Fate's Cry

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Fate's Cry Page 19

by Williby, Jalpa

  Kelsey grinded her teeth and snatched her hand away. “You made a mistake. I never told your killer side I was flying in. I didn’t catch it ‘til later that the killer asked me if I had landed. There was no way the killer should have known that. Only you knew I was flying back. Once the suspicion rose, it all came together. The profile fit.”

  “Not bad, not bad at all. I don’t usually make mistakes like that, but I haven’t been myself lately. You see, Kelsey, you’ve made me very flustered.” His shrewd eyes bored into her.

  Kelsey cringed, but remained strong. “This is how it’s going to work. You’re going to let Samantha and Tina go. Tina can get Samantha home. When I know they’re both safe, you can have me.”

  Kevin laughed. “Brave words, but not gonna work. You see, Tina is already dead.”

  Kelsey closed her eyes as her heart dropped, not ready to hear those words. “No,” she whispered.

  “I told you not to tell anybody, but you didn’t listen. Her death could have easily been prevented.”

  All she wanted to do was to dive across the table and take him down. Never had she hated anybody more.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Kelsey. You’re weighing out your options. Let me help you out. As I see it, you’ve got no choice. You can’t do anything to me right now because you’ve got to get to Samantha. If anything happens to me, nobody will be able to find her. And she will die slowly and painfully because nobody will be able to hear her.”

  “You’re sick,” she hissed.

  “Oh, you have no idea, darling Kelsey. Now, you do as I say. You quietly get in the car with me, and I take you to Samantha. It’s that simple.”

  “What’s the guarantee you’re going to let her go?”

  “There’s no guarantee, my dear. But again, you don’t have much choice, do you? This is your one opportunity to go to her and help her. And I know you so well, Kelsey. You want to find her. You want to save her. You at least want her to know that you’re there with her, so she won’t be as scared. You see, Kelsey, you can easily step away and walk out this door, and there wouldn’t be anything I could do about it. Not in front of all these people. But, you won’t. Instead, you’ll get into the car with me and try to save your precious Samantha. You failed her father, but you don’t want to fail her, now do you? Tell me, does she know you got him killed?”

  Kelsey remained calm and looked him dead in the eye. She knew she was signing her death certificate, but he was right. There really was no other choice.

  “Let’s go,” she said, determined to stay strong and find Samantha.

  Before getting into the car, he searched her and snatched her gun and phone. Kevin leaned into her and whispered in her ear, “Just making sure we don’t have any complications. I’m sure you understand why I have to take your gun and phone. We don’t want any more people hurt, do we?”

  Kevin placed her phone behind the tire. Kelsey knew that once he reversed, it would be completely destroyed.

  Pulling herself away from him, she dove into the passenger seat and slammed the door.

  During the car ride, Kelsey knew she had to earn Kevin’s trust. Somehow, she had to convince him to let Samantha go.

  “You know, I was actually starting to have feelings toward you, Kevin. I thought we had a connection. Was I wrong?” Internally, she shuddered at the thought of actually being attracted to him at one point.

  “You felt it, too? Why do you think I’ve been doing all this? When I saw that asshole assault you in front of your building, I almost killed him right then and there. But I decided to wait, so I could torture him slowly. Did you like his hand I sent you?”

  Kelsey quickly turned her face to stare out of the window, feeling sick to her stomach. It was all her fault. Jason did not deserve the brutal death he got from this sicko.

  “No, Kevin, you know I didn’t like it. Why are you doing this? I trusted you; you’ve been my mentor.”

  “Oh, Kelsey, you’re so innocent and trusting. I must admit, though, you have definitely been my weakness.”

  “Why? When did you start your killings? You might as well tell me everything since at the end of all this, you’re going to kill me anyway.”

  Kevin sighed, regret in his eyes. “True. A shame, isn’t it? I’ve been becoming fond of you, Kelsey. Probably more than that. I even fantasized of what it would be like if you had been in my life all along. You’re so good, Kelsey. Pure and innocent—completely opposite than me. Perhaps…but no, it wasn’t meant to be.” Kevin paused, shaking his head. “Now, what did you ask? Ah, yes, you wanted to know why and when. It’s really my sister’s fault to be honest. She was almost ten years older than me. When our parents died, she ended up taking custody of me. She was so damn strict and so fuckin’ cheap with their money. I mean, it was half mine. It’s not like I was being unreasonable. But I had to ask her permission for everything because I was still a minor. She took being in control a little too far. When I turned eighteen, I wanted to go to Cancun with my friends for Spring Break. She said she wouldn’t give me the money for it. I mean, it was my money! What a bitch! So, that evening when she got home from work, I put sedatives in her wine. When she passed out, I dragged her into the woods and killed her. And you know what I realized? I liked it. I enjoyed taking her life.”

  Kelsey wanted to strangle him, sickened by his words. “Nobody looked for her? People didn’t notice she was missing?”

  “Oh, of course! But I had thought about all that already. We lived in Florida, and we weren’t too far from the Everglades. I just drove up there and threw her body in there. I knew the alligators would get her. I then went to my buddy’s house and crashed there, which was nothing new for me. I came home the next day and called the cops to report I hadn’t seen my sister. I told them she’d go for long walks in the middle of the night. They searched, but of course, they never found her body. I couldn’t believe how easy that was.” Kevin laughed as he remembered the incident.

  “How many have you killed, Kevin?” Kelsey couldn’t believe he had killed his own sister, but she forced herself to remain calm.

  “Countless.” Kevin laughed again, as if proud that he had gotten away with it all these years. “It took me years to kill again. It was a one-night stand. I didn’t even know this woman. I remember she was a brunette and gave great oral sex. While she was sleeping, I wondered if I could do it again. If I could get away with it. So, I took the pillow and suffocated her. Do you know that it takes a lot longer than you’d think to die that way? You know how in the movies they die within a minute or two? Well, that’s not the case. She struggled for a while. I couldn’t believe it. But the more she struggled, the more I liked it.”

  “Why did you become a cop? You don’t see the hypocrisy in that?”

  “It made perfect sense. Why not be right in it to get the information? I started to get bored with my victims, so my crimes became more and more violent. At first, I actually would drive to other states to satisfy my need. Then, I realized everything was just too easy. Lately, I’ve been enjoying myself in my own city. And why not? People are so stupid and gullible. Who would suspect a cop? Especially a captain. It’s brilliant.” Kevin couldn’t stop laughing, and all Kelsey could do was shut her eyes and try to slow her breathing down. He reached for her and played with her hair. “It’s going to be different with you and me, Kelsey. You’re special. I’m going to enjoy you for a while.”

  “You said you’d let Samantha go. Remember? You have to stay true to your word.”

  “Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”

  Kelsey knew they had driven away from the city and were traveling upstate. She looked at her watch and noticed it was almost six o’clock. Again, she thought about Damien. He should be awake by then. If he was, he may try to call her cell phone. Once she didn’t answer, he’d head over to the hotel room and see her note. She could almost visualize his reaction. Pushing the thought away, she again focused on her current situation.

  When Kevin exit
ed from I-87 N, Kelsey began to pay closer attention. Soon, they were in Grand View-On-Hudson, and within ten minutes, the car pulled in front of a house that was set further into the woods.

  “Where are we?” she asked, looking around to see where the nearest house was, in case she had to make a run for it. She also noticed that the river wasn’t too far away from the house. Taking a deep breath, Kelsey willed her heart to slow down, knowing she needed to be patient and find Samantha first.

  “This is my home,” he answered with a smile.

  “I thought you have an apartment in the city.”

  “I sure do. But I also have a home here. Nobody knows about it, of course.”

  “Of course,” Kelsey said dryly. “Is Samantha in there?”

  “Come on.” Kevin exited out of the driver’s side and grabbed her arm as soon as she stepped out.

  Kelsey cringed from his touch, wanting to shove him away from her. Instead, grinding her teeth, she allowed him to lead her into the house. It was a ranch-style home, and as soon as they stepped in, Kelsey quickly scanned around her to search for Samantha.

  “Where is she? I don’t see her.” Her heart was racing, scared of what she may find.

  Without saying anything, Kevin led her to a closed door and flung it open.

  When Kelsey noticed the stairs, she realized it must be leading to the dark basement. She didn’t resist when he signaled her to head down because all she wanted to do was find little Sammy. Rushing down with her heart thumping out of her chest, Kelsey stepped into the devil’s lair.


  Immediately, Kelsey noticed a nauseating odor as she tried to adjust to the darkness. Frantically searching for Samantha, she turned to Kevin and demanded to know her whereabouts.

  “I can’t see anything. Where is she?”

  When she heard a tiny moan from the far corner, Kelsey ran toward that direction. She saw little Samantha tied up, blindfolded, and gagged.

  “Oh dear God! Samantha! Sweetie, I’m here. It’s me, Aunt Kelsey.” She fell next to her and pulled her in her arms. She tugged the gag off from around her mouth, but intentionally kept her blindfold on, knowing that if Samantha saw Kevin’s face, he’d make sure to kill her. “Talk to me, Sammy.”

  Quietly sobbing, Samantha’s voice quivered. “Aunt Kelsey? Is it really you?”

  “It’s me. I’m going to make sure you’ll be okay. Just don’t say anything right now, okay?” She turned to face Kevin. “Untie her. She doesn’t need to be tied up like this.”

  Kevin flicked the light on and said, “It’s for her own safety, Kelsey. Come on, you know that.”

  “She’s a little girl! She can’t do anything to you. Besides, you promised you’d let her go.”

  Kevin laughed. “Did I?” He rubbed his chin as he paced in front of them. “The thing is, Kelsey, I know you better than you realize. I know you don’t fear death. It won’t matter to you what I do to you because you know eventually you’ll get killed anyway. And I like my victims afraid…terrified. All my victims fear death. But you’re different.” He knelt in front of her and twirled his finger in her hair. “You’re different, Kelsey, and this is why I’m drawn to you. I find you a challenge. A part of me hates that your death is inevitable. Yet, the other part of me can’t wait for it! It’s sick, isn’t it?”

  “Stop the goddamn bullshit! You said you’d let her go!” She shoved his hand away.

  “Oh, my dear Kelsey. I know your weakness. I know your fears,” Kevin whispered in her ear. “I know your worst fear.”

  Kelsey flinched away from him, holding Samantha tighter.

  “I know you are afraid of losing people you care about. You don’t fear for yourself, but you fear for others. You can’t stand it when you can’t help somebody. When you can’t save them.” Kevin grabbed her hair and pulled her toward him. “Just like you couldn’t save your family in that fire years ago.”

  Kelsey fought the tears, determined not to give him the satisfaction.

  “Oh, you better believe I reviewed your file in detail. Did you know it’s all in there? Imagine my surprise when I found that out about you. This is one of the reasons I’ve been so intrigued by you, Kelsey.”

  When she felt Samantha’s quiet sniffles in her chest, Kelsey remembered to stay strong and not to let him win.

  “Where’s Tina?” she demanded. Although Kevin had told her earlier that Tina was dead, Kelsey still held on to the tiniest hope.

  Flashing a devious grin, he pulled her hair harder so her head fell back. “Probably floating down that river. I told you your poor choices had her killed. You left me no option, Kelsey.”

  Kelsey forced herself to maintain eye contact with him, letting him see her strength. She knew he got off on people’s fears and weakness. Somehow, she needed to stay calm and not allow him to get into her head.

  “What exactly do you want?” she said, her voice strong.

  “I want you, my darling Kelsey. And I’m going to have you.” He then lowered his mouth to kiss her.

  Instantly, Kelsey wanted to gag, but she remained impassive, not responding in any way. She knew any negative reactions from her would instigate him further.

  Frustrated, he pushed her away. “I know what you’re doing, Kelsey. But sooner or later, you’ll break. If not, you’ll have to watch me with little Samantha. Now, that is not my preference because I’m not into little girls. But if that’s what I gotta do to break you, then I will. Oh, you will be mine, Kelsey. You’ll see.” Heading to the desk against the wall, he grabbed some rope. “Right now, I gotta go back to the station. You see, I’m still on duty, and I need a good alibi. But don’t worry, I’ll be back later tonight. And you know what? I’m off all day tomorrow, so we’ll really have our fun.” After tying her against the same pole he had Samantha tied, he gagged both of them and continued, “Oh, just in case you get any crazy ideas, the nearest house is half a mile away. But the owners are not even there. They use it for a vacation home. Now, think about everything I said. If you want to keep Samantha safe, you know what you have to do.”

  As he headed up the stairs, Kevin turned the lights off. The only light flowing in was from the three basement windows. She heard him close the basement door and lock it. Soon after, there was a slam of the front door. He hadn’t bother to blindfold her, so once her eyes adjusted to the dark, she was able to check on Samantha. Relieved that there were no cuts or bruises on her, she scooted closer to her to provide her with some sort of reassurance. She knew Samantha was silently crying, but she couldn’t blame the young girl.

  If Kevin was going all the way to the station, she had several hours to figure out how to get them out of here. She put her face next to Samantha’s, and even though Kelsey was gagged, she tried to use her mouth as best as she could to pull Samantha’s off. After twenty minutes of persistent attempts, she finally succeeded in tugging Samantha’s down.

  “Aunt Kelsey!” Samantha said as she took a deep breath.

  Kelsey knew Samantha couldn’t see her, so she put her gag against her cheek to let her know to try to get it off with her teeth. Samantha was a smart girl, so she caught on instantly. When tugging at the gag wasn’t working, Kelsey turned her head so Samantha could try to reach the knot. Again, the little girl worked hard to loosen the knot with her teeth. Finally, what seemed like eternity, Samantha was able to loosen the knot enough where Kelsey could pull her gag down with her tongue and lips.

  “It worked! You did awesome, Sammy!” Kelsey wanted her to hear her strong voice, so Samantha didn’t have a complete breakdown. “Now, talk to me. Did he hurt you in any way? How are you doing?”

  “Can you take my blindfold off first? It’s dark and scary.”

  “Honey, I think it’s best you keep it on. I don’t think he’d be too happy if you saw his face. How did he get you? Have you seen what he looks like?”

  “No, he never let me see him. He grabbed me from the park. I went away from my friends because I was trying to collect roc
ks. When I was by a tree, I felt somebody grab me. I couldn’t even scream. Everything happened fast. Somehow, he gagged me and put the blindfold around me.” Samantha began to tremble. “I’m scared. What does he want?”

  “It’s okay. Don’t be scared. I’m here now, and I’ll do everything I can to protect you. You know that, right, Sammy? You’re my brave girl, right? You’ve done so amazing!”

  “I peed in my pants earlier. I couldn’t hold it. I was so scared.” She heard Samantha’s soft sobs as she tried to catch her breath.

  “It’s okay, Sammy. Don’t worry about that. I would do the same thing.”

  “You would?”

  “Of course! You couldn’t help that. Now, we have to come up with a plan on how we can get out of here. Maybe we can use our teeth to unknot the ropes that are tying us to the pole. Let me try yours first.” For thirty minutes, Kelsey tried to undo the knots, but it was useless. It was knotted so tightly that she couldn’t even loosen it at all. “Okay, I’m not having any luck. Can you try mine and see if you’re better at it than me?”

  Samantha relentlessly attempted to release the knot, but Kelsey soon realized they weren’t making any progress, and they were running out of time. Desperate, she fiercely tried to wiggle out of the rope from her feet and arms. After another half an hour of urgent attempts, Kelsey’s noticed the rope burns she was getting from the friction. Even so, she had gotten no further than before.

  “Okay, Sammy, we need to try to scream as loud as we can. Maybe somebody is going through the woods for a jog and may hear us. Can you help me?”

  Samantha nodded, and both screamed for help until their throats hurt. By then, Samantha had started to cry. Kelsey didn’t feel too optimistic either and wished she could cry with her. From her calculations, Kevin had already been gone for approximately three hours. He should be back within an hour or two. There was a good possibility they may not escape before he returned, and she knew she had to come up with plan B quickly.


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