Love & Lies

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Love & Lies Page 5

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Thank you for caring about him, Miles. You’re a good friend.”

  “Come on, I’ll walk you to his office.”

  Alex smiled and walked out with Miles.

  Alex knocked on Miguel’s door. Her stomach was in knots.

  “Come in.”

  “Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, Alex. Have a seat.”

  For a split second Miguel thought about jumping over his desk and ravaging Alex. Instead he waited for her to have a seat before he spoke.

  “What is it that you needed to speak to me about?”

  “I have had quite a few staff members approach me to offer their feelings about you.”


  “Calm down, it’s been very positive feedback. In fact, I’ve contacted the payroll department and you will be receiving a raise in pay, effective immediately.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Don’t short change yourself, Alex.”

  Alex sat there looking down at her lap. She wanted to address the issue of the kiss but she wasn’t sure how or what to say but knew she needed to say something.

  “I want to apologize…”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  “I’m considering taking another position.”

  “What!” Miguel stood up, placed his hands on his desk and leaned towards Alex. “You have a contract.”

  Alex felt intimidated to put it mildly. Miguel looked as if he could eat her up and spit her out. She couldn’t let him see how petrified she was. She inhaled and stood up.

  “Is there anything else you need to discuss with me? I have things that need to be attended to, Mr. Cruz.”

  Miguel felt…well he wasn’t sure how he felt but hearing Alex call him Mr. Cruz upset him.

  “We’re through.” Miguel sat back down in his chair.

  Alex nodded and walked out.

  Miles caught a glimpse of Alex as she headed to the elevator. If she looked that upset, he could only wonder what Miguel was like. He headed to Miguel’s office to check up on him. He opened Miguel’s door without knocking and walked in.

  “What’s going on with Alex?”


  “Migs, talk to me?”

  Miguel got up and began to pace.

  “Alex wants to quit, she got me so angry, she drives me crazy.”

  “You do have feelings.” Miles laughed.

  “Smart ass.”

  “Face it, she gets to you and you don’t like that. I thought you were thinking about giving her a chance?”

  “Just because you asked her to be my date does not mean I’m giving her or anyone else a chance.”

  “You’ve had girlfriends before.”

  “You mean Dawn and Jenna? Two of the biggest mistakes of my life? They never cared about me, just my power and money.”

  “Migs, not every woman is like them. Alex is different.”

  “No, she isn’t.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She’s already talked about leaving me more than once.”

  “Oh boy, you really have it bad.”


  “She mentioned leaving the company, not you.”

  “No? If she cared about me she wouldn’t think about leaving.”

  “Did you ever think about the fact that maybe she is thinking about leaving because she cares about you and can’t handle being here with you acting the way you are?”

  “This conversation is over.”

  Miguel opened his door and Miles got up and walked out.

  Ryan was waiting in Alex’s office when she came back.

  “Hey, how’s my sister doing?”

  “Your sister doesn’t know if she wants to cry or spit?”

  “Talk to me, what’s going on?”

  “I have feelings for someone and he is being a dick.”

  “Want me to kick his ass?”

  “You’d need a gang to help you.”

  “Seriously, Sis…who is it?”

  “Mr. Cruz.”

  “Oh, Sis.”

  Ryan got up and hugged his sister.

  “My life is a mess, Ry.”

  “You like your job right?”


  “Then find another guy and move on.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “Ok, then make him fall in love with you.” Ryan laughed.

  “You’re a jerk!”

  “I know but you love me.”

  “I do.”

  “Why don’t you come out with me and some of my friends tonight and bring Faith?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Come on, you know you want to. I bet once you hook up and have some rebound sex you will feel much better.”

  “Oh God, Ryan!”

  “Like we’ve never talked about sex before?” Ryan laughed.

  “Ok, go. Text me and let me know where you will be. I finish work around six.”

  Ryan kissed Alex on the forehead and left. Alex picked up her phone and dialed Faith, she needed a partner in crime.

  ALEX COULDN’T BELIEVE SHE was on her way to pick up Faith for a night out with her brother and his friends. He was her baby brother. She was beginning to feel desperate but at this point anything that could help her forget Allan and Miguel was worth a try. She contemplated having sex with a random stranger and right now even that seemed like a good idea. It had been a while and thinking about Miguel and that kiss made her horny as hell.

  Faith pulled on the door handle, “Alex unlock the door!”

  Alex was pulled from her thoughts and unlocked the door.


  “Thanks for coming out with me.”

  “Oh girl, you are a wreck.”

  “I am.”

  “Ok, here’s the plan…drink, hook up, move on.”

  “Faith, what if I can’t move on?”

  “You can. I promise.”

  Ryan was inside the bar with his friends, Jack and Sam. They had been buddies since college.

  “My sister should be here any minute; now remember we need to cheer her up.”

  “I’ll cheer her up, don’t you worry.” Sam winked.

  “Anybody want another beer?”

  “Grab us each one and bring two extra for the girls. Thanks, Jack.”

  Jack walked over to the bar and ordered the beers.

  “Jack, hi.”

  “Alex, I was just getting us all some beers.”

  “Jack, this is my friend, Faith.”

  “Nice to meet you, Faith.”

  “You too, Jack.”

  Jack handed each girl a beer and they all walked back to the table together.

  Miguel was still in the office at nine. Miles walked in with a pizza.


  “Hey, Miles.”

  “Hiding here isn’t going to change how you feel.”

  “I’m not hiding; I have a lot of work to catch up on.”

  “Migs, you’re avoiding your feelings by throwing yourself into your work.”

  “Miles, I asked you to drop it, I’m not asking again.” Miguel threw his pizza into the garbage and walked out the door.

  Alex and Sam had been talking most of the night. Jack disappeared with some girl he met while he was grabbing beers at the bar and Ryan was flirting with Faith.

  “Alex, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Alex got up and went to the bathroom with Faith.

  “What’s up?”

  “Alex, I want to hook up with Ryan. Are you ok with that?”

  “I probably won’t be tomorrow but right now I’m drunk and I don’t care, just no details…ever!”


  Miguel was on his way home and decided to stop for a drink. Miles got him so angry. He wanted to punch him. Why did he have to keep talking about Alex like a broken record. Miguel pulled up at the bar and got out of his car and slammed the door. He needed to calm down. He walked over to the bar and ord
ered a drink.

  “Miguel Cruz?”

  Miguel turned around and Faith was standing there with Ryan.


  “I’m Faith, Alex’s best friend and this is her brother Ryan.”

  Ryan looked at Miguel. This was the guy his sister was crazy in lust over. Ryan extended his hand.

  “Pleased to meet you.”

  Miguel shook Ryan’s hand, “Your sister is a valued employee.”

  Miguel grabbed his drink and downed it. He was there to get away from Alex and here he was with her best friend and brother, what next?

  “I need to get going, it was nice meeting you both.”

  Miguel made it about two feet before he spotted Alex and some guy walking out the door.

  Both Faith and Ryan saw the look on Miguel’s face. Ryan walked up to where Miguel stood.

  “Looks like my sister is getting lucky tonight, huh?”

  Miguel looked over at Alex and then turned to Ryan, “Just as long as she isn’t late for work tomorrow.”

  Miguel walked out.

  Alex was in the parking lot making out with some guy she met an hour ago. He was all over her like an octopus. He started to unbutton her jeans, then he took her hand and shoved it in his pants. At first Alex was turned on but when he grabbed her by the hair and pushed her head down to suck his cock she pulled away.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  “Go? You’re not going anywhere until I’m finished with you.”

  The guy grabbed Alex by the wrist.

  “Let go of me!”

  “Get on your knees you BITCH!”


  Miguel heard Alex and ran over to where she was.

  “Let her go.”

  “Fuck off!”

  The guy turned around and swung at Miguel. Alex screamed. Miguel grabbed the guys arm, twisted it behind his back and dropped him to the ground.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t get up swinging.”

  The guy got up and gave Alex a dirty look. “She’s a damn tease.”

  “Get out of here before I break that arm.”

  The guy walked off yelling, “BITCH!”

  Miguel pulled Alex into his arms. “Alex, are you alright?”

  Alex didn’t hug Miguel, instead she pulled away. She didn’t look up at Miguel. “Thank you, Mr. Cruz. I will see you at work tomorrow.”

  Alex ran back inside the bar. Miguel just stood there, he was jealous and angry and wasn’t sure how to deal with his feelings.

  Faith was sitting on Ryan’s lap kissing him when she saw Alex run back in the bar. Her hair was a mess and she looked frazzled.

  Faith pulled away. “Something is wrong.”


  “It’s Alex.”

  Ryan turned and looked in the direction Faith was looking. He stood up so fast Faith almost ended up on the floor.

  “Alex.” Ryan waved as he ran towards her with Faith following.

  “Can you take me home?”

  Faith put her arm around Alex. “What happened?”

  “The guy I left with, he was a creep.”

  “Did he hurt you? Because I will find him and kill him.”

  “Miguel of all people saved me.”

  “Oh, Sweetie.” Faith pulled Alex closer.

  “I’m going to tell Sam that we’re leaving.”

  “Faith, I’m sorry.”

  “Alex, you’re more important to me than sex. I can’t believe I said that.” Faith smiled and Alex chuckled.

  “Thank you.”

  Sam came walking back with Ryan.

  “Sam said he’d take you home if you don’t mind.”

  Alex smiled at her brother. “Ok.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve only had a two beers.”

  “I wasn’t worried.”

  Ryan and Faith hugged Alex goodbye and then she headed out with Sam.

  Miguel was still sitting in his car when he spotted Alex walking out with Sam. He couldn’t believe she was with another guy after what had just happened. Worst of all was that he was finding out how insanely jealous he was. He waited for Alex to leave and then he headed out as well. As he drove home he called Jane and scheduled an escort to spend the night. He needed to relax and get Alex out of his system.

  ALEX FELT AS IF she was walking the hall of shame as she made her way to Miguel’s office. When she arrived at work there was a message on her desk to go directly to his office upon her arrival.

  “Alex, Good morning!”

  “Good morning, Lacey!”

  “You can go right in; Mr. Cruz has been waiting for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Alex opened the door and walked in.

  “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Alex, I know it isn’t any of my business but I do care about the welfare of my employees and might I advise you that picking up random men can be dangerous.”

  “You’re right, it isn’t any of your business but for the record, I’m not into one night stands but my brother thought it would help me get over my break up to have some rebound sex. Clearly that was a mistake.”

  “The sex didn’t help?”

  “We didn’t have sex, you were there. I objected, remember?”

  “Yes, but then you went home with someone else.”

  “Were you spying on me?”

  “No, not at all. I received a business call from London and the connection was poor so I didn’t want to use the speaker option. I was still sitting in the parking lot on the phone when you left.”

  “Still none of your business but the man who drove me home was Sam, my brother’s friend from college. He took me home because my brother wanted to hook up with Faith, my best friend and I had one too many drinks to drive.”


  “I appreciate your concern and you helping me out with James last night but I’d really like to leave my personal life just that…personal.”

  Miguel wasn’t happy with that answer. He wanted to know who it was that hurt Alex and why? He felt jealousy for the first time in his life and he hated it.

  “Duly noted.”

  “May I go now?”

  “We need to discuss the Reilly account.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Alex hated being so close to Miguel and not being able to touch him. She could smell his cologne. Her body felt like it was on fire.

  “I’ll be needing you to come with me to the meeting in London.”

  Alex didn’t want to travel with him. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible. The thought of spending hours on a plane with him was not something she thought she could survive.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary. I can have everything prepared for you ahead of time.”

  “Alex, your contract states that you may need to accompany me on business trips.”

  “Fine. When will be traveling?”

  “The meeting is set for the fourth. I suppose we will leave on the third.”

  “I’ll clear my schedule.”

  “Thank you. You can go now.”

  Alex didn’t say a word as she turned and left.

  Miles was talking to Faith when Alex walked into her office.

  “Alex, hi!”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I just stopped to check in on you and found Miles here walking the hallway.”

  “Good morning, Alex.”

  “I haven’t noticed anything good about it yet, Miles.”

  “Did you just come from Miguel’s office?”

  “You guessed it.”

  “Alex, don’t take this the wrong way but you bring out a side of him that I’ve never seen and I’m not sure he knows how to handle it.”

  “I told you he likes you, Alex!”

  Alex blushed.

  “Does not.”

  Miles smiled at Faith. “I’d have to agree with Faith.”

ell it doesn’t matter if he does or if he doesn’t because mixing business with pleasure is not tolerated and you’ve told me yourself that Miguel doesn’t partake in relationships.”

  “There’s always a first time for everything, Alex.”

  “Faith’s right. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

  “Look why don’t you two go have some coffee and discuss all the things you agree on; I have work to do.”

  “I have to go to a meeting with Miguel in ten minutes but maybe some other time, Faith? Can I call you?”

  “Sure. Alex has my number.”

  Miles smiled and walked out. Alex closed her office door.

  “That man drives me crazy!”

  “What happened now?”

  “I have to go with him to London on business.”

  “Sex, sex, baby!”

  “No, no sex. This time I am strictly his CFO.”

  “Damn, I love juicy sex stories.”

  “Go create your own.”

  “I could tell you about last night.” Faith laughed.

  Alex gave her the evil eye. “Not a word about my brother’s…”

  “All I have to say is that if you’re half as good as your brother I know why Miguel can’t get you off his mind.”

  “EWW! Faith you promised no details.”

  “What, it’s not like I said he had the biggest cock I’d ever seen or he gave me the best orgasms I’ve ever had.”

  Alex raised her arm and pointed to the door.

  “Leave, leave now! I need to meditate and pretend I never heard you describe my brother as a sex God!”

  Faith smiled and then giggled as she opened the door and said, “Love you, Alex!”

  “I love you too, now get out!”

  Miles met Miguel in the parking garage. He knew Miguel was probably still angry with him so he brought a peace offering.



  “Is the rest of the Team meeting us there?”


  Miguel got in the back of the limo with Miles. After they were buckled in, Miles handed Miguel a cup of coffee and a small brown bag.

  “What’s this?”

  “A peace offering.”

  Miguel opened the bag and smiled. Miles had gotten him his favorite donut with pink icing.

  “Oh man, you’re forgiven.” Miguel inhaled the donut.

  Miles shook his head.

  “So are we in trouble that we’re being called in?”

  “Nah, it’s just to go over some details. Seeing as the whole Team was injured this go around, we never formally as a group discussed the mission.”


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