Legion of Shadow

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Legion of Shadow Page 34

by Michael J. Ward

  There is little else in this room, save for clumps of fluorescent anemones and some swaying fronds of seaweed. You swim over to a passageway in the north wall and follow it through into a small, flooded room. Turn to 574.


  The training yard rings with the sound of steel on steel as Nyms and Caeleb spar with one another. A crowd of eager young guards have gathered around them, cheering and applauding as the two expert warriors put on a startling display of sword-work.

  Nyms spots you in the crowd and lowers his swords, nodding in your direction. Caeleb pauses in mid-step, twisting round to see what has caught his opponent’s attention.

  ‘Well, well,’ says Nyms, twirling his blades expertly in his hands. ‘Have you come to show us what you can do?’

  There is a hushed silence as everyone looks to you expectantly. Caeleb bangs his sword against his shield, grinning through his teeth. ‘Shall we see if those weapons of yours are just for show, eh?’ he asks, looking you up and down.

  Nyms walks over and stands by his companion’s side. ‘If you beat us, we may even teach you some of our best moves. What do you say?’

  Will you:

  Challenge Nyms? — 753

  Challenge Caeleb? — 676

  Politely decline and leave the yard? — 553


  Quest: Winter’s hill

  The bang of a door wakes you from your slumber. Still befuddled by sleep, your hand reaches out to the table beside your bed, fumbling for your weapon. You notice that the rest of the barracks is empty. A pale morning light filters through the shutters over the window.

  Lansbury is marching down the aisle between the pallet beds. She stops at the foot of yours, her face red with rage. Under one arm is a collection of books, and in the other is a sack. ‘Of all the pig-headed, stubborn . . .’ She drops onto the end of the bed, looking about to cry. She takes a moment to compose herself, then glances over at you.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologises. ‘It is rather indecent of me to just barge in here, but I need your help.’

  You run a hand through your dishevelled hair. ‘What happened?’ you ask.

  ‘Inquisitor Mathis, that is what happened,’ she snaps, her rage rising again. ‘He won’t listen to a word I say. And now he has Redguard running rings around him – I can’t get a straight answer out of either!’ She opens one of her books and turns it to face you. ‘Look, see that?’

  You lean forward, examining the page. It appears to be a journal, and sketched on the page is a picture of an angel, with its arms and wings outstretched.

  ‘It’s an angel,’ you state, scratching your head.

  Lansbury rolls her eyes. ‘Yes. Since you mentioned to Redguard about the message that Jenlar gave you – that the angels must awaken – I’ve been researching through the books I found in those ruins. Those statues are referred to several times in that text as guardians. And here,’ she fumbles for another book, opening it out to a marked page. ‘Here they are also referred to as the arcs of light.’

  ‘Arcs of light?’ you repeat, handing the journal back. ‘Jenlar never mentioned that.’

  Lansbury gets to her feet, stuffing the books back under her arm. ‘I’ll explain on the way. You will come with me, won’t you?’

  ‘Come where?’ you ask, already sliding off the bed.

  ‘We’re going out into the bone fields. I want to examine one of those statues.’ Turn to 656.


  You find the body of a dead ranger, lying amongst the refuse at the bottom of the pit. Some of the warrior’s items and clothing are still salvageable. If you wish, you may take up to two of the following:

  Lincoln green

  Scout’s longboots




  (left hand: sword)

  +2 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +3 brawn

  +1 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: charm

  Ability: sideswipe

  Ability: deep wound

  You also find a purse of gold. (You have gained 50 gold crowns). As you scan the rest of the pit, looking for any other chance treasures, you discover a small circular grill in one of the walls. A quick examination reveals that it is protecting a pipe outlet. Relieved that you have finally found a way out, you tug the grill free and then enter the tight crawl-space. Turn to 453.


  You press on, making for a line of bone giants who are slowly advancing at the rear of the army. As you bat away the skeletons that seek to frustrate your progress, you become aware of three others making for the same position. You recognise Redguard and Mathis – both are now fighting on foot, their faces grim-set as they battle against the endless horde. The third warrior is a grey-bearded man in thick plate armour. In one hand he holds a shield, riddled with dents and splintered arrows. In his main hand is a broadsword, glowing with magical runes.

  He catches your eye and for a moment the battle recedes into the background, as you both try and place how you know each other.

  ‘Ravenwing!’ you gasp, recognition dawning.

  The man offers you a tight smile. ‘Still fighting for us I see. Long may it last.’ He swings his blade in a deadly arc, lopping the heads off the surrounding skeletons. ‘Follow me, we’re going for Zul.’

  You cut your way through the skeletons to join Ravenwing. Together you fight side by side, heading steadily northwards. Mathis and Redguard are doing likewise. A few minutes later and the four of you are stumbling free of the surging tide, the area ahead of you clear. And marching towards you are four of the biggest bone giants you have ever seen. If you have air superiority turn to 546. Otherwise, turn to 555.


  You escort Hal and Belinda out of the seared scar. As you prepare to part company, Hal takes out his camera. ‘Here, can I get a picture of you? Do you mind? Might be worth a bob or two in the future, you never know.’

  You watch with fascination as the old explorer presses various buttons on the brass box. The cogs and gears begin spinning and then, all of a sudden there is a bright flash, followed by a jet of steam escaping from one of the camera’s nozzles.

  ‘There you go!’ he grins. He whips out a square of parchment from the underside of the camera and then begins flapping it back and forth in the breeze. Intrigued, you walk over and take a look. To your surprise, an image of you is slowly starting to appear on the parchment.

  ‘Wow. Do I really look that ugly?’ you ask, feeling at your face.

  ‘Camera never lies,’ says Hal, chuckling into his beard. ‘Hey, why don’t you keep it. Little memento of your adventure.’

  You take the photograph (make a note of this on your hero sheet. It does not take up backpack space). After thanking Hal and Belinda, you head back into Mistwood. Return to the quest map.


  You press the tiles into the wall, following the sequence shown on the stone tablet. This time, as each tile slides back, they remain in place. When the final tile is pressed, there is a grating rumbling sound from somewhere behind the wall. Suddenly, the grid begins to rearrange itself, some tiles sliding into secret recesses, others moving into the newly created spaces, to end up forming a small hole at its centre.

  From this secret cavity a number of gold crowns, jewels and glowing talismans spill out into the water. You try and collect as many of the treasures as you can. (You have gained 40 gold crowns and a perfect diamond. If you wish to take the gem, simply make a note of it on your hero sheet. It does not take up backpack space.) You may also choose one of the following special items:

  Dour’s whetstone

  Seal of war





  +1 speed

  +1 speed

  +2 magic

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: charge

  Ability: rust

  (requirement: warrior/rogue)

  After po
cketing your treasures, you swim up through the blast hole in the room’s ceiling. Turn to 437.


  You deliver a fatal blow, silencing the evil mage. Stepping over her body, you watch as several more of the knights topple from their black steeds, their now-empty armour rattling to the ground. If you are a mage, turn to 570. Otherwise turn to 577.


  Legendary monster: Malcontent

  The creature is perched on a broken colonnade of stone, its black wings outstretched like an angel of death. Tattered black cloth hangs over its skeletal body, rippling in the bleak wind. Perhaps it was a man once, before it was twisted and reshaped by dark magics. From the depths of its black hood, you feel the creature’s eyes upon you – watching and waiting.

  Redguard was right. This is the undead monster that has been preying on the scouts and messengers along the Talanost road. You make towards the bone-covered hill, weapons drawn and glinting in the evening twilight. As you near, the creature flaps its enormous wings, sending black shapes whirling into the air. They coalesce in a dark cloud above the creature’s head, cawing and screeching. Crows, you realise, grimly.

  In silence, the creature kicks off from the colonnade, its immense wings carrying its hunched form towards you. From its decaying robes, two scythe-like claws whip outwards, long and wickedly sharp. Then the sky goes dark as the crows fall upon you, pecking and biting at your exposed flesh.

  Special abilities

  Leech: Whatever health damage Malcontent inflicts on your hero (after armour has been taken into account), he automatically heals himself for the same amount. This ability cannot take him above his starting health of 100.

  Carrion crows: At the end of every combat round, you automatically take 4 damage (ignoring armour) from the crows’ raking claws and piercing beaks.

  If you win a combat round against Malcontent, you can choose to apply your damage to Malcontent or the carrion crows. If Malcontent dies, the carrion crows will immediately scatter and no longer attack, winning you the combat.

  If you manage to defeat this deadly opponent, turn to 765.


  Anticipating your attack, the old man leaps to the side with a startling agility. Rather than countering you with his trident, he tugs on a silken rope that is hanging from the ceiling. Before you can react, a weighted net falls on top of you, dragging you to the ground. The more you struggle to free yourself, the tighter and more restrictive the net becomes, until you are thoroughly caught up in its woven strands. After several minutes of kicking and squirming, you finally lie still, admitting defeat.

  The old man scratches his long green beard thoughtfully. ‘Humph. Humans. They just get more and more stupid.’ Raising his trident, the old man brings the heft-end down across your forehead, knocking you unconscious. Turn to 576.


  Inside the tent, every inch of space is covered in pallet beds, laid out in regimented rows. Most are occupied, with young soldiers displaying various ailments and wounds.

  Lansbury is perched on a stool at the end of the tent, next to a cabinet filled with bottles, pots and ointments. She has a book open on her lap, using the light from a candle to illuminate the small writing. She looks up as you approach, removing her spectacles.

  ‘Can I help you with something?’ she asks with concern.

  Will you:

  Ask if there are any helpful potions? — 697

  Ask about the sick and wounded? — 686

  Ask how Lansbury came to be in this camp? — 672

  Ask about the book? — 659


  The weapons and armour are some of the finest you have ever seen. If you wish, you may now take one of the following:



  Warder’s collar

  (main hand: mace)



  +2 speed +3 magic

  +1 speed +3 armour

  +1 magic +2 armour

  Ability: retaliation

  Ability: focus

  Ability: might of stone

  After casting a final, wary glance at the Dour king’s statue, you exit the chamber, taking a wide staircase down into a flooded annex. Turn to 610.


  When the light fades, you find yourself standing on a paved square of cracked stones, surrounded on all sides by ruined buildings. A grey pall hangs heavy in the air – caused, you suspect, by the thick ash that seems to coat everything in sight.

  You twist round, expecting to see a portal archway looming above you, but instead there are just two crumbling columns, choked with black thorny roots.

  From one of the buildings to your right you hear a commotion. A woman in white robes hurtles out of the dark interior, a staff held aloft in her hands. The tips are glowing with white crackling flames. Behind her you can see small dark shapes skittering in her wake.

  When she reaches the square, she pivots and sends a ball of white fire from her staff towards the doorway. You hear shrieks and cries from inside the building as black smoke drifts out into the chill, grey air.

  Then, to your surprise, she turns and aims her staff directly at you. As your eyes meet each other, you realise – too late – that she has seen you as an enemy. ‘Shadow spawn!’

  She releases a ball of white fire. You try and dodge aside at the last moment, but the magic slams into you, throwing you back against the ruined arch. Crying with pain, you look down at your smoking armour and charred flesh. There is a flash from your exposed mark and, as if in answer to the pain, you feel a cold calmness wash over you, blocking out the agony.

  When you look up again, you see the woman fending off a wave of ghoul-like creatures, with bony arms ending in sharp claws. Behind her, two men have now emerged from the building. One is tall and pale, armed with two glowing swords. The twin blades move like quicksilver, rapidly cutting a swathe through the ghouls. At the swordsman’s side a shorter, broader-shouldered warrior is fending off attacks with his shield, while he wrestles with a heavy sack that is dragging in the dirt.

  As you watch the battle, you see more and more ghouls pouring out of the building. The endless tide has pinned the two warriors against one of the ruined walls, where they are frantically dodging and parrying the incoming claws. Meanwhile, the robed woman is struggling to gain ground to reach them – her staff now proving ineffective in knocking away the creatures’ frenzied attacks.

  You draw your weapons and rush into the battle, gritting your teeth against the occasional twinge of pain coming from your side. The woman looks up as you approach, her eyes going wide. For a moment she thinks you are going to strike her – but instead you wade into the ghouls, your weapons rising and falling as they beat back the tide of undead. Turn to 628.


  ‘You forbid it?’ repeats Redguard, visibly shaking with anger. ‘On what grounds? She is king’s army. She is one of my best soldiers.’

  The inquisitor is already turning, to head back down into the camp. ‘I will not have men’s lives wasted. It was an ill decision to send a lone guard out into the fields, chasing rumours of all things.’ He stops, and looks back towards Redguard. ‘I forbid any member of this garrison to leave their post.’

  ‘Wait!’ Nyms slides through the assembled guards to reach the inquisitor. For a moment they stare, eyeball-to-eyeball with each other. ‘I’m not army,’ he says defiantly. ‘And neither are these two.’ He gestures towards Caeleb and yourself. ‘So, you can’t stop us. Your word has no authority over us.’

  The inquisitor opens his mouth to protest, but closes it when he sees the assembled crowd nodding with approval. Redguard is smiling to himself as he looks to the three of you. ‘I can’t authorise this. If you go, it is your own decision.’

  ‘Look there! There it is again!’ shouts one of the guards, pointing. This time you all see it: a bright arrow of light arching up into the grey twilight.

  ‘Come on,’ says Nyms. ‘Enough talking, I want s
ome action.’

  You and Caeleb follow him down the steps, ignoring the pouting inquisitor who is glaring at everyone with a furious anger. ‘They will not return,’ he growls, raising his voice so that it carries after you. ‘They are fools to risk the bone fields. No good will come of this!’

  As you head out into the grey ash-covered hills, littered with the bones of the dead, you wonder if the inquisitor may have a point. Turn to 605.


  It appears that Ravenwing’s forces are making headway into the bone army. You can see their signal flags and pennants nearby, slowly pushing northwards through the masses of skeletons. Above you, a barrage of explosions light up the sky. A moment later and you are running for cover as a giant bone wyvern smashes into the ground, leaving a smoking crater on impact. A red blur flashes by overhead. To your surprise you see that it is a red-robed mage, standing astride a magic carpet. He is rapidly followed by a whole squadron of mages, twisting and weaving through the air as they battle the wyverns.


  The voice forces you to turn. A black-clothed warrior is striding towards you, his body flickering with shadow magic. He is tall and lean, his eyes hidden by a black band of cloth. In either hand he carries a large runed sword, already bloodied. ‘I see you fight for them,’ he spits – the last word said with loathing.

  You realise that this is a shadowstalker, one of the generals of the Legion of Shadow. Weapons raised, you fall into a battle stance, watching your opponent closely as you both circle each other. Despite the man’s blindfold, it appears that he can see you perfectly.


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