Shadows of the Past (A Time Travel Romance)

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Shadows of the Past (A Time Travel Romance) Page 9

by Carly Fall

  After a moment, she stilled, and he gazed down at her with such love, she wanted to cry again. This was where she belonged—with the knight she was forbidden to love because of the circumstances of her birth.

  “It is my understanding that a woman’s first time is not always enjoyable, Arabella. I wanted to give you a taste of the pleasure that a man can give a woman.”

  She smiled as she ran her hand through his hair, her head still swimming, her limbs feeling weak and languid. “Indeed, it was quite wondrous.”

  He left the bed and grabbed a cloth from the wash basin. When he returned, he urged her to lift her hips so he could place it beneath her. Then he hovered above her, holding himself steady with his strong arms.

  “Your lady’s maid will not find blood on the sheets if we use the cloth,” he explained.

  She smiled, touched that he would think of such things. She certainly hadn’t.

  He settled himself into the cradle of her hips, and she felt his manhood at her entrance. The hairs on his chest tickled her breasts, and his weight seemed as comforting as a blazing fire on a frigid night.

  “Are you certain of this, Arabella?”

  Caressing his cheek, she nodded. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, my love. I want you to have all of me.”

  His hips surged forward in a swift motion, and she cried out, the burning sensation intense. He went still again as he kissed her. The hot flame of pain tore through her belly and constricted her lungs as her eyes welled up. A tear trickled down her cheek, and he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb.

  “I’m sorry, love. So sorry.”

  He peppered her cheeks with light kisses while she caught her breath. As she stared up at him, she felt emboldened having given the man she loved something so sacred. Her father may choose her husband, but she had chosen her love, and the man she wished to give her maidenhead.

  “It can be better for you, Arabella. Next time, I will take you to even greater heights than I could with my hand.”

  Her eyes stung with fresh tears of emotion. “Do you promise me, Jayden? Do you promise we can have this again?”

  As he languidly moved his hips, he shut his eyes for a moment and groaned. “You could not keep me away now, my sweet, even under the threat of death.”

  The pain decreased, and she gazed up at him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead; his cheeks turned crimson. His dark gaze never left hers, and she could see the raw emotion he felt in his heart in the dark orbs. Yes, he’d said he loved her, but his stare conveyed more than words ever could.

  Moments later, he gasped and cursed, then pulled out and spilled his seed on the cloth.

  Breathing heavily, he gently laid his forehead on her chest and didn’t move for a long time. They lay in the quiet as she ran her fingers through his hair. Never had she felt so many emotions all at once—such joy and love from being intimate with her knight; such sadness and misery at what the rest of her life would hold. She wanted to laugh, to smile, to cry and stomp her feet as a petulant child would.

  Jayden lifted his head and kissed the tip of her nose. Getting to his knees, he gathered the cloth and tossed it to the floor. Then, he lay down next to her, taking her into his strong arms. She felt safe, loved, and beautiful lying with him, and she never wanted to leave him, but such was her fate.

  An idea occurred to her, and she propped herself up on her elbow to gaze down at him.

  “Jayden, do you love me?”

  He grinned. “More than my own life. You have stolen my heart and soul, my beautiful Princess.”

  “And I feel the same for you. Let us run away together.”

  His smile faded. “We cannot do that. I am a knight, Arabella. I cannot provide for you in the way you are accustomed, and once it is discovered that we disappeared together, your father and grandfather will want my head. I want more for you than a life of running and living in squalor.”

  She sank back against the pillows, frustration coursing through her. She had not given any thought to the execution of her plan.

  He turned to her. “Ours is a love that should not be. You must marry a nobleman. My heart and soul will go with you, but my body will stay here in service to your grandfather. I will think of you always, and moments like these will make me smile. I only hope your memories of us together will do the same for you.”

  She nodded as she fought back tears. She’d never felt more lost or helpless. How could she simply walk away from a man she loved, and who loved her, into the arms of a man she did not even know?

  “Arabella, let us make the best of the time that we have left. We should not despair over the future, but live in the present.”

  Jayden was right. They had little time together, so she had to make the best of it.

  She turned to him and grinned. “I so love the way you make my body feel.”

  A wicked smile crossed his face. “When I take my tongue to the flesh between your legs, my love, I shall have to gag you so you don’t wake the castle with your screams of pleasure.”

  Her cheeks heated as shock tore through her. “A man does that to a woman?”

  “Yes. It is very pleasurable for the woman, and most men enjoy it, as well.”

  As her body tingled at the thought, he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply. “I cannot wait to taste your femininity on my lips, Princess. I have spent many nights dreaming of it.”

  As they kissed, her limbs became weak, and her heart felt as if it very well might explode. However, was it from the deep sadness of knowing that in a sennight, she would be forced to leave her new lover, or was it from the sheer joy his love brought her?

  * * *

  Slowly, the room began to spin again. Her chest heaved and the tears flowed freely. She opened her eyes and found herself back in her room at home.

  The television sat on her dresser, the blinds on the windows still remained open, and she still wore clothes. First happiness, and then utter sadness, washed through her, and she took some deep breaths to try to calm down. As she sat on the bed, the only thing she wanted was to feel Jayden’s arms around her. Her memory of what they’d had together became crystal clear in her mind, and she wouldn’t waste another moment overanalyzing it. She had her knight back.

  Rising, she hurried to the door and yelled for him.

  Running down the hallway, she stopped in the living room. “Jayden!”

  He came rushing in through the front door a moment later, the holy sword drawn, his face worried, yet fierce.

  Her heart thumped in her chest as her body trembled. This was her knight, the man she had loved with such intensity that it frightened her. The man she still loved.

  He gazed around the empty living room. “Bella, what’s wrong?”

  Without another word, she walked to him and took the sword from his hand. She stared up at him, her heart beating wildly, her legs shaky. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down and kissed him. As she traced the hard planes of his face with her fingertips, her body felt as if it may burst into flames as desire coursed through her. He yanked her closer to him as his tongue teased the seam of her lips. She acquiesced as his hands ran up and down her back, scorching her skin through her shirt.

  He looked into her eyes, seeming to search for answers. Hope and wonderment shone in his gaze.

  “I saw it,” she whispered, her tears now gone. “I saw us together. I felt all of her emotions at the time, and I feel them now. I loved you so much, and you felt the same. It was a forbidden love, but it was so …”


  “Pure. Us together, our love was so pure, Jayden. I remember us. I remember what we had, and what we still have. She showed it to me, and I feel it.”

  He grinned, then kissed her again, this time slow and deep, just as he’d done all those centuries ago. His lips felt so right against hers, his hair soft and silky as she ran her fingers through it. She couldn’t hold on to him any tighter, but wanted to, as she was afraid to let go. Passion
blossomed throughout her body, and the same ache she’d felt through fourteenth-century Arabella just moments ago crashed through her. She needed her knight as much as she needed air to breathe.

  They stared at each other a beat, both their chests heaving with emotion and desire.

  He kissed her again, and then whispered against her lips, “My love. My beautiful princess. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Suddenly, all the puzzle pieces of her life settled into their correct places, making a beautiful mosaic of joy. How odd that such magnificent happiness coursed through her in a time of such danger.

  She wanted to forget everything, even just for a little while, and be with Jayden, with the man she loved more than her own life.

  As if he’d read her mind, he placed his hands on the back of her thighs and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried her down the hall to her bedroom, then shut the door to the outside world.


  Jayden opened his eyes as the first rays of sunshine filtered through the blinds. He had no need for sleep or rest, but he would not miss a second more with Bella. She slept soundly, her back to his chest, his arms holding her tightly. They’d made love many times throughout the night, each time sweeter than the last. Her body had been just as he recalled, but the pleasure they’d brought each other seemed far more intense. Perhaps it had been because in this lifetime she had more experience, but he refused to think about that.

  Their night had been filled with whispers of passion, promises of love and laughter, and he wondered if everything could get any more perfect.

  His reflections traveled back to the night before. When he’d first heard her screaming his name, he had feared the worst. Rage had coursed through him as he’d imagined her struggling against Ulric. His only thought had been to kill the demon and save Bella, regardless of the outcome. Yes, he wanted to stay on this plane with her, but he would not allow Ulric to murder her again. He’d give up his dreams of being with Bella in order to keep her alive.

  What a shock it had been when he’d come through the door prepared to fight, only to find no one to battle. Bella had stood in the middle of the living room, her eyes wide, her hair tangled around her flushed face. Then, she’d told him that she remembered, and his worries had disappeared. Pure joy had taken over. He had his Arabella back in his arms after so many centuries of loneliness and hopelessness.

  Sighing with contentment, he pulled his love closer and marveled at the comfort the bed offered. He remembered his lonely nights out in front of Arabella’s door wrapped in a thin blanket, sleeping on a cot far too small for him. When they’d finally made love back then, her bed had been his sanctuary, a place where he found true happiness and comfort, although he never slept well. He worried endlessly that they would be discovered, and he couldn’t even imagine the punishment he might receive.

  The second night she’d invited him into her room, Agnes had found them in post-coital bliss. She had obviously thought Arabella would have been asleep, and she’d practically screamed when she’d found him in the princess’ bed. He recalled that moment now, and all the emotions that went along with it—fear, anger, and of course, love.

  * * *

  Arabella stood from the bed completely nude, fury written on her face. She stomped over to Agnes, who cowered against the wall in fright, her eyes darting from Arabella to him.

  “How dare you enter my chamber when I specifically told you to sleep with the other servants!” Arabella hissed as she grabbed the woman’s arm.

  Agnes began to cry as panic swept over her face. “Your Grace, I thought you would be sleeping! It is so cold down there, I came to get a second blanket. Please forgive me.”

  Arabella raised her hand as if to slap her, and Agnes recoiled, shutting her eyes.

  In a flash, Jayden jumped from the bed, taking up his shirt to shield his manhood, then caught Arabella’s wrist before the slap fell upon the lady’s maid.

  “Arabella, stop.”

  She turned to him, rage burning brightly in her eyes. He shook his head, hoping to convey the message that beating her servant would only make the woman more likely to report her activities to her father, the prince.

  “Agnes is cold. Allow her to find her blanket, and you should offer her another, as well. We would hate to see her catch a draft and become ill.”

  Arabella’s eyes widened, and he knew she prepared to unleash her fury on him. Then, a second later, it seemed she understood what he tried to communicate.

  “Of course.” She turned back to the maid. “My apologies, Agnes. I have treated you horribly. Let me fetch another blanket for you.”

  She went back to the bed and slipped her chemise over her head, then retrieved two blankets.

  Handing them over to the lady’s maid, she smiled. “I hope you sleep well tonight, Agnes.”

  Agnes’ gaze darted between the two of them, then she bowed her head. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  When she left, they both stood staring at the door, then Jayden turned to her, furious. “You should not have done that, Arabella. Agnes has always been good to you and does not deserve to be treated that way. Your actions were those of a spoiled brat, not the kind, decent woman I know.”

  She didn’t look at him, her head bent in shame. “You are correct, Jayden. I am truly sorry for my behavior. I acted out of fear, fear of what would happen to you if we are caught.”

  He shook his head and sighed, his anger slightly dissipating.

  Bringing his finger to her chin, he lifted her head until she looked at him. “You cannot worry about me in that way, nor can you treat people as you have treated Agnes. If you are to issue an apology, it should be to her, not me.”

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she considered his words, tears brimming in her eyes. “You are correct again. I have acted horribly and shall atone for my behavior to Agnes first thing in the morning.”

  Brushing her hands up and down her arms as if she were cold, she asked, “Do you think she will tell anyone what she witnessed tonight?”

  He shrugged. “I do not know. Mayhap, the probability is lower now that she has been well taken care of.”

  Handing her the bedrobe, she slipped it on as he pulled on his tunic. Arabella closed the distance between them and wrapped her hand around his neck. “I love you, Jayden.”

  Gripping her close, he closed his eyes, the rest of his fury ebbing. “And I, you, my love. I shall return to my station outside your room. If Agnes were to tell anyone, it would be our word against hers if they come to investigate.”

  She lay a gentle kiss against his chin. “I shall miss your embrace the rest of the night.”

  He sighed and placed her at arm’s length. “Aye. And I shall miss you. I was not quite done pleasuring you, Arabella.”

  She laughed, her gaze twinkling with happiness. “Goodnight, my sweet knight.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Agnes did not meet his gaze as she slipped into Arabella’s chamber. Although hungry, he stood outside her door to listen in on the conversation, and hoped Arabella would follow through on her apology. He didn’t recognize the woman who’d treated Agnes so terribly, and he certainly didn’t like her. That woman hadn’t been the princess he had fallen in love with.

  Pressing his head against the door, he kept an eye on the hallway to make sure he wouldn’t be caught eavesdropping, but strained to make out the muffled words from inside.

  “Agnes, I owe you an apology for my behavior last night. I am truly sorry for my actions.”

  “I have never seen that side of you, Your Grace. It almost seemed as if you had turned into a wild animal of sorts.”

  “Yes, I suppose so. Like any wild animal caught in a trap, I acted that way out of fear.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “I am scared that you will tell my father what you witnessed, Agnes. I could not live with myself if Jayden were to be punished for loving me.”

  There w
as a moment of silence, then Agnes spoke. “Your Grace, do you love Sir Jayden?”

  “Very much. When he is near, I feel as though my heart may burst with joy.”

  “May I speak freely, Your Grace? May I speak as your friend?”

  “Of course.”

  “Arabella, I wanted you to know that your secret is safe with me. Never will a word of what I witnessed spill from my lips.”

  He let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding as a wave of relief washed through him.

  “Thank you, Agnes.”

  Another beat of quiet ensued, and he wondered what was happening. Did they embrace? Was Agnes brushing her hair?

  Finally, the lady maid spoke. “Please, do not cry, Arabella.”

  He heard her sniffles. “I cannot help it. Your kindness and friendship mean so much to me. You have always been there for me, and I treated you so horribly. I feel terrible.”

  “Arabella, please, listen to me.”

  “I am, Agnes.”

  “I have known you since you were a child, and have always felt you were not well-suited to your role. It seemed to me that you have always wanted something different from your life, something that you cannot have because of your station.”

  Jayden furrowed his brow, wondering what the lady’s maid could be getting at.

  “These past weeks have been an exception. I thought it might be because you knew your father sought a husband for you, and the time had come for you to be sent away. But now, I see that is not true. You have found love here, and it has changed you. It has been wonderful to see you smile more, to hear your laughter, to see you walk with a bit of a spring in your step.”

  “I have become that different?”

  “Oh, yes—it has been a drastic change, but only those closest to you would notice. I swear upon my life, I will never speak of what I saw. It is not my place to do so. However, I must let it be known that I am very happy for you. I believe for the first time in your life, you have found joy.”


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