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Camden's Redemption

Page 19

by L. P. Dover

  Camden’s brows furrowed as Ashleigh and Gabby walked past, but then his gaze landed on me. I hid my hand inside the sleeve so he wouldn’t see the test. “Shouldn’t you be dressed already?” he asked, shutting the door.

  “I had a problem with the zipper. I think it’s fixed now.”

  Licking his lips, he grabbed the tie around my waist, slowly undoing it. “I can help you get dressed if you want. Hopefully, you’re feeling better. You had me worried.”

  Before he could get the robe fully untied, I grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Stop.”

  Immediately, he stopped and stepped back, his worried gaze searching mine. “What’s going on? You’re not acting right.”

  Taking a deep breath, I blew it out slowly and closed the distance. “I love you. You know that right?”

  “Holy fuck, you’re not trying to break up with me are you?”

  “No,” I gasped. “I was just asking the question.”

  “Then yes, I know you love me. Or I think you still do. Right now I’m having doubts. Did I do something wrong?”

  Shaking my head, I averted my gaze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. There’s just something I might need to tell you.” We stood in silence while I worked up the nerve to tell him. Words failing me, I opened my hand to reveal the test.

  Eyes wide, he stared at it, looked up at me, and then stared at it again. “Is that what I think it is?”

  I nodded and felt the burn slowly build behind my eyes. I didn’t want to cry, but if I was pregnant and he didn’t want the baby, I’d lose it for sure. “I don’t know if that’s why I’ve been sick, but Ashleigh seems to think I should take it. I promise I’m on the pill. I never would’ve tried to get pregnant on purpose.”

  His eyes narrowed, his voice rough. “Is that what you think I’d believe? For fuck’s sake, Brooklyn, you should know me better than that by now.” The tears started to fall and before I could wipe them away, he did it for me. “I love you, baby. We live together. Does that not show you that I’m serious? If you’re pregnant, we’ll get through it together. You have my promise.”

  “And if I’m not?” I asked.

  He chuckled lightly and kissed me on the lips. “Then one day, I’m sure it’ll happen. We’ll figure it out one step at a time.” Taking the test from my grasp, he opened it up and handed it to me. “As soon as you get done, open the door and we’ll look together.”

  Nodding, I blew out a shaky breath and disappeared into the bathroom. It took all the strength I had to even get my bladder to work. But once it was all said and done, I rolled up some toilet paper and set the test on top of it on the counter. After I washed my hands, I opened the door and ran straight into his arms.

  “Here we go,” I said.

  “How long does it usually take for the results?”

  “About one to two minutes I think. I’ve never had to take one before.”

  He chuckled. “Thank God for that. Tell me when you’re ready.”

  Looking up into his crystal blue eyes, I was afraid of what I would see. However, all I saw was love, and a bond so deep it scared me. I was happy to find something true, but also terrified that I could lose it in the blink of an eye.

  “I think I’m ready,” I whispered.

  With his hand in mine, he kept his attention on me until we got into the bathroom. “All right, let’s do this.”

  Three Weeks Later

  STANDING THERE IN the shadows, I watched Brooklyn and Gabby workout together. She had her long, blonde hair pulled high into a ponytail, wearing a black sports bra and red shorts. Brooklyn’s routine had toned down a bit since we received confirmation from the doctor’s office. She was pregnant with our baby—my son or daughter.

  Looking at her now, you couldn’t even tell she was carrying, even though she’d begged to differ. She was only eight weeks along. The night of my brother’s wedding turned into a double celebration. The news traveled fast once Gabby found out. My family was ecstatic, and I was scared shitless.

  “You ready for this, Jameson?” Paxton asked, bumping me in the shoulder.

  I shrugged. “Fuck if I know. I don’t know the first thing about being a father.”

  “Neither did your brother. Now look at him.”

  “Yeah, but I’m different. He hasn’t screwed up as much as I have.”

  “True,” he said with a laugh, “but look how far you’ve come. Your arm has healed and you’re moving even better than before. When you get back into the UFC, you’re going to fuck people up.”

  Smiling, I slapped my hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “Thanks, man. This wouldn’t have been possible without your help. Now all I hope is that I haven’t been blacklisted. So far, no one has come to me with fights.”

  “Don’t worry, it’ll happen. It’s only been a couple of days, be patient.” Unfortunately, patience was not a virtue of mine. “Have you and B talked about what you’re going to do for the future?”

  “As far as the baby?”

  He nodded. “That and other things.”

  “Like marriage?”

  He chuckled and shrugged. “You said it, not me. I know Gabby’s stoked about having a baby close by. She hates not being near your niece and nephew.”

  “Then maybe you two should have one of your own,” I teased.

  “Not yet, Jameson. Gabby’s still in the prime of her career. I’d hate for her to give all of that up right now. We have plenty of time. Now getting her to marry me is another story. We’re thinking Christmas in Hawaii and inviting everyone. We’d like to have you and B there.”

  “Hell yeah, we’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it. As far as our plans, we haven’t talked about them much. I think Brooklyn’s still in shock; we both are. It doesn’t seem real yet.”

  “It’ll get real, soon enough.”

  Brooklyn noticed us out of the corner of her eye and she brightened. I’d never had anyone look at me like that and I fucking loved it. She was perfect . . . and she was mine.

  Paxton and I walked in together and Gabby immediately started in on her antics. “It’s about time you boys showed up. B and I have been working out for hours. I have to admit, it sucks ass that I can’t kick her ass anymore. I have you to blame for that.”

  “Whatever, Reynolds.” Brooklyn punched her arm. “You’re happier than a pig in shit that I can’t embarrass you in front of them anymore. I seem to recall kicking your ass plenty of times.”

  She snorted. “Okay, preggers . . . settle down. You know, I am starting to think Pax should wear condoms if you boys keep knocking girls up when they’re on the pill. That’s some scary shit.”

  “What can I say?” I replied with a wink. “I’m all man here, baby.” Gabby rolled her eyes and shook her head while Brooklyn laughed. She was so beautiful, even when she was covered in sweat. “You want to take a walk on the beach?” I asked her.

  She nodded. “Sure. Let me put on my shirt first.” She strolled over to her gym bag and pulled out a pink T-shirt that had Twins of Terror written across the front. With a wide grin, she strutted back to me. “What do you think? I found it online and ordered a couple. I thought you’d get a kick out of it.”

  Taking her hand, I pulled her out of the room and laughed, keeping a tight hold on her while we walked down the stairs. The last thing I wanted was her falling down Paxton’s steep staircase in his garage. “I haven’t seen those shirts in a long time.”

  “Well, I think it’s time they make a comeback. Uh, Camden, you know I’m not helpless right?” She glanced down at our clasped hands and then back up to me. “I know what you’re doing. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s sweet, but I’m a big girl.”

  As soon as we were off the steps, I let her hand go but she grabbed my arm in return and locked hers with mine. “I didn’t think you’d catch that.”

  She giggled and leaned her head on my arm as we walked around Paxton’s house to the beach beyond. “At first, I didn’t, but then I started noticing some of the things you do. Like
taking my hand going down the stairs, following behind me when I go up them, and even making sure you take your showers with me. Although, I have to say, our shower trysts have been some of my all-time favorites.”

  They were some of mine too, but the real reason was so I could make sure she didn’t slip and fall. I really was an overprotective jackass. And now that she was pregnant, I couldn’t go a day without her wanting to ride my cock. It was fucking awesome. My only fear was hurting her. Once the doctor told me it was healthy for her to have sex, I was all game.

  “I just don’t want anything to happen to you . . . or to our baby. I can’t help but feel this overwhelming sense to protect you. Prepare yourself, I have a feeling it’s only going to get worse as the time goes on.”

  “I know how you feel,” she murmured, her gaze troubled.

  We had reached the water’s edge and I stopped, turning so I could face her. “What’s wrong? Is there something on your mind?”

  She sighed. “Kind of. We haven’t talked much about everything and it has me worried.”

  “Me too,” I admitted, catching her by surprise. “That’s why I wanted to talk. I want you to tell me what you want, what you need.”

  “All I want is you, Camden. I just fear I won’t be enough. You’re about to start fighting again and traveling. The women will be throwing themselves at you and I’ll be all fat and pregnant. It just scares me.”

  Taking her face in my hands, I pressed my lips to hers. “Do you trust me?” I leaned my forehead against hers and waited for her reply.

  “With my life,” she whispered back.

  “Then trust me when I say, nothing and no one is going to come between us. I love you and I don’t ever want to give you a reason to doubt me. I want to be here for you, for the baby, and for however many other kids we decide to have.”

  Her eyes went wide and she pulled back, a surprised grin on her face. “More kids? What exactly are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I want this to be forever. When the day comes and you decide you’re ready to take that step, I want you to know that I promise to take it with you. Do you think you’ll be able to handle me for that long?”

  Laughing, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. “I have no doubt. The real question is, do you think you can handle all this?” She backed up and did a full body gesture.

  Grabbing her to me, I lifted her up and she straddled my waist. “I think I’ve done pretty well so far.” My phone rang, interrupting the moment. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. “It’s just Mason,” I said, putting it back in my pocket. “I can call him back later.”

  “No, take it,” she advised, dropping her legs. “It might be something important.”

  I pulled out my phone again. “What’s up?”

  “Just calling to catch up.”

  “Mason, you saw me three weeks ago at the wedding. Do you miss me that much?” I joked.

  He chuckled. “Eh, not really. I just thought I’d call and give you the good news.”

  “What news?”

  “You, Camden ‘The Bone Crusher’ Jameson, have been asked to fight next month. I’m calling to see if you’ll accept.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, I’ll accept. Who am I fighting?”

  “Some newbie fighter . . . a Darren Willard?”

  “Then hell yeah,” I shouted. “Set it up and give me the details. I’ll be there.”

  “All right. One more thing . . . do you still want to be the Bone Crusher or switch it to Striker? I didn’t know which one you wanted to keep.”

  Striker was the name Scar and his people gave me. There was no way in hell I’d go by that name again. “Striker’s dead.”

  “Good deal, Jameson. I’ll be in touch with the details shortly. Just make sure your ass is ready to fight.”

  “You have nothing to worry about on that end.”

  As soon as we hung up, Brooklyn moved closer and laid her head on my shoulder. “This is your time, baby. A new beginning to do things right.”

  “Let’s just hope I don’t fuck up.”

  “You won’t,” she murmured, looking up into my eyes. “I’m not going to let you.”

  FIGHT NIGHT HAD finally come, which had us at the Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento. I had Paxton and Mason by my side, ready to walk me out. I couldn’t deny the disappointment I felt when Ryley said he couldn’t make it. Family duties came first and I couldn’t blame him. I was going to have one of my own soon as well.

  “You ready for this?” Mason asked. “Your shoulder doing okay?”

  I rolled my neck and shoulders and nodded. “As good as new.”

  “All right, here we go.”

  “Ladies and gentleman, we have a special treat for you tonight. After a year-long absence from the UFC, this young fighter is once again ready to crack skulls. Let’s hear it for Camden ‘The Bone Crusher’ Jaaammmeeesssooonnn.” The crowd went wild, especially when my song, Alive by P.O. D. blasted over the speakers. That was what I felt . . . alive.

  With my red robe hung low over my head, I walked out to the sound of screams and shouts of my name. For the longest time, I thought I’d never experience this feeling again. I was back. Mason and Pax waved at the crowd which made the whole place rumble in excitement. Once in the ring, I took off my robe and bounced on my feet. I was ready to get this fight started.

  Brooklyn and Gabby were in the front row clapping and whistling as loud as they could, wearing red and black Team Camden T-shirts to match the color of my fighting shorts. Believe it or not, I could actually hear Gabby’s shouts over everyone else; it was funny as hell.

  The announcer nodded at me and started to speak into the microphone when one of the judges called him over to the side. The crowd went silent. About thirty seconds later, he strolled back to the middle of the ring with a huge grin on his face.

  “Everyone, it looks like we have a surprise for you tonight. Apparently, Darren Willard won’t be fighting, but we do have someone to take his place. Not only will it be a fight of epic proportions, but it’s also for the Middleweight Champion title. Let’s hear it for our current Middleweight Champion, Ryley ‘The Rampage’ Jaaammmeeesssooonnn.”

  The crowd erupted into gasps of surprise, followed by outright screams of elation. They weren’t the only ones who were surprised. Was this a joke? I stalked over to Mason and Pax. “What the hell is this? Did you know?”

  Before I could process what was happening, my brother came through the curtain, wearing his blue robe and a mischievous smirk on his face. Danny, my old coach, followed along behind him. “It was your brother’s idea,” Mason confessed. “I don’t know what he’s up to.”

  I sure as hell would like to know the answer to that. Apparently, Gabby didn’t know by the look of surprise on her face. Brooklyn, on the other hand, appeared scared as hell. She looked at me and I nodded, winking to reassure her. That seemed to appease her somewhat.

  Ryley sauntered down the aisle and handed Danny his blue robe before coming into the ring. “Surprised to see me, brother?”

  “Were you afraid I wouldn’t accept the fight if I knew it was you?”

  He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “I wasn’t sure. Would you have?”

  “I guess you’ll never know.”

  By the gleam in his eyes, I could tell he was up to something. I just had no clue as to what it was. Time stood still as I waited on the bell to ring. When it did, everything moved in slow motion. The time had come to fight my brother, but in my mind, it wasn’t to win; it was to show the world I was just as good of a fighter as he was. We were brothers . . . we were equal.

  Ryley swung first and I dodged, but counteracted with a punch to his gut. The breath whooshed out of his lungs and he coughed. “That’s new.”

  “You can thank Pax for that.”

  Once he righted himself, he psyched me out and when I averted to the right it was exactly the direction he attacked, knocking me hard on the side of the head. We battled back
and forth, neither one of us going on full attack.

  Ding, ding, ding. Round one was over. Ryley smiled and we strolled to our respective corners. “What is he up to? He’s not fighting like he usually does.”

  “And neither are you,” Paxton noted. “He must be waiting on you to bring the heat.”

  I looked to Mason for guidance. “What should I do? You know why I don’t attack.”

  He nodded and moved closer, his voice low and fast. I didn’t have much longer before the bell. “Forget you’re here. Pretend you’re back at the gym, sparring like old times. You might have beat the shit out of each other, but you had fun doing it. Block everyone out and just have fun.”

  Ding, ding, ding. Circling the ring, I met his smile and everything moved swiftly after that. We charged each other and both ended up on the mat, grappling to get a hold on the other. He wasn’t making a move to end it, so I tested him by rolling around behind him and wrapping an arm around his neck in a rear naked choke.

  “It’s about damn time,” he grumbled, his voice raspy from the hold.

  “Why aren’t you fighting me? You can do better than this.”

  “So can you.”

  Then it hit me. I knew what he was doing. “Ryley, so help me God, if you don’t get up and fight me for real, I’m seriously going to kick your ass.”

  “I can’t. You have me in a choke.”

  “Then I’m letting you out.” As I started to let him go, his hand came down on my arm and he tapped out, ending the fight. “I am so going to kill you for this.” I tightened my hold on him again.

  He laughed the entire time, even when the referee came over and made me let him go. We both got to our feet and he rolled his neck. “Well done, brother.”

  “You let me win, jackass.”

  He shrugged his shoulders and came to my side while the announcer went to my other. The crowd went wild, chanting my name as both the announcer and my brother grabbed onto my wrists.

  “And the new Middleweight Title Champion is Camden ‘The Bone Crusher’ Jaaammmeeesssooonnn.” They lifted my arms in victory while everyone in the crowd stood and cheered. It was hard to enjoy it when I knew I didn’t earn it.


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