Taming the Alter Ego

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Taming the Alter Ego Page 2

by Shermaine Williams

  I pulled my shirt away from where it damply clung to my back. Examining my hand, satisfied that the garment couldn’t be seen, I kept it by my side during a short walk that seemed an epic trek.

  Smoothing down my skirt, I stood and fought my trembling legs to march to the door. An adrenalin rush made everything vivid. My heart pounded audibly as I rapidly walked along the corridor.

  The rich, sweet scent of my own body filled my head, making me sure that it trailed behind me like eau de parfum freshly applied to the warm skin of a soft neck.

  Avoiding detection, I entered Tom’s office without hesitation and gently pushed the door closed behind me. As I made a beeline for his fastidiously arranged desk, the knickers seeming to swell in my hand, pulsing as if they had taken on a life of their own.

  Chaotically full of office equipment, the top left drawer was rejected.

  The few stationary items in the right counterpart made it the chosen one.

  Tucking them into the back of the drawer, the knickers would only be found when he fully pulled it open. Imagining his reaction made a frisson of excitement trip down my spine as I pushed the drawer closed with a gentle clap.Only arriving at the door—a final chance to change my mind—I questioned whether I could really be so bold. For Lady Isis, it was a tame act, but this was me and I was at work. Gripping the door handle, I looked back at his dark-wood desk, picturing myself sitting knickerless in his chair, rocking my hips back and forth as if marking my territory.

  Of course I’m brave enough, I thought.

  Back in my office, my senses were assaulted by an atmosphere infused by sex. Switching my PC to standby, I slipped my mobile into my bag before throwing it over my shoulder.

  My smile remained as I headed for the stairs, walking quickly as if fleeing the scene of a crime. I took a deep breath as an intense satisfaction settled in my chest. My plan of seduction had begun and I would only be satisfied when I knew that it worked and he craved me.

  Chapter Two

  “Miss Haley, may I have a word?”

  The unquestioning respect was almost as thrilling as Tom addressing me directly, which caused a distinctive warmth to spread through my chest.

  I still noticed he only seemed able to hold my gaze for a short time. The almost imperceptible flicker of his eyes excited me, making my pussy pulsate.

  I knew there would be no negative comeback for my daring act. His amazing timidity was unlike most of Management, so full of bluster. Tom was the quiet type, not needing overblown actions to demonstrate his authority.

  I searched his face for a sign of the discovery, curiosity building from the previous day. Nicholas had called around three o’ clock, by which time I had already guessed their lunch would be an extended one. Fortunately, he was too inebriated to read anything into me questioning whether Tom would also not return. I was disappointed, knowing the chance to discover whether alcohol would loosen his tongue and bolster his courage was lost.

  After several trips past my door, Tom entered with me in his sights rather than Nicholas. Nerves were immediately evident, a cough concluding the question uttered in his rich deep tone.

  “Of course.” My reply, like my directed gaze, exhibited composure, displaying no sign of my suddenly increased heart rate. “Please call me Mariella.”


  I could barely contain my elation at hearing him say my name for the first time, forcing me to knit my tingling fingers together beneath the desk.

  Willing him to find a reason to repeat it, I appeared effortlessly composed as I waited for him to continue.

  Slipping his hands into his trouser pockets, my gaze briefly drew to his crotch. “You’re probably aware I’m yet to find an assistant.”

  I nodded somberly, as if concerned by his serious problem.

  “Interviews are on-going,” he offered, like I’d requested elaboration.

  Saying nothing, I continued to hold him with a steady gaze, patiently awaiting the conclusion of our maiden conversation.

  “In the meantime, I’d appreciate your help.”

  Sweet satisfaction immediately surged through my insides, rushing past my heart like it was a rock in the middle of a rapid river but showing no sign.

  “Nicholas speaks very highly of you,” he added, before I could reply.

  “I’m sure you wouldn’t find it too difficult.”

  I wanted to laugh—his attempt to butter me up so careful and yet so unnecessary. “I like to think I do my job well and I’m glad to have that recognized.”

  He paused as did I, making him wait after a response that offered nothing.

  His gaze flickered impatiently to my lips, earning him a slight smile, which made his lashes tremble with a rapid blink. “You would, of course, get paid overtime,” he hurriedly added.

  Letting my smile widen a little, I ignored the heat that licked my nipples in their desire for attention, before finally offering a response, “I’d be happy to help.”

  He smiled—oh, my word, that smile—which lightened his already handsome face and made his dark eyes gleam. My heart swelled as I fought the desire to kiss it from his face. “Thank you, Mariella.”

  My passage walls contracted as I smiled warmly. “You’re welcome, Tom.”

  Watching him walk away, I imagined him enjoying hearing his name on my tongue. He caught my smile when he glanced back.

  The distinct scent of cigars met my nostrils, mingled with the aftershave that usually trailed behind him. The pungent aroma was unexpected, but I liked it as it suited him.

  Elation almost caused me to laugh aloud, making it necessary to bite my lip. Of course, it was possible he was setting me up for a rebuke, arranging a meeting with human resources for disciplinary action, but I doubted it.

  Licking my lips in anticipation—wanting to do the same to his—I could barely wait for the end of the day. The remaining hour and a half seemed a lifetime.

  I briefly contemplated whether I should have reacted differently. Made him work harder by playing hard to get, but the regret was fleeting. Nothing could surpass the pure delight resulting from the seemingly insignificant conversation with the near stranger.

  A period of clock watching made me realize he had made his request late in the day, causing speculation on why he hadn’t asked earlier. I fancied he was intimidated by me, unsure of how to make an approach and practicing what to say.

  If I were being nice, I would have reassured him with a compliment, but I had no intention of being nice. Kindness was unnecessary to seduce him when I could demand what I wanted. And he would find out I was the demanding type.

  In the meantime, I would have to be satisfied with the scent he left behind, which only made me crave a more potent hit like the proverbial drug addict.


  I could have sworn that time was running backwards, but all the frustration dissipated when the moment finally arrived. While colleagues made their way out, rushing like they were at risk of capture, I worked against the tide. Heading to the hallowed confines of Tom’s office, I returned a few good nights and see you tomorrows to people I barely looked at.

  I had no time for them. Anything unrelated to Tom paled into insignificance.

  Eagerness swelled inside me until it felt ready to burst through my chest, my fervor destroying any hint of patience. Carrying a notepad and pen in a show of professionalism, I firmly planted each step in a purposeful stride.

  Slightly ajar, his door stood like an invitation for me to enter. Two sharp taps to the wood pushed it wider, improving my view of the room beyond, the sight making a rumbling sigh tickle the back of my throat.

  Facing me from behind his desk, Tom encouraged me in with a gentle smile that suggested a tinge of nerves. His hands splayed on the desk as if braced for an expected shock. Either it backed up the unease his expression betrayed or it was a subtle display of his lack of wedding ring. However, that was something I had noticed a while ago—almost immediately after first encounter
ing him—much like never having heard him talk about a girlfriend in any of the conversations on which I had eavesdropped.

  Returning a smile, albeit a confident one that masked my true feelings, I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. Seclusion caused a familiar tenderness to sweep through my body, instantly alert for what was to come.

  The sensation grew to a powerful whirling surge, my heart and clit thumping in unison.

  With a deep breath, Tom brought his hands together and laced his fingers, tightly clasped atop the table. I almost laughed at his apparent need for self-calming techniques to deal with me, not least because I had merely entered the room.

  His awkward greeting came as I walked toward him, my nostrils flaring from detecting a distinct aroma. “Hi.”

  Looking into his eyes, the deep brown shade invitingly warm, I lowered myself into the chair opposite without awaiting an invite. “Hello, Tom.”

  If only you knew what I would do to you, I thought in the pause that followed.

  For a moment, we both seemed contented to remain silent, his unwavering stare making me wonder whether he could read my thoughts from my face, whether he had already calculated that I was the culprit who left the unexpected gift. With one look, he could make my heart flutter like it attempted to beat its way free.

  The instant he began to speak, stuttering nervously, he shattered the image he unconsciously created, giving me back the control. Relaxing allowed me to recognize the woody smell of cigars mingled with his aftershave, rich and potent, more than I could want.

  Laying my notepad on my lap as he began to speak, I looked at him closely to give the impression I was listening intently. The subject of work for which he required assistance was tedious compared to considering whether the cigar smoke was his or second-hand.

  Nodding at regular intervals, my eyes flicked from his eyes to his mouth, noting his lower lip the fuller of the pair, but not by much. I yearned to deepen the pale pink shade with a bruising kiss.

  Finally, bored of words and needing to know whether he had found my personal gift, I briefly averted my gaze, looking from his face to the chosen drawer. Aside from a slight stutter that made his speech skip, he failed to react.I looked back at him, studying his face for a sign before being distracted by his hair, so thick that the side parting was barely visible. His dark locks were so neat, it begged to have my fingers run through it. An almost physical yearning to touch him made my finger impatiently tap my knee. A gentle caress would become a mean clench that made use of my nails, digging into his skin.

  Trying again, I looked left and let my gaze linger slightly longer than necessary, hoping he’d take the hint. Not knowing manifested in a steady, unrelenting drumming, pounding against my insides.

  He fell silent.

  “They’re yours?” he asked, after a pause in which we stared at each other expectantly.

  A smile tickled the corners of my mouth, my cheek twitching in protest as I prevented its display. “What’s mine?”

  When he glanced toward the drawer as if seeking an answer, I stood and made the forgotten notepad slide off my lap. Pages fluttered as they cut through the air, flapping roughly before the book landed on the thin carpet with a soft thump. The pen tumbled alongside as I sidled around his desk, treading carefully as if to remain undetected.

  By the time I got around to where he sat, his eyes were on me in an intense gaze that warmed me. The earthy aroma of tobacco leaves became more potent, making me want to kiss him to see if I could taste it. The idea of grabbing him to demand his mouth clawed at me determinedly.

  Perching on the edge of the desk made my skirt ride up slightly, drawing his gaze to the sliver of exposed thigh. The significance of him laying his hand to his jacket pocket initially passed me by, until I realized it was the knickers’ new home.

  Smiling seductively, I crossed one leg over the other. “I occasionally like to go without underwear.”

  Standing like he’d suffered an electric shock, he turned his fleeting surprised expression toward the door, appearing like a man fearful of getting caught. “I hoped they were yours,” he admitted, sidestepping to stand in front of me. “But I wasn’t sure.”

  In my head, the question of identifying the other women who would leave him their underwear arose, but Tom proved to be distracting enough to prevent me voicing it.

  Inclining his head forward, he dropped his gaze to take in my form before returning to my eyes. He seemed tentative, eyes darting back and forth as he maintained his distance. I let one of my legs drift aside, a small gesture of invitation that he immediately took advantage of like he’d been awaiting the opportunity.

  A thin current of warm breath fluttered along my nose and over my lips like a gentle warning of what was to come, tracking his route.

  He kissed me.

  His tongue plunged purposefully into my mouth, swift and probing in the pure sensation of our first kiss as his lips fixed to mine. The deep smokiness of tobacco was mellowed and masked by crisp mint, making my mouth tingle with cool freshness the moment his lips touched mine.

  A sense of urgency to his act thrilled me, heightened by our location.

  Curling his fingers around the nape of my neck, his fierce grip made me flinch as he caught a few strands of my hair.

  In my mind, he was scared to let me go. Why would he risk losing a woman he wanted as much as she wanted him?

  He relaxed when I reached around his waist, his weight resting satisfyingly against me, pushing me back onto the desk until my feet cleared the floor, my heels clattering against the drawer frontage.

  Above my heartbeat, I heard his murmuring growl, rolling up from the back of his throat as we remained locked in a tight embrace.

  The situation caused a euphoria in me that probably rivaled his, powerful enough to make my head swim. My breasts heaved with my attempt to breathe, our clinch preventing anything more than a shallow gasp, muffled by his mouth.

  Slotted between my thighs like a jigsaw piece, his position made my skirt ride up. The gentle stroke of his quality suit contrasted with the roughness of his belt, pressed to my stomach as if desperate to tear through my shirt—a moment of power that I permitted.

  Both panting after pulling away, he nestled his face to my neck. “I wanted to say something for so long.”

  The pressure desired by my engorged clit—making it throb impatiently—

  became more of a possibility as he moved closer.

  Accepting him by spreading my legs, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Tilting me back, his solid frame made me seek stability by stretching my free arm behind me. I steadied myself on the desk, inadvertently shoving something that clattered to the floor. Neither of us was distracted, being too absorbed in one another to care.

  Wanting him to notice I was without underwear, I thrilled when his hands drifted down my back. Breathing increasingly heavily as he neared the point where my bare bottom met the cool wood, I held my breath as the light touch of his fingertips finally brushed my skin. By contrast, skin to skin contact made him more animated, a growl coming from the back of his throat as he held me tighter. Curling his fingers into claws, he dug into the yielding flesh of my cheeks, forcing his body deeper between my thighs.

  Lifting his face, I saw the intensity in his eyes as he glanced at the door, a mixture of concern and molten lust. His touch of disquiet made me question my lack of fear of being witnessed, not least when I always went to such pains to hide my alter ego from my colleagues. The fleeting notion didn’t faze me, not caring who might be at the door. Much like Tom, who returned his attention to my neck, seemingly satisfied to continue grinding against my body as he greedily tasted me.

  My heart batted my ribcage in an escape attempt, joining the wave of heat crashing through my pelvis in my body’s urgent need.

  Hiding us from prying eyes could be achieved by simply covering the glass, but self-control was lacking and I couldn’t stop if I tried. Braced against the heels of my hands, I strug
gled to push back until he yielded, allowing me to slide off the desk. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” he breathed.

  Holding me against the desk, he leaned toward me with his mouth aimed for mine. The pointed look in his eyes confirmed him eager to taste me, but it failed to prevent me pushing him back, desire burning through me on a poker straight course, crashing into my pubis with the force of a lightning strike.

  The shuffling of clothes joined the sound of our ragged breaths as I turned around, pressed so firmly to his firm torso that my shirt wound around my midriff. Seemingly reluctant to remain on my body, the uppermost button popped free from the corresponding hole, revealing cleavage and the lace trim of my black bra.

  My movement deprived Tom of the sight as I leaned over his desk to thrust back against his crotch, my clammy palms in danger of slipping despite being planted flat.

  The groan that trembled up from the back of his throat made me ram harder, lifting onto my toes for more leverage, causing a deepened rumble.

  His escalating ardor came with a strengthened hold, clamping the sides of my waist with a crushing grip that made me draw in a sharp breath.

  Supporting my weight on one trembling arm, I reached beneath my waistband to withdraw a secreted condom. He failed to notice it for several seconds, remaining occupied with my brazen cheeks, massaging the soft mounds like delicate dough that needed concentration.

  Finally getting his attention, he made my heart flutter simply by slipping the little foil packet from my fingers, the demonstrative act enough to create the slick warmth of moisture between my thighs.

  Kissed by the cool air, my vulva pulsed impatiently, the radiating heat momentarily calmed. Bracing myself the moment the ripping sound cut through the air, I bent further forward, eagerly awaiting him inside me.

  The distinct wet smack of the latex reaching the hilt of his stiff shaft made a warm shiver run down my spine. Wiggling my hips back and forth enticingly, I felt the prod of his thick cock against my cleft.


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