Night Flight (The Witches of New Moon Beach Book 2)

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Night Flight (The Witches of New Moon Beach Book 2) Page 5

by Meriam Wilhelm

  It was a good thing that Harmony was stuck in the center of the booth with no easy exit or I’m sure that she would have bolted for the door. Instead, she just squirmed and stared at Matt while I poked her and told her to behave.

  “Anyway,” started Jonathan “I would really like it if Matt would share his ideas with you. Let me scoot in next to Livy; then Matt you can join us,” Jonathan offered as he scooted closer to me. I know it sounds silly, but I liked the feeling of having Jonathan by my side again.

  Our waitress quickly brought Matt a set of silverware and his own white mug filled to the brim with coffee. Adding just a touch of creamer, Matt began.

  “You have a beautiful, healthy parcel of land girls,” he started.

  “We are not girls, we are women,” hissed Harmony.

  “My apologies. You have a beautiful, healthy parcel of land - ladies?” he said, looking at Harmony who nodded her approval. “You may remember that a few weeks ago I took some samples from several of your trees. I’m sure that Harmony remembers,” he said, staring back at her with a slight smile on his lips. “Well, I sent away these samples and you’ll be pleased to know that your trees have a strong, impressive heritage and an even stronger promise of providing a robust crop. If I am correct, you should be able to grow Gala, Granny Smith or Fuji apples along with Navel oranges and Meyer lemons all on that back acreage, away from the cottages. You will probably want to limit your apple planting to just one type of apple and I would recommend the Granny Smith species. They forecast to be the best apple for your soil and weather.”

  “I thought that we wanted fruit trees all around the cottage,” harped Harmony.

  “I understand that and agree with that idea,” said Matt.

  “Oh, I’m so pleased that you agree,” said Harmony flippantly as I laid my hand silently over hers. “What?” Harmony said, looking innocently at me.

  “However,” continued Matt “those trees would be more ornamental than for harvest. We would need to keep them closely cropped so that they don’t block walkways or views and this can sometimes inhibit fruiting,” he finished looking directly at Harmony.

  “The trees I am referring to could create some pretty large orchards and generate a hefty yield and subsequently, a good sum of money through their sales. The land is good and fertile. You would need to secure water rights, harvesting equipment and personnel to make this work. And you will not see any profit until the orchards are fully recharged. But once the trees are healthy and when the new trees mature, there is quite a bit of money to be made. In addition, these orchards will provide a beautiful backdrop for your cottages by the sea. And don’t forget that there is nothing like the incredible fragrance given off by orange trees and some apple trees as well.”

  “Oh, and don’t forget your sexy line,” encouraged Larry.

  “From our fields to your table,” was all Matt said. “But that would be if you also planted some vegetable gardens for salads and such and perhaps an avocado tree or two.”

  “Oh, I like that,” I said. “All we need now are a few chickens and a goat,” I offered with a giggle.

  “I don’t know anything about goats,” offered Matt, “but I agree that putting chicken coops behind the stable will allow for fresh eggs daily.”

  “Oh wow,” I responded. “I was just kidding. But I really do like the idea.”

  “Thank you Matt, this sounds awesome. Oh, by the way, I’m Constance, the middle sister. You’ve already met Harmony and Olivia is our younger sister. Welcome to Jasmine’s Cottages By The Sea. My sisters and I should have said thanks for all of your help well before this meeting.”

  A genuine smile flooded Matt’s face as he reached out to shake Constance’s hand. I noticed that he hesitated just a moment before fully grasping her hand. Guess he was a bit gun shy; fearful that he might get zapped like he had when he had grabbed Harmony’s arm. No such deal. Not a spark appeared and Constance seemed unaware of his hesitation.

  Harmony, on the other hand, sat with a quizzical look on her face after having taken in the whole handshake thing. And I noticed that Matt’s eyes had found Harmony’s as they shared a quiet questioning look between them.

  Chapter Ten

  Soft chords of music filled the air. Tiny, tinkling bells rang out in unison as strands of harp and flute music floated heaven ward. There were no other sounds, but the vibration of yoga tunes floating up and around the studio as the young instructor began.

  “Please follow me as we spend our last few minutes together this morning in relaxation and peace,” the petite yoga instructor said. “It’s important that you sit up tall, draw your legs in as you cross them, turn your palms skyward as you rest them on your knees and breathe in,” Blitz said modeling the pose she wanted her students to adopt. “Remember that the importance of breathing correctly is to inhale strength and energy and to exhale your stress and worries,” she said taking in and letting out a long deep breath.

  After several minutes she addressed her students once again, “Please lay down on your back, arms next to your body and palms pointing upward. Follow me as we enter a state of total relaxation.”

  Blitz began her chanting:

  “Ah……….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Take a moment to relax your body from your head down to your toes

  Feel your bones soften as you relax your back, your neck, and your arms

  Ah……….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Feel your body begin to give in to your need for rest

  Bless your body with this moment of total peace

  Ah……….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Now, slowly and with purpose take in a deep cleansing breath

  As you breathe take in love, health, peace and tranquility

  Ah……….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Now exhale deeply, pushing the air from your lungs

  As you breathe out, let go of your hate, disease, anger and stress

  Ah……….. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  Open up your consciousness and feel the relief of joy

  Recharge your body as you repeat after me

  I am energy

  I am joy

  I am at peace

  Please sit up and rest your palms skyward as we offer thanks.”

  With that Blitz folded her hands together, bowed her head and ended her class with the prayer of gratitude, “Namaste.”

  “Thanks so much for coming this morning. I look forward to welcoming you back soon and have a peaceful day,” she said as she walked across the room to greet Harmony.

  “Hey, how are you Cuz?” It has been way too long since you came up to visit, let alone took one of my classes,” said our cousin Blitz.

  Looking at the two, standing side by side, it was hard to believe that they were even related. While Harmony stands five feet ten inches, Blitz barely reach five feet one inch. And Blitz’s towhead hair makes her a stark contrast to her cousin’s dark hair and features. The only thing that they both share in common is their crystal blue eyes; a Merriman trait to be sure. Oh, and the fact that they are both witches. Blitz as a Weather Witch is capable of not only predicting the weather, but also changing it as she so desires. Neat trick!

  Opening her arms and wrapping them around Blitz, Harmony said “It has been too long and I have no one to blame but myself.”

  “Well, watching you today I would diagnose that you are stressed to the max,” said Blitz smiling. “Is it work, the new hotel, your father, your sisters or a man?” she asked. Stepping back she released a sharp breath, “Oh my, judging from what your shoulders just did, and it must be a man!”

  “Am I that transparent?” Harmony asked as she collapsed on her yoga mat. “I can’t believe that I am letting one big jerk get to me. Hey, how did you know about the hotel anyway?” Harmony asked.

  “Are you kidding me? This city is so small that everyone knows about the hotel or should I say The Cottages By The Sea? And I can’t help but wonder if your ‘big jerk’ is the same hunk that
every un-married woman in town is talking about,” Blitz said with a smile on her face. “He has some weird name like Dr. Bumblecorn or something?” she said asking for confirmation.

  “Dr. Barleycorn,” said Harmony smiling. “But that’s just his nickname. His real name is Dr. Matt Maxwell and he’s a big dumb jerk.”

  “It takes a lot for someone, anyone, to get under your skin Harmony. So fess up, what’s the problem?” Blitz asked as they walked out of her yoga studio.

  “He’s just a know it all and I don’t like know it alls,” she said. “Anyway, he’s not why I came.”

  “No?” asked Blitz.


  “Okay, why then did you seek out this humble yoga instructor at her simple studio?” Blitz asked laughing.

  “My sisters and I were wondering if you would like to offer some yoga classes at our new hotel once we open?” asked Harmony. “We were talking about it last night and you would be the perfect addition to our new place. I mean it wouldn’t be full time, maybe two days a week for a couple of hours. But if you could wedge us in, we’d love to have you join our team and I think that our guests would benefit from your classes.”

  “Would your big dumb jerk be around?’ she asked. “I mean I’d love to at least get a peak at him.”

  “I really don’t know just how long he’ll be hanging around and he’s not my big dumb jerk!” she said. “I know that he’s on some sort of sabbatical and that he promised Larry and his brother that he would help get us up and running. After that, I just don’t know. But I can introduce you to him while he’s still here; if you want.”

  Even as she said that Harmony could feel a tinge of jealousy growing. One look at Blitz and Dr. Barleycorn would have eyes for no one else. But what did that matter, she thought, puzzled by her own response.

  “I think that it might be fun to teach a couple of classes at your new place. Will you have a yoga studio or will it be outside in a garden or something?” she asked.

  “Oh wow, I guess that I never really thought about that. We are still in the early stages of planning. Maybe you should come up and see what we have, look at the plans and give us your ideas. If you let me know when you’re free I can meet you up there,” offered Harmony.

  “Sounds good, I’ll call you,” said Blitz as she bounced off towards her next class. “Got to go; teaching Yoga for the 60 Somethings class.”

  “Hey, quickly before I go, Blitz have you or your family ever been involved with night flying?” asked Harmony looking around to make sure that no one else had heard.

  “What do you mean, night flying?” asked Blitz.

  “I mean like you go to sleep and wake up somewhere else, having flown there with no memory.”

  “Cool,” said Blitz.

  “No, not so cool. Olivia is having a really hard time with it and I was just wondering if you or your family ever dealt with this?”

  Staring at Harmony for more than a moment she answered, “Not my immediate family, but you know who probably knows all about it, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Constance and I were afraid of that,” said Harmony is a hushed voice. “I guess I know who I have to visit next.”

  “And I am more than happy to say that I will not be going with you on that journey,” whispered Blitz. “Good luck and let me know how it goes,” she said, moving back into her studio to begin class, but not before turning around and giving Harmony her witches blessing, “Blessed be, Harmony.” And as Harmony responded, “Blessed be,” Blitz was relieved that she wasn’t the one having to make that visit.

  So much was going through Harmony’s head all at once that she began to feel overwhelmed. Work, the cottages, her family, whatever was going on between her and Matt and now this strange stuff that was happening to Olivia.

  As the older sister she should be able to give guidance to her sisters. But right now she was beginning to feel that it was she who was in need of guidance. Why did life have to be so complicated? Harmony knew that she needed to collect herself and that to do so she needed to be near her strength, the ocean.

  Parking her car near the fisherman’s cove, Harmony descended the hill pathway and walked closer to the shoreline. Raising her arms skyward Harmony called out to the gods for their guidance:

  Great Mother Sea

  You who are of me and around me

  Guide me through this day

  Teach me the way

  Through darkness and confusion

  Grant to me

  Courage, balance, peace and love

  For this day - so shall it be.

  Finishing her spell Harmony collapsed on the sand and remained there until the sun was just beginning to sink below the water’s edge. The seagulls that had gathered in massive groups along the shoreline took flight issuing cries and screeches understood only within their tight bird circle.

  “What the heck was that weird stuff all about?” questioned Matt as he walked along the hillside of Fisherman Cove. He had felt drawn to the sea and had planned a long walk next to the ocean until he had caught sight and found himself mesmerized by her movement.

  Harmony stood, feeling calmer and more at peace than she had in weeks. And just as she headed for the pathway up the hill she swore that she heard her mother say, “All will be well, my daughter. All will be well.” Thinking back on it Harmony wondered if she had actually heard her mother or whether her desire for support had been so great that she had manufactured her mother’s words in the wind that ushered her up the hillside.

  Whether it had been her mother or actually the wind, it had cleared her mind and made her think twice about who she needed to seek out. Olivia was her little sister and she was in need of Harmony’s help. Harmony knew that she had to grow up and face the one woman who she felt held all of the answers in her hand.

  Harmony never did see Matt or witness his confusion as he stared at her and wondered.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jonathan stopped by my shop the next morning with Gino’s cinnamon rolls and hot Hazelnut coffee for Gail and me. I hadn’t seen Jonathan much lately and if truth be told, I had really missed him.

  We had gone through a pretty rough patch and I think that it was going to take a while for us to make it back to each other, if we even could. I knew for certain that I was in love with Jonathan but there had been so many barriers in the way for so long that now, now those things were getting a little more relaxed, I was anxious to figure out where we stood.

  Kicking off my day with coffee and cinnamon rolls was a great way to start and I was grateful to Jonathan for the unexpected treats. Tagging behind him was Larry who balanced a large bench over his head. Larry had promised to make us this bench months ago, but had been too busy to actually get around to it. I was curious to see which design he had chosen. Would I find a witch emblazoned on the backside of the bench as he had unwittingly suggested?

  Closely behind Larry, Matt carried a large roll of plans tucked under his arm and a knapsack over his shoulder filled with some sorts of pictures. He also balanced a white bag filled with more cinnamon rolls and a cup or two of coffee. He was good!

  “Wow, what did we do to earn the honor of the entire design team, cinnamon rolls and coffee this Monday morning?” I asked with a big smile on my face.

  Walking over to Gail, Larry placed a sweet kiss on her lips and she reciprocated with a joyous hug. “I needed a moment with my lady,” said Larry. “And I wanted to finally deliver your long expected bench.”

  “Thank you Larry,” Gail said planting a kiss on Larry’s cheek. Wow, I guess things were really moving forward between Gail and Larry. As much as I felt joy for the two of them, I missed out on sharing those same feelings with the person who stood right next to me.

  “Actually,” announced Matt, “we had several things that we wanted to share with you,” he said, emptying his bag and unrolling the plans from under his arm.

  “First off, Larry, thank you for the beautiful bench. I love the design,” I said.
“And we will be happy to see what else you’ve brought, at least until our morning classes begin,” I said looking at my watch and noting that we had about an hour before the shop would fill with students and our regular patrons. “Should I give Harmony a call and see if she might be free to join us?” I asked looking down at the plans.

  As Jonathan sent a sideways glance at his brother, Larry pulled out his cell phone and started to call Harmony’s number. “Why not? That way we only have to say things once instead of a dozen times.”

  After the second ring, Harmony picked up the call and spoke at length with Larry before agreeing that she could join us for an hour or so. Was that a tiny bead of sweat, I saw forming on Matt’s brow?

  Seven minutes later Harmony burst through our shop front doors, “Hey, it would have been nice if you guys had given me some kind of forewarning about this meeting. I can’t always get away.”

  “Well, you’re here now,” said Matt much too abruptly. Was that a little bit of hurt that instantly crossed Harmony’s face? Was it followed by a look of regret from Matt as he offered her his cup of coffee? Uncomfortable silence continued for just a nanosecond too long before I jumped in.

  “Don’t bother calling Constance; she had a dental appointment this morning. Having clearly forgotten her, everyone shuffled their feet while offering up several “Oh that’s too bad.”

  “Not to worry, I’ll make the effort to fill her in,” I offered.

  Jonathan spent the next 45 minutes reviewing plans, showing us paint color samples, fireplace designs and pictures of fixtures to be used both in the cottages and on the surrounding grounds. He discussed the need to purchase an old truck for use at the cottages and talked about establishing priorities for how the money would be spent. We accomplished a lot in a relatively short period of time.

  “Do you have the money to buy a truck?” asked Harmony.


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