Amanda's Return

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Amanda's Return Page 16

by June Kramin

  They both hated having to leave their first home. Instead of selling it, his parents assumed the mortgage, using it as their summer get-away. Hunt and Mandy were still very attached to it in an odd “Oh, honey. It’s the house we ended up at after I almost killed you” kind of way.

  When he turned into a gravel driveway, she stirred. “Where are we?”


  “Home-home?” She sat up and smiled wide. “I never thought it would feel so good seeing this place. Are you sure we’re okay stopping here?”

  “Anyone we didn’t want to find us already has. I think we’re okay.”

  Leaning into him, she gave him a kiss. “Why didn’t you stop somewhere?”

  “I wasn’t tired.” He opened his door and motioned for her to follow him out.

  Hunt picked up their bags then they walked in through the garage, which wasn’t locked. He found the key for the house stashed where they had always kept it.

  “You want to rest?” Mandy asked.

  “I’m still fine. I only stopped to stretch a bit and grab coffee. As soon as you’re ready, we can go.”

  “As long as you think you’re fine, that sounds good to me.” Amanda took down the coffee and filters. Her phone rang. After retrieving it from her purse she mumbled, “Shit. It’s Eddie.” She answered the phone with a harsh, “What?” and walked to the living room.

  “Tiny said you guys took off for Vermont.”

  “I didn’t lie. I need to check on Angelo and the kids.”

  “Didn’t you send guards and a doctor with him so he’d be covered?”

  “Yes, but I have some questions for him, and I didn’t want to do it over the phone.”

  “Why didn’t you let Milo go with you?”

  “We couldn’t sleep, and we wanted to leave right away. Heaven forbid I’m here long enough to have to do this again, but if I am, I’ll bring him then.” There was only silence from Eddie. “We’re not here for tea and cakes. I need some answers from him. I am here on a job, am I not?”

  “Your job was to fix things here.”

  “That’s what I’m doing. I sort of found a lead, and I needed to ask Angelo a few things. I really don’t have the time to hang around while Milo cooks for them. I want to get this job done and get the hell away from you. How many ways do I need to say this?”

  “What about the deal going down today?”

  “I’ll do my best to be back for that. If I’m not, it’ll be okay. I’ll talk to Gunner. I’m not new here, Eddie. I’ll get your shit divided and on the streets. It’s against everything I am, but I’m not risking our deal. You just let me work, and you keep to your side of the fence. I do have it covered.” When he didn’t reply, Mandy’s voice softened. Something else was wrong. “Is everything okay?”

  “Someone else was nailed last night.”


  “One of Gunner’s boys. One of the newer kids. I don’t think you knew him.”


  “He was nobody. We think they were aiming for Gunner and just got sloppy.” Eddie paused. “Just do what you have to do and get back here. I want you on the streets. This shit has to stop.”

  “I’m doing what I can. Trust me. This is going to point somewhere. I’m not up here for a road trip. If it was for pleasure, I would have waited for Milo.”

  “Then keep me in the loop like I keep telling you. You make me think you’ve run off and—”

  “You even think about threatening my daughter or Hunt’s parents, and I will show up and kill you with my bare hands, Eddie.” Hunt walked into the room, and Mandy held her hand up and shook her head. “We left at two in the morning and only slowed down enough to take a short break. I would have called you in another hour. Just stop this playground bully routine and let me do my job!” Mandy ended the call.

  “He threatening my family?”

  “No. I felt like he was going to, and I beat him to the punch.” Mandy dropped onto the couch. “No matter how I look at this from the outside, it doesn’t make sense. The mob bringing in an outsider to find the bad guy? How crazy is this, Hunt?”

  He sat down next to her. “As crazy as it gets, but we both know that’s not all this is about.” He took her hands in his. “I know I’m coming off like a smart-ass here, but I have been trying to figure this out myself. No offense, but him throwing you into this is like a principal using a first grader to stop the freshmen from fighting.” He placed his hand over her mouth when she opened it. “I said no offense. I know you know your shit, but you know where I’m going with this.” He dropped his hand.

  “Yes, I understand, Hunt. I’m not insulted. We’re on the same page here.”

  “I hope that part of his plan is not to harm you in some way. I think there’s more to this than him being worried about getting killed or taking the throne, so to speak.”

  Mandy rested her head on Hunt’s shoulder. “I know. I guess I can only keep up the game and hope we get out of it in one piece.” She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss then stood. “You sure you don’t want a quick nap?”

  “I’m sure. Let’s get going, so we’ll make it back for the deal tonight. I’ll leave you with Gunner and then find a place to scope things out. Maybe our guy will get stupid, and we’ll get lucky.”



  “We’re home, and there’s not even time for a quickie.” She curled her bottom lip.

  He stood. “If you’re going to pout about it, we can always take time for a shower, babe.” He kissed her forehead then brought her to his chest and rocked with her.

  “I do need a little freshening up after the long drive.”

  “Good thinking.”

  Mandy was toweling off after their shower and extracurricular activities. “What is wrong with us?”

  “How much time do you have?”

  Mandy laughed. “I mean it, hon. With everything that’s going on, we still have to sneak in sex everywhere we can.”

  “Does this surprise you? I mean, come on. Considering how we met and the first time we did it, you’d think our libidos lived for this kind of excitement.”

  “Gangsters don’t make me horny, Hunt.”

  “No, I do.”

  “True enough. I guess when it comes to stress relief, there is no better way, right?”

  “I’d have to agree with that.”

  “Did you ever finish making coffee?”

  “I didn’t. I was too busy eavesdropping on your conversation. Let’s head out. I’ll grab a crappy gas station cup then we’ll go pop in on Mom’s coffee shop when we’re closer to the cabin.”

  Mandy brightened up. “I’d love to stop in and see if she’s still there!”

  “I’ll never forget how pissed you were when she asked when you were due.” Mandy placed her hands on her stomach. Hunt walked over and held her tight. “It’ll happen soon, babe.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  “I wonder if Mom will remember us,” Mandy said as Hunt opened the door to the coffee shop. Mom, the owner at the coffee shop, rushed right over, answering Mandy’s question. “Where’s the little one?”

  “She’s with her grandparents,” Mandy explained. “You know, I didn’t even realize I was pregnant when we were here. How did you know?”

  Mom smiled. “I told you. Lots of grandbabies. It’s not just a saying about that glow. There’s nothing like it.” She placed her hand on Mandy’s cheek. “Just tea again, dear?”

  Mandy tilted her head at the question. She had tea last time and couldn’t believe the woman remembered. She wanted caffeine but didn’t want to insult the woman. “Sure. That’ll be fine.” She ordered a tall coffee with a shot of espresso for Hunt. He said he wasn’t tired, but he was bound to start dragging soon.

  “Afraid you wore me out?” Hunt said with a grin.

  “Just keeping you on your toes.” They ordered some egg and bagel sandwiches then sat at a table by a window, enjoying the last few minutes of pea
ce before going to the cabin. Hunt was somber as he stared out at a small park. “You miss it up here?” Mandy asked.

  “A little. I grew up here, babe. It’s nice to come home now and then, but home is where you and Hannah are now. I don’t care if we have to run to Timbuktu to get away from these goons. I’ll go wherever you are and with a smile on my face.”

  “It’s prettier than I remember.”

  “You love the beaches in Florida, too. I don’t want to play this game. I’m happy, babe.”

  She gave him half a smile then her attention went to the counter. There was a young girl trying to order something, and Mom was having a hard time understanding her. Mandy made the connection at the girl’s motions; she was deaf. “I’ll be right back,” she said and walked over.

  Mandy tapped the girl on the shoulder. When she turned around, Mandy greeted her with sign language. The girl brightened up and eagerly signed back. After a brief exchange, Mandy turned to Mom. “She wants a vanilla latte but wants to know if you have rice or almond milk. It’s not on your board.”

  “Oh, heavens. I am so glad you were here. I have soy milk. Will that work?”

  Mandy signed some more, and the girl responded. Again Mandy turned to Mom. “She said that’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll get that on the board. Silly of me. I’ll get something written up in case this ever happens again.”

  The girl signed to Mandy, and she laughed. “A pen and pad on your counter would do wonders. She’s great at reading lips.”

  Mom laughed. “I’ll get right on it. Ask her if she lives around here. I’d stock one of those milks if she wants it on a regular basis. I’ve honestly never been asked before.”

  Mandy asked her, and the girl shook her head. “She’s passing through, but thanks.”

  They signed while her drink was made then Mandy said her goodbyes. She joined Hunt again who was grinning wide. “What?”

  “I didn’t know you could sign.”

  “Took it in college. I guess I haven’t had the chance to use it lately. I’m glad I haven’t lost it.”

  “Have I said how much I love you?”

  Running her foot up Hunt’s thigh, Mandy smiled. “Not in about eighteen minutes.”

  “Damn, girl. We need to get this shit over with and get home.”


  “Yes. Home-home. Wherever that is going to be when this is over.” He stood. “Come on. Let’s get going before I take you here on the table.”

  They waved goodbye to Mom as they walked out hand in hand. “You two come back and see me again soon. And bring those babies with you.”

  Hunt gave her hand a squeeze when they got outside. Mandy gave him a slight smile. “She’s too sweet. I’m not about to go on about not being able to get pregnant.”

  “Maybe when we come back this way, you will be, babe.”


  Hunt switched subjects. “Is the new place hard to find?”

  “It’s not that far away. I’m sure Mom could give us a history on it, but I wanted to stay incognito about any involvement. Hopefully the crew we sent isn’t dumb enough to come out in public and make a scene about being there.”

  “I’m sure we would have heard something.”

  They climbed in the car, and Mandy had to roll down her window. Mom was rushing out to catch them. “Here’s some cookies for you, straight from the oven. Thanks again for your help with that deaf gal.” Mom patted Mandy’s arm. “A gal in your condition has to keep your strength up. Take care.” She ran back in before Mandy could even say thank you.

  “Why does that woman always assume I’m preg—” A smile spread over Mandy’s face. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Hunt took her hand and gave it a kiss. “Don’t get yourself excited over it yet. Okay? I can’t take your let down if you find out you’re not. She’s just a nice, little old lady.”

  “A nice lady who happened to nail it last time I didn’t know either.”

  “We were at the doctor a week ago, babe.”

  “That was testing you this time, not me, and we’ve had a lot of sex since then.”

  “I know. I was there.” He waggled his eyebrows up and down.

  “I told you I knew I was ovulating when we left.”

  “If it was recently, it’d be too soon for even wonder-preggo-detecto-woman to see you glow.”

  “It was only days last time, too.”


  As Mandy’s chin dropped, he picked it up. “I don’t want this to destroy your focus. Okay?”

  “It won’t.”

  Hunt put the car in gear. “Please. I am married to you. Give me some credit.”

  The cabin was as Mandy expected it, with one of the guards outside not trying hard enough to hide the fact that he was standing guard.

  “You should have called and let us know you were coming,” he said.

  “Why? You have a party going on?” Mandy asked as she brushed by.

  “I was instructed to shoot first and ask questions later.”

  “I’m the one that assigned you here, and I didn’t give that order, so I suggest you lighten up. No one knows you’re here unless one of you bozos blow it.”

  He mumbled something under his breath. Mandy ignored it and continued inside. They were greeted by the doctor.

  “How’s Angelo?” Mandy asked.

  “He’s actually recovering well. I expected more of a fight from him.”

  “Has he been drinking?”

  “There’s nothing here, and he hasn’t even asked.”

  “That’s something, I guess.”

  “Where are Darin and Angie?” Hunt asked.

  “At the lake. They are actually enjoying this little vacation. I can only say that I thought log walls were a little more soundproof.”

  Hunt grinned. Mandy was not amused. “Is he up?”

  “He was when I was in there a few minutes ago. See if you’re able to convince him to come out on the back porch for a while. The fresh air will do him some good.”

  “You coming with me?” she asked Hunt.

  “I’ll hang here with Doc. Angelo may open up more with you if you’re in there alone.”

  Chapter Forty

  Mandy knocked before opening the door. “You decent?” she asked, poking her head in.

  Angelo smiled at the sight of her. “Too late now if I wasn’t. How’s my favorite sweetheart?”

  She walked over and gave him a tight hug. “Fine. Better now that I see you’re looking so good.”

  “Pffft. I’m always looking good.”

  She joined him on the bed then placed her hand on his cheek. “Not when you left you weren’t.”

  He placed his hand over hers and held it there. He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m okay.” He lowered her hand but still held onto it. “So, why are you here? Don’t tell me you’ve cleaned up the streets and obliterated the bad guys already.”

  “Not quite, but I do have a few interesting leads.”

  “What do you have going on?”

  “Before I start.” She turned and made sure no one was at the door before meeting his eyes. “I need you to know something.”


  “You know I love you, right?” He blushed. “I know you know how I mean that.”

  “I know. It’s still funny. I’ve missed you, Mandy. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  “I know.” Her second hand joined her first, and he followed suit. She smiled. “If Hunt walks in, he’ll kick our asses.”

  “I can take him.”

  She gave a soft chuckle. “I need you to know you can tell me anything. I really need some answers here, Angelo.”

  “I promise I have nothing to hide from you. Fire away.”

  “Were you sleeping with Face’s girlfriend?”


  “Is that a yes?”


  “Since he’s been in prison or before?”

/>   “Just since he’s been in prison. I ain’t that stupid. She was always showing up where I was. Complained constantly about being so horny with him in jail. What’s a guy to do?” He shrugged, trying to look as innocent as possible.

  “Were you giving her drugs in return?”

  “Sometimes. Sometimes she showed up already high.”

  “Did any of Face’s men know about this?”

  “I didn’t tell any of them, and I didn’t think so, but when Axle and Kermit were pounding on me, they said a few of the blows were from Face for doing his girl.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think it was relevant. A beating is a beating. I wasn’t taking notes. I really didn’t think I was leaving the place alive, Mandy, but I thought that was the least of why they were doing it. Why is this coming up now? Face taking responsibility or something? You get in to see him?”

  “I did get in to see him, but that’s not where this is coming from. We ran into Heidi.”


  “It was totally by chance. I asked her a few things, and she was able to give me the slip. I didn’t expect it. I don’t know how I was so stupid to let her do that to me.”

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. You don’t belong here in the first place. I still don’t like that you’re sticking your neck out for me.”

  “It’s my neck. I’ll do what I want with it, dammit.” She stood and walked to the window. “It’s a gorgeous day. Think I can get you to sit on the back porch for a while? Doc thinks you could use some fresh air.”

  “My ribs are hurtin’ pretty bad today.”

  “I’ll get Hunt to come help you.”

  He rested his head back for a bit with his eyes closed then finally turned to her.

  “Fine. Get him.”

  “Thanks. We’ll finish this talk over some lunch.”

  “You bring food in? No one here cooks for shit.”

  “I’ll send someone to go get something.”

  “Bless you.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Hunt helped Mandy get Angelo settled on the back porch. As they eased him into a chair, Mandy asked Hunt, “Do you know of a place you can go around here to grab something quick to eat? I don’t trust sending any of these goons. They are bound to create a scene.”


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