Bonds of Trust

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Bonds of Trust Page 5

by Lynda Aicher

  She moaned at the touch, the reaction impossible to hide.

  “And this,” he said, right before his mouth covered hers. His lips were firm and demanding, crushing over hers with authority. His tongue entered her mouth, engaging hers in a desperate battle. He tasted like chocolate and felt like heaven to her starved senses. He owned the kiss and she was helpless but to follow his lead.

  Her mind fuzzed, her head spinning with unleashed desire. She reached for him, her hands grasping his bare arms in a failed attempt to stay grounded. A nail scraped over her nipple, teasing the nub with just a hint of pain, and she arched into him, seeking more. Abruptly he pulled back, his hands coming up to frame her face. His breathing was deep and labored, much like her own.

  “Tell me I’m wrong.” His eyes were filled with challenge as they held hers.

  Which one did she want? One was distant, less emotional. The other could break her. But there was really no choice. It was all or nothing, and she wanted it all.

  She slid her hands up his arms until her fingers laced in his dark hair. It was soft, thick and felt exactly like she had imagined. She tugged his head down until his lips where just a breath away for hers.

  “I want this,” she breathed then crushed his mouth to hers in a kiss filled with everything she’d missed in the last ten years. It was the touch, the contact, the mutual desire that she craved.

  He’d been right. Again.

  He broke the kiss but held her close, captured in his arms and by his gaze. “Stop fighting me, Cali.” His low voice stroked over her skin like another touch.

  “Yes, sir.” Again, the only possible answer.

  He stepped back, his hands sliding down her arms until they clasped hers. “Sit down.”

  She nodded and slowly lowered herself to the edge of the bed, the sting on her bottom reminding her of the choice she’d made. His hooded gaze scanned her before he kneeled and removed her high heels. His touch was gentle, caressing. Each act of tenderness reeling her into his web of trust.

  His palms smoothed up her legs, spreading them apart as he skimmed over her knees and up her thighs. He stared pointedly at her exposed pussy before a half-smile curved his lips. “You waxed.” He looked at her, a daring gleam in his eyes as he stroked a finger over the smooth flesh. “For me?”

  Her cheeks burned, but he’d asked for the truth. “For tonight, yes.”

  “Perfect.” A simple statement that fired her blood even more. He stood and reached for the bedside table, opening the drawer and removing a black silk scarf. He turned back to her and held the cloth up. “Tonight is about trust. You’ll trust me to put this on you.”

  A blindfold. She shouldn’t, she knew that. She’d just met this man. But it didn’t matter what she should do. Those thoughts left her long before she’d entered The Den’s door. In reality, she shouldn’t be doing any of this.


  “Good,” he murmured before he reached down and pinched one of her tight nipples. The shot of pain and passion fired through her instantly, causing her to gasp then groan. “Turn around.”

  Nipple throbbing, she slid on the bed until her back was to him. The material covered her eyes, sending her world into darkness. She shivered, not from the cold, but from the sheer vulnerability that descended on her with the lack of sight.

  “This deprivation will heighten the rest of your senses,” Master Jake said into her ear. “It’ll keep you focused on what’s important. Not what I’m doing, but how it makes you feel.”

  His large hands cupped her breasts. Finally. She pressed into the touch, which felt so good. He kneaded the flesh before he caressed her nipples, stoking each peak into an even tighter, harder nub. Another moan rose from her throat as the sensations swamped her.

  She did want this. Needed this so very much.

  His hands left her breasts and she whimpered in desperation for them to return. “Shhh,” he soothed as he guided her to lie on the bed. The sheets were cool and soft under her back. The heat of his body flanked her side and she leaned toward it, seeking what he could provide.

  He grabbed her wrists and dragged them over her head. “Should I bind you, or will you hold on?” He wrapped her fingers around a bar, holding her grip against the cold, hard metal of the headboard. He was giving her a choice. Did Doms do that?

  Confused, Cali fumbled for an answer. “Hold... I’ll hold on.”

  “Don’t let go until I say you can.”

  Her fingers flexed around the metal. “Okay.”

  His lips touched against the tender flesh of her inner arm, then down, next to her breast. She jerked toward his touch, but he was gone. Then his hands were there, skimming down her stomach and leg until he gripped her ankle.

  “I’m going to bind your legs.” He kissed the inside of her ankle before he drew it to the side and wrapped a padded cuff around it. “This will keep you open to me.” He quickly did the other, leaving her spread wide. She tested the bindings and found she had some give in the straps that let her move and bend her legs, but not close them.

  She had never felt so blatantly exposed in her life. But despite her position and obvious subservient pose, she didn’t feel vulnerable.

  No. She’d felt more vulnerable fully clothed with her ex-husband, trying to understand why he didn’t want her. What did she lack that had made him so resistant to having sex with her—his wife?

  “Beautiful,” Master Jake said, the low purr of his voice caressing her heightened senses and bringing her back to the moment. “You look absolutely beautiful.” His hands moved up her legs. “Open. Waiting.” He nipped her inner thigh, his hair brushing against her skin, causing goose bumps to race over her legs. “Responsive,” he breathed against her wet pussy.

  The sudden flash of warmth made her inhale, her breath sticking in her lungs as she waited and hoped he’d kiss her there. She twisted in frustration when he moved up her body, his lips trailing kisses over her hip and stomach until they reached the valley between her breasts.

  She struggled against the sheets, her fingernails biting into her palms as she gripped the bar in a death hold. “Please, Jake,” she begged. “Please...” She just needed him.

  “Please what?” His breath was hot, his mouth hovering over one of her aching nipples.

  She inhaled, and the fresh shampooed aroma of his hair flooded her nostrils. He smelled of rain and man, the scent blending with the heat of the room and the desire of her body.

  “Lick me,” she managed to say. “Kiss me, touch me.” She wasn’t picky right then.

  Her head snapped back on the mattress when his mouth covered a nipple. God. Yes. Finally. His hot mouth sucked and licked at the hard bud before his teeth grazed over and then clamped down. The sharp spike of pain meshed with the pleasure and made her arch into his mouth. Her legs hitched in reflex before he let go and soothed the ache with a slow lap of his tongue.

  He shifted and repeated the process with her other nipple. His mouth was the only part of him that touched her, but she felt surrounded by him. His heat was over her, near her, and she wanted to feel all of him.

  The sounds of him working her nipple became intimate and erotic as her senses strived to accommodate for her loss of sight. Each touch, every noise was amplified into an overwhelming crescendo of sensation.

  “More,” she begged now, her voice hoarse. “Please.” She felt no shame in begging. Not with him. He would give her what she craved. It was so freeing to be able to ask for what she desired and know she’d get it. Because Jake would give it to her.

  She trusted that.

  In answer to Cali’s request, a finger trailed through her pussy. A slow caress from bottom to top that made her pelvis thrust and reach for more. His touch was smooth, skin against skin, a sensation she’d never experienced. She’d been too embarrassed to wax down there before. But now, the uninhibited contact was amazing.

  “Yes,” she panted. “That, please.”

  He chuckled, the low rumble vibrating ag
ainst her breast as he moved his mouth down her body. “Do you want that?” he asked, his finger making another swipe through her pussy. “Or would you prefer this?” The hot, wet tip of his tongue repeated the same path as his finger and her hips shot off the bed.

  “That,” she croaked. “God, definitely that.” She moaned and shivered in response to the sudden warmth. It had been so long since she’d felt any kind of heat and wetness down there, she almost came from his one simple touch.

  And then he was gone.

  The bed shifted and he moved off the mattress. She ached for him to return. Her mind faltered at his sudden absence.

  “What...where’d you go?” She strained to hear his movements, turning her head in an attempt to catch a sound. Any sound. Her grip on the headboard loosened and all the doubt and mistrust started to descend on her.

  The light trace of something soft tickled down her chest and around her bellybutton. She jerked away, clenching the bar. He was still there.

  “Trust me, Cali.” His voice was deep and tender, so intimate in the darkness that surrounded her.

  The object returned. The scent of leather invaded her nose, teasing her with the image of a flogger as the individual strands flirted over her nipples then up the length of her leg, only to disappear. No. A light touch against the sole of her foot, the inside of her knee, down her side. God. The tantalizing, teasing strokes where everywhere, but nowhere she really needed them.

  Then the strips landed in a hard, sharp slap across her stomach. She jumped at the unexpected action, surprised at the sting of pain and even more shocked as the heat radiated downward to warm her pussy. Her hands loosened on the rail, but his grip was immediately there, clamping over hers.

  “Don’t let go.” The hard edge in his voice made her hands clench on the bar before he backed away.

  Her entire body was tense with expectation. What would he do next? Her breath was labored, her lip clasped between her teeth as her muscles tightened once again in wait. There was a small clicking noise, followed by the hushed rustle of material and the thread of a zipper. Was he undressing?

  “Jake?” she tentatively spoke into the silence.

  The whisper of softness against the heated flesh of her pussy had her panting and clinging to the edge of an orgasm. She was so ready to tumble over, every nerve ending just waiting for one more touch.

  “Not yet, Cali,” Jake ordered, his warm breath caressing her ear. How’d he get there? “Not ’til I say so.”

  Really? A groan escaped from deep in her throat. A sound of protest and desire mixed with desperation. Then he kissed her, hot, searing lips against hers. The surprise of the attack as potent at the kiss itself. His tongue warmed her mouth and rolled with hers in a passionate demand.

  She strained for him, her hands slipping off the bar. Immediately his lips were gone, his hand gripped tightly around hers. “I told you not to let go.” He guided her fingers back around the bar. “Hold on or I’ll bind you. Can I trust you?”

  Trust. There it was again. “I’ll hold on,” she said and added a small, “Sorry, sir.” And she was. She didn’t want to lose his trust. It was suddenly as important to her as the acts they were doing together.

  His touch was gone again, leaving her empty and aching once more. Her lips tingled from his kiss while every other part of her body throbbed for his touch. The mattress pitched as his weight returned. She was so tuned in to him that she swore she felt his heat, knew he was there, crouched between her legs.

  She heard the slow, deep pants of his breath that he seemed to be struggling to control and hide. She bit her tongue to keep quiet. To wait for him as he told her to do. The anticipation increased her desire.

  Several long seconds later, she was rewarded. He closed his mouth over her aching pussy in another sudden attack that constricted every muscle in her body. She cried out. She heard the sound echo in the room without realizing she’d let it go. The response was automatic, one she couldn’t have withheld if she’d tried.

  But she didn’t want to.

  She wanted Jake to hear it all. Just like he’d ordered.

  This time he didn’t leave. His tongue heated her smooth flesh then flicked against her waiting clit. She jerked as he repeated the touch and inserted a finger into her. The combination almost unglued her.

  “Please, Jake,” she begged. “I’m going to come.”

  “Not yet,” he demanded, his voice carrying a tone of reprimand. “Wait ’til I say.”

  Another finger entered her wet channel. She whimpered while thrusting her hips into the intrusion and the hot warmth of his mouth. A sharp inhale caught the tangy sent of her arousal, of what he was doing to her. She needed more but at the same time was almost afraid of the aching flood of yearning building within her. His tongue circled her entrance, taunting her with the possibility without fulfilling the promise. With his expert touch and knowing way, Jake held her at that point, the very edge of what she could endure while he fondled and licked her repeatedly.

  His lips closed around her clit and this time he sucked. Hard. Pulling on the sensitive flesh until she cried out against the blend of pain and pleasure on the overstimulated bud. Her skin was hot and damp, her body flushed, her mind incoherent.

  All she knew was his mouth, his fingers, his touch on her.


  His teeth scraped over her aching clit and she clung to the edge with a flimsy hold. His fingers withdrew from her, leaving her feeling empty. For one brief second he pulled away completely, depriving her of all touch.

  “No,” she cried, arching toward him.

  Another second, filled only by her raspy breath.

  Finally, a harsh, “Come, Cali,” ground against her mind as his fingers thrust into her and his mouth clamped over her clit. And she flew, obeying the command without hesitation, crashing through the climax on wave after wave of pure sensation.

  Her mind shattered with her body, her muscles tensing and clenching as she gasped for breath and reached for still more until she thought she would die from the continued wave of heat and bliss that exploded within her. Slowly she descended, shivering as he moved away. She was at once relieved and lost when his touch receded.

  Her fingers were still fastened to the bar, tight and cramping from the frantic hold. Her lungs heaved for air, the sound loud and harsh in the quiet room. The quick, unmistakable ripping of foil shot through her, immediately bringing her body back to life and putting her mind on alert. Her head jerked in the direction of the noise, her lips parting in a silent plea for what it meant.

  “Yes, Cali,” Jake confirmed. “I’m going to fuck you.”

  Her body fired once again at his words. “Yes,” she panted. “Please. Fuck me, Jake.”

  Who was this person begging for sex? Wanting more of everything he’d given her? She wasn’t certain, but right then—in that moment—she loved her.

  Chapter Six

  She was unbelievable.

  Cali was real. Honest. Truly magnificent in her response to everything he’d done to her. There was no act or pretense behind her emotions. What she showed was one hundred percent real. Not what she thought he wanted to see, but what she was truly feeling. He was certain of that.

  She trusted him enough to give him everything.

  And it turned him on until his dick throbbed with the need for release. Damn. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so hard. The last time he’d ached to fuck a sub. There were only a few of his long-term clients he did that with. He definitely didn’t with a new sub. One who wasn’t even a contracted client.

  Control. He was supposed to be in control, but he felt anything but that. The blindfold had been as much for him as her. He didn’t want her to see how she was affecting him. Didn’t think he could keep his emotions from showing.

  He stared at her now, bound, spread and trembling. Fucking beautiful.

  She was sleek and toned but with enough curves to be real. Her breasts were high, firm and proportioned,
with stiff, rosy nipples that were as sensitive as the rest of her and begged to be sucked and plucked. She was rounded where she was supposed to be, which Jake liked so much better than the gaunt and starved look so many women in the club strived to maintain. A woman was meant to be soft. Inviting.


  Jake moved onto the mattress, his sheathed cock straining for her warmth. She jerked, a gasp escaping her parted lips, making him bite his own lip to stay silent.

  Deprivation was part of his dominance over her. It was what Cali needed that night to make every sensation that much more intense and powerful. After keeping her grounded with his touch, he removed it until she begged to have it back. He was certain she’d been expecting something different. More blatant and hard-core. Which is why he’d gone the other way.

  Watching her submit to this more subtle approach to dominance was even sweeter. Making her want him, what he alone could give her, was the ultimate turn-on. Any Dom could whip her, order her to submit. But not every Dom would take the time to earn her submission and she was too inexperienced to understand the difference.

  Jake only wanted what she’d give him. What he earned. He’d push her, eventually. But first, he needed her trust.

  He ran his hands up her legs and felt her muscles contract under his touch. He swallowed a groan as he braced himself over her, careful to avoid touching her. Her skin gleamed in a fine sheen of sweat that matched his own. He dipped his head to let his lips brush against hers then leaned back.

  “God, Jake,” she pleaded as her head lifted to follow him, her lips seeking his. “Please. Touch me.”

  He inhaled in satisfaction before slowly lowering his body, using every muscle he had to control his descent onto her. First his legs, then his pelvis and finally his torso until he touched her skin to skin, head to toe. It felt amazing.

  Cali felt amazing.

  She sighed into his weight, which he kept balanced on his forearms to keep from crushing her. He kissed her shoulder and she stretched her neck to give him more room. She tasted like salt and sin.


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