Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 26

by Michael J. Ward

  Clockwork camera


  An engraved panel reads: Property of H. Arbuckle

  There is no sign of Hal’s companion, Belinda. She must have dropped down elsewhere in the rift, although you imagine her chances of surviving long in this hellish place are slim. Turn to 439.


  ‘Raolin Storm?’ Sahna wrinkles her nose, derisively. ‘Humph! He’s a powerful mage and a rich one. My chapter have been in his employ now for several months, though I never thought this was going to be on the cards. I’ve lost two good men to that lake already and I’m starting to wonder if this so-called expedition of his is really worth the gold.’ She glances over at one of the guards, who is doing his routine march around the camp. ‘I can’t blame the guys for getting a little testy. It’s been no fun stuck here with only marsh flies for company. Unless we see some results soon,’ she whistles. ‘Oh boy, might even have a mutiny on my hands. Wouldn’t that be fun?’

  Return to 343 to ask Sahna another question.


  Quickly and skilfully, you down the mage. You may now take one of the following items:

  Ring of the marshes

  T-bone wand


  (left hand: wand)

  +1 brawn +1 armour

  +1 speed +1 magic

  Ability: swamp legs

  Ability: bolt

  (requirement: mage)

  Meanwhile, Bern has dispatched the last of the wreekin warriors, his glowing blade now coated with green blood. Grimly, he eyes the dead bodies. ‘Let’s search these and see what we can find.’ Turn to 479.


  You see the count slipping behind a red velvet curtain. Jumping over the bodies and broken furniture in your way, you reach the curtain and pull it aside. Behind it is an open doorway and a set of stairs leading upwards. Taking them two at a time, you race up the steps – to find yourself in a narrow hallway lined with paintings. The door behind you slams shut of its own accord.

  The count is stood at the end of the hall. Behind him hangs a large solemn painting, depicting a sour-faced woman in a white-lace wedding dress.

  ‘Fool,’ hisses the count, his golden mask reflecting the light from the nearby candles. ‘Only Eldias is worthy of my attentions. You are no witchfinder!’ He turns to face the painting. ‘Countess,’ he calls. ‘I call you forth. Come to me now, at the time of the witching hour . . .’

  Suddenly, the painting comes alive. The bride throws herself forwards, her malign face stretching out of the canvas. She opens her mouth, sucking in a great lungful of air . . . then she screams. It is a shrill, piercing wail that drives you to your knees. You try and cover your ears, but the eldritch noise is deafening – sapping at your resolve, eating away at your courage. Every inch of your pained body is screaming at you to flee – to run from this place and never come back.

  The count strides towards you. There is a flash of steel as he unsheathes his rapier. ‘Come, my love. Let us dine on this one’s flesh!’

  Will you:

  Fight the count in this hallway? — 464

  Use something from your backpack? — 532

  Try and open the door behind you? — 473

  Look for an alternative escape route? — 480


  The circular tunnel ends in another wide cavern. Along one side of the cave, a forest of tangled roots hangs down from the ceiling, as dried and withered as all the other roots you have seen. To the north and to the east, you see more tunnel openings.

  As you contemplate your next move, you become aware of a wet, slurping noise coming from the eastern tunnel. You creep cautiously forward, intrigued as to what it could be. Then you see it – a giant brown blob of ooze, moving slowly along the tunnel. Everything it comes into contact with gets sucked up inside its gelatinous body – rocks, stones . . . you can even see several skeletons hanging in the mass of ooze, as well as some swords, helmets and other odds-and-ends of equipment.

  The creature is slow-moving. It wouldn’t be difficult to cross the cavern and take the northern passageway, avoiding the ooze before it even reaches the cave.

  Will you:

  Hurry across the cave and head north? — 472

  Wait for the ooze and then attack it? — 481


  The giant fish-like beast collapses to the cave floor, its bobbing light flickering for a second before winking out into darkness. As your eyes slowly become accustomed to the gloom, you spot an area of the cave littered with the remains of the creature’s many meals. Searching through these scraps, you find 30 gold crowns. You may also take one of the following items:

  Lucky fishing rod

  Twin furies

  Scaled vest

  (main hand: rod)

  (left hand: pistol)


  +2 speed +1 brawn

  +1 speed +3 brawn

  +1 speed +2 magic

  Ability: charm

  (requirement: rogue)

  Ability: swamp legs

  You also find a treasure map, scratched onto a tattered piece of parchment. Make a note of the entry number 512. Any time you wish to view the map, turn to that entry number (keep a record of the entry you were on previously).

  Concerned that this distraction may have cost you valuable time, you delay no further in leaving the cave and continuing your journey. Turn to 304.


  You wriggle along the circular pipe on your elbows, the sound of your breathing amplified in the narrow space. After passing several vertical openings, you come at last to another grill plate. This one is tougher than the last, but with much pulling and tugging, it finally comes loose.

  You slide out of the pipe to find yourself in another black-stone chamber. Turn to 725.


  You stride up to the dragon and issue your challenge. Lazily, the beast opens one eyelid and examines you with interest. A reptilian hiss escapes from its mouth as it lifts up its enormous head.

  ‘You challenge me?’ it booms. The power of its voice dislodges stones from the ceiling and sends more branch-like cracks snaking across the ground.

  The beast rises onto its clawed feet, its immense black wings filling the cavern.

  ‘Puny human,’ hisses the dragon. ‘It is time for you to discover the true might of dragonkind.’ Opening its jaws wide, the dragon breathes a roaring column of flame in your direction:

  Special abilities

  Dragon breath: At the end of every combat round, the dragon breathes fire. To avoid being hit, roll 3 dice. If the result is equal to or less than your speed score, then you have avoided it. If the result is higher, you have been hit and must take 5 damage, ignoring armour.

  Dragon hide: Kindle is immune to piercing, impale, thorns and barbs.

  If you manage to defeat this epic foe, turn to 708.


  You silence the vampire with a killing blow, watching as the woman’s delicate, porcelain features crumble into a fine powdery dust. Lady Roe has been defeated. You may now take one of the following items:

  Vermillion heart

  Blood harvest


  (main hand: sickle)

  +1 speed

  +2 speed +1 magic

  Ability: life spark

  Ability: leech

  (requirement: mage)

  Eldias is still sparring with his foe, appearing to take delight in dodging the baron’s slow and heavy swings. At last, the black-coated man sheathes his blades and pulls out two flint-lock pistols. Aiming them towards the ceiling, he fires two shots in quick succession. There is a grinding, ripping sound – then the huge crystal chandelier hanging above the baron’s head, plummets to the ground, its spear-like tip staking him straight through the heart.

  As the dust settles, Eldias spins his pistols and then holsters them. He flashes you a cocky grin. ‘Now that, my friend, is how you do it in style.’

  You can’t help but marvel at the man’s
self-assured skill. He makes killing these deadly foes look like child’s play. It seems you are not the only one to appreciate his performance.


  The sound of clapping forces you to turn. The count is standing amidst the wreckage of his hall, watching you both with dark, hungry eyes. At his side stand two guards, dressed in heavy chain mail armour.

  ‘It is time,’ hisses the count, his lips curling back over his fanged teeth, ‘for you to die.’ Turn to 392.


  Using the book, you are able to translate the symbols. They represent a series of numbers, arranged within a square-like pattern. Around the edge of the stone is an inscription, written in angular Dwarven script:

  Three become one, if you obey the laws

  Speak the answer and the chest is yours.

  Shay wanders over and looks at the markings. ‘Ooh, puzzles! I love puzzles!’ She takes your book and flicks through the pages. ‘Hmm, a Dwarven treasure chest. I wonder what the answer could be.’ After several minutes of studying the numbers she snaps the book shut in irritation. ‘Those show-off dwarves. Why couldn’t they just use a key and a lock like any normal person!’

  If you are able to work out the answer, then ‘speak your answer’ and turn to the corresponding entry number. If you can’t solve the puzzle, then after much head-scratching, you decide to leave the cave, taking the tunnel north. Turn to 393.


  The wet banks of fog surround you on all sides, plunging the featureless landscape into a cold, murky twilight. After what feels like an eternity of trudging through a constant veil, the mists finally begin to thin, affording you a rare glimpse of your surroundings.

  Ahead of you, stretching across a low line of hills, is a set of black-stone ruins. They stand in stark contrast to the gleaming white fog, which curls around the dark columns and crumbling temple-like structures. As you near the ruins, you cannot help but wonder who, or what, would have chosen to live out in this treacherous, bleak marsh.

  Will you:

  Search the ruins? — 412

  Ignore them and continue your journey? — 304


  You allow your mark to absorb the shadow magic. The moment the magic comes in contact with the squirming snakes, your feel a rush of powerful energy flowing through your body. You may raise your brawn and magic score by 2 for the next two combats that you fight. Turn to 539.


  Tanner runs through the potions that she can make, and the ingredients she will need to make them. If you have the ingredients written on your hero sheet, then Tanner will make the potion for free. However, you must remove the relevant herbs and ingredients from your hero sheet afterwards. All potions are backpack items and have 1 use only:



  Bramble thorn and root grass

  Restore 6 health in combat

  Bramble thorn and thimble sage

  Restore 10 health in combat

  Bramble thorn and taponica bulb

  +4 brawn for 1 combat round

  Spider leg and fire grass

  +4 speed for 1 combat round

  Ghoul hair and black orchid

  +2 armour for 1 combat.

  Make a note of this entry number. Return here at any time to turn your herbs and ingredients into useful potions. Remember, you will need Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Herbs, Roots and Leaves to identify and collect the herbs that you need. Turn to 421 if you wish to view Tanner’s other items, or 371 to examine Totsvig’s potions.


  You turn away as the vampire disintegrates into powdery black ash. You may now take one of the following items:

  Clymonistra’s folly

  Gourd of healing (1 use)

  Sanguine gown




  +1 magic +1 armour

  Use any time in combat to restore 6 health

  +1 speed +2 magic

  Ability: Clymonistra’s adornments

  Ability: evade

  Spink is standing over the cauldron of soup, pouring the bottle’s contents into the oily-looking liquid. Once the bottle has been drained, he turns to you and beckons you over. ‘Come on – help me with this!’

  The boy grabs hold of the cauldron and attempts to tip it over. You join him and add your strength to the task. Within moments, the cauldron is on its side, spilling its contents across the floor of the hall. As the sizzling liquid comes into contact with the vampires, they immediately scream and screech – then explode into thick clouds of dust.

  ‘Holy water,’ smiles Spink. ‘What a kick!’

  As you turn back to the fight, you see the man in the black coat and hat weaving dextrously through the ranks of vampires, spinning twin swords in an elaborate pattern of swirling blades. Wherever he moves, his enemies are cut down, reduced to dust the moment they come into contact with his magical swords.

  Elsewhere you see the blacksmith, crucifix in one hand and bloody stake in the other, valiantly defending himself against a wave of undead. You start across the room to join him, but skid to a halt when you see two vampires striding purposefully towards you. One you recognise instantly. It is the Lady Roe, her long white gown splattered with blood. Next to her walks a tall, barrel-chested man. A thick fur cloak is flung back across his shoulders, making them appear even wider than they already are. In his massive hands, he carries a double-headed axe.

  Suddenly, the black-coated stranger appears at your side. ‘I’m Eldias Falks,’ he says, his eyes twinkling beneath the brim of his hat. ‘Glad you could make the party.’ He watches as the two vampires approach, bowing to them with exaggerated flourish. ‘Ah, the Lady Roe and Baron Greylock. An honour to make your acquaintance. A shame it will be such a brief meeting.’

  Will you:

  Attack Lady Roe? — 302

  Attack Baron Greylock? — 306


  Shay is examining the tree roots, her face alight with fascination and excitement. ‘These are elder roots! You know what that means, don’t you? There must be an elder tree that is still alive.’

  You nod, offering her a knowing smile. ‘Yes, there is. Do you want to meet him?’

  Her eyes widen further. ‘What? You’ve met a tree elder? Why yes. Yes!’

  Together, you backtrack through the network of caves and tunnels, until you arrive back at the withered glade. It is a sad and sobering moment as you walk through the bleak landscape, littered with the stunted remains of the dead trees. All their magic has gone – taken by the giant beetle to feed its insatiable hunger.

  Woad is the only tree left standing, his mighty branches stretching high into the sky. Shay gives a giggle of delight as you both approach the last of the elders.

  ‘Thank you,’ says the tree, his deep-set eyes now glittering with a newfound vigour. ‘I can feel my magic again – I can feel myself healing at last.’

  You describe to the tree what you saw in the caves. The tree listens intently. When you have finished your tale, he gives a heavy sigh, blowing out the tips of his lichen moustache.

  ‘It is as I thought,’ he says. ‘The rock has mutated the wildlife. It has turned them into things that nature never intended. While the splinter remains in our side, I fear this glade will never fully recover.’

  Shay steps forward and gives a nervous bow. ‘Great elder, I am Shay Blackwell, of the Royal Botany Society. You have my word that I will return here with my team, and we will remove that horrid thing as soon as possible. Something like that should not be allowed to wreak further havoc to this beautiful woodland.’

  The elder looks pleased. ‘You are most gracious,’ he says. ‘Please, accept my blessing as a token of my gratitude.’ There is the creak and rustle of branches as the tree begins to sway. Then, all of a sudden, you feel a tingling rush of magic course through your body. (You have received Woad’s blessing. For your next combat, you may temporarily raise your brawn or magic score by 1.)<
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  After thanking the tree elder, you leave the withered glade to continue your journey. Return to the quest map.


  You cross to the island, using the thick roots as a makeshift bridge. The old woman is still huddled over the water, continuing to sob and wail. You ask if you can help, but she shows no signs of having heard you. Tentatively, you put out a hand, to touch one of her scrawny shoulders and announce your presence. Suddenly, with a heart-stopping scream, the woman swings round, tossing her shawl aside. You stagger backwards in shock. The creature that is now revealed is no old lady! It is a fang-toothed monster – its body coated in black oozing slime. You barely have a chance to ready your weapons before this shape-shifting beast is upon you:

  Special abilities

  Dread: This opponent causes fear, reducing your brawn and magic score by 2 for the duration of this combat.

  If you defeat the boggart, turn to 497.


  You follow the tunnel as it slopes downwards into the under-earth. Someone or something must still use this passage, as the walls are lined with torches – their magical blue flames casting eerie shadows against the smooth stone walls.


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