Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 24

by Michael J. Ward

  (requirement: rogue)

  (requirement: mage)

  Congratulations, you are now the arena Grand Champion! Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  You attempt to chip away at the black rock. However, the moment your weapon comes into contact with the rock, it begins to vibrate, sending your weapon spinning out of your hand. When you go and retrieve it, you see that it is now blackened and charred, giving off a faint green smoke. (You must lower either the speed, brawn or magic of your main-hand weapon by 1 point.)

  Shaken by your experience, you decide to keep your distance from the infernal rock. Clearly it is not something of this world and you can’t even begin to fathom how to destroy it. Perhaps, by exploring the tunnels beneath the glade, you will learn more about this peculiar rock. You head into the northern passageway. Turn to 428.


  You quickly conceal the items about your person and then join the back of the crowd. Passing through the double doors, you are led down a wide corridor lined with paintings and tapestries. Ahead of you is a golden archway, beyond which you can hear the sound of music and revelry.

  You notice the boy walking at your side. His face is grim-set, his hands stuffed in his pockets. ‘Who are you?’ you whisper to him.

  He looks at you and smiles proudly. ‘Why, I’m Spink. Apprentice to the great Eldias Falks.’

  You shrug, giving him a confused expression. The name doesn’t sound familiar, but then so much seems unfamiliar these days. As you start to frame your next question, you find yourself passing beneath the golden arch. Turn to 399.


  You take the dryad queen’s hand. Suddenly, you feel a surge of power flow into your body, surrounding you in a halo of golden light. ‘I put my trust in you,’ whispers the queen. ‘Use your powers wisely and nature will always be your ally.’

  The ranger has the following abilities:

  Lay of the land (sp): You can now use the natural features of the land to your advantage. Add one extra die when rolling for your attack speed, for one combat round only.

  Nature’s revenge (co): Use this ability instead of rolling for a damage score, to automatically bind a single opponent in deadly thorns. This inflicts 2 damage dice to your opponent, ignoring armour. It also reduces their speed by 1 for the next combat round. This ability can only be used once per combat.

  When you have updated your hero sheet, return to 376.


  You skilfully behead the beast – again and again, until its many headless necks are pumping black blood into the mire. At last, after an exhausting battle, the beast finally lies dead. You may now take one of the following special rewards:

  Hydra-scaled fists

  Hydra’s guard

  Marsh stalkers


  (left hand: shield)


  +3 magic +2 armour

  +2 speed +3 armour

  +2 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: regrowth

  Ability: deflect

  Ability: sideswipe

  (requirement: mage)

  (requirement: warrior)

  (requirement: rogue)

  You also find the decayed bodies of several other unfortunate travellers, lying in the bog. From their remains, you are able to loot 30 gold crowns. Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  Boss: Shadowstalker

  You find the trail at dawn: a series of scorched craters blasted deep into the boggy earth. Many are still smoking, the air reeking of brimstone and magic. A little further on, pockmarked impressions in the mud suggest a scuffle and someone falling into the mire, wounded. Blood still stains a rock.

  You continue southwards, into the foothills of the mountains. Somewhere up ahead you can hear the thunderous boom and crackle of magic. You pick up the pace, convinced that you are getting closer to the mysterious Jenlar Cornelius.

  The tracks take you higher into the mountains, where the air is cold and the wind howls through the gullies and across the weather-beaten slopes. They eventually bring you to a set of stairs, carved into a pillar of rock. Without hesitation, you start up them, taking the stairs two at a time.

  You wind your way around the pillar, following the stairs to its lofty summit: a plateau of smooth rock, bordered by flecks of white cloud. Here, resting atop a tiered dais, is an archway of stone.

  At the foot of the dais, an old man in mud-spattered robes is lying on his side, his hands clasped to his chest in a vain effort to stem the flow of blood. Standing over him is a hooded figure, dressed in black and grey cloth. As you approach, the figure turns to face you, their gloved hands tightening around a pair of swords.

  ‘Well, well, you finally made it.’ The figure hooks a thumb under their hood and pulls it back. Your blood runs cold when you look upon the assassin’s features, staring back at you with a cruel smile. It is your face – identical in every aspect.

  ‘What . . . how?’ You take a step backwards, shaking your head in dismay. ‘Is this some trick?’

  The assassin twitches an eyebrow. ‘Oh, so much has been forgotten, hasn’t it, my shadowkin.’ Turn to 433.


  ‘If I could afford to pay yer, I’d have you working behind here,’ the barman grins, tapping the counter. ‘Yeah, I know – you ain’t looking for tap work, are yer? Well, I hear talk there’s some mercenaries moved in down south. Think they’re planning on exploring those sunken ruins at the foot of the mountains. You might want to join them. I understand they were asking around for some talented treasure-hunters.’

  Will you:

  Ask if he knows Jenlar Cornelius? — 411

  Ask about local rumours? — 378

  Turn your attention back to the taproom? — 404


  The young girl beams at you excitedly. ‘Hello! I’m Tanner,’ she says. ‘You’re looking for things to buy, right? Let’s see – I do have a couple of interesting books for sale. I’ve read them both six times already!’

  You may purchase any of the following for 20 gold crowns each:

  Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Herbs, Roots and Leaves

  The Compendium of Dwarven Lore



  This handy guide will allow you to pick herbs for use in potion-making

  This pocket-sized tome will help you decipher Dwarf runes

  Tanner points to one of the workbenches, which contains a jumble of glass vessels, tripods and mixing bowls. ‘If you find any herbs on your travels then I can mix up some potions for you. I’ll even do it for free, as its great practice. One day I want to be the best potion-maker in all of Valeron!’

  If you have herbs or wish to view what Tanner can make, turn to 459. Otherwise, return to 310 if you want to talk to Totsvig again.


  Your final blow sends the count’s golden mask skittering across the floor, revealing his scarred, disfigured face. It begins to wither and age before your very eyes. ‘No! I will not die!’ hisses the vampire. He tries to grab you, but the count’s legs give way beneath him. He collapses to the ground, his body crumbling into a pile of grave dust.

  Congratulations! You have defeated the vampire lord. You may now take one of the following rewards:

  Vampire’s kiss

  Vermilion rage

  Mask of deceit

  (left hand: dagger)



  +1 speed +2 brawn

  +1 magic

  +1 speed +2 armour

  Ability: leech

  Ability: bleed

  Ability: deceive

  (requirement: rogue)

  ‘A good show,’ rasps a voice. ‘Carry on like that and you’ll put me out of business.’

  You hurry over to the witchfinder, who is clutching a scrap of black cloth to his wounded neck ‘Don’t worry friend, I’ll be fine. Just a flesh wound.’

  You help to suppor
t him as he stands.

  ‘My apprentice has plenty of healing draughts,’ he says, noticing your look of concern. ‘Nothing that can’t be fixed. Let’s head back to the hall and see what’s left of the place, eh?’ Turn to 515.


  Beyond the doorway, a short passageway leads out onto an open plateau of rock, jutting out from the wall of the ravine. The area nearest the wall is covered in a high mound of broken stone and rock. South of it, along the edge of the plateau are a number of cone-shaped protrusions, belching steam into the air.

  ‘Oh, what am I going to do?’ says a dispirited voice, from somewhere behind the haze of steam. A moment later, a woman steps into sight – her ginger hair pushed back behind a pair of smog-stained goggles. She notices you and gives a gasp of surprise.

  ‘Belinda?’ you ask.

  She nods her head. ‘How . . . how did you know?’

  Suddenly, there is a deafening explosion. You are thrown to the ground, your ears ringing, as fragments of rock and dust rain down about you. Turning towards the source of the blast, you see that the pile of rock and stone has gone and in its place is a giant throne fashioned from black marble. Seated on it is an armoured knight. Smoke and flames billow from the holes in his visor and between the dark plates of his armour.

  ‘What is it?’ cries Belinda, running over to you. ‘I didn’t do anything – I promise!’

  The giant knight gets to his feet, flames flickering beneath his helm. ‘I awaken,’ he booms. ‘The long sleep is over. Your power calls to me!’

  Raising his gauntleted hands, the knight summons a sword of blazing fire into each palm, then starts towards you, as more flames ripple across the surface of his armour to coat it in fire.

  If you gave Hal the health potion, turn to 578. Otherwise, turn to 527.


  Something warm and syrupy fills your mouth, clogging at the back of your throat and forcing you to gag. All of a sudden you are awake, coughing and spluttering.

  ‘Why thank you for that,’ grins the black-coated man, kneeling beside you. He produces a handkerchief and proceeds to mop up the syrup from his face. ‘Come on, drink some more. It is a healing draught.’ He holds a flask to your lips, allowing you to take another gulp of the potion. Slowly, you feel your strength returning. (You may restore your health to its starting value.)

  ‘You’re probably still dazed and confused,’ says the man, placing his black hat back onto his head. ‘I’m Eldias Falks, one of the king’s witchfinders.’ He rises to his feet. ‘My apprentice Spink is tending to the other wounded. The count has escaped – but I know exactly where he is headed: his personal crypt beneath the castle. Are you up for joining me?’ He holds out a gloved hand. You grab it and clamber back onto your feet.

  ‘OK, I’m ready,’ you nod. ‘Just lead the way.’ Turn to 535.


  ‘The gates were built long ago, as a means of travelling between worlds. The people who crafted them were a heathen race – elves, whose dark magic and infernal machines once tainted this land.’ The queen is silent for a moment, before continuing. ‘The shadow gate was the last of their great works. When they created it, they had no idea what they would find on the other side. They dreamed of power and glory and knowledge . . . but what they awakened instead was a vast and deadly evil. When they stepped through the gate, they didn’t find a land of splendour and riches . . . instead, they found a vast army waiting for them; an army brutally fashioned to fulfil one single purpose – to destroy everything in its path.’

  ‘The Legion of Shadow,’ you interject, nervously.

  ‘Yes. Like a plague of locusts, it turned the land to ash and desert. It was an unstoppable force – for every shadowborn that fell in battle, there were hundreds more to take their place, pouring through the shadow gate like a relentless tide.’

  Your arm tingles as the mark beneath your clothing begins to grow hot. ‘You mentioned the shadowborn. Did they . . . Did all the shadowborn fight for the Legion of Shadow?’

  ‘The shadowborn are the legion. They take their name because they were born in that other place – that place of shadow and death, beyond the gate.’

  You look down at your concealed mark, your mind suddenly racing with thoughts and questions.

  ‘The legion was defeated,’ continues the queen, regarding you impassively. ‘A group of mages managed to close the gate by removing one of its keystones. This device, known as the Nexus, was separated into four pieces and entrusted to a group of guardians to safeguard with their lives. As for the gate itself, it was moved to Talanost – to the reliquary beneath the University of Magic – where it could be better protected. Since then, the survivors of the shadow have been searching for the pieces of the keystone, to create the Nexus anew and unlock the shadow gate.’

  Your eyes widen in sudden realisation. ‘The Nexus,’ you gasp. ‘Avian Dale had the final piece and I . . . I . . .’ You look away, the full weight of what you have done finally hitting home. ‘I stole it . . . I was made to steal it! I am the one responsible for the legion returning to this world.’

  The queen nods. ‘A charm of submission. All shadowborn have it. It means they can be commanded by a superior – remotely if necessary.’

  You find yourself leaning against the bench, suddenly feeling sick and nauseous. ‘Then, if I am one of these . . . shadowborn . . . why does Avian trust me? Why would he ask me to do this task – to stop the legion’s invasion?’

  The queen raises a hand and lightly touches your brow. ‘Perhaps, destiny has granted you a second chance, shadow walker.’

  To ask the queen another question, turn to 376. To end your audience with the queen, turn to 336.


  You pass through the opening, to find yourself in a large square chamber chiselled from black rock. A circular pit, filled with smouldering coals, dominates the centre of the chamber. Beyond it, a set of stairs leads up to rune-bordered doorway.

  You start towards the pit, but come to a halt when you see three sparkling balls of light zoom out of a crack in the floor. They spin around the edge of the pit before throwing themselves against the glowing coals. There is a sudden whoosh of heat as the coals ignite, sending a swirling torrent of flame high into the air.

  As the flames die down, you see a woman standing barefoot on the coals. She is clad in a black gown that hangs in scorched tatters over her shimmering, yellow skin.

  ‘You may not pass,’ she commands, her voice deep and sonorous. ‘This is the domain of Inferno – the master of the eternal flame.’ The woman summons fire into her hands and then advances towards you. ‘Prepare to have your ashes scattered to the wind!’

  Special abilities

  Vortex of fire: At the end of each combat round, Cinders transforms into a spinning vortex of fire. To avoid her spinning flames you must roll 2 dice. If the amount is the same as or less than your speed then you take no damage. If the amount is higher than your speed, you must lose 4 health. This ability ignores armour.

  Body of flame: Your opponent is immune to sear, bleed, fire aura, burn and ignite.

  If you defeat Cinders, turn to 655.


  Sahna furrows her brow. ‘No, don’t think I can place the name. A prophet, you say? Well, we’ve had quite a few crazies down here, it has to be said. Mention the words treasure and gold, and you got to expect them. People just want to make a fast penny. But when there’s real danger involved,’ she smirks. ‘That soon sorts the wheat from the chaff.’

  Return to 343 to ask Sahna another question.


  The rough-hewn tunnel slopes downwards, opening out into a small cave. Above you, breaking through the ceiling of the cave, you can see the withered roots of the trees, forming a natural roof of snaking tentacles. Most of them are split and cracked, their insides glowing with a sickly-green luminescence.

  Two tunnels lead out from the cave. One heading north and the other heading east.

  Will you:

bsp; Take the north tunnel — 403

  Take the east tunnel? — 375


  You hurry along the hallway, towards an open doorway that leads you out into the lashing rain. A flash of lightning illuminates the castle stables, situated at the far side of the cobbled yard. You can hear the horses whinnying and snorting nervously in their stalls.

  Seeing their chance to escape, the family pick up their pace, sprinting towards the stables. You are about to follow when you feel something cold and icy wrapping around your leg.

  ‘Not so fast,’ crows a voice.

  You are thrown off balance, falling to your knees. Twisting around, you see a woman watching you from the shadows. A black thread of mist extends from her outstretched fingers and is now curling around your leg. You try and tear it away, but your efforts prove futile – the coil of mist simply tightens its grip, biting through your armour and into your flesh.

  The woman gives an insane cackle of delight. For a brief moment, a flash of lightning illuminates her gaunt features. She is tall, dressed in a long trailing gown of midnight black. Curtains of dark hair frame her pale face, shot through with a single lock of white.

  To buy the family time to escape, you must fight this powerful undead witch:.

  Special abilities

  Black coils: The witch’s black magic coils around you. At the end of every combat round, you must automatically lose 2 health. This ability ignores armour.

  Vampire: You can use your stake and reflect abilities (if you have them) against this opponent.

  (Note: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this quest with the health that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost health while you are in combat.)


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