Obsession: A Bad Boy's Secret Baby

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Obsession: A Bad Boy's Secret Baby Page 4

by Flite, Nora

  I broke the passionate kiss to look at her.

  “Huh?” Kait asked, a look of confusion flashing across her subtle and fair features.

  I will have this woman body and soul.

  “I—” The words I wanted to say all these years betrayed me. It was too early for that. Instead, I said something that was just as true and almost as personal. “I've just missed you so much.”

  Kait's brows pushed in and up and her eyes glossed over with tears. I could tell she felt the same way, and that made the sex so much better. I dove into her neck and kissed down to her busty mounds. Hovering over her dusky nubs, I let my lust crash over them, sucking and gently nipping.

  The moans that cascaded from her turned me on just as much as her hand on my cock. She slid her hand down my pants, past my waist band and all the way down my thick hard shaft to the engorged tip.

  “Take them off,” I gruffly demanded. I couldn't stand the denim prison anymore, not when her pussy was that close and so wet and ready. It was like being a man dying of thirst who was lost at sea.

  I needed to be inside her.

  “Please tell me you have a condom?” She wrenched the jeans and briefs down enough that my cock eagerly bobbed free. Her hand firmly worked up and down my long shaft, but that only made me ache for her more.

  “Are you crazy? Eight years of dreaming about this moment, you think I'd forget anything?” I pried my hands off her long enough to rip a condom out of my wallet and put it on.

  I always used a condom, but I never just carried them around with me casually. Sex was never that much of a surprise that I needed to. Was it worse that I put one in there when I dropped her off because I hoped this would happen?

  It wasn't, I decided.

  Kait wasn't just a one night stand to me. She was here because she wanted to be. I wanted all of her, including that sweet, sweet pussy, and to be unprepared for the best case scenario would be disappointing for both of us.

  “I'm going to ruin you, Kait.” Her slick entrance bucked against the head of my cock. “You're never going to want anyone else. That's not something I can apologize for.”

  “Oh. OH, yes. That. Mmmm.” She moaned in response as I slowly eased into her. Her dazed eyes furrowed with pleasure and hints of pain. I watched her mouth gape further open with each inch her tight pussy consumed. Kait's body twisted slightly as her inner walls stretched to take the largest cock of her life.

  “I'm going to make you mine,” I growled the words as I bottomed-out inside her. She screamed and clawed at my back, her body begging for more. I slid back out and started pumping into her. The wet slap of our bodies fully coming together, punctuated my every word. “Every. Last. Dripping. Quivering. Inch of you.”

  “Fuck,” Kait cried, as I increased tempo. That was the first time I'd ever heard her swear, I mean really swear. It egged me on. I loved it so much it made my balls tingle.

  “You're going to beg for me. Do you want that?” I teased, leaning over her on the leather seat. I fucked her so hard that the bike almost fell over. Immediately I slowed my pace, and flexed my cock, forcing her pussy to expand even more. She jerked forward, her lips creasing in a beautiful smile before another thrust and a gasp of air stole it away. Fast and rough wasn't the only way to come. Slow and deep was just as good depending on your partner.

  And I looked forward to learning every sexual secret Kait had.

  Maybe it was because of who she was to me, but the more she gave herself to me, the more I wanted her. I don't think I could ever truly get enough of Kait Sutherland.

  “Do you?” I demanded, feeling like a starving man drowning in delicious honey.

  “Yes! Fuck, I'm coming.” Kait started to cry, it was just a murmur at first. Tears weren't always a bad thing, sometimes they meant joy and sometimes even ecstasy. But then she started to weep, and that made me stop thrusting to make sure she was alright. “Don't stop. Just—” She hugged me tightly, crushing my cock in her pussy.

  Hearing her curse and feeling her whole body tense around my cock in another core-shaking orgasm was enough to finish me. The heat and her pressure made my skull throb and my lower stomach and balls contract. I filled the condom like a shotgun blast.

  How much better would it feel for both of us if I didn't have the condom on? It was a necessary evil, of course. What if she got pregnant?

  A weird emotion suddenly washed over me. Hugging her like that with my cock, still hard, deep inside her, the thought of starting a family with Kait didn't feel wrong or frightening like it did with anyone else.

  I forced the thought aside and just tried to enjoy the afterglow. Kait buried her head into my shoulder, her dark matted hair was an utter mess. Thoughts of an earlier tease jolted to mind. I really did love seeing her this way.

  “Just please don't go.” Her voice was so soft that it could've been mistaken for the wind had I not felt her lips move against my skin. I waited for her to repeat herself louder or say something else, but nothing came.

  I wouldn't let something as important as that fade into the night without at least fully acknowledging it. I broke the hug and pulled back just enough to see her face. Sweat dripped off the tip of my nose and landed on Kait's stomach. Her face was stained from running mascara, sweat and tears.

  No celebrity, princess or goddess would ever look as beautiful as Kait did in that moment.

  “I'm not going anywhere.” I held her eyes long enough for her to know that I'd heard her, and that I was serious. She didn't smile or say anything else. That wasn't her way in situations like this, she was too reserved for that. But her eyes brightened with a tinge of hope. It was small and fragile, but it was there. I pulled her in close and held her in a great hug. “I promise.”

  That look on her face sparked something inside me, too. Something I wasn't familiar with. Was there actually hope for us, for two people ripped out of time and thrown back together in a world that couldn't allow it?

  I didn't know.

  Hell, twelve hours ago I didn't even know if I'd be staying in town. And now with Kait in my arms, I could never imagine leaving. I broke one promise to her, but I would never do that again.

  A few minutes passed like that, then eventually we had to separate and start cleaning ourselves off.

  “Hey,” I said after, slipping back into my briefs. “Wanna cool off in the water, for old times' sake?”

  “No, thanks.” Kait pulled the dress over her head. I chuckled when it got snagged and she asked for help. She playfully scolded me. “Shut up. Dresses aren't supposed to be put on when you're sweaty.”

  “Maybe you should take that off then.” I flashed her a wicked smile, then helped tug it down over her shoulders and hips. I couldn't pass up the chance to smooth out her decadent curves. When she was fully in, I pulled her back in for a kiss. “You sure about the water? You still look awfully hot.”

  “Gross.” Kait pushed me away. “Who knows what weirdo kids do in there?”

  “You know we were those weirdo kids, right?” I laughed and put on the rest of my clothes.

  It was crazy how easy it was to fall into old habits with her. My attraction to Kait wasn't just lust or passion, although there was plenty of that. Kait had also been my closest friend for a while. The time I had spent with her had been the happiest of my life.

  Maybe that was why I missed her as much as I did.

  “That makes me want to go in there even less,” she said.

  “You're just worried.” I paused for dramatic effect and surveyed our little love-in spot to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind when we left. “Yeah, you're worried that the Loch Ness Monster really is in there, aren't you?

  “Har har har, dick.” Kait punched me in the arm.

  I helped her onto the bike and I took her home. I wished we could've stayed and camped out, but she was right. That was government property. We needed to leave before the law caught up.

  And from my past experiences, I could confidently say that the law
always caught up.

  What I didn't know was that it would catch up to me later that night.

  Chapter 8


  That didn't take long.

  I sighed heavily as the blue and red lights flashed in every reflective surface around me. A survival instinct kicked on in my head that told me to run. I still remembered the town well enough that I could probably lose him.

  But why should I?

  Fuck it. I wasn't speeding, drunk or riding recklessly. There was nothing they could legally do to me. I put my directional on, pulled over and killed the engine.

  “Problem, officer?” I flipped up the visor on my helmet when he walked over to me.

  “Maybe.” It only took one word from the cop for me to know exactly where my night was heading. “License and registration.”

  “Why'd you pull me over? I wasn't speeding.” Maybe I could talk the guy into giving me a warning. I sure as hell didn't want to give him my license, not because I was doing anything illegal. It was just that right now I was only some random biker asshole, but the second he ran my name they would really know who I was.

  “Somebody said they saw a shady looking guy on a motorcycle hanging around the wedding of a friend of ours. Matches your description.”

  “What exactly is my description?” Jeans, T shirt, leather jacket and black helmet, I looked like any other biker on the road. “Or are you just hassling every prick on a motorcycle?”

  That gave the man pause, but not for long. “You got something to hide, friend?”

  “Nah,” I shook my head slowly. “I just don't feel special is all, if you're pulling everyone over.”

  “License and motherfucking registration.” There was a snap sound behind me. I didn't have to look to know that cop unclasped the strap that held his pistol in his holster. “Or are we going to have a problem?”

  Of all the things I wasn't good at, shutting-the-fuck-up was pretty high on that list.

  Alright, I handed the cop the ID out of my wallet. Let's see how this plays out.

  A few minutes later another cop car pulled up, and then another after that. I was frisked, my belongings checked, a few were taken, but that didn't bother me. I didn't have any paraphernalia on me. It was late, and in a town like this I imagined they all responded to a nearby call if they weren't busy. They could send the whole night shift for all I cared. Hell, I'd buy the donuts. Springfield's cops weren't known for being thugs so I wasn't worried.

  It was the civilian pickup truck that pulled up a few minutes later that made my tongue itch. They wouldn't have called him on his wedding night would they have?

  “Malice Long is back in town.” Brendan's voice rang out through the slamming of his truck door.

  There he was, the man of the hour. My old best friend stepped into the street light. I knew that if I stayed I'd have to talk to Brendan at some point, but I didn't want to do it like this.

  Brendan wore a weary expression, he had to still be drunk from the reception. He rubbed a hand over his high and tight haircut, looking both amused and pissed off. It was wild how similar he looked to Kait, they had the same nose and facial structure, but was a little taller and more stretched out.

  “Hey, Brendan. Long time, brother.”

  “Brother...” Brendan chuckled. There was no mirth in the sound. In the movies, it was the kind of laugh that someone would give right before they clocked a guy in the jaw. He said the word again a few times, each time it rolled of his tongue with a slightly different syllable emphasis, as if the word was rapidly losing its meaning.

  “Look around, Malik. The only brothers I have here are wearing a uniform.” He spread his hands out toward the cops that were standing off to the side watching everything go down.

  “Of all the day's you come back. You picked my wedding?” If things got really hairy between me and Brendan I wondered how much they'd intervene. Probably a lot if it looked like I had the upper hand.

  “I thought about sending a card, but that felt really impersonal.”

  “So instead you figured you'd come back here and let me kick the shit out of you for how your family destroyed mine?”

  “It wasn't like that, man. I didn't know what the fuck was going on back then. We were just kids, we couldn't control what our parents—”

  “Step the fuck back, Long.” One of the cops shouted at me. I hadn't realized I'd even moved away from the hood of the cruiser I was leaning on. I recognized the cop. Drew Winter was the meathead I gave the black eyes to that got me suspended in high school. There was no love lost between us.

  I put my hands up and leaned back against the hood. I just had the night of my life with the woman of my dreams. I didn't come back to start problems, I reminded myself.

  “You check him?” Brendan asked, walking toward the officer that took my stuff.

  “He's clean.”

  Brendan opened my phone and began browsing the contacts. “Ten contacts? You are not a popular man, Malik— Ah, and there she is.”


  I should've known better than to put Kait's number in my phone under her own name. I wasn't thinking straight when I dropped her off at her family's house. My mind was too wrapped up in the sex and when I'd see her again.

  “You're going to stay away from my little sister.” Brendan dropped my phone and crushed it under the heel if his boot.

  The crunching sound made me grimace. I didn't care about the phone. It was the loss of Kait's number that stung the worst. She had just given it to me and didn't have time to memorize it. Another mistake. I'd only been out of the Marines two years and I'd already gone soft on mental training.

  Anger started to rise in me. Physically I was as strong as I'd ever been. Glancing around, if I was fast enough could probably take down all six officers.

  “Kait's not little anymore, she's a grown woman.” But that would only make everything worse for Kait and I. That's not why I'm here. I'd need to find another way to get a hold of her. “She can make her own decisions.”

  “Just like my dad, right? Maybe you don't know because you left in the middle of the fucking night.” Brendan's face grew twice as hard and started to boil. “Your mom took everything from him. She wiped out his bank account, the savings. That bitch even took our fucking college money! Kait's college money.”

  “Brendan, I didn't know—”

  “No. You shut the fuck up and listen!” Brendan screamed. “He never pressed charges against her because he was so ashamed. My father was a great man, and she brought him so low.” Brendan paused, choking on the words. “He hung himself in the garage a year later.”

  A heavy silence gripped the air. The cops averted their eyes from Brendan, who was nearly in tears. I heard something had happened to their father, but I never knew the full story. It was heart wrenching.

  And it made me hate my estranged mother even more than I already had.

  “I am so sorry.” I broke the deafening silence. “But that wasn't me. I haven't talked to Tonya in years.” I didn't even think of her as my mother anymore. To me, she was just some selfish, heartless woman named Tonya. I felt terrible for what had happened, but I was only seventeen. What could I have done? “I was your friend, Brendan. You and Kait.”

  “That's why I hate you, Mal.” Brendan's face was a mess. His eyes and nose ran with barely contained rage and hurt. “Eight years and you didn't do a damn thing to help your friends. Do you have any idea how much you hurt Kait? She was in love with you. Why didn't you come back when you turned eighteen?”

  “I wanted to! More than anything. But it was complicated. My brother was—”

  “I was your brother too!” Brendan shoved a finger into my chest and screamed in my face. “And I will be damned, if I let you do to my sister what your mom did to my father. You should never have come back and reopened old wounds. Leave town. Tonight. Or so help me, I will run you out of it.”

  The words hung ominously for a few seconds, before Brendan turned his back
on me and started to walk away.

  “No.” My declaration was softly spoken, yet steadfast in its resolve. I would not be swayed. I hated to cause my old friend pain, but I just couldn't abandon Kait. Not again. Never again.

  Brendan stopped, even his breathing was audible and full of rage. He whirled, his back hand a blur of motion and steel. Everyone recoiled from the gunshots that Brendan pumped into my bike. He walked toward it, emptying the magazine until it clicked. Brendan then kicked it over.

  He locked eyes with me while deftly reloading his pistol. A few strong strides put him within arms-length. I didn't make any moves to stop whatever was coming next.

  The hot gun barrel sizzled against the side of my head. Brendan's eyes were dulled from booze and rage, but sharp enough to cross a line that you never came back from. Even his cop buddies rushed to talk their friend down.

  He blamed me for the death of his father, if not directly, than by association. A big part of me agreed with him. I should've done more, but as much as I wanted to, I couldn't have come back any sooner. Not while Tonya was still my brother's legal guardian.

  “You're no different than your mother. Leave. Kait. Alone.” Brendan ignored the concerned calls from his friends and pushed the gun harder. My head yielded slightly beneath the searing kiss of the metal barrel.

  His words stung more than the burning metal. I hated my mother and had spent years distancing myself from her morally and psychologically, but I couldn't cut her completely out of my life, not when she basically held my younger brother for ransom.

  “I'm sorry,” I closed my eyes. I'd been to Afghanistan twice, I was no stranger to being that close to death. I wasn't a psychopath, though, and the thought of death still scared the hell out of me. It always would. But the military taught me not to be controlled by that fear. Fighting for the things you love sometimes meant not fighting at all. Sometimes you just had to stand strong. “I can't.”

  I felt the gun shake in Brendan's hand.

  “If I catch you with her again...” He didn't need to finish the threat, I understood his intention. Brendan was never good at concealing his emotions. He was always straight forward and genuinely meant everything he said. It made being his friend easy, because I always knew what was on his mind.


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