Sports Romance: Feeling The Heat

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Sports Romance: Feeling The Heat Page 4

by Michelle Roberts

  “Oh fuck,” Brad said, upping his pace. He grunted with exertion as he began to furiously pound into her, seeking his own release. Kirsten was barely aware of what was going on outside her body, still being buffeted by waves of pleasure.

  Brad cried out and stilled above her, his body tense and hard. His breath blew hot against the side of her face as he came down, their hearts beating in time. Kirsten opened her eyes to look above her, where Brad was wearing a lopsided grin.

  “Yeah,” he said, rolling just off to the side. “I believe you.”

  “Believe me about what?”

  “That you’re a good kisser.”

  Kirsten let out a bark of laughter. “I totally forgot that’s even how this started,” she said. “God that was a good orgasm.”

  He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “I’m glad.”

  “I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t scream touchdown as you came, though.”

  Brad snickered. “I usually reserve that for the second time I have sex with someone.”

  Kirsten smiled and looked at him through her lashes. “I’m oddly looking forward to that.”

  “You should be.”

  Chapter Eight

  “We’re going to be late!” Kirsten called from the hallway.

  Brad rolled his eyes but smiled. “If we leave now we’ll be fifteen minutes early.”

  “Which is the same as being late!”

  He stared at himself in the reflection, running his hands through his still damp hair. Kirsten had spent an hour getting ready, stressing about “what one is supposed to wear to this kind of thing.” It had vexed her that Brad only jumped in the shower just before they were about to leave.

  He stepped into the hallway and presented himself. “Yes?”

  Kirsten gave him a once over, and he used the time to admire how she looked. Her slim figure was wrapped in a tight black dress, and she was wearing a pair of heels that she’d borrowed from her sister specifically for the occasion. He didn’t see what was so special about them, but he liked the way her legs looked. He failed to see where the hour spent doing her hair and makeup had gotten her, but she was still the most gorgeous thing he’d ever seen so he didn’t mention it.

  “Yeah, that’ll do.” She grinned. “Who am I kidding? You look like the statue of David.”

  Brad laughed and put his arm around her, guiding her out the front door. “But with a bigger dick, of course.”

  Kirsten shrugged. “I guess.”

  Brad smacked her ass, growling in her ear, “You’ll be paying for that one later.”

  Kirsten blushed, but smiled at him coquettishly through her lashes. Chris, he’d never get used to that look. She was the perfect combination of innocent and devious. She’d look up at him with those big brown eyes and all of the sudden he’d be full of impure thoughts.

  “Do we really have to go?” he asked, grabbing a handful of her ass.

  She gave him a flat look. “You know that we do. It’ll be fine.”

  Brad groaned but followed her down to the parking lot, slipping into the driver’s side and pulling out onto the street. “You’ll need to direct me from here.”

  Kirsten pulled out her phone from her purse and opened up her map. He knew without looking that she’d already bookmarked the route. “Take the next left.”

  They made it to the big house by the water within the hour. Kirsten had complained to him the day before that it was just like Katrina to host a party that was out in the middle of nowhere.

  “The lack of public transit alone is going to dissuade lots of her guests from going,” she’d said.

  Apparently that wasn’t a problem. Brad was used to huge parties with his teammates, but Kirsten’s eyes bugged out as she saw the amount of people milling around the driveway.

  “Relax,” Brad said. “You’ve got this.”

  “I know,” she said, smiling at him. “I’m more concerned for Katrina.”

  Brad laughed. “You’re right to be.”

  The valet parked Brad’s car, and he grabbed Kirsten’s hands as they walked up to the front door. He didn’t like the way a lot of the guys were looking at her. Hell, he’d look at her like that too if he didn’t already have her—but he did, so he glared at them until they looked away.

  Inside, the party was already bumping. There was a big stage set up in the corner of the room, but it would still be empty for another fifteen minutes or so.

  “Should we have come earlier?” Kirsten asked. “It seems like there’s a lot of people here already.”

  “Half of them are probably paid to be here,” Brad commented.

  Kirsten glared up at him, but was interrupted by her sister bounding out from the crowd and pulling her into a hug.



  When Katrina pulled away, Brad saw a light in her eyes that he’d never seen before. He hadn’t spoken to her since she’d come back from London. She’d only gone back into work to quit her job, though she’d tried to get Kirsten to do that for her too, at first.

  “Can you believe this?” Katrina said, gesturing around her.

  Kirsten smiled. “I can, actually.”

  Katrina’s eyes landed on Brad. “It’s good to see you,” she said. “Thanks again know.”

  Brad smiled brightly. “Don’t mention it.”

  “You guys have got to meet Ben!” Katrina exclaimed, pulling over a random guy from the crowd and pushing him toward them. “I’ll talk to you guys later!”

  Kirsten rolled her eyes. Brad had been warned beforehand that that was Katrina’s signature move, but not to take it personally because she did it to everyone. She would bounce around the party playing switcheroo all night if left to her own devices. Brad saw her manager, who he’d run into at a couple similar events, move through the crowd to corral her.

  Ben apparently didn’t mind. “Hey,” he said. “Nice to meet you.”

  Kirsten and Brad introduced themselves.

  “I didn’t know Katrina had a sister,” Ben said. “And a twin, no less. Cool. How do you feel about your face being on the cover of an album?”

  Kirsten glanced over to the stage, where there was a blown up picture of the cover of Katrina’s band’s first commercial album.

  Kirsten shrugged. “It’s okay I guess.”

  Ben turned to Brad. “And you play football right?” He smiled, looking between them. “So how did you two meet?”

  Brad and Kirsten exchanged a look. “Uh…”

  Additional Languages

  Too reach a wider range of audience members I have had the books translated to several different languages which you can find below. If you would like access to the English version bonus books, Click Here to return to the table of contents where you can choose from the three!

  Table of Contents



  她在爱情。 凯瑟琳“凯蒂”猎人知道她爱上了她的同父异母兄弟,他们已经推出的时刻。 这在两年前是并且实际上喜欢她的同父异母兄弟傻的概念原来是一些相当严重; 而这是一件她保守秘密,甚至从她自己的双胞胎姐姐,卡特里娜飓风。

  它并没有帮助,他们的父亲是他们的独家预科学校的一个突出的恩人,她和卡特里娜,其同父异母的弟弟布伦特必须采取行动他们最好的行为,所有的时间。 它耗尽了她有时,假装她是一个正直的人的时候,她只是表现平平。 卡特里娜更聪明的双胞胎,即使他们是一样的,人还是说,这是卡特里娜谁是更具吸引力之一。 这并没有在所有帮助,人们低声在她背后,只有少数朋友卡住了她; 剩下的只是假装的,因为他们是一个强大和成功的家庭。


  她滚在床上,坚决打击她的床头打盹按钮两次后起床。 这听起来离第三次,她吓了,最后丢落枣红色色�
��的被子已被如此深爱她昨晚。 她希望她可以作为专门留在床上。 她不能上学迟到,而不是当她有什么在第一钟开始做。

  她小心翼翼地踩在黑暗中,木地板,地毯上的到她的烦恼错过了。 地板是一个有点寒冷触摸。 也许卡特里娜再次拒绝了加热器。 她站起来,伸展,感觉她的肌肉仍从训练昨天她在学校很酸痛。 她看着她的姐姐很好的拉伸之后,笑了。 卡特里娜她是一个该死的重型卧车。 她听到姐姐发出微弱的鼾声可能是由因为日期的熬夜累。 卡特里娜有日期和她没有。

  她感到酸痛是一种很好的痛苦,她知道这一点。 这意味着她工作勤奋,爱她在做什么,对几件事情她。她曾是学校曲棍球队的成员两年擅长之一。 因为她失去了重量的显著量,不喜欢她怎么是'胖'双胞胎。 她喜欢玩曲棍球。 这给了她在高中的焦点之中八卦派系和十几岁的不确定性的海洋。

  凯蒂·亨特出席荆棘学校,常春藤联盟的筹备机构的只有不到一千个学生,这些是大多属于老款,并有或贵族身材参保。 这是一百一十岁那机构有豪华的所有饰物和代码与预科生制服和司机相匹配。 她的祖父曾经说他是多么的幸运,参加过荆棘学校,她和吉有多幸运已经过录取。 她的祖父并没有提到他曾在很大程度上促进了学校的时候,他做了他的第一个百万在28岁的时候,但凯蒂已经有了由她转身七岁的时候的想法。

  为了与她的妹妹跟上,她学习时间更长,比她更加努力,她有好成绩和良好的表现为课外活动,吉事没费心。 吉喜欢化妆和球员,并一举获得各种美容和舞会奖项。 凯蒂是不是舞会皇后,她知道她会不会成为一个,她是个好人这一点。 她的母亲曾经告诉她,她长得肥胖,丑陋,她要结束了,就像她有一天,一位前大美人,从纽约最富有的人之一,生活过的离婚赡养费。 吉告诉她不要介意他们的母亲。 有一个原因,他们的父亲离婚了,因为她已经是一个巨大的婊子,吉就提醒她。

  她的母亲是一个伟大的,美容一次,据她疏远母亲的姐姐和双胞胎的唯一的姑姑。 他们的母亲有一个走出来,她遇到了韦斯利猎人III社会党。 这是一个童话般的求爱是席卷了纽约上流社会。 而这几乎二十年前去过。

  现在,他们几乎没有看到自己的母亲,而当他们这么做,梅丽莎亨德森(原猎人),是几乎没有清醒的,如果她是,她并没有做很多工作来帮助她十几岁的女儿。 凯蒂认为吉是做得很好,比她。 她的不安全感,吉,似乎没有。

  凯蒂通过了一个全身镜和忽略了它,她的目的是为前一天热水淋浴的想法其实已经开始。 她的卫生间原本砂岩色的意大利瓷砖(防滑)和青铜灯具,这可以适合两个人的和独立的淋浴区的浴缸。 这是紧邻,她觉得她并不真的需要一个大型步入式衣柜。 它确实适合自己母亲的虚荣心早就和她没有在自己的套房,在几十年的历史排屋下跌20东78 号街的重新设计太多发言权。

  她走的时候起泡沫皂液了起来,让她的头发在发髻,以避免过多的干燥的提示。 一个严寒的冬天来了,所以她猜是因为去年冬天ruthless-她想避免砍她发过一次,因为它更多。 此外,有长长的头发让她的脸看起来更薄。 吉始终坚持他们有长头发,因为它在图片更好看。

  他们都用黑色的头发平均高度倒头其肩胛骨。 她没有理会太多的造型,但吉始终有她的松散的卷发。 他们也有漂亮的深绿色的眼睛(有些戏弄他们上小学的时候,他说,它属于猫),并给了他们一种神秘的气氛短暂而浓密的睫毛,嗯,这是她多了几分神秘的。 吉就像本打开的书,因为她是更传出之一。

  作为尝试,因为它是,凯蒂长大后成为一个善于交际的又内向的人。 她是愉快的几乎所有的,但如果走投无路,她的母亲也不能幸免,甚至吉但它只是发生两次他们的整个生活在一起,她可以很容易地鞭挞。

  她下了阵雨,走向自己的虚荣心,一个手工雕刻的实心橡木办公桌在角落玫瑰错综复杂的雕刻。 大镜子挂在前面,她看着自己没有真正期待。 她已经学会了保持视而不见,镜子定睛只会伤害她的自尊。

  对骂和戏弄无尽的长篇大论并没有消失,直到大三那年,当她坐进曲棍球队。 那是当她知道她会比是安静,少漂亮双胞胎以外的东西。

  它一直意外,她的申请曲棍球队。 虽然学校没有大量参保,它确实有,尽管纽约市的有限岛的大小,使曲棍球,网球,游泳和足球学校蓬勃发展的大理由。 她不是现在球队的队长,她是四年级,但她是一个优秀的团队球员,二把手。 随着长曲棍球,她的信心已大大改善和她的队友尊重她的技能。 有没有对骂这里或歧视。 凯蒂觉得她已经找到了她的高中与体育呼唤。 荆棘学校曲棍球队表现出色,赢得校际锦标赛和资格国际性的; 她希望能有一个冠军的她毕业之前。




  凯蒂不想喊来回,所以她停下晒她的头发,去了他们的卧室。 她看见她的双胞胎抱着她的枕头。 这是唯一的一次吉看起来像个孩子。 这是一个转变,当她走出卧室。


  “再实践? 放学后为什么不能,你们呢? 我们没有去学校一起在数周内“。


  “像什么? 我校纸张和数学团队“。


  还有另一个原因,她不想去与吉。 这意味着约书亚考德威尔将是他们。 吉同即使他是一个混蛋自己的同父异母兄弟相处得轻松。 她保持沉默,自从他们三个人一起上学,他会逗她吧。 她轻松地与挑逗的影响,更应如此,当它从约什来了。



  凯蒂走了自己的早餐室,希望在早上六点独处。 她不是。 来自全国各地,她看到在他的眉,还是穿着运动裤的小疤痕沙质头发的少年; 刚从睡眠。 他总是有这个狡黠的笑容,她不喜欢,并在同一时间喜欢。


  “嗨,”她平静地说,她坐了下来椅子上,感激班尼迪克蛋正在提供服务。 这是很好的蛋白质开始。

  他们吃在沉默中,对与陶瓷板餐具的不断修修补补,并在其杯子的茶匙的叮当声。 乔希喝咖啡,每天一杯。 就像她的继父。 他们都喜欢投资和股票了。 这可能是为什么他们相处得很好。 而他们目前的继母不再与他们的父亲相处。 有报道说,他们仅仅结婚两年后离婚了窃窃私语。 凯蒂不希望出现这种情况。 她喜欢她的继母,德博拉。 德博拉是古怪的,但优雅,喜欢阅读; 就像凯蒂和吉。 然而,她也爱整容,并沉迷于购物,这可能是为什么他们的父亲变得遥远,因为她变得让人想起他以前的妻子。


  她耸耸肩。 约什依然没有称自己的父亲的父亲或任何接近它,它只是托马斯一样,他们是同龄人或同事。 “你为什么不能叫他爸爸?”她突然说。

  乔什看起来很惊讶。 常安静凯蒂·亨特曾问了一个问题。 “好吧,”他开始,咬下一块面包,“他不是我爸爸。 我爸爸是一个家伙。 你爸爸的凉爽。 我希望他是我的父亲,虽然“。

  “从法律上讲,你可以。 德布就像我的妈妈。“

  “但是,你还是不要叫她妈妈。 再说,我不是猎人。 我只是把我的母亲的娘家姓“。

  她沉默了一会儿,并完成了最后她的橙汁。 “

  “我像猎人韦斯特利,”他顽皮地笑着说,“除了在一个星期赚百万。 仍在努力的。“

  她想知道为什么她喜欢他。 他很烦人。 他很健谈。 “对不起,”她说,站了起来。

  “什么? 你会再次独自离开我? 像吉? 你已经薄,不要在它的工作太多了,“他笑道。

  她眯起眼睛,她想说点什么风凉话,但她停下自己。 这不是要开始新的一天的好方法。 她看到吉还在睡觉,因为她刷她的牙齿微微的鼾声一次。 在六点半,司机驾驶她到她的学校,不到五街区。 当她赶到现场,她看见曲棍球队几乎已经完成。


  她觉得她的比赛有点咄咄逼人的今天; 意识到她受到什么乔希说。 30分钟后,她已是汗流浃背像一个NFL球员,她的脑海里发誓,她不会让什么乔希说,毁了她的一天。 同辈压力? 破碎某人的压力? 她变得太小儿科了。 吉甚至没有想到什么男生说。 他们认为什么她说。 她为什么不能像吉?

  约什的脸在她的脑海萦绕,她穿过田野。 她希望他不是她的想法。

  班顺了很好走了,带着期中考试来了。 高年级的学生有更多的时间来研究或切割类,如果他们想。 吉被利用这段时间对他们的年鉴工作,所以凯蒂是孤独的下午。 图书馆很大,在英国的城堡与它的拱形窗户和温暖的灯的一个副本。 学校安置成千上万的书籍,有些复古和精装,这需要特别的照顾。 她做了她的笔记的一天,正在寻找一个良好的阅读。 图书馆几乎泯灭的人,她很喜欢。


  她看着侧身看乔希。 她喜欢看着他,而他穿着自己的制服。 这使他看起来潇洒,带着几分的魔神5护理态度,她是来熟悉。


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