Illegal Contact

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Illegal Contact Page 16

by Becky Harmon

  “James,” Mel said, “how’s my little sister?”

  “I can guess by your tone that you know what happened last night?”

  “I just got off the phone with Mrs. Bowden and she mentioned there were some developments.”

  “I’m really sorry I didn’t call you, Mel. It all happened so fast and by this morning TPD had screwed up and released him. What would have been good news didn’t sound so good anymore.”

  “I get it, James. I’m just happy Shea’s okay.”

  “Oh, she’s okay.” Jamison glanced up to see Shea watching her with a huge grin on her face. “FBI and TPD are on their way to Atlanta to pick McGomery up again. Hopefully by the time the game starts tomorrow he’ll be back in custody.”

  “Are you going with the assumption he’s working alone?” Mel asked.

  Jamison hesitated. “I don’t think he is but security is going to be out in force at the game tomorrow. I’ll be by Shea’s side the entire time.”

  “I know you got it covered. Nikki and I are still hoping to make the game. We should be leaving here within the next couple of hours.”

  “Your mission is complete?”

  “Well…Nikki eliminated the problem so we’d just be hanging around to see the aftermath and another team can do that for us. Besides, I want to see my sister play.”

  “Okay. Come find us when you arrive.”

  “Oh, and Mom’s arriving tomorrow around noon. I don’t expect she’ll attempt to make contact with Shea until after the game though. I didn’t tell her anything. Sometimes she’s better off not knowing. We usually have brunch at my place on Sunday. You should plan on being there.”

  Jamison wasn’t sure it was an invitation. It sounded more like a demand but she didn’t hesitate in her response. “I’ll be there.”

  “Shea can give you directions. I moved last month so it’s a new place.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you Sunday if not before. Have a safe trip.”

  Jamison leaned against the counter, looking at Shea, who sat grinning evilly.

  “My sister makes you nervous now.” Shea laughed.

  “Not nervous, really.” Jamison hesitated. “Well, okay. It does make me a little nervous to tell her I want to date her sister.”

  “Date? You want to date me?”

  “I want to get to know you better and to spend time with you when you’re not being forced to endure my company.”

  “Yeah.” Shea sighed. “It’s been pretty miserable.”

  Jamison grimaced and pulled Shea to her feet. “Bed,” she said, pushing her in the direction of the bedroom.

  Shea went willingly and Jamison reclined on the small bed, giving her privacy in the bathroom. Shea emerged from the bathroom naked and crossed to the bed. Jamison pulled back the covers and was relieved when Shea crawled under willingly.

  Shea pulled Jamison’s arm around her body and snuggled into her. “Stay with me for a while, please,” she asked softly.

  Jamison knew she wouldn’t refuse and shifted to find a more comfortable position, remaining on top of the comforter. Shea placed Jamison’s palm over her breast before sliding it down her body and back up again. When Shea moaned, Jamison knew she was in trouble.


  “Yeah, yeah. I know. We’re sleeping.”

  Jamison laughed softly as Shea shifted Jamison’s hand over her breast again. As much as she knew she should decline, Jamison also knew she would not. She allowed Shea to guide her fingers across each nipple, gently stroking and teasing until Shea tried to turn in her arms.

  “No,” Jamison said. “Relax. You’re not going all crazy on me again tonight.”

  “But I wanna be on top,” Shea whimpered.

  Jamison laughed again. “I know you do but tonight you’re going to relax while I coax you gently into submission.”

  Shea groaned. “I want hard and fast.”

  “But you’re going to get soft and slow,” Jamison said the words softly into Shea’s ear as she moved her lips to Shea’s neck.

  True to her word, Jamison’s movements remained slow until Shea’s body finally gave in to her pace, cresting and falling with each touch. She held her tight each time Shea’s body succumbed, wanting to continue until Shea was satisfied but relieved when her body finally relaxed against Jamison’s chest. She stilled her hand, holding it tight against Shea’s center.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Jamison’s phone vibrated on the nightstand. She gently removed her hands from Shea’s body and picked up the phone. Sliding out of bed, she connected the call.

  “We got a problem.” Todd’s voice came through loud in Jamison’s ear so she continued to the living room.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “McGomery’s phone just came back on and he’s moving south on Interstate Seventy-Five.”

  “Back toward Tallahassee,” she groaned. She quickly rattled off Heather’s number and disconnected from Todd, telling him to call Heather in five minutes. She dialed Heather and was relieved when she picked up on the first ring.

  “Heather, McGomery’s phone is headed back south.”

  “Well shit,” Heather said, relaying the information to Sheldon. “We’re only about thirty minutes away from the compound.”

  “There are cameras on Seventy-Five and Todd is tapping into them. He can tell you exactly where the car is and maybe who’s in it. I gave him your number and he’ll be calling you in about five minutes.”

  Heather again relayed the information to Sheldon. Jamison could hear Sheldon’s voice in the background as they discussed a new game plan and then Heather came back on the line. “Okay. We’re going to stop here until we hear from Todd. If we can confirm McGomery’s in the car we’ll tail them. If not, we’ll go on to the compound.”

  “Call me back after you make a decision. I’ll be up for a while.”

  “Okay. Gotta run. Todd’s calling.” Heather disconnected.

  Jamison tossed her phone on the coffee table and dropped onto the couch. She looked up seeing Shea’s reflection in the television as she stood in the doorway to the bedroom. She wore Jamison’s T-shirt and her hair was disheveled. She moved around the end of the couch and sat beside Jamison.

  “McGomery is coming back to Tallahassee?”

  Jamison pulled her into her arms. “We don’t know what his plan is but Heather and Sheldon are going to stay with him.” She kissed the top of Shea’s head. “And he might not be in the car. Let’s wait and see.”

  She stood and pulled Shea to her feet. “Back to bed.”

  Taking Shea’s hand, she led her into the bedroom and held up the covers, wrapping them around Shea when she climbed in. Jamison lay next to her rubbing her back until Shea’s breathing slowed. She quietly shut the bedroom door and moved into the living room. Within thirty minutes, Heather called back.

  “It’s McGomery and we’re on him. If he stays at this pace with no stops we should be back in Tallahassee by five. He’s got someone with him. Todd’s running facial rec to get us a name.”

  “What’s the plan for picking him up?”

  Heather hesitated. “Sheldon wants to tail him and see where he goes first. I’ll let you know when he is in custody. Otherwise you’ll know we’re still tailing him.”

  “Don’t let him in the stadium.”

  “We won’t.” Heather disconnected.

  Jamison rested her head against the back of the sofa and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she lay down, stretching her legs the length of the couch.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sleep had been slow in coming but eventually it had. Now Jamison’s eyes opened to sunlight streaming through her living room window. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Relieved it was only a few minutes after seven, she was surprised to have heard nothing from Sheldon and Heather. She showered quietly and then woke Shea.

  She forced herself to remain standing and not join Shea in the bed. When Shea finally opened her eyes enough to convince Jamison she
was awake, Jamison left her to make breakfast. She was placing two plates with a spinach and cheese omelet on the table when Shea emerged from the bedroom.

  “I’m starving.” Shea sat down at the table across from Jamison and quickly ate several bites. “I could get used to the good food you make, you know?”

  Jamison smiled as Shea continued to inhale the eggs. She was relieved that there was no sign of the lines that had marked Shea’s face the previous night. Her eyes were alive with anticipation and she looked refreshed and alert. The flirty, teasing tone that Jamison loved was back in her voice and it seemed Shea had gotten enough sleep after all.

  “Normally I eat cold pizza for breakfast,” Shea continued.

  Jamison couldn’t stop her grimace and Shea laughed. “It’s good.”

  “What time do you need to be at the field?”

  “Usually I arrive about nine-ish.” Shea hesitated. “Do you have a meeting? I could go with you.”

  “I’m meeting with the team from Flagler at nine. I don’t want to disrupt your schedule, but if you’re okay with hanging with me, then so am I.” She’d heard the hesitation in Shea’s voice and she didn’t mind if Shea attended the meeting with her. It might be good for Shea to understand that she was going to be protected and could concentrate freely on the game.

  * * *

  They arrived at the field ten minutes before the scheduled meeting. Jamison dropped the tailgate on the rear of her truck and she and Shea sat on it. She introduced Shea as Flagler agents began to arrive. There were a few TU officers as well and they hung near Shea, joking and talking about the game. Jamison was pleased to see Jeremy’s familiar face in the group.

  When Jamison had checked everyone in, she handed out maps of the stadium and assigned everyone to a group, then each group to a wing and gave them a short briefing. Leaving the agents to work out the specifics of their assignments, she turned to Jeremy.

  “Jeremy, where are you assigned today?” Jamison asked, pulling the young man’s attention away from Shea.

  “I’m a rover, ma’am.”

  “Great. I want you to hang near me and Shea.” She handed him an earwig and microphone connecting him to the Flagler agents.

  Jamison inserted her own earwig and attached her microphone to the collar of her T-shirt. Out of habit she shifted the pistol strapped under her arm and touched each of the extra magazines stuck in the pockets of what had once been Shea’s Windbreaker. Shea had laid no claim over it when it appeared at Jamison’s apartment and she seemed a little pleased to see her wearing it again.

  Jamison smiled at the pride on Jeremy’s face to be included as Shea mumbled about wanting an earpiece too. Turning to the group, she asked if there were any questions and quickly answered the few that were asked.

  “Jeremy, check in with Chief Hammer and then meet us at the locker room.”

  “See you in about ten,” he said as he hurried off.

  She looked at Shea. “Ready?”

  Shea nodded.

  “How’s your day going to run?” Jamison asked as they walked toward the stadium entrance.

  “Well, let’s see. The game starts at two so I’ll chill for about an hour and then I’ll dress for the game. Coach Sutton will give us his standard pep talk and then we’ll run through some plays on the field. I’ll return to the locker room and resume my vegetative state until about forty minutes before game time when I’ll return to hear more key words from Coach Sutton. Then we’ll take the field for the game.”

  Jamison rolled her eyes at Shea’s overly dramatic reciting of what her day would be like. She had never seen Shea this hyper but couldn’t even begin to imagine the amount of energy Shea would need to get through this day. Jamison gave her waist a squeeze, quickly dropping her arm as they entered the coolness of the stadium. She was pleased to see the TU officers stationed at every entrance, and she and Shea showed their passes to gain access. As they climbed the stairs leading to the locker rooms, Jamison watched the vendors moving around her. The number of people already within the stadium was surprising and Jamison took a step closer to Shea.

  Running footsteps sounded behind them and Jamison automatically pulled her pistol, pushing Shea behind her as she turned. She quickly took in the blue jeans, the Tigers University T-shirt and the youthful face. The approaching teenager slid to a stop several feet away from them.

  Shea placed her hand on Jamison’s arm and stepped around her, addressing the boy. “What is it, Andy?”

  Jamison lowered her weapon but didn’t return it to her holster. Her pulse was racing but she attempted to give Andy a small smile to put him at ease.

  “Lyn…Lyn…Lynnette wanted me to tell you she’ll meet you in the locker room in about an hour,” he stuttered, never moving his eyes from Jamison’s pistol. He backed away from them.

  “That’s fine, Andy. Thanks.” Shea frowned at Jamison. “He’s one of the student trainers. You can put that away.”

  Jamison made a full circle check and then she secured her pistol. She knew Shea was unhappy with her approach but she wasn’t willing to negotiate on her safety. They walked the rest of the way to the locker room in silence.

  Jamison cleared the locker room, making Shea wait inside the door until she finished. Shea had barely opened her locker when there was a knock on the door. Immediately Jamison pulled her weapon and moved toward the door shielding Shea with her body.

  “Agent Krews?” Jeremy’s voice sounded through the locker room door.

  Jamison pulled open the door and checked the hall before addressing him. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Coach Sutton asked me to get Shea. He wants to walk through a couple of plays with her.”

  Jamison felt Shea approaching as Jeremy talked and she turned to meet her eyes. “You’re on, superstar.”

  Shea gave her a wicked grin as she turned to follow Jeremy. They passed through the men’s locker room and Shea greeted her teammates, following Jeremy through the tunnel and onto the field. Coach Sutton waited, clipboard in hand, with several other players seated on a bench. The other players, like Shea, were still dressed in shorts and T-shirts, not yet having dressed for the game.

  Jamison scanned the stadium as Coach Sutton took a knee in front of the players. She only half listened as he sketched plays on his clipboard and then sent them onto the field to execute each one. She watched several TU officers sweep systematically through the stadium, catching sight of Carlton midway up the bleachers talking with two young women vendors. Jamison gestured to Carlton, letting Jeremy know she was leaving the field temporarily. She climbed the steps quickly, not sure how long the coach would keep Shea on the field.

  “Carlton.” Jamison stepped forward, interrupting his conversation with the two women. “Can I have a minute?”

  Carlton gave her a nod and made quick introductions between her and the two young women before moving a few steps away from them.

  “I’m glad you tracked me down.” He handed her a radio along with an earpiece to attach to it.

  “Thanks.” She slid the earpiece into her pocket and clipped the radio to her belt. “You’re sure it’s okay if I keep Jeremy close today? I could use a second pair of eyes and he has a good relationship with Ms. Carter.”

  “No problem.”

  “How’d the sweep of the stadium go this morning?”

  “All clear. Did they pick McGomery up last night?”

  Jamison frowned. “He changed direction a little after midnight, coming back toward Tallahassee. He’s being followed to get as much information as they can before grabbing him.”

  Jamison noticed Shea and her teammates exiting the field so she gave Carlton a wave and ran down the steps to join them.

  “Looks like you’re stuck with us today. You good with that?” Jamison asked Jeremy.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Okay, then cut the ma’am crap. Jamison will do.”

  He gave her a shy smile. Somehow she got the feeling he might not be abl
e to censor his politeness that easily but she smiled back at him. Falling into step with Shea, the three entered the tunnel and passed through the men’s locker room. Jamison studied the short hallway in both directions as they took the few steps across the hall to enter the women’s locker room. She was surprised but pleased to see the reporters weren’t camped out yet and that ropes had been placed to block their access.

  Jamison quickly cleared the locker room again as Shea pulled a mat from the stack and pulled it close to her locker. She lay down on it with her feet on the nearby bench. Headphones in her ears and her eyes closed, she tapped her feet to the beat of the music. Jamison took a seat on the stacked mats in the corner and studied the stadium diagram. She memorized the entrances and the location of each of her team leaders. The radio on her hip suddenly crackled as TU officers rushed to assist TPD officers with a fight outside the stadium. Carlton’s voice came through the speaker as he quickly checked in with each of his supervisors. Jamison pulled the earpiece from her pocket but before she could attach it to the radio, blocking the exterior speaker, Carlton spoke to Jeremy.

  “Unit four two, is the cub secure?”


  Jamison adjusted the volume in her ear and glanced up to see Shea’s eyes filled with laughter.

  “Did he…did he really just call me the ‘cub’?”

  Jamison considered playing dumb but she knew Shea would see right through her so she only smiled. “You should be happy. It could’ve been kitten.”

  Shea grasped a nearby towel and threw it at Jamison.

  The locker room door opened and Jeremy announced Lynnette. Jamison rested her hand on her weapon until the door was shut again. With a nod at Lynnette, she sat down on the mats and resumed her study of the stadium.

  She tried not to watch as Lynnette ran her hands over Shea’s legs and ribs, checking previous injuries. There was nothing sexual about it but to Jamison’s surprise she still felt a twinge of jealousy. As if sensing Jamison’s discomfort, Shea gave her a reassuring smile.

  Lynnette finished and stepped back, raising her hands in surrender, looking back and forth between them. “What’s going on with you two? Is there an injury I need to know about?” Her gaze zeroed in on Shea.


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