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Our Darkest Maze

Page 28

by Sarah Bailey

  He was about to open his mouth, but I put my hand up.

  “This is not a discussion. This is me informing you of my decision.” I took a step towards him. “And before you level any objections, you should know a few things.”

  Dad closed his mouth, his jaw ticking with the effort. I could see his displeasure in his eyes, but there was no way in hell I was allowing him to dictate who I was with. It was my life. My decision. Just like Rory said. Dad would have to suck it the fuck up.

  “Logan isn’t in the public eye in the same way he was before, and in all honesty, I don’t care either way. I’m perfectly capable of handling myself in the face of media scrutiny.”

  I’d rather it was me being plastered all over the place on Logan’s arm. It would show he was mine. Besides, him being in a committed relationship would be a good look as opposed to being seen with a different woman every week.

  “The reason he ended things with me was because of his family pressuring him to. And before you ask, they no longer have any objections to him being with me.”

  “Why did they have objections in the first place?” he asked before I could continue.

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “Isn’t it obvious? Grandpa is connected to the mafia and the rest of you have shady pasts. The association could taint their image.”

  I swear to god the vein in my dad’s temple throbbed at my words.

  “Why on earth would you want to be with someone who has a family who are more concerned with their reputation than their own children’s happiness?”

  I dropped my hands from behind my back, trying not to clench my fists.

  “I told you, they don’t have objections now. It’s been three years, Dad, things change. People change. Life isn’t black and white. And it isn’t my fault I was born into this family. Is it fair for a child to pay for the sins of their parents? I don’t think so. The four of us have already dealt with enough judgement and bullshit over your relationship and your past.”

  His eyes widened at my statement and my stern tone.

  “Look at what happened with Cole and Meredith, not to mention Raphi and the bullying. I refuse to allow those things to ruin my chance at happiness. Logan is the only person I’ve met who understands what it’s like to have a family with a dark fucking history. He gets it. He’s real with me, unlike all the other men I’ve dated. Yes, he messed up and made mistakes, but does it mean he doesn’t deserve a second chance?”

  I threw my hands up and paced away, hating how this had escalated into me defending Logan to my father. Perhaps I was fed up with the lack of support I had from him regarding my choices in men. I was fed up with people giving us hell over things we couldn’t control. My brothers and I had done nothing to deserve other people’s judgement and scorn. We weren’t responsible for our parent’s life decisions.

  “He’s seen me at my worst, my best and everything in between. He loves me. And the thing is, Dad, the fucking thing is… I love him too. I never stopped. I told you, this isn’t a discussion or up for debate. I’m going to be with him and I would appreciate it if my own father could accept and support my choice. You promised me you would. It’s time you actually made good on it.”

  He didn’t respond immediately. I walked over to the window and stared out over the wildflowers in our garden. They had bloomed now it was spring. I felt rather than saw him stand up and walk over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and stared out of the window too.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  “For what?”

  “For making you feel like I don’t respect your choices. And for making your life harder because our past has affected your future.”

  I bit my lip and rubbed my chest.

  “I accept your apology.”

  “Is he really who you want?”

  I nodded. Logan made my heart full. After everything we’d been through, I was sure he was the right person for me.

  “Yes, Dad. I’ve taken the time to think about it as he told me everything last time we saw each other.”

  I leant my head against his shoulder and let out a sigh.

  “You know, he’s working with animal conservationists now. It’s where he’s been for the past few years, volunteering and helping them with their businesses, funding and such. It’s his full-time career. I think it’s kind of amazing.”

  “So, he’s not inheriting Bensons?”

  “He’ll have a share of it, but his cousins will run it when the time comes.”

  Dad dropped his hand from my shoulder and wrapped his arm around me, kissing the top of my head.

  “I love you, Rora. I’ve only ever wanted your happiness and if he is truly who you want, I’ll support you.”

  I turned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Those were the only words I wanted to hear from him.

  “Thank you, Daddy. I love you too.”

  He hugged me tight, making me feel as though our relationship was finally on an even keel. Dad might have his faults, but he loved us all fiercely.

  “I have one stipulation.”

  I pulled back and stared at him, finding my hackles rising.


  “Invite him to dinner so we can all meet him. I wish to know if he can handle our family.”

  I almost laughed. Logan had no idea what he’d let himself in for with us. Well, maybe he did considering all the shit he’d put up with from me.

  “Okay, I can accept that stipulation, but don’t even think about giving him a hard time, you hear me? This is the man I love. I give him a run for his money as it is.”

  Dad gave me a sly smile.

  “I’m in no doubt of your ability to keep a man in line. You take after your mother.”

  “Huh, here I thought I was too much like you.”

  “That too.”

  He let me go and stroked my hair.

  “I won’t give him a hard time, sweetheart. Your mother won’t let me.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  He grinned. Dad was for sure going to give Logan a hard time. I hoped he could take it and would stand up for himself. He’d proven to me he could before when he stood up to Xav the first time we met. Not to mention the incident in the hotel when my dad got annoyed about Logan holding onto me.

  “I won’t.”

  “Hmm, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  He shook his head and glanced out the window again.

  “Is that everything? I need to get back to work before dinner.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  He kissed the top of my head again before disappearing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared down at it. I could text him, but it didn’t feel right. Dialling a number, I put the phone to my ear.

  “Rora,” came his voice when he answered, sending shivers down my spine.


  “I wasn’t sure I’d hear from you.”

  I could hear the relief in Logan’s voice. Maybe I’d let him sweat it out a little too long, but I needed to be sure.

  “You said your parents want to meet me, right?”


  The hesitation in his voice made me smile.

  “Is tomorrow night too short notice?”

  For a second, I wasn’t sure he’d respond. He wasn’t expecting me to call and ask if I could come over to meet his parents.

  “It’s not. Does… does this mean what I think it does?”

  “Text me the time and your address and I’ll be there.”

  “I can pick you up.”

  The smile on my lips must be huge right now. He sounded so eager.

  “It’s okay, Logan. You don’t have to do that. I want to make my own way.”


  I fiddled with my hair, wondering if I should tell him I’d made up my mind about us or not.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”


>   “Yes?”

  “I… are you okay? I’ve been worried.”

  His words made my heart ache with longing. I wanted to see his face. To kiss him and tell him I loved him. It would have to wait until tomorrow.

  “I’m fine. In fact, I’m better than fine.”

  “Good. That’s… good.”



  The words were on the tip of my tongue but now wasn’t the right time.

  “Don’t forget to text me.”

  “I won’t.”


  I could hear his harsh breath down the phone as if it was taking him everything not to ask me what was going on.

  “Bye, Rora.”

  Those two words expressed everything he couldn’t say. The way he said them had my heart in knots. The longing in his voice was like a fucking drug to me. I wanted him so badly.

  Tomorrow I’ll be able to tell him everything in my heart. One more day. Just one more.

  Chapter Forty

  Having spent the last twenty-four hours fretting over what would happen when Aurora got here after her phone call last night, my nerves were shot to pieces. It’d been over a week since I’d seen her. I’d kept my word about giving her space to decide.

  I didn’t know what to expect, but she’d sounded happy on the phone. Getting my hopes up would only end in disaster if she told me she didn’t want to be with me. Then again, she had asked to meet my parents. Maybe I was worrying for no reason.

  They were in the kitchen making dinner together whilst I sat on the stairs staring at the front door. Mum and Dad were more than happy to have her over tonight. They were looking forward to meeting the girl I was in love with. Perhaps it was too soon, especially when we weren’t a couple, but if Aurora wanted to do this now, I wouldn’t deny her. I didn’t think giving her what she wanted was me being a pushover. Merely a man who recognised he’d done a fucked up thing and wanted to make up for it all. Besides, if I wasn’t on board with something, I would tell her.

  The doorbell went. I was up off the stairs in an instant, rushing over to it and pulling it open. Aurora stood there with her beautiful dark hair curling around her shoulders in a black coat. Her makeup was light and she was wearing jeans with ballet flats. To me, she was stunning. My heart raced, beating so hard against my chest. My fingers twitched, wanting to touch her.

  The way she smiled when she saw me had my stomach flipping. And when she stepped forward up into my personal space, I swallowed. Her hands came up and tangled in my hair before she pressed her mouth to mine. It was a brief kiss, but it had me gripping her waist as an anchor lest I fell apart completely.

  “Hey,” she murmured when she pulled back, “You look good.”

  I hadn’t dressed up, merely in a plain dark t-shirt and jeans, but the way she looked at me told me she liked everything about it.

  “You going to invite me in?”

  I let go of her and moved aside so she could walk in. I shut the door behind us, but before I could turn around, Aurora had wrapped herself around my back with her hands on my stomach. She pressed her face into me.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispered.

  I stroked my fingers along the backs of her hands, wondering at her behaviour. Asking myself if this was real.

  “You going to say anything?” she asked me after a moment.

  I turned in her arms and stared down at her. Those golden-hued brown eyes made my heart fucking ache. The affection in them almost made my knees buckle. My hands went to her hair instinctively, burying themselves in the strands as my thumb brushed along her cheek.


  The furrow in her brow made my tongue unstick from the roof of my mouth.

  “I love you. I just fucking well love you. That’s the only thing I have to say. I love you.”

  She bit her lip, hiding a smile.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get over you saying it.”


  She reached up and stroked my cheek.

  “Shall I put you out of your misery?”

  I nodded, needing to know so fucking badly. This girl made my fucking world go around. I couldn’t be without her.

  “Will you be mine?”

  “You know I will. I already am.”

  She went up on her tiptoes and kissed me.

  “Then let’s go introduce me to your parents as your girlfriend.”

  I could hardly breathe hearing her refer to herself as my girlfriend. It’d been what I wanted all those years ago. Now, it was a reality. A fucking reality. This girl was mine.

  Before she had a chance to pull away, I kissed her again. This time it wasn’t sweet. I parted her mouth with my tongue and delved inside, trying to crawl in her. I couldn’t get enough. I needed this after she’d kept me waiting. It’s not like I blamed her for it. She could have taken all the time she needed. I would have waited forever for her. But her mouth was my heaven and I planned on indulging myself a little.

  When I let her go, she was breathless and smiling up at me. I helped her out of her coat, hanging it up in the cupboard before taking her hand and leading her down the hallway to the kitchen. Mum and Dad were standing by the stove together. They both turned at the sound of our approach.

  “Mum, Dad… this is Aurora.” I turned to her. “My parents, Dante and Liora.”

  She stepped forward and gave them both a bright smile. My chest swelled with pride. Fuck, she was beautiful. And she was mine.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Dad reached out and took her hand first, shaking it and giving her the once over.

  “Hello, Aurora,” he said with a warm smile.

  Mum, on the other hand, embraced my girlfriend whose hand I still had a firm grasp of.

  It feels right to call her my girlfriend. Fuck. I didn’t realise how much I wanted it until now.

  I mean, I did and I didn’t. Aurora had always been the only girl I wanted to make a commitment to, but I’d had no idea how it would feel when it finally happened.

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” Mum said. “And please, call me, Liora. We don’t stand on ceremony in this house.”

  I couldn’t help smiling. Aurora might not have been the first girl I’d ever introduced to them, but she was the most important one.

  As Mum pulled away, she waved towards the conservatory where I’d laid the table earlier. It was where we usually ate dinner unless the whole family were here. We ate in the formal dining room then.

  “Please sit, it’s almost ready.”

  I took Aurora into the conservatory with Dad on our heels. Trying to be a gentleman, I pulled out a chair for her. She gave me a smile as she sat down. Dad took a seat across from us after I’d planted myself down. My hand instinctively went to hers, pulling it into my lap and holding it captive. Her touch grounded me.

  “Logan has told me a lot about you,” Dad started, “He mentioned you work with your father.”

  I’d explained to my parents how Aurora’s family worked and what she called all of her dads so they’d be able to understand the dynamics.

  “Yes,” she replied, “Myself and one of my brothers will inherit the casino when my parents retire, not that they plan to any time soon.”

  “You’ve got three brothers, right?”

  She nodded, squeezing my hand.

  “Mmm, Duke, Raphi and Cole. Duke’s going to work with me, he’s at uni at the moment. Raphi’s finishing school this year. Cole is too, but he’s going to do an apprenticeship as he wants to be a mechanic.”

  My dad gave her a smile and leant back in his chair.

  “And your parents support their choices?”

  I flinched, hoping Aurora wouldn’t take it the wrong way.

  “Absolutely. Even if none of us wanted to work at the casino, they’d have supported us. My mum has always said we should make our own choices in life. O
nly after she met my dads, did she have a choice in the direction her life went. She didn’t want us to be restricted like she was.”

  Mum came in with some dishes in her hands, interrupting our conversation. Probably a good thing since I had no idea how my father would respond to Aurora’s words. I’d warned them not to ask her too much about her parents and their past.

  A few minutes later, we were all seated and served. Mum gestured for everyone to start. I had to let go of Aurora’s hand, which made my heart ache. I was fucking crazy, but maybe love made me this way. Being able to admit to those feelings gave me a high unlike anything else. A sense of freedom. There were no more secrets or lies between Aurora and me. We could move beyond the past and look to the future.

  Fuck, I’m so excited.

  Aurora glanced at me, catching me staring at her.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  She bit her lip, her cheeks going pink. I caught her hand and kissed it, making her cheeks go redder. For a moment, I forgot my parents were right there, so intent on Aurora and how much I fucking loved this girl.

  “Have you ever seen him look so happy?” I heard my mother murmur to my dad.

  “He’s in love.”

  “I was beginning to wonder if he’d ever find someone.”

  I glanced at my parents, but they didn’t notice.

  “Well, it would’ve happened far sooner if Brent hadn’t taken it upon himself to lecture our son on appropriate partners.”

  “As if he can even talk, pining after Jen like a lovesick fool for twelve years.”

  Dad snorted as Aurora leant closer to me.

  “Have you been perpetually single or something?”

  I turned my attention to her.

  “You could say that.”

  Her eyes narrowed slightly.

  “Have you ever had a girlfriend before?”



  I shrugged, not particularly wanting to discuss my past relationships with her but knowing she wouldn’t let me get away with a vague answer.

  “When I was at school. I’ve obviously dated since then, but no one has made me want to get serious with them except you.”


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