Blue Moon Hollow's Eve

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Blue Moon Hollow's Eve Page 1

by Trinity Blacio

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author

  Every five years there comes a Halloween when all species—vampires, demons, shifters, angels, trolls, aliens and so on—come together for a party so large it is held for three days. Sex, dancing and maybe, just maybe, a mate or two will be found.

  True Opress was thirty-four years old and had buried herself inside her home for over a year, refusing to even attempt the dating world, not trusting anyone, until her best friend, a shifter, dragged her out of the house for a Halloween party that did not just last one night. No, this party lasted for three days. But could True let go of her own personal demons, or would the scars of the monster she had dated come back to haunt her?

  Lawrence Hasbrow was not happy, but he had no choice when the fates decided you were to be the guardian of the Blue Moon Mating. Then you did it. But what he wasn’t expecting was the tiny human showing up and the fact that she was his chosen one. But he could see the scars and fear in her eyes. Soon, he would find out where the monster was that hurt her. After all, he was a lion. He was all about the hunt and control.

  With one weekend of loving, dancing and talking, could Lawrence convince True to follow him to his homeland after the party? Would she accept him as he was and join him in his world?

  Blue Moon Hollow’s Eve

  © 2016 by Trinity Blacio

  Cover design by Insatiable Designs

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Contact info

  Published by

  Blue Moon Hollow’s Eve


  Trinity Blacio


  This book is dedicated to Laurann Dohner who has been there for me, my cheerleader and friend, love you, lady.

  Chapter One

  True Opress adjusted her top of the harem costume once more while glaring at her friend Grace. “You sure they didn’t have a bigger size, or did you do this on purpose?” She glanced down at her body and signed.

  Every curve could be seen, not to mention her breasts were practically exposed with her ass.

  Grace gave her a quick glance and snorted. “You look hot, and stop worrying; you’re going to have a wonderful time. Plus...” She stopped and faced True. “You need this, True. When was the last time you have had a man just hold you and care for you?” She reached up and tucked one of her wayward curls behind her ear.

  “You’ve gotten rid of the trash, and it’s been over a year now. What better time to have fun on Halloween. You have three days of music, all the food you can eat, being waited on hand and foot, not to mention all the sex you could ever want. This Blue Moon event only comes every five years; I’ve explained it to you. Who knows; maybe you’ll find your special someone, but remember, just don’t settle for the first man. There will be a number of them paying attention to you.” Her friend squeezed her arm. “This is our time. We don’t have to worry about society’s standards. This place, all rules are out, well except for violence. There will be guards everywhere if you need help, just remember that and the fact I’ll hear you if you yell. Remember a cat can hear very well.” She winked and frowned. “We should be getting close. I was told to keep walking on the path.” Her friend looked around. “I hope we’re on the right path.”

  “But you know...” True tried to tell her friend, but she wouldn’t hear any of it, shaking her head and putting a finger to her lips.

  “You made a mistake. You didn’t know he was a monster. Believe me, we have those, too. But at this party, only the best are here—the ones that are honorable, kind of old fashion. Most of the men will take care of you, give you your heart’s desire, and believe me, they are great at finding out what kink you are into. But you need this, to be pampered. Just try to relax and have fun. Remember, this is a Halloween party, but instead of food, our treat is sex and lots of it.” Grace stiffened, her eyes shifted to that of her cat. “Here we go.” She smiled and turned at the same time that three men—demons—stepped out of thin air, blocking the path.

  Their gazes went from Grace to True. “She’s human,” the one man in the middle said.

  “Yes and...” Grace growled.

  “She understands what happens?” he asked.

  “True knows what to expect. Do you question every female that comes here?” Grace snapped and turned to glance at True. “True, please stay. I promise, once these three gentlemen move on to bug someone else, we’ll have the best weekend ever.”

  “Is there a problem here?” The deepest voice True had ever heard spoke. Goose bumps rode up her arms, her nipples hardened and she swore the inside of her upper thighs were now damp.

  “Wow,” she reached out and grabbed onto Grace’s arm, her gaze slowly moving up the longest pair of muscular legs. Each step the man took toward them, muscles rippled, and at the top, between his legs, his cock thick, and the longest cock she had ever seen.

  Her face heated as her gaze jumped to his face. The man had dark purple eyes, and they seemed to capture her, holding her captive until Grace stepped in front of her, waving her hands in front of her face. “Shit,” she growled and turned her nails out.

  “What did you do to her?” Grace snarled and stepped forward.

  The man held up his hands. “I’ve done nothing. I just came to see what the problem was.” He inched forward, almost within reach of her. He sniffed the air, and True swore she heard him purring.

  “Grace,” she finally got out and looked toward her friend.

  “You haven’t even stepped into the party and already someone has claimed you, but at least he’s hot and I know he’ll protect you, my friend.” Grace stepped in front of Lawrence. “She will have this weekend. Since you are the guardian, my friend will get to experience the party, dancing and being pampered.”

  “Do not tell me how to court my chosen one,” the man snarled and held out his hand. “My name is Lawrence Hasbrow. Come here, little lynx,” he said as Grace stepped aside.

  “Grace? What’s going on,” True asked, staring at the hand, which was three times the size of hers.

  “He’ll take care of you. Allow him to explain what all this means.” Grace nodded to him and moved toward the way the men had come.

  “No wait?” True panicked. “Please don’t leave me alone yet,” she asked, panicking, rushing to Grace’s side.

  Grace wrapped her arms around her, and slowly, True started to relax. “Do you know what a chosen one is?” Grace asked.

  “I think so, but how can that be when I’m human? And what about... you know.” Grace was already shaking her head.

  “He won’t come back, plus I’m pretty sure your man there would eat him for dinner if he did, and I mean that literally, too.”

  He placed his hand on her shoulder. “I promise you, no one will ever hurt you again. Come; why don’t all of us go through the portal together,” the man suggested a
s he moved to her side once more, holding his hand out again. “Please, allow me.”

  Inside, True’s stomach was in knots, but the look in his eyes said safe. She reached out, putting her hand in his and almost pulled it back. It felt as if tiny, little shocks were taking place all around her hand and up her arm. “What is that?”

  “It’s my body recognizing yours. I hope you will share with me who this man that has put fear in your beautiful mind.” He and Grace pulled her through what had to be some sort of black-hole thing. One minute they were in the woods of Findley State Park, and the next, they were in front of an old mansion.

  Candles were lit all over the place, music filled the air, but she saw no band, and the smell of an open fire drifted to her. “God I love the smell of an open fire. It’s one thing I’ve missed having,” True said when she started noticing a few couples in the trees making love; a man’s bare ass seemed to glow in the Blue Moon light. “So it begins already,” she whispered to Grace.

  “They shouldn’t be out front. We try and keep everyone inside, around the back of the grounds. With new people arriving, we don’t want to risk a couple if someone comes that shouldn’t be here. Grace, why don’t you show True around? I’ll meet up with you as soon as I handle this.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on True’s cheek. “You are mine, little lynx.”

  Chapter Two

  Lawrence cursed his luck. He had a duty to perform, but he also needed to court his woman the way she deserved, to find out everything about her and make sure she wanted for nothing that weekend.

  He growled coming up on the couple, seeing it was his friend, Mack. “Damn it, Mack, you know better; move it in the back.” He nudged his friend’s foot.

  “Get lost; we’ll be there in a few,” Mack snapped, looking over his shoulder, his eyes a blood red, indicating he was about to rip his head off.

  “Easy there if you want to risk fate’s hand, then it’s your ass, not mine; I have enough on my plate.” He turned to see Drake coming toward him, along with his brother, Hunter.

  “Go; it seems you have been relieved of duty, you lucky son of a bitch,” Hunter said, slapping him on the back. “She is stunning, but I’m afraid you will have your work cut out with that one; she’s a shy one. Now, her friend, Grace, I’ll be seeing her later.”

  Lawrence frowned. “I just found her; how did you know? I haven’t even marked her yet,” Lawrence asked, looking to the direction he knew his mate was. Her scent already memorized by his cat.

  “It would seem someone has an eye out for your woman, because as soon as she appeared with her friend, every man knew she belonged to you. It’s the strangest thing, like she’s being protected. I have a feeling that that little filly has a story, and it’s not going to be a happy one if the fates already feel sorry for her. I did notice the one scar running up her left leg that ran up to her ass.” Drake glanced behind them and shook his head.

  “Mack, you should know better.” He frowned at his friend who was zipping up his pants, the woman he was with behind him.

  “How can a man concentrate when you three old ladies are talking? Now excuse me, my woman wants to dance.” Mack reached up and squeezed his shoulder. “But if you need someone to hunt with, let me know. I’ll be glad to run with you. No woman should be marked unless she asks for it.”

  “I’ll call; now, go and have a good time, because I plan on it,” he said, not one to ignore the signs of the fates above. The big cat inside him rose ready to find their woman and start the courtship that she deserved. “Excuse me, gentlemen; I have to find my woman.”

  Lawrence heard the laughing behind him, but nothing mattered to him. He needed to touch and see her. Already, the bonding had started, but then again, one touch of her soft, fair skin and he couldn’t wait. He reached down and adjusted his cock in his pants, his cock hard already.

  He rounded the corner and stopped, searching the crowd of individuals. The band in the center of the field was getting ready to start a new song when Lawrence spotted her near the buffet with Grace. He didn’t like the asshole behind True. A little to close for his comfort.

  Moving forward, stalking his prey, he let a little growl escape. Heads popped up, and people stepped out of his way. The man next to his chosen one turned and stared at him, smiling. He nodded to him and stepped back as True looked over her shoulder and saw him coming toward her.

  She smiled, a slight pinking of her cheeks and her unique scent drifted to him, surrounding him before he got to her side. “How are you doing, little lynx? Everyone treating you okay?” he asked, reaching up and tugging on one of her stray stands of hair.

  “It’s only been a few minutes,” True said and turned, pointing at a piece of steak.

  “And in those few minutes, I’ve thought of nothing but you. It would seem the fates would rather I spend my time with my chosen. I’ve been replaced as guardian of this fine holiday.”

  “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t cause this. Grace was telling me how much of an honor it is to be asked.” She looked over at Grace, who nodded.

  “But if I’m not mistaken, the fates rather see a chosen couple together, celebrating their new find. In our world, we can go years before we find the one that was meant for us. Another of the reasons for this party.” Grace looked at him. “Take care of her. I promised True we’d met back here for dinner every night we’re here. I will hold you to this,” Grace told him, protecting her friend.

  “It would be an honor to eat dinner with you both. Is this okay with you, True? Will you trust me these next few days?” he asked, his heart beating hard against his chest. Never had he been so nervous with a woman as he was then.

  She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “Since I’m giving you all my time, does that mean there will be no other women for you?”

  Grace snorted, and the man behind her shook his head. “My body would not accept any other woman, and I wouldn’t want another when I know the fates have chosen you to be my life-time partner. Let me grab a plate,” he said and moved back toward the back of the line when he noticed True following.

  He slowed his pace and glanced down at her as she came up to his side. “You didn’t have to get out of line.”

  She shrugged. “If we are going to get to know each other, what better way as while we eat. Plus, I believe the guy behind me wanted to be with Grace. He kept looking around me at her.” She smiled at him, and he swore he’d never seen anything so beautiful.

  “You know, when you smile, you’re stunning. I hope to put a smile on that face at least once a day,” he said, reaching over and cupping her cheek. “Come; let’s get my plate before your food gets cold.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her toward the back of the tables. “So, tell me about yourself? What do you do for a living?” he asked as Lawrence took a plate and silverware.

  “Oh, forgot that.” True grabbed a napkin. “Well, there is not much to tell. I work for a firm in Cleveland. I’ve worked there for the last ten years. I love my boss; she’s so awesome. It’s how I met Grace and found out all about the different species. To say I had a week of awakening was an understatement.” She moved down the line, grabbing more olives. “Sorry; love olives and dill pickles.”

  “Don’t be sorry; take what you like. So, what is the name of this place? What do you do there?” he asked, throwing on more olives and pickles on his plate for her.

  “I’m a personal secretary to Moirai Santana. Amazing lady and smart. If it wasn’t for her and Grace, I’d be locked up in my apartment still.” She smiled at him, but the smile wasn’t in her eyes.

  “Will you tell me what happened? Wait, Moirai as in the fate—”

  “Close your mouth, Lawrence, before you catch a bug. How are you doing, True?” The goddess herself hugged True and, once more, turned her eyes on him. “I was hoping it was true that she was yours, but I wasn’t sure. Sometimes, even our work does not come out right.”

I can’t thank you enough; she will be cherished, I promise you,” Lawrence said, not believing this.

  “I know you will; it’s one of the reasons I encouraged True to come, but I am going to have to have a word with the triplets. There manners are a little rough for my liking.” She moved away from them but stopped and turned to look over her shoulder. “Oh, on another note, there will be something different this weekend. We are going to have a hunt tomorrow afternoon. I’m sure you will want to be there. The animal that dared to harm my friend has volunteered to be our pig.”

  “What?” True’s yelling had him wrapping his arm around her and placing a kiss on her neck.

  “Easy, little lynx, it’s Moirai’s way. From what I hear, she treasures her friends, the few she has, and you are considered one of them, it’s obvious.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t understand; I can’t see him, Lawrence. I don’t know what would happen. It took me over a month to open my door to Grace; Moirai just appeared.” True snorted. “I’m afraid if I see him, I’ll climb back into that shell.” Her green eyes met his, and he could see the fear there.

  “True, nothing, and I mean nothing, will happen to you. I tell you what. While we have the hunt, why don’t you help the ladies with the pumpkins? The ladies always gather a shit load of those things and carve them for the local children in the hospitals.”

  “Will it be at the same time?” she asked and looked down. “I’m sorry. I guess I must be a disappointment to you. You’re probably used to stronger women.” She looked around, and he captured her chin and held it.

  “Look at me, True.” Lawrence waited until he had her full attention. “I don’t want anyone but you. I will be your strength, and believe me, I have plenty of it to go around. Okay?” He rubbed her chin with his thumb, waiting until she nodded.


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