Get to You

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Get to You Page 12

by Albany Walker

  He moves back up to my shoulder, kissing along my nape. He grinds his clothed body against my naked one, rubbing his denim-covered erection against my ass.

  I want his pants off.

  I want to feel him.

  I whimper when he moves back and get goosebumps from the loss of his heat.

  "Over Sammy," he growls. I turn over onto my back, and he’s kissing me. His kisses start as soft and sweet, open-mouthed gentle pecks. Then he changes his tactics to hard and demanding, unforgiving, biting my lip and everything in between.

  It's so strange to feel his clothes on my naked flesh. I reach for the hem of his shirt to take it off. Beau stops kissing to grab the back collar of his shirt and pulls it off.

  His chest and stomach are breathtaking, "Holy shit," I stammer from the sight. He chuckles and forces my hand to his chest, keeping his hand on mine, mirroring his past movement as we bump down his abs to his lower belly. I can feel fine hairs against my fingertips after we pass his navel. "That's so sexy," I find myself saying. My thighs clench around his hips.

  "Really? I'm usually bare."

  "I mean, I'm sure bare is a good look for you too, and do whichever you like best, but this,” my fingernails scratch through his happy trail, "I want to feel this on my tongue and against my cheek before you take it away."

  "Fuck" he groans. My hand travels lower. He's still wearing jeans, so I fumble with the button of his fly. The task becomes impossible as Beau starts licking and sucking on my nipples. His fingers pinch one as he bites the other. My back arches clean off the bed. I moan so loudly, I'm grateful I don't have neighbors.

  Beau becomes urgent, eagerly moving down my body. His face is between my thighs. I'm still feeling the aftershocks from his bite as he shoves my legs aside and drops his nose down to me.

  "I knew you'd smell like heaven. I bet you taste sweet, like honey and musk. You're going to come baby, then I'm going to love your mouth so I can show you how good you taste.” I moan, helpless to the image he creates, “Have you ever tasted yourself on someone else's mouth, my sweet Sammy?"

  I shake my head, "No, I've never--- no ones,” I breathe deeply, my breasts rising as Beau tracks their movement, “---ever done this, or that."

  "Never?" He purrs. I shake my head. Beau smiles like I just gave him the keys to the castle. "Oh, you’re going to enjoy this baby." He dips his head down to tongue at me. He starts with long, slow licks with the flat of his tongue. Then he makes his tongue firm and fucks me with it. Fast, shallow strokes cause my hands to grip his long hair, spurring him on. One of my heels dig into the mattress while the other pushes against his back to give me enough leverage to push my hips up.

  I'm shaking and moaning words of encouragement as my head thrashes back and forth. He leaves my entrance, moving up to my clit, first licking in circles then kissing gently. He slides one long finger inside me and sucks my clit.

  I scream, I mean scream and fall apart. My limbs clench, then release and collapse around me.

  Beau doesn't stop.

  He continues stroking me through the first orgasm I've ever been given from someone else. And let me tell you The ones I've given myself don't even come close to what I've just experienced. With his finger still inside me, he moves up my body and fulfills his promise to love my mouth with my taste on his tongue.

  "Oh my God," I pant "That---Was---Amazing."

  Beau laughs, "I don't think you could fake that kind of reaction, so I'm pretty sure your neighbors know how amazing it was."

  I laugh, finally returning to earth. "You're such a jackass. Can't you let me bask in the glow of my first real orgasm?" I smile. I look over at him as he pouts. I want to do to him what he just did to me.

  "Stand up and take your pants off. I want to try something," I order. His face is priceless. I snap my fingers, "Chop, chop." He looks putout but does what I've asked.

  The rest of Beau's body is just as sculpted as his torso when his pants fall, nothing but bare skin remains under the soft jeans.

  My mouth waters. I don't have much experience with size comparison, but to me he looks huge. He fists his big hand around himself and strokes once, twice. A drip falls from his tip. I want him in my mouth.

  "What did you want me to try?" he peers at me. I position myself so my head hangs off the bed upside down, my neck cradled on the mattress.

  He looks at me with a questioning gaze.

  "You have to come closer Beau," I husk and lick my lips.

  His eyes darken as he moves closer, "What are you up to, sweets?" I make my face as innocent as I can muster. As innocent as one can be laying naked on a bed, beckoning a man to put his dick in my mouth.

  "Closer, please," he’s finally near enough to touch. I run my hand up his thigh, around to his toned ass. I pull him closer then wrap my other hand around his base. He stills as his chest expands heavily.

  The underside of his cock is right above my face. Using my whole tongue, I lick from base to tip, then grip him, using the wetness I left behind to slicken my hands. His eyes are so focused on my hand that he misses me opening my mouth to take him in.

  I've read about giving blow jobs like this. It maybe my first time, but hopefully he’ll enjoy it.

  Beau hisses through clenched teeth as I take him deep, and he hits the back of my throat. My lips meet my fingers circling him and I suck, exactly like I kissed him the other night.

  I watch his face, his eyes closed. He pants when I swirl my tongue over his tip but loses it when I hollow my cheeks to suck hard, putting pressure against his sensitive skin. His hips jerk forward, pushing him deeper into my mouth. His head falls back, he swallows, then breathes deeply to calm himself. His eyes open, and he looks down at me, not wanting to miss a moment.

  "I can feel your throat squeezing me. Ohhh fuck. I'm not going to last baby." He caresses my cheek with his thumb. He stares at me with such intensity; it's almost too much. Beau's mouth opens, and he groans. "Harder," he orders and starts pumping more forcefully into my mouth. I gag a bit, but with him so deep my throat, I can only spasm around him. "Holy fuck!" he shouts and stills as he comes down my throat. I hum at the new sensation. He pulls back enough for me to swallow repeatedly.

  Now that I'm done, he pulls completely out. I notice my neck is a little sore as I move back up on the bed fully.

  Beau follows, pulling me close.

  I'm warm and comfy and getting ready to doze off when he speaks.

  "Where the hell did you learn that?" He sounds just as drowsy as me.

  "Books," I mummer into his chest.

  "I love books," he sighs deeply.


  I wake up slowly, with the realization that Beau is still wrapped around me. His hot breath fans on the back of my neck. I'm desperate to get up. I slide my legs away from his then turn to roll, but his hand holds me tight.

  "Where you going?" Comes out muffled as his face is buried in my neck.

  "I gotta get up," I was hoping he'd stay asleep, so I could get cleaned up and dressed.

  "Go back to sleep," he demands and shifts to get comfortable again.

  "Beau, I need to clean up and stuff"

  "Uh-uh. I already licked you clean, and I'm comfortable. Shush." He did not just shush me.

  "Don't you shush me, you shusher, I need to pee."

  He growls but relents. I rush into the bathroom, only remembering when I close the door that I didn’t grab any clothes. I check the laundry I did last night, but I never threw the load into the dryer. I have to go back out there naked.

  I take care of business and cover myself as much as possible before peeking out the door.

  I hope he fell back asleep.

  It feels weird to parade around in just my panties. I sigh when I see his eyes are closed. He looks quite nice lying in my bed deliciously nude.

  His body takes up all the space of my queen-sized bed. His feet are close to hanging over the edge. He’s sprawled out in his belly.

  I pad quietly to my ward
robe and find an emerald green demi cup bra with small, black satin bows low on the straps. I slip it on and search for something to wear. I pull my legs through grey leggings and tug a cream cashmere sweater with French cuffs over my head.

  Presentable but still comfy.

  I turn around to see Beau's eyes are open, watching me, "You’re are such a creeper." He grins big, without regret.

  "Can you blame me? That was quite a show," he's a charmer.

  I quickly change the subject, "I'm a little low on groceries. You want to come with or stay here and be lazy?"

  "Neither," he grumps, still not moving.

  "Who knew a big, strong man like you'd be wiped out after one little orgasm?" I tease.

  "I see you found your naughty again sweets, but there was nothing little about me coming down your throat. You needing a reminder?" From charming to cocky in an instant.

  I roll my eyes, "Whoa big guy, I was just teasing you. No demonstration needed."

  "That's what I thought," he huffs jokingly.

  "I would like to go. You’re welcome to stay here if you'd like. I also need to run by the store to grab a few things so I can work from home. I can still do a few things from here."

  Beau finally rolls over, completely unabashed with his nudity. It’s not like he has reason to be anyway.

  "I like this bed. That was the best nap, but it needs to be bigger though." He stands and stretches his shoulders back and rolls his head around, before pulling his pants back on, leaving them unbuttoned as he grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head. He sits to put his socks and brown boots back on.

  I'm mesmerized by the simple act, I watch each of his muscles shift with the small movements.

  "You like watching too Sammy," his voice breaks through the fog. I tut at being caught staring.

  "It was almost as nice as watching them come off," I shrug like its no big deal then sit so I can slide on my black knee-high boots.

  Looking outside, I say, "We'll hit the store first if that's okay?" Beau's handsome face is already covered by his hat, so I can't see his eyes when he nods in agreement.

  I wish I knew who he was hiding from. I hate that he always covers his gorgeous face when we aren't alone.

  "You ever think of switching it up?" I motion to the the ball cap on his head.

  "It's the only hat I own," he answers simply with no further explanation.

  It's almost four when we make it to the store. Jude is filling orders, and Molly is ringing them up. Most of the seats are filled.

  I spot Anna guiding a young man to the comic area, and the new girl I hired is standing at the register. When the door chimes from our entry, everyone but Jude, whose back is turned, looks over.

  Anna looks me up and down, noticing my change of clothes I'm sure. I flush.

  Beau places a hand on the small of my back but doesn't urge me forward.

  I look over at him, "I'm just gonna run and get my things. I'll be right back. You want a coffee or anything?" I motion to Jude, where I think Beau would be safest.

  "Maybe. One of those drinks I tried the other week was really good, but I don't know what it was called to order it."

  "Just ask Jude. He'll probably remember, or you can describe it to him." He drops a kiss on my temple in full view of everyone, making my belly flop.

  "Okay sweets," he says walking away like the PDA was no big deal. I'm a puddle of mush.

  I rush to the back and retrieve my ledger and a few other files. I've only been gone minutes, but Anna has already made it to Beau, and her hand is resting on his arm. He's looking away, but he obviously hasn't moved away or asked her to stop.

  I stand and watch for a few seconds as she tries to peer under his hat, even with his face turned away from her.

  "You look ju-just like, like Chris Huntington. OH MY GOD!" She shouts frantically, "Oh my god, oh my god. Is it you?” She moves closer into his space, “God, I love you! I've seen everything, even the smaller stuff. Oh my god, oh my god!" She chants, jumping up and down. Her finger nails claw into his arm.

  Everyone in the store is now staring at them. A few gasps fill the room.

  "Anna? His name is Beau.” Beaus shoulders slump, “You're causing a scene." His head falls forward and his hand comes up to cover his face.

  Anna looks back and forth between the two of us, "You don't know?" She gasps, "How can you not know?" She laughs, "You've been hanging out with one of the biggest movie stars there is and you're clueless.” She pauses for a second and laughs even harder, her hand waves at me, “Oh Sam, get a life." She continues to giggle, but then looks at me with pity, "Oh wait, that means---." She puts her hand to her mouth and her brow furrows, "That means he never even told you his name. That means he didn't want you to know his name."

  My face reddens with embarrassment

  "Knock it off, Anna. I know his name!”

  "Me? Tell Beau to knock it off.” She gestures to Beau who is currently standing as still as a statue. “The jokes on you Sam, because not only do you not know his name, but you've been chasing after an engaged man."

  My mouth drops open. I look at Beau, but he hasn't said a word to defend her claims.

  Anna pipes up to make things worse, "And you gave me a hard time for trying to talk to him. Turns out we aren’t that different, you and I!”

  The room is silent. Everyone is waiting to watch this trainwreck unfold, but I won't give them the satisfaction.

  I stand tall and announce, "I’m done. It’s over!” I look pointedly at Anna. “Anna.” I motion for her to go to my office. I then take a deep breathe and announce, “I'm sorry for the disruption. Please enjoy your drinks. This afternoon it’s on the store."

  I walk to my office amid an explosion of whispers.

  I can't even process what just happened. My mind starts to replay the incident and as it all unfolds, it makes more sense. He said more than once how much he wanted normalcy, how he was hiding from everyone. Was he only my friend because I didn't know who he was? My thoughts spiral. He's engaged. I enter my office on that thought and close the door feeling the heartbreak I was hoping wouldn’t happen so soon.

  Anna attempts to apologize, but I meet her pleads with a harsh truth, “Your behavior today and in the past has shown me that you cannot work in a professional environment. I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you can’t act this way. This is my store, my life, and business. You just announced to everyone, including my customers, personal aspects of my life outside of work.”

  “But he was tricking you---,” Ann tries to say.

  I sigh, because it is the truth, “The way you handled it was not okay. You are fired.”

  Anna storms angrily out of the office. I take a few breathes, pinching the bridge of my nose between my fingers. I walk out to address Beau, but he’s already gone.

  It dawns on me that I don't even have a way to tell him what an epic asshole I think he is. I laugh bitterly because I just gave myself to a man, and I don't even know his number.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. I didn't even know his real name.

  I then realize it doesn't matter if he's an asshole or not.

  I have no one to blame but myself.


  Jude looks at me with sympathy, "He left seconds after you did. I'm sorry, Sam. I had no idea." A few of the people that witnessed the scene look like they're waiting for another explosion.

  I try for a small smile, "Yeah me either." I shrug.

  I leave work an hour later after writing up another job ad to replace Anna. As I leave I put up the wanted sign in the window and say goodbye to Jude and George.

  I forgo the market to head straight home. The card in my purse is nearly forgotten with the other things on my mind.

  I unlock the lower entry and see a small woman locking the downstairs unit. She's wearing a pink uniform and carrying a white handled tote filled with cleaning supplies. She doesn't speak when she passes me, but knowing she has keys to the building bothers me.

  I check the mail and find it empty.

  Once inside, I contact the alarm company and order cameras to be installed inside and out of my studio. I'm in luck, and they can have someone here tomorrow at two.

  Now that Anna is gone, I'll need to work tomorrow, but I'm sure I can get home before they arrive. Gina will be there, and Jess doesn't leave until three, with Jude coming in around two. They should be okay for a few hours without me.

  There's nothing left for me to do, so I decide a little self torture is in order. I open my laptop and type Chris Huntington into the search bar to learn about the illusive man, who turned out to not be so elusive.

  His Wikipedia page pops up first, followed by photo upon photo of the man that I knew as Beau. I click the first link, discovering where he got Beau from. It’s his middle name. It isn’t clear if Winchester has any significance.

  Everything listed tells me more about the stranger I thought I knew. The top of the page has more information about him than I learned in over a month talking with him.

  Birthday: August 11th

  Height: 6ft 3in

  Weight: 201-219

  The list goes on and on from his bicep and waist measurements to his shoe size. Followed by every detail about his career imaginable, including single appearances on sitcoms.

  I scroll down to his personal life. It feels so wrong to read it, and I am punished immediately for doing so. The list of women associated with him is extensive. He doesn't seem to favor blonde over brunette, he even dated a few red-haired women. The one thing they all have in common is their tiny size. Every one of them could be a model. Most are with the others being actresses.


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