Amanda's Return

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Amanda's Return Page 11

by June Kramin

  “I’m not.” Mandy turned back around. “Get back to the shoulders, Hammer.”

  He chuckled. “I am so going to pay you back for that name someday.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to have to use it again. Ow!”

  “Sorry. You have a knot.”

  “So ‘Hammer’ it out for me.”

  He bent down slightly and slid himself between her legs but didn’t enter her. When he began to move forward and back, she reached out with one hand to brace herself against the shower wall. She reached with the other and held onto his back.

  “Like this?” he asked before he gently bit at her neck and continued to tease her with his strokes. His hands moved from her shoulders, down her back, and then around to cup her breasts. One hand stayed while the other roamed down. Mandy moaned at his touch. She moved her hand from his back to his front and took hold of him. Hunt let out a growl as she guided him in.

  Within moments, Mandy leaned back into Hunt, completely satisfied. She wrapped both arms around his back and held him tight, letting out a long moan of contentment.

  “Damn, baby. You must really be all kinds of stressed. That was pretty quick even for you.”

  She turned and faced him. “Nope. You’re just that good. How about you? I was being a little selfish there. I don’t think I took you across the finish line.”

  “I want out of the shower.”

  “Not doing it for you?”

  “No. But you are. Come on.”

  Hunt took Mandy by the hand. They turned off the faucets and walked to the bed. Hunt wasted no time continuing where Mandy left off. “I do believe it’s a two-for kind of night,” he said with a playful growl.

  “I think you’re right.”

  Mandy didn’t lie. When Hunt finally climaxed, she was right there with him. She could only giggle shamelessly at the noises that escaped her.

  Hunt nibbled at her ear. “Nice one, babe. Should I go for number three?”

  “No! You trying to kill me?”

  He laughed. “I just like pleasing you.”

  “Oh, you please me all right. You pleased me right into a puddle. If anyone decided to shoot the place up right now, we’d be toast.” He smiled and gave her lips a kiss then spread a few down her chest and across her breasts. “I mean it, Hunt.”

  “I know. But I can’t resist the girls.”

  She ran her fingers through this hair. There wasn’t much with it cut so short, but she loved to do it anyway. He rolled to her side and pulled her close.

  After a moment of silence Mandy said, “I don’t want to spoil the moment.”

  “So don’t.” Hunt scooted her up so they were eye level. “I know. I miss her, too.”

  “Why am I doing this? I don’t want to be here. I want to be home with my baby.”

  “Your baby is a toddler. She’s fine with my parents.”

  “I know she’s fine. That doesn’t help how much I want her to be with me and not them.”

  “I miss her, too, but I want to say something, and I don’t want you getting pissed at me.”

  “That means I’ll get pissed at you,” she said in frustration.

  “Not if you hear me out.” Mandy rolled away and stood up. She pulled on a robe. “You won’t even let me speak?”

  “I’m worn out, Hunt. I need food. If you’re going to make me mad at you, I want ice cream.”

  He stood and put a robe on as well. “I’ll come with you. I could use sustenance myself.”

  The house was dark except for the glow of a light above the kitchen sink. Mandy went to the freezer for ice cream. “Can you look for spoons, hon?” Since they had been there, they had yet to do anything for themselves. It was no Hilton, but Mandy enjoyed the break from cooking.

  She removed them each a pint of something then walked over to the couch. “You find them?”

  He held them up. “In drawer number twenty-two. You need me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Mandy tried to read the labels, but the lighting was too dim. She gave Hunt one then dug into hers. She moaned as she took a bite.

  “What kind did you get?”

  “Cookie dough, although I don’t care what I have right now. If you don’t like what you have, we’ll switch.”

  Hunt took a bite and shrugged. “Something chocolate and crunchy. It’s okay.”

  Mandy leaned forward and took a spoonful of his. She swapped tubs. “You never were a fan of nuts in things.”

  “I didn’t really care. You wore me out, babe.” After another bite he said, “I’d still like to go back and get number three out of you.”

  “Not if you piss me off.”

  He chuckled. “All I was going to say was, I know you miss Hannah, but I can’t help but also feel like part of you is enjoying this.”

  “You’re insane.” Mandy jabbed her spoon into the tub.

  “Babe, I’m not upset. You are an incredible mother and wife. There is something about you when you are in charge and kicking ass. It’s like you were made for it.”

  “You know I don’t want to return to this life.”

  “I think you’re trying to convince yourself more than you’re trying to convince me.”

  She finally put her pint down. “Just because I’m good at it doesn’t mean I want it, Hunt. You know how much I want another baby.”

  “One thing has nothing to do with the other.”

  “Like hell it doesn’t. How could I do a job like this and go home to my kids?”

  “Same as anyone else in the field. I may have it relatively easy, but don’t you think there are thousands of cops and firemen that wonder every day as they kiss their families goodbye if it could be for the last time?”

  “Of course. That’s exactly why I can’t do it.”

  “But you love it.”

  Mandy scooted over and straddled Hunt. She rested her head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to fight.”

  “Does it sound like I’m fighting? I’m only stating facts.”

  “Well, so am I. Maybe I like it to an extent, but I’m done, Hunt. I’m not going to run to the FBI looking for my job back.”

  “Their loss.”

  She leaned back and stared deep into his eyes. “You actually want me back in?”

  “No. I don’t want you back in, but I want you to be happy.”

  She rested her head back down. “You make me happy.”

  “Happy enough?”

  “More than happy enough.”

  Hunt leaned forward and placed his ice cream on the coffee table. With one arm he shifted Mandy up while the other opened their robes. He slid her back down slowly, entering her as he did so. “More than happy?” he whispered.

  “Third time’s a charm.” Mandy almost forgot where they were. She had to be careful to keep the noise down. All she needed was one of the guys wandering out of their room wondering what the commotion was. Hunt apparently wasted no such fears on being discovered. He kept himself glued to Mandy’s breasts, which made it exceptionally harder for her to keep quiet. She did manage to keep her robe over her shoulders in case she needed to cover up in a hurry. Being on round three did nothing for the intensity of her orgasm. Mandy buried her face into Hunt’s neck and hoped his body muffled her sounds enough. They both jumped when a hall light clicked on. Mandy hopped off of Hunt and closed her robe as fast as she could. He did the same, and they both quickly picked up their ice creams and leaned back. She tried to look as nonchalant as possible.

  Milo turned the corner and stopped abruptly. “Munchie attack?”

  “Ice cream sounded good.” Mandy said. “I hope these weren’t yours.”

  “They are anybody’s. You guys hear that racket?”

  Mandy fought a laugh, and Hunt spoke. “I think there were a couple of cats outside.”

  “Damn pests.” He opened the freezer and joined them in a few minutes with some ice cream of his own. He sat down and looked over at them, going from one to the other. “Did I interrupt s

  “Just talking. You’re fine, Milo.” Hunt reached an arm around Mandy and pulled her closer.

  “You getting anywhere?” he asked Mandy.

  “I’m getting the word spread that I’m in charge, but that’s it for now. I have Willy’s team believing it. That’s where I expected the most resistance. From here it’ll be a matter of getting to the bottom of things.”

  “So…you’re done except for finding out who’s doing the killing and being careful not to be killed yourself.”

  “In a nutshell, I suppose.”

  “Eddie is crazier than I thought.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I still don’t get why he brought you back.”

  “My guess still is that he couldn’t handle Angelo and hoped I could.”

  “But you were long gone. This is family business. He might as well have invited the feds in here.”

  Mandy choked on a nut. “Sorry. Praline.”

  Hunt patted her back. “It wasn’t my choice for her to come back into this either, but I have to respect her decision. I can only hope Eddie will hold true to his word and leave her and Angelo alone when this is all said and done.”

  “It’s not easy getting out. No one has done it; not that I’m aware of, anyway.”

  “Maybe no one has ever wanted to,” Mandy said. “You remember how I got in. I didn’t know what I was marrying into. My husband was killed, and I thought I could leave. I guess Eddie had other plans.”

  “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but Eddie likes you. Maybe you’re too valuable a player to let go.”

  “No way. He thinks he needs me now, so I’m playing along. When this is over, I’m not staying. No way in hell.”

  “Well, I hope you’re right.” Milo stood. “Gonna finish this over some B horror mobster movie on TNT. Good night, you two.”

  “Good night, Milo.”

  “If you hear that cat again, shoot it would ya?”

  Mandy laughed. “I’ll get right on that.”

  “I’ll get on that,” Hunt said under his breath.

  “No you won’t,” Mandy said after the hall light was turned off. “I’m ready for bed.”

  “And I’m ready for a sandwich. This ice cream didn’t cut it for me.”

  “You should have said something. Milo would have made it for you.”

  “I can handle making a sandwich, baby. He came out to chat, not play my personal man-servant.”

  “Want me to make you something?”

  “You already make me horny. You’ve done enough.”

  Mandy opened her robe and flashed him. Hunt growled and tackled her into the couch. He kissed down her chest and past her belly button. “Maybe I don’t need a sandwich. Maybe I need some more of you.”

  “No!” Mandy scooted out from under him and slid to the floor.

  “What? Since when do you turn that down?”

  “Since we are in the middle of not our living room with four other men in this house. That’s not a position I want to be in when someone else decides they want ice cream.”

  Hunt chuckled then leaned forward and kissed her. “Go to our room. I’ll be up in a minute after I make something. If you change your mind, I’ll call it dessert.”

  “If you are more than five minutes, I’ll be asleep. You wore me out.”

  “Ditto, but I’m still starved. I’ll be as fast as I can.”

  “Lay off the onions or you’ll be up all night.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  As Hunt dug through the refrigerator, Milo came back out. “The cat went back to bed, huh?”

  Hunt turned around and smiled. “Sorry about that.”

  He shrugged. “If I had myself a woman here, I’d’ve done the same.”

  “You have someone waiting for you when you’re done here?” Hunt asked as he opened up a drawer marked “vegetables.”

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Just wanted to make a sandwich.”

  “Get the hell out of my fridge and let me do my job.”

  “I’m capable of making a sandwich.”

  “You’ll screw up my kitchen. Go sit.” Milo motioned to some bar stools at the island, and Hunt did as he was told. “How hungry are you?”

  “I could eat rhino ass. Raw.”

  “Marathon, huh?”

  Hunt grinned. “A good husband doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  Milo closed the drawer Hunt had opened and dug into another. He tossed three different packages of meats on the counter and two packages of cheese. Milo tucked a head of lettuce in his arm, and then held up an onion.

  “It was suggested I lay off the onions.”

  “Won’t be as good without ’em.”

  “You have met my wife, right?”

  “Okay. No onions.” Milo laughed, reached for a tomato then finally shut the door. “Best hoagie this side of Philly coming up.”

  “You never answered my question.”

  “Sorry. No. There’s no woman currently.”

  “Should I ask?”

  “Let’s say explaining what I do for a living makes the dating game a little hard at my age.”

  “So there was someone.”

  “Lost her ten years ago to cancer.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks.” Milo explained further as he cut the tomato and lettuce. “JoAnn knew what this was. She was one of Vince’s men’s sisters. We clicked, and back then the whole ‘don’t date my sister’ thing really wasn’t in effect. It kind of made life easier when they knew what they were up against right from the get-go. Besides, she was the love of my life. I really think you only get that once.”

  “I think I know what you mean. I was a devoted bachelor until I met Mandy.”

  “Don’t mind me, but I have to admit that her showing up after all this time is kind of strange.”

  Hunt wished he could escape before he said something he wasn’t supposed to. That sandwich was looking too damn good to abandon the conversation now. “It’s just something she has to do.”


  “Just mayo is fine.”

  “Trust me.”

  “All right.”

  Milo made some finishing touches then slid the sandwich to Hunt. He picked it up and took a bite. “Holy crap. Your search is over. I’ll date you,” he said through a full mouth.

  Milo laughed and began to clean up. “Told you to trust me. Milk?”

  “Just water would be fine.” Milo crossed his arms. “Milk sounds great.”

  He reached for the jug after he put away the meats. “I miss the days of a milkman,” he said as he poured Hunt a tall glass.

  “I imagine you miss a lot of things. I’m sure this city has changed more than most over the years. My home town…” Hunt stopped. He was probably going to give something away that he shouldn’t.

  Milo came around and sat next to Hunt. “Your accent sounds Vermont to me.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “You’ve been in Florida for a couple of years, though. Glad you haven’t picked up that y’all yet.”

  Hunt laughed. “Are you that good or am I getting hosed here?”

  Milo lowered his voice. “I know more than you think, but we don’t need to discuss it. No one else knows quite who Mandy is. I was tighter with Vince than these men know. I’m glad she’s back, but I’m even happier it’s not for good. Angelo has missed her. I’m glad she’s doing what she is to help him.”

  “It’s nice to have someone on our side.”

  “Eddie’s men are on your side; they just don’t know the extent of it. They have always done as they were told. Half of them would shoot their mothers if they were told to. No, I take that back. All of them would.”

  “If they knew what we really were—”

  “You’d be toast. Your secret is safe with me. I’m here to fill hungry bellies, nothing more.”

  “That’s enough for you?”

��Eddie promised me a restaurant when this is over. Of course I’ll still cater to the same people, and he’ll have his take, but it’ll be mine. Maybe I’ll surround the place with beautiful waitresses and have plenty to choose from.”

  “I hope you do.”

  As Hunt finished his sandwich, they shared small talk. When he was done, he stood and picked up his plate. Milo promptly took it from him. “I do clean up, too.”

  Milo stood, and Hunt extended his hand. “Thanks for the sandwich and the talk.”

  “My pleasure. Go be with that woman before I steal her from you.”

  “If you made her that sandwich, I think that’s entirely possible. Thanks again.”

  Hunt walked into the room as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake Mandy up if she was asleep. She was lying on the bed on her back and hadn’t moved when he entered. The bathroom light was left on and the door cracked enough for light to come through. He brushed his teeth, turned off the light then slid into bed. Mandy rolled on her side and rested her head on Hunt’s chest, draping her arm over him.

  “I thought you were asleep. You change your mind about dessert?” he asked softly.

  Her only response was a heavy breath and a light stroking of his chest. She was asleep. This is how they usually slept together. Hunt smiled at how the simplest things made him feel at home. No matter what was going on, he was happy to be here with her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Good night, my love.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Mandy was surprised when she woke up on Hunt’s chest. He stroked her arm when she moved. “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “I don’t remember you coming in last night.”

  “You were out cold.”

  “Well, someone wore me out.”

  “Really? Should I take him out?”

  “Oh. I don’t know. He’s pretty big and strong. I think he could take you.” Hunt growled and flipped Mandy onto her back. He pressed his chest on her, holding her down. Mandy laughed. “Uncle.”

  “Oh come on. You could get the best of me, and you know it.”

  “It’s too early for a wrestling match, Hunt.”


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