Bring On the Heat

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Bring On the Heat Page 42

by Eden Bradley

  “Thanks.” She sat and immediately tugged at her mini-skirt. How did women ever get used to sitting while wearing such short skirts? She gave up when she saw Jack admiring her legs and thighs. Focus, girl. Remember why you’re here. This time her eyes did drop below his waist. She’d have to be blind not to notice the effect she was having on him.

  Bobbi Jo took a deep breath. “I need your help.”

  “So that explains your visit, after not hearing from you in years.” Jack shrugged. “But then I guess I was never any good at responding to your letters.”

  “I cried when you didn’t write, but that’s another story. I’m here now.”

  “So how can I help you? I don’t have a lot of money, but I can help you with a loan.”

  “I’m not here for money.”

  “Oh. Are you planning to move back here to Edenville?”

  She managed a thin smile. “Hadn’t planned on that.”

  “I’ve never been good with Twenty Questions.” Jack’s eyes narrowed. “Why don’t you just tell me what you want, Bobbi Jo? What’s the problem?”

  “I’m getting married a week from Saturday.” She struggled to hold back tears.

  “That’s a problem?” Jack crossed his arms over his chest. “Congratulations, I guess. So who’s the lucky bastard?”

  “Nelson Barstow is his name. He’s a banker.”

  “How old is this guy?”

  “Late thirties.”

  “But that’s not the problem?”

  Bobbi Jo shook her head. “He despises virgins.”

  “What!” Jack’s jaw dropped and he inched to the edge of his seat. “He hates virgins?” His brow furrowed. “And you’re a virgin? Jesus. How can you still be a virgin at twenty-three?”

  She tried to smile. At least he was filling in all the blanks. She knew immediately when he reached the final conclusion.

  Jack leaped to his feet. “No way! Not me! I’m not into deflowering virgins, even when they are good friends—especially when they’re good friends.”

  “But I need your help. And it’s not only my virginity we’re talking about here.”

  Jack backed away from her until he was pressed against his bookcases. “What? There’s more? How can there be more?”

  She rose to her feet and closed the distance between them. “Nelson is an experienced lover. He expects his wife to be one, too.”

  Disbelief registered on his face. He tried to back up again, but thankfully the bookcases prevented escape

  “So why the hell hasn’t he fucked you silly by now?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “He wants me to be virginal for him on our wedding night.” She brushed tears back. “Virginal, but experienced. I don’t know why. It’s his thing. He wants to make love to me for the first time while I’m wearing my wedding gown.”

  Jack glowered at her. “So put it on for him and pretend it’s your wedding night.”

  “He’s adamant about this.”

  “He’s a fucking idiot.” Jack’s voice had risen to a shout.

  She took a step backward. “I know I must be the last person you expected to see or ever wanted to see, but I couldn’t think of anyone else I trust as much.”

  “Trust! Is that a joke?” Jack shoved his hands in his front pockets.

  Bobbi Jo followed the outline of his hands, which pointed to a sizeable arousal. She wasn’t completely ignorant. Nelson had gotten hard several times when they made out, but he’d never allowed her to touch him. Jack’s arousal made Nelson’s seem puny. She moistened her lips. “This is no joke, Jack. I, I need you to make me a woman—a woman skilled in the art of lovemaking.”

  “Jesus.” Jack banged his forehead with a palm and spun around to face the bookcases.

  “I know you’re experienced. I saw you leave the racetrack last night with those two women.”

  He slowly turned back around to face her.

  “They left your house at ten-fifteen this morning. I don’t think you played cards all night. And you have a most intriguing library, including a fascinating section on sex. I’ll want to read some of those books before the next dozen days or so pass.”

  “Twelve days?” His voice was harsh.

  “Yes. I have to be back a week from Friday evening for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. But that gives us,” she scrunched her mouth, “twelve entire days and nights.”

  “I’m supposed to turn you into an accomplished lover in twelve days and nights?”

  “Sort of like the twelve days of Christmas. Aren’t you up for it?” She giggled when he reflexively glanced at his crotch. “I assumed with your experience that would be more than enough time.”

  “You’ve developed quite a teasing mouth, Bobbi Jo. So I’m supposed to be your sex object, helping you make final preparations for your wedding night.”

  She widened her stance and folded her hands at her waist. “Yes. That about sums it up. But I had hoped you would enjoy the opportunity to tutor me. So will you help me?”

  “I’m not sure. I’d be a fool if I did.” He raked a scalding gaze over her body. “I’d be a fool if I didn’t.”

  “That sounds a bit indecisive. Maybe I can help you make up your mind.” Bobbi Jo slipped her hands behind her back and fumbled with the simple string holding up her top. At last, it gave way. She lowered the mesh and let it hang at her waist. “Remember these?” She lifted a breast in each palm. “You never did get to see them very well, but I can still feel your fingers all over them.”

  In a millisecond, Jack reached for her and hugged her body tight to his. He kissed her forehead. “Damn, you don’t know how often I’ve dreamed of this.” His mouth brushed her eyelids. “This isn’t the way I wanted it.” His hands caressed her back. “But maybe it’s a beginning.” Finally, he settled his lips over hers.

  Bobbi Jo’s spirit soared. Those lips were the same as she remembered. Soft, but demanding. Seeking. Satisfying, yet leaving her with the desire for more.

  His tongue sought entry. She parted her lips and he filled her mouth, then she stood on her toes to give him a better angle. Her mouth ached for more. He withdrew and she thrust her tongue into his mouth. She was so hot—and they were only kissing.

  Jack broke the kiss. Gasping, he said, “You are the most kissable girl—no, woman—I’ve ever known. Why didn’t you come back sooner?”

  He didn’t wait for a reply, which was just as well because Bobbi Jo had no answer. He kissed her throat. Her body boiled. His tongue traced the outline of her collarbone, then it licked the underside of one breast while he cupped the other one in a palm.

  “Goodness,” she mumbled. “What is happening?” Her nipple tightened under repeated kisses, and the sudden warmth of his mouth undid her. She curled her hands in his dark hair trying to hold on—to what, she didn’t know. It was no use. She was crumbling under his ministrations. She’d rather die than faint.

  His tongue worked its way all around her breast. She clung to his back. He dropped one hand to her crotch, and she broke into pieces. She whimpered. She couldn’t stop whimpering. She shook her head, but it wouldn’t clear. He came off her breast and held her shaking body.

  Gradually, she stilled in his arms. She bent her head back to look at him. “What?”

  Jack’s laughter filled her soul. “Welcome to the world of orgasms, Bobbi Jo. I’m pleased to have shared your first. It was your first?”

  She nodded.

  “I may enjoy this more than I thought. A sex tutor. Jack Day, the sex tutor. Has an odd but tantalizing ring to it, don’t you think?” He paused and looked her over again “You may want to put your top back on. I don’t have anything in the house to eat. We’ll go out.”

  “But,” Bobbi Jo hesitated to point out the obvious, “I’m still a virgin.”

  “Yes, you are.” Jack’s face lit up. “All in due time, young lady. All in due time. Sex isn’t something to be rushed. You aren’t questioning the wisdom of your tutor already, are you?”

  “Of course not.” Bobbi Jo retied her halter, grabbed his extended hand and let him guide her out the door. They had begun.

  If that kissing was any indication, she was in for the ride of her life. She’d known Jack Day would be man enough to make her a woman.

  ~ * ~


  Jack finished his ice cream and watched Bobbi Jo pick at hers. Maybe anxiety was setting in. It was about time.

  They’d caught each other up on the high points of the past ten years. Not that he’d had many, though he made a good enough living working as a contractor to support his passion: car racing. And maybe—just maybe—his big break was right around the corner. Owners of Midwest Circuit Racing were supposed to stop by the following Saturday to see him race.

  He sipped his coffee and glanced around the café. The dinner crowd was light, typical for a Sunday. Most people were home with their families or still hung-over from Saturday night binging. Had Bobbi Jo ever had a hangover? Probably not.

  Jack wished he could say the same. Leaning back in the booth, he pondered his most recent problem.

  Hadn’t Bobbi Jo’s problems always been his problems? Ever since she could tag along behind him, he’d been getting her out of scrapes. Then just when she turned old enough to be really enticing, her family had suddenly left town. He’d never found out why.

  And he was supposed to help her become a skilled lover! How could he possibly do that and not lose himself in the process? He’d always had a soft spot for the spunky girl with pigtails. Hell, he’d taught her how to kiss. He could teach her more. But should he?

  Damn, she looked good. It wasn’t that she was a bombshell. She had an average build—average height, average-sized boobs, not-so-average ass—but none of that mattered a whit. She was Bobbi Jo of his early fantasy days, when innocence meant something.

  So how was he going to protect his heart? She already had her tentacles wrapped around it. But she’d only come to use him. Why did that bother him? It wasn’t every day an attractive woman asked him to tutor her in the art of sex.

  Jack grinned with new insight. She wanted a master teacher? That could provide the way for him to maintain some distance. He’d be the master, and she’d be the willing student.

  “So you’re still convinced you want to go through with this harebrained plan of yours?”

  Bobbi Jo glanced up quizzically, as if she hadn’t understood his question. Where had her mind been? Certainly not on them.

  “You know,” he continued, jutting his chin, “you still want me to—I believe your words were—to make you a woman?”

  “Yes, of course.” Bobbi Jo met his gaze. “Did you think I’d change my mind?”

  She had guts. He’d give her credit for that. “Just checking.”

  “Well, I haven’t. When can we get on with it?” She grimaced. “I mean, when can we continue?”

  “When I say so,” he declared icily.

  Bobbi Jo stiffened. “Well, you don’t have to get huffy about it.”

  Jack interlocked his fingers with hers and squeezed.

  “Ouch,” she said, trying to pull back.

  He held on until she stopped resisting. “Let’s get a few things straight, Bobbi Jo. You came to me. I didn’t come to you.”

  Her eyebrows shot up, but she nodded her agreement.

  “I’ve got something you want. A cock.” Her eyes flared. “And knowledge of how to use it. Right?”

  She swallowed and slowly raised and lowered her head again.

  “Good. And I’m willing to help you the best that I can.” She visibly relaxed a bit and he added, “But I’m not going to let you mess up my life. I kind of like things the way they are.”

  “I’m only going to be here a short while.”

  “That may be way too long, unless you follow the rules.”

  “What rules?” Her voiced quaked.

  “I’m not completely sure.” He purposefully hardened his tone. “But you’re the student, and I’m the master. I make the rules, and you follow them. Understood?”

  “Why are you doing this, Jack?” Bobbi Jo glared at him and then, perhaps thinking better of it, softened her expression. “Of course you’re the teacher. You have the experience. But rules? Student. Master. Isn’t that overreaching?”

  He sat ramrod straight and narrowed his brows. “You came to me, right?”

  “Yes, damn it. I said I did.”

  “Then, you’ll do what I say.”

  “Fine. Whatever.”

  “If you try that little rich, spoiled girl act on me, you’ll be across my lap so quick your pretty little ass will be humming.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I wouldn’t what?”

  “Spank me,” she mumbled.

  “I won’t hurt you. That, I promise. But, you will follow my instructions, or you’ll find out how intertwined pain and pleasure can be.”

  “You’re kidding!” Her eyes widened with shock.

  “Do I look like I’m kidding? What will it be?” Jack chuckled, taunting her. “Are you joining me in the classroom, or are you going to run back to your tight-assed banker?”

  Bobbi Jo’s hands rose to her reddening neck.

  “Just talking about sex has your heart pumping strong, doesn’t it?” Her slight shake of the head told him what he already knew.

  “Damn, you’re going to be an able student. I don’t wait well, Bobbi Jo. Are you in or out? Your master is about to ring the bell. And I’ll let you know when it’s time for recess.” He tilted his head.

  Bobbi Jo parted her lips. “I’m in.”

  ~ * ~

  Peering at her flushed cheeks in Jack’s bathroom mirror, Bobbi Jo couldn’t decide if her increased coloring was the result of the thorough scrubbing Jack had instructed her to do—she was not to wear make-up—or if it was a consequence of the fiery passion burning in his eyes when he’d sent her off to prepare herself. She set aside the washcloth and sighed heavily.

  So who was this guy she trusted to take her maidenhead? In his living room, during the afternoon, he’d seemed like the Jack Day she remembered fondly from her youth. Engaging, rough-edged, yet sensitive. By the end of dinner at the café, he had turned into some sort of Machiavellian sex master. At least he hadn’t called her his slave.

  She placed her hands on her hips and glared at her image. He might as well have called her that. Had he turned the tables on her? She’d get what she’d come after, but on his terms. Wasn’t that fair?

  They only had twelve days. What was the worst that could happen in that short period? Even if everything fell apart, she still had the keys to her rental car, and she could drive away and leave Master Jack to his kinky fantasies.

  Once he’d taken her virginity, she’d be back in control, and she’d decide how many of his little games she was willing to play. Bobbi Jo puckered her lips. He was still a fantastic kisser. But kissing was hardly going to get the deed done.

  She pulled the long pink nightgown over her head, straightened its bodice and ran her hands through her mussed hair. How long would it take? Fifteen minutes? A half hour? Certainly no more than an hour. With only slightly trembling hands, she twisted the doorknob and stepped into Jack’s bedroom.

  “It’s about time,” he declared.

  Bobbi Jo faltered at the sight of Jack lying on his bed clad only in a pair of sweatpants. His bare chest looked like the handiwork of a sculptor. His abs had that washboard appearance she’d only seen in magazines she’d briefly explored in some waiting room. But it was his crooked smile that really set her on edge. She used to be able to read his moods, but he’d become a sphinx—a dangerous-looking one.

  “That might be a sexy enough gown for your banker fiancé, but if that’s the best you can do, we’ll have to go shopping.”

  Frowning, Bobbi Jo stood at the edge of the bed with her hands folded at her waist. Why did Jack have to keep reminding her she was engaged? Couldn’t they just pretend for a while? She felt
her eyes go wide. She still wore her diamond. Maybe they both needed to be reminded from time to time

  “Take the gown off, Bobbi Jo. You have no need to hide from me. Right?”

  His dark stare didn’t countenance discussion. She shrugged. He could hardly do what she needed without seeing her body. She drew the offending gown over her head and tossed it aside. Her nipples immediately came to attention. She sucked on her lower lip.

  “You are quite beautiful, Bobbi Jo. You could use a trim down there, but we’ll deal with that later. Don’t try to cover your pussy with your hands,” he suddenly barked. “Never attempt to conceal from me who you are. Do you understand?”

  She gave him a tiny nod.

  “I want to see you. I want to hear what you are feeling. I want you open to me at all times. How can I teach you about loving,” his voice softened, “if you try to hide from me? Now, turn around.”

  She did as he requested, careful to leave her hands at her sides.

  “Damn, your ass just doesn’t stop.”

  Bobbi Jo chilled. Jack didn’t like her rear? She’d always been self-conscious about how it jutted out so much.

  “I’ll have to exercise a lot of patience not to take your ass before your pussy.”

  She trembled at the sound of his hoarse voice. He wasn’t disappointed with her rear at all. Her butt tingled. What had he meant by taking her ass?

  She heard him get off the bed and sensed him approaching from behind. His arms wrapped around her and his hands cupped her breasts.

  “Relax,” he murmured into her ear. “Nothing will happen tonight that you aren’t in control of.”

  “What about my heart rate?” she muttered, resting her head against his shoulder. His chest provided a substantial pillow for her back.

  Jack grazed her belly with calloused fingers, leaving one breast to fend for itself. She tensed.

  “Relax,” he whispered again, pressing her rear against his groin.

  Her mouth opened, but she uttered no words. His erection stiffened until it rested naturally in the crease of her buttocks. She wiggled, trying to get away from its pressure, but her efforts only seemed to cause him to extend even more. There was no longer any doubt that Nelson was puny.


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