Special Agent in Charge (The Federal Witch Book 3)

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Special Agent in Charge (The Federal Witch Book 3) Page 13

by T S Paul

  Our chances of catching either the leak in the police departments or DFS was almost impossible. It could be anyone there. We needed someone who had either dealt with the ring or was an active part of it. Only Daniel Jaeger fit the bill so far. We needed to speak to his brother Stephan Petrov for more insight.


  "You are the first Vampire I have ever met." Ivan sat watching Anastasia work.

  "Mmmph." Ana was about at her limit on the polite scale. This little man needed to go.

  "I knew your kind existed, but we see so few of you in Mother Russia. The Purge and all. I saw one of your cities once, though. It was beautiful."

  Anastasia paused. She removed her fingers from the keyboard and looked up. "Which city?"

  "Arkaim. Military service is mandatory in Russia. I did my stint as a Soviet Guard stationed in Chelyabinsk and then later in Ozersk. The city was the most magnificent thing I have ever seen."

  Anastasia looked up at the ceiling as if in remembrance. "It was a crossroads. Arkaim held the lower Ural passes defending against raiders and invaders. It was one of the largest trading posts in that part of Russian."

  "Yes! They used to have a tour through the city. The architecture alone was worth the trip." Ivan smiled at her.

  "What is this Ozersk you speak of?" She glanced at her computer and entered something.

  Ivan paled. "Just a place. The military built several industries and manufacturing plants nearby. They call it Ozersk now."

  Ana looked at his face. Centuries of studying humanity and she knew he was lying just by looking at him. Interesting. Her computer beeped, and she looked down at it. City 40. First lightning. Tractor plant. Her eyes scanned the documents being presented to her. She knew the truth, regardless of what this man had to say about 'her' city.

  Ivan didn't notice the change that overcame her. Few humans could 'read' a Vampire. Especially an Ancient one. Anastasia stood and approached the little man.

  "I lived in Arkaim once. Did you know that? Of course, you didn't." Her voice was slowly becoming seductive and alluring.

  Ivan was too inexperienced to catch the pheromone change or the Vampire Magick that penetrated his pathetic shields.

  "Why don't you come over here with me and sit. You can tell me of your travels." She took his hand and led him to the couch.

  "Sit, Ivan." Her voice changed to one of command and control.

  Ivan sat. Deep inside him, his subconscious was screaming in protest as she sank her tendrils deeper and deeper inside him.

  Anastasia smiled. It had been decades since she had a servant. Pliable and magical, he might be the perfect foot soldier. It was so nice of Agatha to leave him here. Very few knew what Ancients could do. That lack of information is what had protected her for so very long.

  "Ivan let me tell you a secret. Lean closer please."

  Part of Ivan tried to resist, but all that echoed inside of him now was her voice and her desire. Ivan did as he was told.

  "At last. Pleased to meet you, Ivan, my name is Anastasia, but you will call me Mistress from now on." She whispered that last part as her teeth descended.

  Biting a living human was the greatest experience a Vampire could have. Not draining the life completely out of him was the challenge she'd had to overcome. Creating a thrall was her goal.

  Ivan's eyes were closed as he floated in a sea of pleasure and sweet words of love and protection. "Ivan I have a job for you. Would you like to take it?"

  "Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

  Far too easy. Ana smiled and bit him again.


  "Tuck! Where are you hiding?" Daniel Jaeger woke up outside without any of his clothing again. Damn the beast that lived inside him. It was only good for one thing. Destroying his enemies. Control of his Wolf was not something he had or even wanted, at this stage of his life.

  As a rule, extra clothing was kept in strategic places for the use of anyone in the Pack. This has been particularly true around the Pack House. Wearing sweat pants and a Star Killers shirt, Daniel stalked the halls looking for his lawyer.

  "Did Tuck go home?" Daniel spotted his son Freddie coming out of the garage area.

  Freddie's eyes grew wide at the sight of his father. He, like the house servants, had heard the distinctive howl of his father's wolf and locked himself in the garage.

  "Did you check the cages? It's where he runs to when you get all furry." Freddie smirked at Daniel.

  SMACK! Daniel's fist came out of nowhere hitting his son in the face.

  "I am your father. Try to remember that. What is the Pack status?" He glared at Freddie.

  Freddie knew from experience to not argue. He rubbed his face but didn't feel any pain. Were healing was lightning fast. "All of our adult members are ready. Using the contacts you gave me, I found body armor for all the men. We tested it, and it will hold up to one or two claw strikes before becoming useless."

  Daniel smiled. Perfect. "That is what we want. It will give us the edge we need to get into his compound and eliminate the mongrels once and for all. What about the outsiders, have they sent us what I ordered?"

  Freddie swallowed and bit his lip. "They have. Father, we can handle the attack without them. Bob and Tod are enough. Do we have to have more of them here?"

  "Do not tell me how to run a war, boy! This is the culmination of years of planning. With Stephan and the Petrovs gone, we will rule this town."

  "Why this town? There is nothing left of it. Grandfather sucked it dry years before you took over. Why bother with it."

  Daniel smiled at the backbone his son was showing. "There might be hope for you yet, boy. There are secrets here that no one knows about. If Darius sucked it dry, why did he stay too? Trust me. When we control the county, you will understand. What about the weapon stash?"

  Freddie frowned and told his father every detail of the planned attack. Everything was coming together. Soon they would bathe in mongrel blood.


  "Sir, we have visitors." The house servant knew to not disturb Stephan when he was resting, but this was urgent.

  Stephan looked up from the warm bath he was taking. This was his time. The only free time he allowed himself these days. "Go away!"

  "Sir, there is a trio of FBI Agents at the door. They wish to speak to you."

  "FBI? Again? I thought those bozos all left town." He set the rubber ducks and toy submarine aside.

  "These would be different Agents, Sir. They claim to be from the Magical Crimes Division."

  "Put them in the waiting room. Have one of the guard keep an eye on them. I will be down in less than ten minutes." Stephan recognized the name and knew not to keep them waiting. Bitching internally, he climbed out of the massive marble bathtub and slipped across the floor to his clothes. Stupid FBI!


  "This is a really beautiful house for such a hick town." Cat didn't try to hide her disdain for the area around Arbor.

  "Be nice. Remember the research we did? This town had its boom days." I stared at the artwork and room decor. Someone had a bit of taste. The art, while not masterworks, was original and properly displayed.

  "And we will have boom days again! We just need to stop pissing on each other and come to some sort of agreement."

  Both Cat and I were impressed. Stephan Petrov was a nice looking man. I looked over at Cat and smiled. She was actually purring.

  "Hello, ladies and gentleman." Stephan almost missed seeing the older man standing with his back to the wall. The short blond all but absorbed his attention.

  "Alpha Petrov?" I stood and smiled at the very sexy looking man with slicked back hair and a small goatee. He was dressed in a modern version of a housecoat and slippers.

  "Yes. Please call me Stephan. What brings the FBI to my door?" He waved us back to our chairs and sat across from us.

  "We are investigating the death of your nephew Stephen Jaeger and ran into some difficulty. Also some startling information. We thought you might be a
ble to fill in some holes for us."

  "Hmmm. Holes. I might be able to fill a few holes for you ladies." He smiled and made his eyebrows bounce.

  Cat giggled. I glanced in her direction and thought about what I said. I could feel the blush as it started at the base of my neck and climbed up my face. "Sorry, that is not what I meant. Your brother..."

  "Half-brother. Daniel is my half-brother."

  "I stand corrected. Your half-brother would not allow us to question him about the death of the child. We discovered that the boy was visiting friends when he was abducted by slavers."

  "Abducted. I thought the child died?" Stephan looked at us with veiled eyes.

  "He did. Although he was young, he shifted and tried to fight."

  Stephan bowed his head and shook it. "Poor child. What does any of this have to do with me and mine?"

  "We want the slavers. The Geri tells us they have operated here for years. Will you help us?"

  Stephan leaned back into his chair and stared at us for a moment. He glanced to his left and watched his guard. His eyes cut back to us. "What is it you wish to know?"

  Chapter 14

  "I thought you told me that interspecies Were relationships were bad news?" The three of us were on our way back to the fish camp after meeting with the Petrov Alpha.

  Cat shifted in her seat and let out a sigh. She took a breath and made a face. We were in the stinkmobile. Bill and I could only smell the cigarette smoke and ancient food remnants. I shuddered to think of what Cat smelled in this thing.

  "I told you about the fish boy. We are allowed to date and to marry, if we wish. Or have other forms of attachments. Children are not possible in such a relationship and if we should find an ideal mate while in such a relationship? Well, hurt feelings and violence may occur." Cat turned to stare out the window.

  "Excuse me for interrupting, but how does that work exactly?" Bill glanced back at Cat in the rearview mirror.

  "It's easy you have these two bees and they..."

  "Not that part!" He glared at me, making me laugh.

  "Seriously, I'd like to understand the dynamics here. What happens if two different Were species marry?" Bill glanced back again.

  "It's sad. My cousin Veronica was in such a joining. She met Janos in college. He's a WereBear. Most of his kind keep to the fringes of society or join the military. They fit well together as a couple. His major was wildlife management. My father has him working at the lodge as a consultant."

  "He has a good job with security. Why is it sad?" Bill was trying to understand Were culture.

  Cat continued to stare out the window. She looked over at me with sad eyes. "The lodge is used for meetings and hunting trips. One such trip was sponsored by a visiting Pack from Europe. Veronica met and was attracted to a Cat she met there. Ignoring the fact that she was married, Veronica ran off with the visiting WereCat. I love my cousin, but she wronged Janos."

  "She just left him? No arguments from him?"

  "Oh, there were disagreements. Let me tell you something about WereBears. Never, and I mean never, ever piss one off. Ronnie was very lucky her new man had his own plane. Janos destroyed two cars, an SUV, and half the lodge. Dad told me it needed a remodel anyway but, when a six-hundred-pound Grizzly bear wants out of a room, you should let him out and be done with it."

  "Did your father fire him for doing that?"

  Cat chuckled. "No, my uncle wasn't very happy about it. He's the Alpha and Ronnie is his daughter. Janos is still in the Pack but is adapting to the ways of his people. He is usually very gentle and caring. Since the breakup, he has retreated more and more into his job. Ronnie has had three kits since then, but stayed in Europe."

  "Why would your Uncle keep his ex-son-in-law around after the breakup?"

  "Bill, Were culture is all about strength and appearances. Ronnie broke Pack law and dumped her husband without following the rules. Yes, there are rules for doing that. Not the first time it's happened. Janos is a bear. Any Pack that can say they have Bears in it is considered stronger than normal."

  "So if you were to date the Petrov Alpha?"

  "My Uncle would applaud, and my father would feel sorry for me. As attractive as he is and as nice as he smells, I can't do it. Even my Cat knows it won't be productive. She is just feeling frisky. My true form would scare the wolf right out of Stephan."

  I looked at Bill trying to switch the subject. "Bill, what is your take on what Stephan told us?"

  "He's worried. His posture and verbal tics demonstrate that he isn't as secure as he makes out to be. He was aware of the slavers. I know he told you they were a new element in the area but I don't believe him. Something is missing. There is a factor we can't see at work here. Look at his house and what is in it. Daniel's was similar. How are they affording it? This area doesn't support this sort of wealth."

  Cat leaned over the front seat. "We know that Darius is what held the Packs together here. After his death, relations fell apart. What did he have over them? Ignore the familial relationships. With Weres, Pack comes first, then family."

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Anastasia's number.

  "Hello, Agatha. What can I do for you?" Ana sounded different.

  "What are you and Chuck doing right now?"

  "Chuck took the RV to have it repaired. I am working on the trace from the morgue."

  "Are you finding anything at all?" I thought that search was over.

  "One of the hairs we recovered was a rodent. Weasel to be exact. It jives with the initial report that one of the police officers smelled a weasel."

  "Oh, good work. We need to dig into the background of Darius Jaeger, the former Alpha. He is the key to this mess. There is something here we either don't see or are missing. Can you do that?"

  "I can. You left the Russian in my care. Do you mind if I put him to work? There are some things that even the uneducated can do."

  "We completely forgot about Ivan. Sure. Just keep him out of trouble if you can. Thanks, Anastasia." I hung up the phone and looked at Cat. "Did you hear all that?"

  "I did. Ana seems more energetic today. I thought daylight made them lethargic and temperamental?"

  "Chuck told me she has a unique shield installed that cuts the effect of the sun by half." I made a promise to the Vampire and intended to keep it. It was hard lying to my best friend, though.

  "Oh, good for her. I wondered how she got so much work done all the time."

  Bill looked at the both of us. "Anastasia is like a force of nature. I'm happy to be working with her directly."


  "Agent Winthrop, can you look at this a moment?"

  Chuck was trying on beer hats when he heard his name being called. RV world was a cool place. They had everything you could ever what or wish for when it came to tailgating or camping. Mongo would like it.

  The large class-C RV was being repaired slowly. The service bay was, fortunately, empty when Chuck has shown up early to get the wall fixed.

  "This is some kind of special you know that, right?"

  Chuck could see the outside wall of the RV was dismantled as well as some of the electrical systems. "What do you mean?"

  "The company that built this doesn't exist anymore, but when they did, the work they performed was all custom. This is what twenty years old?"

  "I think so. My boss could tell you for sure." Chuck peaked into the cabin.

  "For something that old, much of this is state-of-the-art. Take the electronics. They are all fiber-ware as well as RF shielded. Not something we see every day."

  "Can you fix it? We are on an open case and need the equipment here." Chuck looked back at the repair supervisor.

  "That is why I called for you. The exterior is a simple patch. We have parts and material on site for that. None of your computers or technical equipment appeared to be damaged except for this." He held up a small bag filled with circuit boards and wires.

  "What is it?" Chuck took the bag and poked at it.

bsp; "We thought you might know. My electrician says its some sort of surveillance device. Analog, not digital, is what he said. My boys should have the walls and conduit repaired in another five hours or so. Make sure your boss knows we appreciate the triple time she offered."

  Chuck waved the man away and stood there peering at the shattered remains. They had been bugged! But who had done it? And who was getting the surveillance data?



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