In Defense of Flogging

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In Defense of Flogging Page 12

by Peter Moskos

125 flogs perhaps 16,000 people a year: Amnesty International, “Malaysia: A Blow to Humanity: Torture by Judicial Caning in Malaysia,” 2010,

  125 canes more than 6,000 a year: “Singapore,” US Department of State, March 11, 2008,

  125 rate one-fourth of Singapore’s: Walmsley, World Prison Population List.

  127 The scars would never heal: Robert Symes and Bob Hart, “Inside Story: In the Malaysian Prison System, Punishment Rarely Fits the Crime,” from Penthouse (UK?), c. 1991, I was unable to locate this article. Penthouse has different publishers and editions in the United States, Australia, and the UK. My inquiries to two of the three houses (United States and Australia) failed to turn up the source. Further research is needed.

  128 There’s a lot of pain: “Michael Fay Interview on Larry King,” Larry King Live, June 29, 1994, cited at World Corporal Punishment Research,

  129 two-to-one support for his punishment: Cyndi Banks, Punishment in America: A Reference Handbook (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2005), 139.

  130 asked in a few days to explain this system: “Spanking by Electricity: Kansas Has Invented a Method Which Colorado May Adopt,” New York Times, February 14, 1898.

  132 widespread use of such devices: Amnesty International, “USA: List of Deaths Following Use of Stun Weapons in US Law Enforcement: June 2001 to 31 August 2008,” 2008, For an up-to-date list of Taser deaths, see Electronic Village,

  140 cost taxpayers £37 million (about $59 million): Steve Doughty, “£37Million: Huge Bill to the Taxpayer for Crimes of Just Two Families,” The Daily Mail, July 22, 2010, 17,

  142 should be used to help real victims: John Schmitt, Kris Warner, and Sarika Gupta, “The High Budgetary Cost of Incarceration” (Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research, 2010).

  147 amputation, public stoning, or sharia law: Though it may not help a defense of flogging, I should point out that Singaporeand Malaysian-style flogging is often much more severe than is generally practiced by Islamic extremists. The canings that occur under the guise of sharia law are typically administered while maintaining a bent elbow, very much limiting the potential force. This stroke is more slapping than whipping. The purpose of these canings, often performed on clothed skin, is usually more about public shame than breaking the skin and causing pain.

  152 “a blinding moment of moral clarity.”: Kwame Anthony Appiah, “What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For?” Washington Post, September 26, 2010. See also Kwame Anthony Appiah, The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen (New York: Norton, 2010).


  Abramsky, Sasha

  Alcohol use, in prisons

  Allen, Woody

  African American, See Blacks

  American Revolution, prisoners during

  Americans, number in prison

  Amnesty International

  Anderson, Darron

  Appiah, Kwame Anthony

  Arpaio, Joe

  Arrests, vs. beat-and-release

  Attica Prison (New York)

  Auburn Prison (New York)


  Barbieri, John


  Beaumont, Gustave de

  Beccaria, Cesare

  Bentham, Jeremy


  convictions for drug offenses

  incarceration rates of

  and legacy of racism

  See also Race

  Boredom, prison and

  Bosket, Willie

  Breyer, Stephen

  British, flogging and

  Broken window issues

  Brunei, flogging in

  Burrows, Edwin G.

  Cadora, Eric (million-dollar blocks)


  prison guard union

  prison rehabilitation in

  California City (California) Prison


  incarceration rate in

  sentence length in

  Cane, description of

  Caning. See Flogging

  Caldwell, Robert Graham


  Cell blocks

  Chain gangs

  China, incarceration rate in

  City College of New York

  Cohen, Aaron

  Colorado, Medley case

  Colvin, Mark

  Communism, parallels with prison

  Community, punishment and

  Conducted energy devices


  history of

  solitary (see Solitary confinement)

  Congregate model

  Conover, Ted

  Consent, of flogged

  Corporal discipline

  Corporal punishment

  bans on flogging in United States

  establishment of penitentiary system and abolition of

  history of evolution away from

  as means of reducing prison population

  in public schools

  racism and

  Supreme Court on

  de Tocqueville on

  See also Flogging; Punishment

  Correctional Peace Officers Association

  Corrections Museum of Bangkok


  of crime prevention

  of flogging

  of juvenile detention

  of punishment

  reducing incarceration

  Crack cocaine


  high-incarceration neighborhoods and

  as moral disease

  prisons as schools of

  types of

  Crime prevention

  cost of

  deterrence and

  Crime rate

  drop in

  immigration and

  incarceration rate and

  Crime victims, restitution for

  Criminal behavior, nature of

  Criminal justice system

  in America

  flogging as means of restoring legitimacy to

  Criminals, attempt to cure


  classical school of

  Cuba, incarceration rate in

  Cuomo, Mario

  Dahmer, Jeffrey

  Day-reporting centers

  Death penalty

  Delaware, corporal punishment laws in

  Democracy in America (de Tocqueville)


  crime prevention and

  prisons and

  punishment vs.

  Dickens, Charles




  See also Punishment

  Discipline machines

  Disenfranchisement, racial problems in criminal justice and

  Disorderly conduct

  Doctor, presence of at floggings

  Domestic assault


  Drug addiction, incarceration and

  Drug courts

  Drug offenses

  economics of

  incarceration rate and

  as percent of alleged crimes

  punishment for

  sentences for

  Drug use, in prisons

  Eastern State Penitentiary (Pennsylvania)

  Economics, of drug crimes

  Eddy, Thomas

  “The Effectiveness of Correctional Treatment” (Martinson)

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Electric shock, as punishment method

  Electric spanking chair

  Elephant ball

  Employment, prisons and

  Essay on Crimes and Punishments (Beccaria)

  Fay, Michael

  Felony cases

ny convictions, voting rights and



  as alternative to incarceration

  description of process


  abolition in Pennsylvania

  British Empire and

  in Brunei

  characterization as barbaric

  with consent

  constitutionality of

  costs of

  descriptions of experience of

  dismantling of in United States

  formula for determining number of lashes

  guidelines for

  lashes administered in

  in Malaysia

  as means of restoring legitimacy to criminal justice system

  opposition to

  prison vs.

  public presence at

  rules for

  setting for

  in sharia law

  in Singapore

  torture vs.

  See also Whipping

  Florida, voting rights and felony conviction in

  Food, withholding, as punishment

  Foucault, Michel

  France, Anatole

  Frankenstein, Victor

  Freedom Riders

  Gacy, John Wayne

  Gazette (Delaware newspaper)

  Gawande, Atul

  Gettman, Jon B.

  Goffman, Erving

  Goldilocks Dilemma

  GPS bracelets

  Griffin, Marie L.

  Guidelines, flogging

  Hard labor

  Hedonic calculus

  Heller, Joseph

  House monitoring

  House of Refuge (New York City)

  Howard, John


  Marion Prison

  private prisons and

  Immigration, crime rate and



  crime rate and

  drug addiction and

  need to incapacitate vs. punishment

  See also Prison

  Incarceration rate

  among immigrants

  for blacks

  in Canada

  in China

  crime rate and

  in Cuba

  in Iran

  in Japan


  in North Korea

  in Russia

  in Rwanda

  in Singapore

  socioeconomic class and

  in United States

  war on drugs and

  of whites

  Indeterminate sentencing

  Ingraham v. Wright


  Intensive parole supervision

  Intermediate sanctions

  “In the Penal Colony” (Kafka)

  Iran, incarceration rate in

  Jackson v. Bishop

  Jail, for pretrial detention

  Japan, incarceration rate in

  Jay, John

  Job training, prison and

  Just and Painful (Newman)


  concept of

  punishment and


  Juvenile detention

  Kaczynski, Theodore

  Kafka, Franz

  Kansas spanking chair

  Katz, Jack

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kyzer, Dudley

  Labor unions, prisons and

  Larry King Live (television program)

  Lashes, formula for determining number of

  Lecter, Hannibal

  Levine, Harry

  Louisiana, cost of incarceration in

  Machines, discipline

  Madoff, Bernard

  Maine, as slave-free state

  Malaysia, flogging in

  Manza, Jeff

  Maricopa County (Arizona) sheriff

  Marion Prison (Illinois)

  Martinson, Robert

  Marx, Karl

  Massachusetts, as slave-free state

  Maximum security prisons


  Mease, James

  Medley, James

  Mental illness

  incarceration and

  prisons and

  Mental institutions

  Milgram, Stanley

  Million-dollar blocks

  Misdemeanors, flogging for

  Mistretta v. United States

  Mohammed, Khalid Shaikh

  Newgate Prison (New York City)

  New Jersey, reduction in prison population in

  Newman, Graeme

  New York City

  cost of incarceration in

  House of Refuge

  Newgate Prison

  relation between crime and incarceration rates in

  New York State

  Attica Prison

  Auburn Prison

  large prisons constructed in

  prison reform in

  private prisons and

  reduction in prison population

  reentry in

  rehabilitation services

  Rikers Island

  Sing Sing Prison

  New York Times (newspaper)

  North Korea, incarceration rate in


  punishment and

  torture and

  Panopticon (Bentham)


  Penitentiaries, concept of. See also Prison


  ban on flogging in

  Eastern State Penitentiary

  Quaker reformers and

  Walnut Street Jail/Penitentiary

  Phelps, Richard H.

  Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons

  Physical violence, in prisons

  Plea bargains

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Police, discretion

  Police, use of violence by

  Policing, crime rate and

  Poverty, Census definition

  Poverty, incarceration and

  Presidential Advisory Commission (1973)

  Pretrial detention




  banishment and exile and

  boredom and

  as businesses

  California City

  congregate model

  corporal punishment as means of reducing population in

  costs of

  criminogenic characteristic of

  discipline within

  drug and alcohol use in

  Eastern State

  experience of

  failure of

  flogging vs.

  history of

  juvenile detention

  knowledge of reality of


  maximum security

  mental effect of

  mentally ill prisoners in


  New York

  number of Americans in

  parallels with communism

  in Pennsylvania

  physical and sexual violence in


  public support for

  punishment and

  purposes of

  reducing growth of

  release from

  Rikers Island

  Sing Sing


  de Tocqueville on

  torture and

  Walnut Street

  See also Incarceration; Solitary confinement


  categorization of

  disenfranchisement of

  Prison guard experiment

  Prison guard unions

  Prison-Industrial Complex

  Prison reform

  anti-flogging campaign

  based on Panopticon


  difficulty of achieving

  faith in curative ideals of prisons

  Martinson and

  in New York

; in Pennsylvania

  Private prisons

  Procter, Thomas

  Property crimes

  Public, presence at floggings

  Public Interest (journal)

  Public order offenses

  Public schools, corporal punishment in



  choosing best

  community and

  cost of

  deterrence vs.

  electric shock as method of

  forms of

  justice and

  pain as

  prisons and

  purpose of

  See also Corporal punishment; Discipline; Flogging

  Quaker reformers


  convictions for drug offenses and

  corporal punishment and

  as predictor of imprisonment

  See also Blacks; Whites


  in juvenile detention

  in prison


  Recreation yards

  “Red Hannah”

  The Red Lily (France)




  Rehabilitation, prison and

  Rehabilitation services

  Released on own recognizance


  Restorative justice

  Retributive justice

  Reynolds, John

  Rikers Island (New York)

  Rock, Chris

  Rural districts, prisons and

  Rush, Benjamin

  Russia, incarceration rate in

  Rwanda, incarceration rate in

  Scalia, Antonin

  Schlosser, Eric

  Sentence lengths

  for drug offenses

  Sexual violence in juvenile detention

  in prisons

  Sharia law and flogging

  Shelly, Mary W.

  SHU (special housing units)

  Siegel, Loren


  cane used in

  flogging in

  incarceration rate in

  Silverglate, Harvey A.

  Sing Sing Prison (New York)

  Slavery, racial problems in criminal justice and

  Sleeper (film)

  Society for the Prevention of Pauperism

  Socioeconomic class, incarceration rate and

  Solitary confinement

  Dickens, on effect of

  in Eastern State Prison

  as method of salvation and healing

  in Newgate Prison

  in nineteenth century

  psychological damage from

  sadism of

  special housing units

  Supreme Court on (Medley case)

  de Tocqueville on

  in Walnut Street Penitentiary

  Soviet gulag


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