Healed (The Found Book 3)

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Healed (The Found Book 3) Page 22

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Anyway, I ran a deep check on the financials of the FDA man Grainger and found some interesting things. On the surface he lives a regular life, but he is worth millions and millions in an offshore account. We need you to figure out where he’s getting his funds.”

  “But you have an idea of where he’s getting this.” Sierra looked sideways at Brice.

  “Oh yeah. My guess is that he’s a D.C. bagman for an arms dealer named Rankin. I don’t think Stovers was meeting with Grainger on FDA business, I think he was trying to sell things to Rankin, but we need your help to see if my guess is right.”

  “Your guesses are always right, Brice. That’s your ability,” she grumbled. “Why don’t you just control my mind while you’re at it?”

  “I might spank your arse, wench if you don’t do what I’m asking. Controlling your mind has absolutely zero appeal.” Nate watched as a slow smile crossed Sierra’s face, then she started to work on the computer. It took her less than twenty minutes to confirm Brice’s supposition.

  “What a fucking dumbass. This guy cuts off people’s hands for sport. Stovers is out of his ever loving mind to be offering him things like mind-control nanotech and people who can suck the life out of you. If Stovers can’t deliver…” She trailed off and grinned wide. “I’ve changed my mind, this is absolutely wonderful.”

  “Don’t get too excited Sierra,” Nate cautioned. “It just tells us how desperate Stovers will be to get his hands on Alma or anything to get him in this guy’s good graces.”

  “I think it is about time to circle the wagons. I don’t like having Kota and Maricel in Texas,” Cyrus said.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Nate agreed. “Kota has already arranged for them to be on the first plane out tomorrow morning. Of course Dona Alma isn’t going to be too happy but he says he’ll carry her if necessary.” Everyone laughed, knowing Kota was serious.

  “So how do we flush out Stovers?” Cyrus asked

  “We set a trap with bait he can’t resist,” Brice said.

  “Not a chance in hell,” Nate yelled.

  “No way,” Cyrus said slapping his hand on the table.

  “What has you guys in such a snit?” Sarah asked as she walked in the room. Four sets of eyes looked at her, and immediately turned away.

  “Oh holy hell, this is about me, isn’t it? What’s going on Nate Goodman?” Nate was glad to see as much as she wanted to know what they were talking about there was absolutely no compulsion in her voice except for that of a pissed off woman. He grinned.

  “You better come clean or you will not like the repercussions.” Yep, totally pissed off woman, and she belonged to him. Wasn’t he lucky?

  “Brice just came up with some lame-brain idea, and your brother and I shot him down.”

  “Brice, would you care to share with the class?” Sarah asked with her eyebrow raised.

  “Nay, can’t say I would. I value my manly parts right where they are Sarah.” Sierra snorted under her breath.

  “Well then, let me guess, this has something about me being put at risk. It has to be a good idea since Brice came up with it, so I want to hear it.” Sarah came over and spun the computer screen around and started reading. “Tsk, tsk, such a busy boy our Stovers.” She looked up at the people around the table. “So we want to use me as bait?”

  “Aye,” Brice said at the same time the other three said no.

  “Sounds to me like the ‘Aye’s have it,” Sarah said.

  “You know, I think I have an idea that might just work and keep my manly bits in working order. Why don’t you have a seat, Sarah.” Nate pulled out the chair next to his and glared at the Scott. He damn well better come up with a better plan than using Sarah as bait.


  Kota didn’t know which was worse, the two women who were crying and raging on the outside, or the one who was crying and raging on the inside. They were all in Maricel’s apartment, the door to the nursery was shut. Baby Alma was finally asleep. Gabriella told Maricel and her mother what Kathy Simms explained, and the two women were holding each other. They were alternating between weeping and calling for the deaths of everyone involved. Once again Kota was having trouble understanding everything being said.

  Kota wasn’t as worried about those two women as he was about Gabriella. Kota was convinced they would figure out a way to get through to Alma and teach her that her ability could be used to heal. He had been around the found for almost a year. Not only did he know their gifts, but he knew their will, nothing would stop them from finding a way to help this child. Kota decided he was more concerned about Gabriella’s grief and anger because it was all internalized.

  He went to stand beside her by the kitchen bar, but she stepped away from him to crouch down before Maricel who was on the couch.

  “Maricel, you need to trust Kota and the others to capture these bad people and bring them to justice. Your focus must be on Almacita.”

  “I know. I know. I thought she would be okay with me being gone for just a couple of days. I should never have left her.” She started to sob again. Her mother clutched her to her chest.

  “No Maricel, this is not your fault.” Kota saw the stress lines around Gabriella’s mouth, he watched as she clawed at the carpet, he couldn’t stand it another moment. He lightly touched her shoulders, she froze, but then she took in a deep breath and relaxed back against his legs. Gabriella grabbed Maricel’s hands in her own.

  “Maricel, Almacita was terrified of hurting you, remember? She wasn’t taking comfort in your presence, instead she was screaming the most when you reached for her. She would only calm when Sarah or I would touch her, remember?”

  “She hates me,” Maricel said despondently.

  “She loves you so much she didn’t want to hurt you. You knew you had to give her space. You knew spending time with Sarah was the right thing to do.” Kota saw Gabriella was getting through to her.

  “Those bastards made her kill a kitten. How can she ever feel good about herself? How can she ever think she can touch something and have it live and thrive?” Again Kota struggled to understand Maricel’s words, but Gabriella was right there with an answer.

  “Maricel, your baby is one of the smartest human beings I’ve ever met. She understands she hurts people, and she is determined not to let that happen. Look at her. She fights so hard to protect everybody around her.” Maricel nodded, she was listening to what Gabriella had to say.

  “Alma didn’t kill the kitten, she struggled so hard she went into a coma instead of bringing harm to the little life. Now we just have to find a way to get past her fear and her innate will to protect others so she can see the beauty she has to offer. There is no way we are going to let the girl go another week thinking she is a monster. That’s unacceptable,” Gabriella spoke with such passion and intelligence she was a wonder to behold.

  “But how? She’s just a baby? How do we get her to understand when it’s been so deeply ingrained into her psyche?” Maricel looked defeated as she asked her question.

  “I’m not quite sure, but I have an inkling. Let me talk to Max. In the meantime, why don’t you get some rest?”

  Kota waited until they were out in the hall before questioning Gabriella.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Gabriella tipped back her head, strands of her dark brown hair had come loose from her braid and now curled around her face. Kota never saw her look more vulnerable.

  “I lied to them Dakota. I don’t know what we’re going to do.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she rested her cheek against his chest. Her entire body still vibrating with unshed tears and unleashed rage.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Nate looked around the warehouse with a trained eye. He saw nothing, absolutely nothing. It was perfect, which was amazing since they had less than six hours to get into place.

  Sierra, Cyrus, Brice and Nate were behind a false wall in a warehouse in D.C. They were armed to the teeth, waiting for Rankin and Stovers to show u
p for a meeting. This was all part of Brice’s plan. Brice and Sierra started working on using Grainger to coordinate a meet. They hijacked his account, and told Rankin Stovers wanted to provide a progress report. Meanwhile, they told Stovers that Rankin wanted him to work on a new project.

  Everything had been going along great, until Rankin sent an actual response to the message stating he wanted to see an actual prototype and if he didn’t Stovers would be terminated. Rankin further went onto say that he wanted this meeting to take place in less than twenty-four hours.

  Cyrus argued they needed to bring in the DEA and local officials, but it was too big a risk.

  “They’re going to be talking about too many found abilities we just don’t want publicized. It’s best we take care of this, and then hand them over to the police,” Nate stated.

  “I don’t get it, they’ll still be talking about it after they’re in custody,” Cyrus argued.

  “Yeah, but we won’t have a whole group of line officers hearing this shit, it will just be a few higher ranked officials, so it will be easier to contain.” Cyrus finally agreed.

  The last argument before the meet was between Sarah, Kota, and the team. Sarah and Kota really thought they should be in the warehouse with Stovers.

  “Hear us out,” Kota stared down Nate who was busy glaring at his woman.

  “I’m listening,” Nate finally gritted out.

  “Sarah and I want to make sure Stovers doesn’t have any more guinea pigs we don’t know about.” Nate felt like the rug was pulled out from under him. Sarah stepped towards him, and ran her hand over the front of his chest.

  “While you were working on equipping the warehouse, Kota and I realized this was our shot to find out everything from Stovers. We have to take it Nate.” Brice stepped forward next to Kota.

  “It makes sense. Even if you don’t just con him into telling you what he knows, you can get him to tell you the truth, can’t you?” Sarah’s hands tightened on his shirt, as she nodded in Brice’s direction.

  “I can,” she admitted.

  “Okay, then let’s figure out the safest way for you to be in the warehouse with the bad guys,” Brice said.

  Stovers arrived in the South bay entrance to the warehouse. He was in the middle SUV. Nate assumed all three Escalades were bulletproof. As they got out, eight men in total and all heavily armed. He made note that he couldn’t see body armor on any of them which seemed either arrogant or stupid. Five minutes later, one limousine pulled up behind the Escalades in the South bay, and two Range Rovers showed up in the North Bay. The limo effectively cut off the escape for the Escalades. It was a good maneuver.

  Rankin’s men got out, all in black suits with body armor, Nate grinned. Then he frowned, what the fuck was he thinking? He didn’t want any of them to be smart enough to think of body armor. He wanted to be dealing with dumb shits.

  “That’s Rankin,” Brice pointed to the small man who got out of the limousine.

  Rankin and Stovers shook hands. It was easy to hear everything they were saying since the warehouse was wired as well as a college dorm room.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “You have something to show me?” Both questions were asked at the same time. Nate winced.

  The side door opened, and in walked Kota and Sarah.

  “Stovers, you needed us for your presentation, right?” Kota shouted.

  “What is this? Why didn’t they come with you? What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull?” Rankin shouted into Stovers’ face. “I want to see this demonstration you promised me right now. If I’m not satisfied, you will die a painful death.”

  Nate looked through his rifle scope and saw Stovers swallow and turn pale.

  “I thought you wanted to see me about a new project?”

  “Are you fucking nuts?” Nate could see spittle spew onto Stovers face. “You promised me a fucking death hold. You promised me mind control. If you fail to deliver, not only am I killing you, I’m killing your sister, your mother, your uncle, and don’t think I don’t know about your bastard son.” Rankin motioned with his hand and the biggest man who’d gotten out of the limo came over and cuffed Stovers on the side of the head sending him sprawling onto the floor. He stepped on Stovers’ arm and pulled out a knife the size of a small machete.

  “Boss, I cut?” He asked Rankin.

  “I don’t know. Stovers, he cut?”

  “Lee, let us demonstrate.” It was Sarah. God dammit, she promised to keep her head down. She damn well better not be trying to help this fuck. As soon as he thought those words, her head turned to look at him.

  “Yes, please let me up. Let her demonstrate.” Nate saw the desperation on Stovers’ face. His eyes bounced back and forth between Kota and Sarah. Rankin’s man lifted his foot and swung Stovers up so he was standing.

  “Show me.” Rankin demanded imperiously.

  “Please Sarah, show him,” Stovers said.

  “First, you have to provide the background. Tell him how many of us have you tested. How many of us have you captured?” Sarah asked.

  “I don’t give a shit about the background, just give me a demonstration.” Rankin pushed in.

  “I’m not a show pony. These things must be explained, and then I can give you the demonstration of a lifetime. Now Lee, besides the two of us, Maricel and her baby, how many others?” God, his woman was smart.

  “Two. They were a couple. They got away, but we’re close to finding them.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I want my demonstration.” Rankin was damn near stomping his foot.

  “Who do I demonstrate on?” Sarah asked sweetly.

  Rankin shoved the big man who threatened to cut off Stovers’ hand. “Him, tell him to finish the job.”


  Rankin pulled out a gun and held it to Kota’s temple. “Touch Clusta, and tell him to finish the job.”

  “That’s not much of a mind control demonstration, since he was so eager to do it in the first place, but if that’s what you want me to do.” Rankin stared at her and lowered the gun. He laughed. He turned in a circle, and all of his men laughed. Then as if they were one person, they all pulled out their guns and each grabbed one of Stovers’ men.

  “You are right. You are a smart lady. Let’s do a real experiment. Clusta, give your knife to Stovers.” Stovers took the knife with a confused expression on his face.

  “Now Lady, command him to cut off his hand.” Nate saw Stovers’ expression relax, and so did Rankin.

  Rankin’s eyes got wide as he realized Stovers wasn’t worried he would be made to cut off his own hands.

  “You fuck,” Rankin screamed at Stovers. “You double crossed me. You have no mind control. No way to kill with a touch. I will kill you all.”

  “It’s still in a trial phase. We’re so close. We just need another couple of months.” Stovers said desperately, all of his calm gone.

  “Stop.” Before a trigger could be pulled, before a bullet could fly, Sarah stopped them all. “It’s way beyond a trial phase, but I don’t like this kind of demonstration. Choose something else.”

  “Lady, make him saw off his hand, or I will kill you.” Rankin had no soul.

  “Come on Sarah, let him cut off his hand, he deserves it,” Nate whispered under his breath.

  “All right, here’s your demonstration.” Sarah went silent and looked at Stovers, his eyes went wide.

  He watched as Lee bent over and put the knife carefully on the floor, and then stood up and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled his pants and briefs down to his ankles. He then picked the knife back up, with a look of horror on his face.

  “Are you sure it’s his hand you want him to cut off?” Sarah asked pleasantly.

  “Lady, I like you.” Rankin started to laugh.

  “I want more answers. Lee where is this couple?” Sarah kept her voice pleasant.


  “What are their names?” She could have been asking hi
m what he would like for lunch.

  “Ilsa and Garen. They keep changing their last names.”


  “I don’t like you anymore. No more questions or you and your friend die. You’ve proved mind control, now I want the death touch.” Clusta shoved one of Stovers men to Kota who grabbed him. Nate looked over at the others behind the wall and then gave a piercing whistle.

  Nate watched as Sarah hit the floor, she was saying something, but he couldn’t make out the words. Kota knocked three men to the ground. There was never any doubt as to who was going to shoot Stovers when it came time to do the honors. Nate started to take the shot as soon as he saw Sarah was safely on the floor. An instant before his finger pulled back to take the shot he huffed out a laugh, because Lee Stovers was using the knife to cut into his own penis.

  Brice, Cyrus and Sierra each shot one man, as the rest put their guns up in the air in surrender. It took one well-placed kick to have the faux wall come down, and they had the thugs quickly subdued since they were all under the impression surrender was their choice. Nate left the rest of the team to take care of it, and went to Sarah. Her nose was bleeding.

  “We’ve got them, stop with the mind control already before you really hurt yourself.” Nate picked her up and cuddled her close, leaving the clean up to others.


  Sarah didn’t know how she got back to the hotel room, only that she was safe in Nate’s arms. There was no pain, again, because Nate was holding her close. She woke up and she saw the full moon casting light across the comforter of the bed. When she looked up Nate was staring down at her, stroking her hair.

  “Hey there, why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “You gave me a scare, Angel,” he answered in a hushed tone.

  “I was going to be fine, I had my Navy hero there to take care of me.” She kissed his throat.

  “How’s your head? You had a nosebleed.” He feathered his fingers along her temples.


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