Fate's Cry

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Fate's Cry Page 13

by Williby, Jalpa

  Eyes wide, Kelsey shouted, “What? What do you mean? You were there?”

  A slow smile formed as Damien inhaled deeply again. “You think I can go even one night without seeing you? I can’t get enough of you. Not to mention, I was worried out of my mind. Of course I was there, Kelsey. As soon I got your note from the doorman, I took off. You had already told me the small town Lisa had moved to, so once I arrived there, it wasn’t hard to locate you by your scent.”

  Kelsey frowned, stunned. “I don’t understand. You flew there? Like with your wings? Isn’t that too far?”

  “Not at all. Actually, I can fly very fast. I was there within a few hours, and I found you in your hotel room.”

  Shaking her head, she whispered, “Oh my gosh! It wasn’t a dream. I felt somebody touching my face. It was you?”

  Damien laughed. “Actually, I sat on the bed and watched you sleep for a while, thanking my lucky stars that you were still okay.”

  “Wow, that’s creepy,” she said, smiling.

  “I know, it is pretty creepy. You’ve got me doing creepy things, Miss Kelsey Taylor. I find myself doing things I have never done before. I am completely at your mercy.”

  “And you left when you realized I was about to wake up?”

  “Yeah, as soon as I touched you, you began to move. So, I jumped out of the window.” Damien’s face suddenly became more somber. “Kelsey, I went to the crime scene. I knew you had been there because I could smell you and the blood. I wanted to see if my senses picked anything up.”

  Kelsey stared into the dark sky, holding his hand tightly. “And?”

  “First of all, when I saw that message, it took everything out of me to not tear the place up looking for the bastard. But I knew he was long gone. I’m gonna kill him, Kelsey. I’m going to find him and kill him.”

  “You’ll have to beat me to it,” she mumbled, knowing she wouldn’t hesitate to take his life herself if she had the opportunity.

  “There’s one more thing. There was a faint scent I picked up. It smelled familiar in a way, but I couldn’t pinpoint it.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t understand. Like the scent of the killer?”

  “I’m not sure. There was a strangely familiar scent I picked up very briefly.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t me? I was there earlier,” Kelsey explained, but her mind was going a hundred miles per hour.

  “No, I know your scent, Kelsey. It was different.”

  “What about Lisa? I know you had never met her, but maybe when you saw me one night, her scent was still on me from my visits with her at the hospital.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe not.”

  “Damien, are you suggesting you know the killer?” she asked incredulously.

  “I can’t figure it out yet, Kelsey. But I really tried to embed that scent into my brain.”

  Shuddering, she snuggled closer to him. If he was suggesting he somehow knew the killer, then that would mean there was a possibility that she did, too. As another idea came to her, she asked, “Wait, do you think it’s another gargoyle?”

  “The thought did cross my mind, to be honest. Another gargoyle could be trying to disguise his kills as if he was a human to throw any trails off. Like I said, there are some terrible gargoyles around as well.” Damien draped his arm around her shoulder to pull her against him when he felt her shudder.

  “I can’t talk about this anymore, Damien. It’s all just too much. Let’s change the subject. Can we discuss this hunting and this permanent change to being a human now?” She shoved past him, her mind demanding the space to think clearly.

  Damien sighed. “Gargoyles have to eat, too, Kelsey. We hunt animals.”

  “Like what kind of animals?”

  “Like rabbits, birds, deer…whatever we’re in the mood for.”

  “And then?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like do you eat them raw?”

  Damien laughed. “Well, let me put it this way; I’ve never seen a gargoyle cook up his kill.”

  “So, what do you eat when you’re in your human form?”

  “I can eat any human food. I just don’t prefer it to be honest. Raw meat is a lot tastier than cooked meat.”

  Kelsey cringed her nose in disgust. “Gross!”

  “Oh, you don’t know what you’re missing, darlin’,” he teased.

  “So, what are you going to do if you go through this process of becoming a permanent human?”

  “It’s not a matter of if, Kelsey. It’s a matter of when. You see, when the transformation occurs, well, I have no choice but to do everything that humans do. I’m willing to give up raw meat for you.” Damien flashed his lopsided smile. “You’re too far from me. Come here, woman.”

  “Damien, I’m trying to think clearly here. How does this process work with turning you? And this decision impacts me, too. Don’t you think we should discuss it first?”

  “Master Gargoyles are very powerful. According to our laws, gargoyles like Shane and myself can choose to live either as a gargoyle or human. Most gargoyles that I know of never make that choice and go on to live like I have been all this time. But, I decided to take advantage of that law, so I’ve been going to The Council for a while now. Of course, it hasn’t been easy. There have been numerous meetings because The Council still has the right to decline it all. Once this transformation occurs, they know it would be as if I never existed in their world. Not only would I not be allowed to interact with them, but they’re not either.”

  “So, that explains Shane’s behavior. He loves you, Damien. I still think you should have discussed all this with me.”

  He frowned, walking closer to her. “You don’t want me to be human with you? So we can get married, have lots of kids, and grow old together?”

  “Whoa! Hold on a minute! You can have kids? And by the way, was that a proposal?”

  “Do you want it to be?”

  “Damien! You didn’t answer the question!”

  “I can do everything that any other humans can do. Fine, you want the real thing?” He reached her and kneeled down on one knee. “My dearest Kelsey, nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my days and nights with you. I want to cherish every minute together that’s been given to us. I will happily give up my world because, since I’ve met you, you have been my world. Kelsey Taylor, will you marry me?” Taking his ring off his finger, he held it out to her.

  Knowing it was his clan’s ring, Kelsey lowered herself so she was kneeling in front of him. Nobody had ever made her feel like this. She had been alone for almost ten years, always envisioning her life to be that way. Now, for the first time after losing her family, she felt a tiny glimpse of hope. She swallowed it quickly, though. The tears tumbled freely down her face, as she tried to make sense of her feelings.

  Grabbing her face, Damien said, “Oh, baby. Why are you crying? It kills me to see you hurting. Is this all too much? I’m sorry if I’ve completely overwhelmed you.”

  Shaking her head, she buried it into his chest, sobbing by then. “I’m scared, Damien.” Somehow, she managed the words through her hysterics.

  “Don’t be. I’ll always protect you. Don’t you know that?” He held her tighter.

  “No, that’s not it. Don’t you see? I lose everybody I get close to. Everybody, Damien. And I can’t bear the pain. I purposefully avoid opening my heart to anybody. It’s a curse. If I ever lost you—”

  “Shh, you’ll never lose me. I promise you.” When Damien looked at her, she saw his eyes were full of pain.

  She wiped her tears and stared straight at him. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Damien. Don’t you know as a human you’d be more vulnerable? Anything can take you away from me. At least as a gargoyle, I know you’d be protected.”

  “Gargoyles die, too, Kelsey. My mom…she was killed.”

  Kelsey gasped. She hadn’t even thought about his parents. “What do you mean?”

  “There are bad gargoyles, t
oo. I told you that. One had a vendetta against my father, who was one of the leaders of the clan. Gaston—that was his name—took it out on my mom and ended up killing her.”

  “Oh, Damien. I’m so sorry. Where is this gargoyle? What happened?”

  “This happened about eight years ago. Of course, as soon as my father found out, nothing could stop his fury. Shane and I were devastated, but just as furious. We did end up finding Gaston, and my father ripped him apart piece by piece. He was supposed to bring him back for a trial, but that just wasn’t going to happen. We all wanted our revenge, especially my father.”

  Kelsey shivered, envisioning the violent battle that probably took place. “Where’s your father now?” she finally asked.

  Damien closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “He disappeared for a long time. He just couldn’t go on without my mother. You see, Kelsey, when gargoyles find their mates, it’s forever. The connection is so strong that it’s almost impossible to go on without the other. It’s just in our blood…how we’re made. Finally, the clan found my father, and he is now one of the Master Gargoyles.”

  “Master Gargoyles? You had mentioned them earlier, too.”

  “Yeah, they are very powerful. But, to be one, you leave everything and everyone. We basically lost our father once our mother was gone.”

  She could feel his pain burning inside of him. Holding him tighter, she lowered herself all the way to the ground and brought him down with her. When he was lying on top of her, she caressed his face, and tangling her fingers into his long, dark hair, she pulled him down to kiss him. Showing him all of the love inside her, Kelsey held nothing back as she clung to this one man who finally had given her the courage to open her heart.

  “I love you, Damien,” she whispered.

  “So, is the answer yes? Are we getting married?” Damien asked, his eyes teasing her.

  “Yes, you fool.” She laughed as he tried to put the ring on her finger. “It’s a little too big, honey,” Kelsey said, smiling at him.

  “I’ll get you a real ring, but I want you to wear this ring for now. Maybe you can wear it around your neck? The ring will protect you, Kelsey. Anybody from my clan would be able to locate you, and they will help you.”

  “It’s your clan’s ring, Damien. I couldn’t possibly take it. This defines you.”

  “I’m walking away from my clan, Kelsey. I want you to have it.”

  “Damien, I—”

  “Shh, it will protect you. And it’ll make me feel better.”

  “Isn’t the ring made for you, though?”

  “Yes, that’s why it’s able to adjust to my finger whether I’m a gargoyle or a human. But it will be useless to me once I transform. They wouldn’t be able to find me even if I had the ring because it would be as if I never existed. But if you have it, they can at least find you. If you’re the owner of the ring, they’ll give you the respect.”

  “I don’t know anybody from your clan, and they don’t know me.”

  “Oh, trust me, they all know you, and you’ve already met Shane. Granted, it wasn’t a great first impression, but he really is a decent guy.” Damien chuckled under his breath.

  “But I thought gargoyles aren’t allowed to interact with humans anyway.”

  “You’re right about that. If you’re the owner of the ring, though, they’ll give you the respect and treat you as one of their own. They’ll help you with whatever you need. Trust me, it’ll help you. Please, Kelsey, I want you to have it.”

  Speechless, she stared at the rare beauty. She saw a tiny gargoyle on top and engravings around it. “What does it all mean?” she whispered.

  “It means speed, strength, and courage. And right here in the back, it says ‘to protect.’”

  Kelsey swallowed the lump and pulled him into her embrace. Without saying a word, she kissed him, sneaking her hands under his shirt. Feeling the heat of his body, she craved his touch. She pulled his shirt off with shaky hands, her need intensifying.

  “What are you doing, Kelsey?” he asked, his eyes smiling.

  “You’re going to make love to me,” she simply stated.

  “Right here? We’re not even married. Don’t you want to be married first?”

  “Yes, right here. This is where we met, so it’s going to be right here and right now. Nope, we’re not waiting for marriage. I can’t wait any longer. I’ve fantasized about this for years.”

  He laughed, throwing his head back. “You’re serious? Why didn’t you ever tell me, my little she-devil?” He paused, contemplating. “Marriage is a human institution. It really means nothing to me because I already claimed you as my partner years ago. I just want it done right for you. I also want to make it very clear, Kelsey. When we mate, we mate for life. You understand that, right?”

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “I do, Damien. Umm, so, are you a virgin?”

  “Of course. I was saving myself for you.” He chuckled. “You can teach me a thing or two.”

  Kelsey shook her head, rolling her eyes. “Uh, yeah, I won’t be a good teacher. I’ve only had sex a few times, and it was in high school. That’s when I was doing stupid things, and I don’t even remember the experience to be honest. After I lost my family, I became a loner and never desired to be with anybody. Only you were able to awaken that part of me again many years ago. I didn’t understand it, and I’m sure it even frightened me that you had that power over me.”

  In the blink of an eye, Damien turned into his gargoyle form. “Are you frightened now?”

  Kelsey stared deep into the eyes of the beast lying on top of her. Instead of feeling scared, all she saw was how beautiful he truly was. He still looked like Damien to her with his high cheekbones, strong jawline, and solid muscle outlining every inch of his body. “No, because you’re still Damien. My Damien.” She reached for his face, her touch velvet-soft against his fierce, tough skin.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, as if taking in the scent of his woman. “I love you, Kelsey.” With that, he picked her up in his powerful arms and took her high up in the sky.


  Within minutes, they were so high that she could barely make out the city lights. He spun her fast, roaring into the silence of the stars. All Kelsey could do was hold on as he gave her the ride of her life. She had never felt so safe and protected. It seemed right to belong in his arms as he showed her the beauty of the world. Bringing both of them to a tall tree in a remote rural area, he safely brought her down so she could grab one of the branches. He stood next to her in his human form on the sturdy branch, breathing heavily.

  As she looked into his eyes, she saw the intensity of his love for her. There was something else, though. She saw his longing. “I want you, Kelsey. I have to have you.”

  Hearing the depth of his need, Kelsey’s heart quickened and her body responded. “Damien,” she whispered.

  When Damien’s lips met hers, she knew he was holding nothing back. A deep craving flared as she instinctively understood what his kiss was demanding of her.

  “Your scent is changing. I can tell you’re wanting the same. No more waiting.” He snatched her up and leaped off of the tree, changing into a gargoyle in midair. Soon, they were back on their rooftop.

  Before she knew it, Damien was lying on top of her, completely naked in his human form. Kissing her as if he was about to burst, her clothes were ripped off. He lifted his face as his eyes traveled every inch of her body.

  Suddenly shy, Kelsey tried to pull him back to her.

  “No, let me look at my beautiful Kelsey. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?” Slowly his fingers caressed her body as he explored.

  All she could do was close her eyes while her body burned for him. Every feather-like touch brought sweet torment. On one hand, she wanted him to just take her at that very second, but on the other hand, the slow torture was about to make her explode.

  With every touch, he left a trail of kisses where his hands had been. His hot breath on her
body, followed by his lips and tongue, had Kelsey moaning under him. Damien slowly devoured her, savoring every touch, every kiss, every lick. All the while, she could do nothing but wiggle helplessly under him, begging him to take her.

  “I’ve been dreaming of tasting you for a long time now, Kelsey,” he said. Before she processed what he was saying, he traveled lower until his tongue found her most sensitive part.

  Arching her back, she screamed for him. “I can’t hold out, Damien. You’re killing me.”

  “I love watching you fall apart under my touch. And you taste delicious.” Damien buried himself into his mission again as he held her hips up to bring her closer.

  The deeper his tongue teased, the more Kelsey moaned and screamed. He felt too good, and somehow, he knew what to do to bring her to ecstasy. “Damien! God, this is…please!” Losing all control, she fell apart as the pulsating rhythms rocked her body.

  When she was finally able to slow her breathing down, Damien’s face was buried in her neck. Her hands found his chest and touched his rock hard body.

  “How did you know what to do? I thought you’ve never done this before.” Kelsey was barely able to squeeze the words out, as she was still trying to catch her breath.

  “I haven’t,” he said. “I just did what I wanted to do. What I’ve been dreaming of doing. Besides, I’ve been around for a while now. I’ve seen how humans have sexual relations.”

  “My turn to fulfill my dreams.” She turned him over and ended up on top of him. Kissing every inch of his body, she enjoyed the power she had over him. Soon, her hand found his arousal and she stroked.

  “Damn, Kelsey, what are you doing?”

  “I’m just getting started,” she warned. When her mouth ended up where her hand had been, she heard Damien gasp.

  “No, stop. No more.” He pulled her up and rolled on top of her. “Tell me if I do anything wrong or if I hurt you.”

  Kelsey pulled his hips down to hers as she opened herself to him. With her hand, she guided him to enter inside her. As if by instinct, he thrusted his hips against her. Moaning in pain, Kelsey tried to relax. Since she hadn’t been sexually active, she was very tight, and his size didn’t help matters any. But, as they both lost themselves into pleasing one another, Kelsey soon felt him fill inside her. Both groaned in unison as they savored their connection.


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