sean takes the bottle and starts to dump them down the drain. I scream no, and launch myself at him knocking the other half of the bottle onto the floor. White pills go flying everywhere.

  “You don’t know everything!” I scream in his face. “So back off! Those weren’t from Victor. I’m not stupid and neither is Bryan.” I glare at Sean. Bryan doesn’t know about Victor and this idiot is spelling out the kind of trouble I’m in. Take a hint and shut the hell up!

  Bryan’s gaze is burning holes into Sean’s chest. “Get out.” His voice is low and deadly.

  Sean hisses, “Bryan, I swear to God, if you pull Jon down with you—”

  “He won’t.” Constance’s voice is calm and even. She’s standing in the threshold and pushes her way into the room. She glances at her nephew and tells her son, “Come along. We have things to discuss.”

  Sean’s wide sapphire eyes flick from me to Constance and back. “What the fuck?”

  Constance seems somber. She snaps her fingers and points to the floor next to her. “Come, now. It’s not an option.”


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