The Billionaire's Intern

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The Billionaire's Intern Page 15

by Jackie Ashenden

  Her eyes narrowed. “What?”

  “There’s only one person who deals with the money side of things and who’ll do whatever Dad tells him to do. And that person isn’t me.”

  Kira’s mouth opened, then shut again. “My father,” she said and it wasn’t a question. She knew. “Of course, he’d do it.”

  “Yes, that’s what I suspect. But I need to confirm it.”


  “Any evidence he’d been covering up for Dad will probably be on his computer somewhere. Either at work or at home.”

  “And how can you find that out?”

  “I can’t. Or at least not without rousing suspicion, and I know Dad’s already suspicious. That’s why he placed you as my intern. I’m sure he thinks I’ve either discovered his little secret or have gotten wind of it, but he’s not sure. He needs proof before he makes a move against me.”

  Her frown deepened. “Why would he make a move against you? You’re his son.”

  Jesus. She of all people should know how little ties like that meant to some people. Selfish people. The fact that his mother had clinical depression hadn’t altered his father’s behavior toward her. He’d viewed it as something she’d just have to get over, that she needed to harden up. It was a weakness, and if there was one thing his father hated, it was weakness in any form. Especially emotional weakness.

  Lorenzo lifted his hands from her skin, cupping her face between his palms. “He doesn’t care about a little thing like that. He demands loyalty, definitely. But there’s only one person he truly cares about, and that’s himself. And he’ll protect himself however he can.”

  “So you need to check out Dad’s computer? See if he’s been covering up for your father?”


  There was a pause, her gaze searching. “You’re asking me to do this for you, aren’t you?”

  Of course, she’d understand that, she wasn’t stupid. So he didn’t treat her as such. “Yes,” he repeated. “You’re the only one who could get away with it without rousing suspicion if you’re caught.”

  The look in her eyes flickered slightly, as if she was weighing something up. Then she said, “In that case, count me in.”

  His heart kicked at the simple declaration. At how she didn’t question him for reasons or want explanations. She accepted what he wanted to do and offered to help. Even though it meant ratting on her own father.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” There was no hesitation. “If he’s helping Cesare then he’s breaking the law.”

  Christ, she was all in? Just like that? Putting her own family ties at risk as well as the arts-and-crafts classes she was hoping to start up? And those classes were important to her, too, he’d seen it in her eyes.

  He curved his fingers under the delicate line of her jaw, pressing them against her smooth skin. “Do you need time to think about it?”

  Annoyance flashed across her face. “No. And don’t be so patronizing. I said I would do it and I—”

  “I’m not being patronizing, I promise. I just don’t want you to make any impulse decisions that would end up making things worse for you.”

  Her mouth opened then shut again, her lips compressing, as if she’d stopped herself from saying something. The annoyance in her gaze died away as quickly as it had come. “Okay,” she said on a long breath. “I understand and I appreciate what you’re doing.” Her gaze focused on him, all of a sudden intent. “But I don’t need to think about it. Dad wasn’t the greatest father anyway, and besides, I want to help. I want to help you.”

  He didn’t miss the emphasis and it made something catch inside him, made his chest tighten. “I’ll make sure you won’t lose out, Kira. I’ll make sure you get those classes started. I promise.”

  Her mouth curved. “Let’s just see if I can do it first. It’s the opportunity that’s going to be difficult. I could get on his computer at work without him knowing—if I’m careful—but it’s his home office that’s going to be tricky because he’s always in it.”

  Lorenzo thought about it a moment. “Don’t worry about the computer at work. That’s too risky because of the surveillance cameras and I have someone who can handle that anyway.” Actually, he didn’t need Kira to search Ivan’s offices. Nero could deal with the issue himself by hacking into it via the DS Corp. intranet. But the home computer—which Lorenzo was pretty sure was going to be where any incriminating files might be—was an issue. Luckily, he had an idea. “Isn’t it your parents’ annual garden party next weekend?”

  “Yes. But how is that going to help?”

  “You’ll be expected to attend, won’t you?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  “You should. Because Ivan will be too busy with his guests to worry about anyone getting into his office.” Lorenzo stroked his thumbs along her jaw. “Also, I’ll come along too, so if you need a diversion, I’ll create one for you.”

  Kira’s attention had dipped, focusing on his mouth, her gaze going smoky. “As long as you let me know what I need to do, I think I can handle that.”

  Of that he had no doubt. There was determination in her, he already knew that, and a tenaciousness that equaled his own.

  He touched her lips with his thumb. “I’ll give you all the details you need, don’t worry. But before any of that happens, there’s a couple of other things I want to do first.”

  “What things?”

  Her voice had gone husky and soft, her body pressing delicately against his, and he was getting hard again. He didn’t want to think about this anymore. Not about his father or Katie. Not about grief and pain and anger.

  He was tired of the battle, the fight to keep his emotions in check. The war between the hunger inside him and the need not to give into it.

  Just for one night, he wanted to not fight. He wanted warmth and pleasure, and the softness of white skin under his hands, silky white hair against his pillow

  Just for one night he wanted to be selfish.

  Just for one night he wanted Kira.

  So he bent his head and used his mouth on hers to tell her exactly what things he meant.

  * * *

  Five days later, Kira sat on the low leather couch in Lorenzo’s office, watching silently as a massive, black-haired man paced up and down in front of Lorenzo’s desk.

  She tilted her head, trying to spot some resemblance between him and Lorenzo, and there should have been some, considering Nero de Santis was Lorenzo’s half-brother. But apart from the black hair and their height, she couldn’t see much that was similar at all.

  Nero’s features were harsh, angular, and without the pleasing symmetry of Lorenzo’s. But there was something infinitely compelling about him nonetheless, and maybe that was where the resemblance lay. Both of them held the same kind of dark de Santis charisma that demanded attention. It was there in Nero’s strong jawline, his blade of a nose, and his deeply set black eyes. It was also there in the mesmerizing way he paced up and down, strong and fluid and graceful as some great beast.

  Apparently, he’d once been a recluse who never left his house, though whatever his issues had been, they clearly weren’t a problem now.

  “Yeah, I can hack into Ivan’s office computer, but what makes you think we even need to bother with his computer at home?” Nero’s dark gaze glittered as he stopped pacing and stared at Lorenzo.

  “I don’t think Ivan would keep any records at DS Corp.” Lorenzo leaned back in the large, black executive chair that sat behind his desk. “It’s too risky and besides, Dad’s far too paranoid.”

  Kira took a silent breath, trying to drag her attention away from him and the casual way he was sitting, one elbow on the arm of the chair, the other resting on one powerful thigh.

  An impossible task, as she’d discovered over the last few days.

  Her night with Lorenzo had ended up turning into a full day, that had then led into another night. Which had involved a mad rush back home on Monday mornin
g to get ready for work and grab some more clothes, neatly avoiding her parents and their questions as she went back out the door again. Lorenzo had waited out in his car in the street for her, but she’d made him drop her around the corner from the DS Corp. Tower so they wouldn’t be seen entering the building together.

  Still on a sex high, Kira hadn’t really paid attention when Lorenzo had told her that it would be better for both of them if they considered their weekend a one-off and that now their chemistry had been dealt with, they should go back to being boss and intern.

  Her head in the clouds, her body humming, she’d simply nodded in agreement. Even when she’d sat at her temporary desk, trying to force herself to concentrate on her list of tasks for the day, she hadn’t fully taken in the implications. In fact, it wasn’t until she’d been called into Lorenzo’s office that afternoon to be given yet another list of things to do that it had hit her.

  He hadn’t responded to her smile or her casual greeting. He hadn’t looked at her at all. He’d delivered his orders then dismissed her in exactly the same way as he had when she’d first come to work for him.

  All her warm feelings had drained away in that moment, a disappointment she had no right to feel sitting heavy in her gut. It was another instance of her not paying attention, which should have made going back to a purely professional relationship a relief.

  Yet as she’d turned around after Lorenzo’s cold dismissal and walked out of his office, it wasn’t relief that she felt. Disappointment sat inside her and continued to sit there as the week had progressed, playing havoc with her concentration even more than her blissed-out state had.

  Going into work felt like torture, the minutes she had to sit in that office by herself an agony. She found herself living for the rare moments when she had to meet with him, even though he gave her absolutely no sign that their hot, desperate weekend had ever happened. Treating her exactly as what she was: his intern.

  She didn’t know why it hurt, when she’d known right from the start that there could be nothing between them. They’d discussed it and agreed. It had only been a weekend of sex, nothing more. Yet she hadn’t been able to shake the hunger that gripped her whenever he was near. The need for his touch. His arms around her, containing her, taking the control so she didn’t have to hold onto it all the goddamn time. So she could relax and be herself, even if it was for only a moment.

  It killed her.

  It was killing her now, sitting here while he and Nero discussed their plans to take down their father. Plans she should be listening to, but couldn’t because she kept getting distracted by Lorenzo. By the gloss of sunlight in his black hair. By the stretch of cotton across his broad chest. By the stillness of his posture and the way he tilted his head when he concentrated. By the flash of silver in his eyes.

  Nero stopped, turning abruptly, and with a jolt, Kira realized he was staring at her, his gaze dark and hostile. “Lorenzo apparently trusts you, but I don’t,” he stated flatly. “If what you’re doing gets back to Dad—”

  “It won’t get back to Dad,” Lorenzo interrupted, his tone cool. “I’ll be accompanying her to this party, so I’ll be able to keep an eye on everything anyway.”

  “As long as he doesn’t get suspicious.” Nero didn’t look away from her. “And you don’t get cold feet about Ivan.”

  Kira lifted her chin. Finding out her father might potentially be covering up for Cesare de Santis stealing from his own company hadn’t been a shock. It was pretty much something he would do considering he was loyal to Cesare completely. And she didn’t feel any doubts about searching his office for any incriminating evidence, either.

  If he’d been breaking the law, then he needed to answer for it. After all, she was taking responsibility for her own mistakes, so why shouldn’t he?

  “Don’t take this the wrong way,” she said, staring back at Nero. “But I don’t know you from Adam. I mean, I’m sure you’re a great guy and all, but I’m doing this for Lorenzo.” Without thinking, she flashed Lorenzo a glance, sharing with him her certainty.

  She’d forgotten that for the past few days he wouldn’t even look at her. Now though, his gaze met hers, and she felt the impact hit her like a freight train.

  Helpless desire surged in her veins, and she almost forgot herself, almost gave in to the need to climb straight over his desk and crawl into his lap. It was only the past six months of iron control that stopped her, that made her look away, her heart hammering in her chest,

  “Yeah, and that’s another question I have,” Nero said, his voice deep and gravelly and harsh. “Why the fuck are you suddenly helping Lorenzo? What did he do? Make you an offer you couldn’t refuse?”

  Still reeling from that look, Kira couldn’t think of a single response.

  Luckily Lorenzo forestalled her. “That is none of your concern, Nero,” he said in his usual flat, cold tone. “All that matters is that she’s going to do what we want.”

  “If those files are there,” Nero amended, his attention shifting to Lorenzo. “We have no idea if they are or not. Or even if there are any files.”

  “There will be.” There was nothing but absolute confidence in Lorenzo’s tone. “If there’s one thing I know about Dad it’s that he likes to keep records, no matter what they’re about.”

  Nero gave him a dark look. “Fine, but I’m not betting on that entirely. I’m going to keep digging elsewhere. You can’t hide everything forever online and everyone, no matter how good they are at hiding themselves, eventually leaves a trace.”

  Lorenzo shrugged. “You do that. But my money’s on Kira.”

  Beneath the chaotic desire raging inside her, a helpless warmth glowed. When had anyone been confident of her abilities? She didn’t know if anyone had, still less said it out loud to someone else.

  She didn’t trust herself to look at Lorenzo this time, keeping her attention on Nero, though her question was for both of them. “So what, exactly, do I have to do? Download spreadsheets? Transaction records? What?”

  “I have a little piece of code I’ve written that I’ll put on a thumb drive,” Nero said. “All you have to do is switch the computer on, put the drive in it, and I’ll be able to hack in and download the contents of the hard drive. Once that’s done, all you need to do is take the drive out.”

  Well, that sounded easy. “That’s it?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Okay,” she said slowly, turning over the plan in her head, concentrating. “Dad keeps his office locked at all times and he has the latest model DS Corp locks installed on all the doors.”

  “Not a problem,” Nero said shortly. “I can probably get them open—”

  “No need,” she interrupted before she could stop herself. “I know the codes already. Dad hasn’t changed them since I was small.” She couldn’t help grinning, first at Nero then, forgetting utterly that looking at Lorenzo was a bad idea, at Lorenzo, too.

  Again, his gaze met hers with an almost physical impact, making her grin falter. Until she saw the minute curve of his beautiful mouth, a softening so slight she might have missed it if she hadn’t been looking straight at him.

  It made the helpless glow inside her become a blaze and this time she couldn’t tear her gaze away.

  “Fuck,” Nero muttered, his voice breaking the sudden silence, making Kira realize she’d been staring at Lorenzo far longer than was strictly necessary.

  Luckily Nero’s attention wasn’t on them. He was staring at his phone and scowling. “Sorry,” he said after a second. “I have to go.”

  Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he barely spared them a glance as he turned and strode to the door, not even bothering with a good-bye as he went out.

  Kira sucked in a shaky breath, conscious that she and Lorenzo were now alone.

  She focused on the wall behind him rather than meeting that mesmerizing stormy gaze directly. “Is he always that rude?” She tried to keep the atmosphere light. “Seems like a de Santis trait.”
  “Nero doesn’t do well around people,” Lorenzo murmured.

  “Apparently not.” She kept looking at the wall above his head. “Well, do you need me for anything else?”

  A silence fell, heavy and thick, while an electric tension whispered over her skin.

  She desperately wanted to meet his gaze, feel it hit her again, a reminder that what had happened between them over the weekend had been real and that he’d felt it like she had.

  But she knew it would be better if she didn’t. There was danger in being with him, she could feel it in the instant rush of desire she felt around him, in the longing that tugged at her whenever he was near. She’d been good for the past six months, been strong and in control of her emotions, hadn’t let them get the better of her.

  Yet he had the power to overturn all that control so easily, undo all the work she’d put into modifying her behavior. She couldn’t give in, she just couldn’t.

  So she concentrated on the gun on the wall, the lighting gleaming along the barrel, waiting for him to dismiss her.

  The silence drew out, drew thin, pulling tight.

  Her skin prickled. He was looking at her, wasn’t he? She could feel the pressure of his gaze gather like a storm about to break.

  “Kira.” Her name was little more than a growl, deep and rough. “Look at me.”

  Don’t. You shouldn’t.

  She took another breath, staring at that fucking gun, at the light gleaming on it. “I have work to do, Mr. de Santis. Are we done here?”

  “Look. At. Me.” The command in his voice was absolute and she found herself obeying him helplessly.

  His gaze was a sharp silver blade, cutting right through the heart of her, making her tremble, though she tried to repress it. Okay, so she’d obeyed, but she could be strong. She could resist the pull of him. She had control over her urges, of course she did.

  “When you told Nero you were doing this for me, you looked at me,” he said carefully. “And you nearly moved, but stopped yourself at the last minute.” His attention was concentrated like the sun through a magnifying glass, igniting her desire, her need. “I want to know what were you going to do.”


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