Devious Intentions (Carson Cove Sandals Book 3)

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Devious Intentions (Carson Cove Sandals Book 3) Page 14

by Kelli Callahan

  I spent another day at the front desk of the Pembroke, met Damien for dinner, and then returned to Sinn Manor. My mother was in the living room with Edgar—and it looked like they were about to take things upstairs, so I quickly retreated to my room. I was behind on my schoolwork, so I spent the rest of the evening doing that before I fell asleep with my laptop open beside me.

  Several days passed, and before I realized it, I had been a resident of Sinn Manor for a solid week. Damien found a villa on the beach that he could rent for the remainder of the summer, and we decided that it was too dangerous for us to be seen out in public, so it became our secret getaway spot when we wanted to spend time together. My mother didn’t seem to notice if I kept odd hours. When I did see her, it was the same routine—she reinforced the fact that I didn’t need to keep working, spouted on about the uselessness of the classes I was taking online when I would be a student at Carson Cove University the following semester, and gushed about her new life with Edgar.

  She was happy, and I was still trying to figure out how to bring her entire world crashing down around her. The problem was—I wasn’t making any progress with it. Edgar was usually gone by the time I got up every morning. Being the CEO of Sinn Technology seemed to consume a lot of his time. I would see him in the evenings after I returned to Sinn Manor, but my mother was usually tangled up in an embrace with him, so I tried to avoid them when I could. I searched Sinn Manor from top to bottom and found absolutely nothing. Edgar had a computer in his office, but I didn’t know the password. I aimlessly made a few guesses, but nothing obvious worked—it was too bad my computer classes at Carson Cove University didn’t cover hacking because it seemed like the only way I would ever get in.

  Another day—another shift at the Pembroke…

  “There’s breakfast if you’re hungry.” A voice startled me as I was getting ready for work.

  “Mom!” I spun around. “I never see you in the mornings anymore!”

  “I have some shopping to do, so I got up early.” She smiled. “Edgar is working from home today. I’m going to go spend his money instead of bothering him while he takes care of business.”

  “Lucky you…” I tried to hide the sarcasm in my voice, but I wasn’t very successful.

  “You could join me.” She tilted her head slightly. “We still need to get you some new clothes—maybe a few nice dresses—designer ones.”

  “I have to work.” I winced. “Maybe some other time.”

  “You’re wasting your time at that job.” She turned towards the door. “Edgar would give you twice what you make as a monthly allowance if you asked nicely.”

  What am I? A child? I didn’t even get an allowance when it was age appropriate…

  I wasn’t going to ask my new stepfather for an allowance, that was for damn sure. My mother could go crazy spending his money if she wanted, but I didn’t need anything from him. I finished getting ready for work and headed downstairs. I heard Edgar’s voice from the living room and walked close enough to see that he was on the phone. I realized that it was probably one of the few times I would be alone in the house with him—there might be an opportunity to pry if it was a short phone call. If he wasn’t leaving the house, his bodyguards wouldn’t be on standby—that was another bonus. I had a little time and could drive a bit faster if necessary. I lingered outside the door.

  “Yes, things are moving according to plan.” Edgar’s voice was more hurried than usual. “The pieces are falling into place.”

  Probably some new software they’re working on at Sinn Technology…

  “My daughter will be ready when the time is right. I’ve already gotten rid of her mother, and my son hasn’t been a problem in years…” He exhaled sharply, and I heard him sit down on the couch.

  Okay, what the hell? They aren’t discussing software!

  “No, there’s nothing else to worry about. I’ll be in contact again in a few days.” There was a loud sigh, and I heard his phone land on the table.

  There was a creak, and I realized Edgar was standing up. I needed to hide—fast. I had no idea what the conversation was about, but it didn’t sound like something he would be happy to find out that I had overheard. I took some quick, quiet steps down the hallway and ducked into one of the rooms as he left the living room.

  If he finds out I heard that conversation; I might find out just how horrible he truly is…

  Edgar’s footsteps got closer, and I realized he was about to walk right past the room I was in. I pushed my body against the wall and held my breath—thankfully, his footsteps continued, and he walked into his office. As soon as I heard him sit down in his office chair, I made the quickest, quietest steps I could. I was about to make a dash for the door but decided to take some extra precautions. I carefully made my way up the stairs, then stomped down them as hard as possible before I left. I hoped it was good enough for him to believe I had been upstairs the entire time rather than eavesdropping on his conversation.

  I don’t know what I overheard means, but it doesn’t sound good at all…

  Chapter Fourteen


  Things returned to normal at Alcott Inc.—just in time for me to get preoccupied with something that was a lot more important than my job as a department manager. We were back on our schedule of regular meetings, and while I was physically in the middle of one, my mind certainly wasn’t. Leigh was trapped in the devil’s lair, and despite doing everything I could to convince her to leave, she refused to abandon her mother. Her worry wasn’t misplaced. She had every reason in the world to be concerned, and so did I. My father was living in my head rent-free again after I did everything in my power to make sure that it would never happen again. Cutting ties wasn’t good enough—the ties were fused together in the worst way possible. The woman who had stolen my heart was sleeping under the same roof as the devil himself.

  “Mr. Sinn, your phone just buzzed.” Farrah leaned across the conference table and pushed my phone closer to me.

  “Thank you.” I nodded and picked it up—I had a message from Leigh.

  Leigh: Can you meet me at the villa after work?

  Damien: I’ll meet you at the villa anytime that you want. Will you be wearing one of your new swimsuits?

  Leigh: Not today. I need to talk to you about something.

  Damien: Is it serious?

  Leigh: I don’t know. I overheard something earlier this morning, and I don’t know what it means. Maybe you will…

  Damien: Okay, I’ll see you there.

  Leigh had been trying to find out anything she could about my father’s motives for marrying her mother. I wasn’t sure he really had any. I checked every angle that I could on my end, and there was nothing about Leigh’s mother that set off any alarm bells. She barely had two pennies to rub together before she married my father. Her life had been one failed relationship after another—she might as well have been Alexis Devereaux from the wrong side of the tracks—except she had never successfully landed a rich husband before my father came along.

  “Damien, do you think the marketing department will be able to handle this account?” Jon pointed at the screen that I had barely been paying attention to.

  “Yes, of course.” I nodded quickly.

  We can handle pretty much anything—I don’t need an entire presentation to tell me that I can do my job.

  The meeting ended after the rest of the departments confirmed they were on board with handling the account. I returned to my office to get some work done—although I was fairly certain I was going to spend all day wondering what Leigh had overheard. I swore I would never let my father have an open door into my life again. He didn’t know about my relationship with Leigh, but the secrets couldn’t be kept forever. All it would take was one wrong move on either of our parts for him to find out that the daughter of the woman he married was dating his son. He would find a way to use her against me—I just knew it. He tried it with Caroline, but he ended up behind bars before he could do any
thing drastic.

  I wish he would have rotted in that fucking cell.

  “Mr. Sinn, you have a visitor.” Farrah poked her head into my office.

  “A visitor?” I raised an eyebrow and looked past Farrah to see Jenny standing outside my door. “Send her in…”

  “Right away sir.” Farrah nodded.

  “Hey!” Jenny smiled as she walked into my office.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” I leaned back in my chair and glared at her.

  “It’s senior skip day.” She sat down across from me and spun her chair around.

  “You’re not a senior…” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Everyone skips school on senior skip day. It’s tradition.” She stopped spinning her chair once she was facing me and shrugged.

  “It wasn’t tradition when I was in school—except for the seniors.” I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Things change. We don’t live in the stone ages anymore.” She laughed under her breath and grinned.

  “Well, if you’re skipping school, shouldn’t you be hanging out with your friends?” I tilted my head inquisitively.

  “I’m meeting them in a little bit. I just wanted to stop by and see you for a few minutes. We don’t get to hang out much anymore—which is the exact opposite of what I expected when I moved in with you.” Jenny leaned her chair back.

  “I’m a busy man.” I shrugged. “I always made time for you when you needed to get away from Sinn Manor. The situation is different now.”

  “Yeah.” She looked around my office. “You have a girlfriend now. Am I ever going to get to meet her?”

  “Eventually.” I nodded. “When the time is right.”

  “I need to figure out if she’s good enough for my big brother before you fall in love with her, you know.” Jenny narrowed her eyes. “She’s got some big shoes to fill.”

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth. “Caroline’s shoes don’t need to be filled.”

  “I’m just saying. It’s going to be hard to find another woman like her.” Jenny shrugged again.

  “I hope you keep those thoughts to yourself when you finally do meet the woman I’m seeing.” I shook my head and sighed.

  “I’ll play nice. I always do.” She leaned forward and started to stand. “Okay, I’m going to go meet my friends.”

  “You came all this way for a two minute visit?” I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

  “No, I just wanted you to know I was skipping school in case they called.” She winked at me. “I updated my information so that they would call you instead of our parents.”

  “Crafty—but how?” My head snapped back in surprise.

  “I know the people who can do that sort of thing.” She waved and walked to the door.

  I guess I should be happy she told me…

  I spent the rest of the day after Jenny’s visit staring at the clock until it was time for Leigh to get off work. As soon as I confirmed she had left the hotel, I headed to the villa that I had rented for the rest of the summer. I was still rather worried about what Leigh had overheard. It could be nothing, or it could be something rather serious. Either way, it would give me another opportunity to remind her that she needed to be careful. I believed she knew that, but it was tearing me up inside every time I thought about her living with my father. I would have moved fucking mountains to get her out of there, but the one mountain I couldn’t move was Leigh’s mother. My father had already poisoned her mind with lies about me. Leigh was the only one that she would possibly listen to, but we needed something solid to go on.

  “Hey, I’m here.” Leigh pushed the front door open a few minutes after I arrived.

  “Welcome home.” I walked up and put my hands on her waist. “I hope I get to say that to you for real one day.”

  “Maybe.” She looked up at me, and I saw a half-smile form on her lips.

  I knew there was something that she had to tell me, but I needed to feel those perfectly pouty lips against mine first. I pulled Leigh close, kissed her, and let my hands move along her gorgeous curves. For a moment, the rest of the world faded away entirely. We were just two people in each other’s arms that were spiraling towards the word love. My feelings for Leigh were so fucking intense, and I believed that she felt the same way about me, but we hadn’t said it out loud. It was no secret—our bodies said what our lips didn’t every time we were together. I didn’t just want her in my arms for one stolen afternoon or an evening that went longer than it should have. I didn’t want to hide from the world. We were trapped in our own version of what was necessary—I would have done anything to keep her safe, but the one thing I couldn’t do, was get her out of the devil’s lair unless she left on her own accord.

  “I have to tell you what I heard…” Leigh gasped when our lips finally parted.

  “I know.” I pulled her towards the couch and kissed her again as we sank down onto it. “Tell me…”

  “I…” Leigh exhaled sharply and started to unfasten my shirt with her fingers.

  “Well?” I kissed her neck and tugged at her clothes.

  “It can wait a few minutes.” Leigh pushed my shirt off my shoulders and reached for my belt.

  The passion overwhelmed whatever she had to tell me. It seized both of us like a frenzy. Maybe she needed to feel the fire that burned between us more than anything else in that moment. Maybe I was so scared of what she had to tell me that I was distracting her on purpose. The desire pushed everything else to the side and demanded to be satisfied. I teased Leigh’s skin with my lips as we removed our clothes. There was a frenzy in her eyes that was more intense than usual. She was no longer the timid virgin that blushed when I caught her spying on me—no longer afraid to feel the fury of full-blown passion. Her pussy was wet and ready for me as soon as her panties were on the floor beside us.

  “I wish we could do this every night.” I pushed Leigh’s thighs apart and sank between them.

  “One day maybe…” She gasped when my cock began to push into her wetness.

  I gave Leigh a few gentle thrusts and then a couple of harder ones that pushed my cock as deep as it could go. Her nails dug into my back, and her hips moved in unison with my thrusts. We both needed the release, and there was no way that either of us was were going to hold back. I moved my hips faster with every thrust until our bodies were being slammed together, and the couch creaked underneath the fury of our desires. I felt the pressure in my balls build up quickly. Leigh was in the same spot as me—her pussy was moments from spasming on my length. I needed to feel it—it was the sweetest feeling in the world, and I was the only man who had ever experienced the beauty of her climax.

  “Don’t stop, please!” Leigh’s head rolled back against the couch, and her back arched.

  “Nothing in the world could make me stop,” I growled my response. “You’re going to come for me—as many times as I want.”

  “Oh god!” Leigh’s nails dug into my back, and I felt her pussy start to spasm.

  Leigh’s orgasms were intoxicating. I loved the way she started to shake right before they seized control. My lips seared to hers, and I ravaged her mouth with my tongue as soon as the first one began. I was close, but I wasn’t there yet. I wasn’t trying to hold back—my body just craved the feeling so much it wanted more. I continued to kiss Leigh as the first orgasm peaked, faded, and a second one built to the point of no return. She almost screamed when she climaxed for the second time, but our kiss silenced it. The pressure in my balls was turning into an ache. The pleasure overwhelmed me. Our lips separated, and a roar echoed in my throat as I felt her orgasm on my length.

  “Oh, fuck I’m coming!” I threw my head back, and my body started to jerk.

  My release made Leigh come for the third time. The exhilaration melded our pleasure together as we both tasted paradise at the same time. I didn’t stop driving my cock into her pussy until we were both spent. My balls were drained, and the frenzy in Leigh’s eyes faded into tranquilit
y. All of the strength had been seeped out of my body. I fell against the couch and pulled Leigh into my arms. That peaceful feeling was almost as good as the lust that preceded it. It was what we both needed, maybe for different reasons, but the origin of it was the same. We stayed tangled in our embrace for almost an hour before either of us moved.

  “I heard something that I don’t really understand…” Leigh turned in my arms and looked up at me. “It was about your sister.”

  “Jenny?” I snapped to attention immediately. “What did you hear?”

  “Your dad said something about her being ready when the time was right.” Leigh looked away for a moment. “He also said he already got rid of your mom—and that you haven’t been a problem for years.”

  “Do you know who he was talking to?” I shifted my weight so that I was sitting up.

  “No, he was on the phone with someone.” Leigh sat up and shrugged. “That’s all I heard—then I had to hide so that he wouldn’t know that I was there.”

  “You had to—hide?” My jaw tightened. “That’s it; you have to move out.”

  “I don’t know if I was in any actual danger, I just didn’t want him to find out I heard his conversation.” Leigh put her hand on mine.

  “You felt like you were in danger if you hid.” I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t want you in a situation like that.”

  “Your father went to prison for a white-collar crime. I don’t think he would actually try to hurt me—do you?” Leigh tilted her head inquisitively.

  “I’d like to say with absolute certainty that he wouldn’t, but I really don’t know what he’s fully capable of.” I sighed. “He’s really good at manipulating people’s emotions, and there were times I wished he would just hit me—it would have given me an excuse to hit him back.”


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