KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce)

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KnightForce Ethan (La Patron's KnightForce) Page 3

by Sydney Addae

  “Mom says I’m too young and I should wait.”

  Ethan’s brow rose although he wasn’t too surprised. As the oldest pup, Callum set the path for the younger ones, and Maureen was fiercely protective of her den.

  “You agree with her?”

  “I have no opinion.”

  “Dad told you, didn’t he?” Callum asked in a low voice.

  “No. Alpha does not discuss his den with me. There’s no need.”

  “Might as well tell you, he doesn’t want me to see her again. That’s why I need to see her tonight, to explain why we won’t be getting together anymore. I owe her that, a face to face explanation and not a text, right?”

  “I’m the wrong person to ask. I don’t know her or understand why you feel you owe her anything.” All of the women he’d bedded understood and agreed that it was a physical release and not a relationship when they came together. If they needed more, they didn’t bed him or call him again. It worked.

  “So I can tell her on the phone?” Callum pressed.

  “I don’t know her or the relationship you have with her, nor do I need to know. You’ll make your own decision one way or the other. We’ll reach Garrett in another hour, everyone is waiting for us on pack land. There are three cases we’ll hear on behalf of Alpha Jayden. As his son, you’ll sit with me and ask questions if necessary to make a fair ruling. If you’d like to give the final decrees, you can or I will as KnightForce.”


  “We are going to Garrett on behalf of Alpha —”

  “I know, it’s just you switched gears in the middle of the sentence. Let me think.” Callum paused.

  Ethan settled into his thoughts and focused on the purpose of this trip, or the announced purpose anyway.

  “There’s really a problem in Garret?”

  Frowning, Ethan glanced at Callum. “Yes, that’s why we’re going.”

  “I thought dad just wanted me out of town, to separate me and Kat.”

  Ethan snorted. “He’s Alpha. If he wanted to keep two pack members apart he didn’t need to send you out of town, remember that.”

  Callum slumped in his seat and looked out the window. “What’s these cases about?”

  Ethan bit back a smile at Callum’s grumpy tone. “Iris, who covers Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania for the Half-Breed project Tyrone heads, ran into some problems with half-breeds signing up. Full-bloods either tampered with the system or won’t allow proper access. Tyrone came two months ago, thought the problem was solved, but it’s flared up again. I think he’s in another state and asked Alpha to step in.”

  Callum waved his hand as if bored.

  “Rebel activity.”

  The pup sat up. “Yeah? What’s going on?”

  “We’re not sure, but we’ll investigate their claims after we hear them.”

  “Right. What else?”

  “Full-blood feud, land rights I think,” Ethan said, wondering how they’d drag these paltry excuses out for a week or two.

  “That’s it?” Callum asked.

  “As far as I know. We’ll get the full of it after we arrive.” He sensed the pup’s disappointment.

  “Seems I was right, dad just wanted to separate me and Cat.”

  Ethan silently agreed but didn’t respond.

  Chapter 4

  Vanessa nodded at the three men sitting at the head table as she stood to leave. Excitement zipped through her as she grabbed her bag, turned, and walked toward what seemed like a massive number of students in the small room. In reality, there were 20 - 25 students who surprised her and everyone on the Director’s panel by showing up to tell the Board they didn’t appreciate her being called on the carpet. Amidst cheers and a smiling Shyla, she nodded her thanks as she moved slowly out the room into the corridor.

  “Wow, thanks so much for your support, I… I don’t know what to say. It means a lot that you’re learning and appreciate school,” she said.

  “If half the teachers taught interesting stuff, we’d learn a lot more. Why they gotta mess with the stuff that works. Those dudes should talk to the teachers who don’t know how to teach, it’s a lot of them,” Phil, a senior who’d come alive in her class, said.

  Several students agreed with him and made similar comments as they made their way to the parking lot. Shyla waited for her near the car as she said good-bye to everyone. Turning her attention to her friend, she wagged her finger. “You told them? You got the students here?”

  Deep-set green eyes like weathered moss twinkled as Shyla brushed her curly hair from her eyes. “Moi?”

  Vanessa laughed and swatted Shyla’s outstretched hand. “Yes, you. How else would they have known? I didn’t even tell Jim.”

  Shyla moved to the passenger side and slid in. “You bet your ass I told them. Did you see Pam and Brenda in the back? They left after the third student claimed they hadn’t learned anything in Brenda’s class last year, failed, and this year could recite 13 Constitutional Amendments. I don’t think the Board will ever challenge a student to prove they’ve learned something again. By the time she got to number five they stopped her and agreed she’d done well.”

  Vanessa laughed. “No, I didn’t see those two, but I knew they’d be there.” She pulled out of the parking lot and headed home, where Shyla got out of the car. They’d decided to use the one car in case things turned out differently and Vanessa was too upset to drive.

  “Those bitches, and I don’t mean that in a good way either,” Shyla mumbled.

  “Don’t see how you could mean that in a good way,” Vanessa teased. “Thanks, I appreciate you coming with me today and for bringing the cavalry. I’m not sure how things would’ve turned out otherwise, but I’m glad that’s over.”

  “Glad it’s over too, now you can do what you do best and love. Teach. Never thank me for being your friend, it’s who we are and what we do.” Shyla held up her fist. Vanessa touched it with her fist and smiled.

  “What?” Shyla asked.

  “Thinking of Jim, that’s all.”

  “He’s coming tonight, right?” Shyla asked.

  “Yes, should be here in about an hour.” Vanessa pulled into her driveway next to Shyla’s car and pressed her garage opener.

  “Are you serious about him?”

  Vanessa pulled her car into the garage. “Yeah, we’re getting there.”

  “You don’t sound right.”

  “Huh?” She looked at Shyla.

  “That answer didn’t sound right, what’s wrong?”

  A private person, Vanessa didn’t normally discuss her personal affairs, but the thing with Jim ate at her. Besides, Shyla had been with her when she met him, maybe she could shed some light on the situation. “Wrong? I’m not sure,” she hedged. “It’s just… there’s passion but not…”


  Vanessa released a long stream of air and met Shyla’s concerned gaze. “We have passion but no sex.”

  “What?” Shyla’s voice rose two octaves as she jerked around and stared.

  “Yeah, crazy right? I mean, I’m a Christian too, but I don’t have that kind of control around him. I want him to take me and ravish me until I can’t walk or see straight,” Vanessa said.

  “Okay first, ease off the romance novels, you’re sounding wonky. Second, why the hell haven’t you taken him for a test drive? He’s what? 50? 60? What if he can’t perform or something?”

  Vanessa’s heart dropped at the new complication. “All this time I thought maybe something was wrong with me. Like I wasn’t sexy enough or something. I never thought he couldn’t get it up.”

  “Or keep it up, lots of that going around, too,” Shyla said.

  “And he’s just 49, he’ll be 50 next year.”

  “Hmm, he smells older.”

  “What?” She looked at Shyla.

  “He looks older than 49.”

  “Oh, sounded like you said he smelled… never mind. I need to take a shower and get dressed. Come in, have a glass o
f wine and chill a while.” She grabbed her bag from the back seat and closed the door.

  “As lovely as that sounds, I need to get home. I’m expecting my parents this weekend, gotta clean a couple rooms.”

  Thinking of Shyla’s large, brick two-story home on the outskirts of town, Vanessa nodded. “Move books from one room to another, or maybe put in storage is more what you mean.”

  Shyla laughed, her straight, even white teeth flashed beneath the dim garage light. “Exactly. Deciding where to put my babies takes time and consideration. I realize you didn’t answer my question about getting this far in the relationship without a test drive, it’s not my business so I’ll leave it alone. But my unsolicited advice is not to go much further without knowing if he can satisfy you. It’s important to know upfront. Don’t ask me how I know.”

  “True. I just hadn’t thought about it like that, but I’ll try to rectify that this evening, because it is important to know. No matter how good and sweet he is, I do need to be satisfied by my man. We may need to have that kind of talk tonight if he decides he can’t stay.” She wondered if it would come to that. What if the first man to treat her the way she dreamed of being treated was impotent? She gasped from the pain in heart.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Shyla asked following her inside the house.

  “He’s impotent.”

  “Really? How do you know?”

  “It’s the only thing that fits.” She looked at Shyla. “I’ve touched, squeezed, rubbed, everything short of pulling it out and putting it in my mouth, and nothing.”

  “Honey, maybe he’s gay and wants you to be his front piece.”

  Vanessa’s heart dropped further. This day was turning into a nightmare. “Gay? Front piece? What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Shyla placed her hand on Vanessa’s shoulder and pushed her gently into the overstuffed chair in the family room. “You touch his cock and it doesn’t get hard?”

  “It gets hard. But he doesn’t do anything except say we’re not ready or something like that. Why won’t he make love to me?” She ended her question on a long, drawn out sigh.

  “Don’t know, hon. If he gets hard, that rules out impotency, but not being gay. The two of you need to skip going to dinner and have a serious conversation. Something’s not right,” Shyla said, moving toward the front door.

  “Where are you going?” Vanessa’s chest tightened at the idea of confronting Jim about this. She should be happy he didn’t want a purely sexual relationship with her. She was, but not entirely.

  “Home. Gotta move books and get some stuff done for some friends for a meeting. If you need me, call and I’ll come over. Just be honest and tell him what’s on your heart.”

  “Thanks, even though you’ve only met him that one time.”

  “Which was more than enough. Tell you what, call me later if he leaves, otherwise I’ll talk to you in school tomorrow, if you can walk that is.” She waved and walked out the door.

  Vanessa locked the front door and headed to the bathroom to shower. Maybe Shyla was right. Instead of waiting for Jim to make his move, she should make hers. Stepping beneath the warm water, she thought of all the failed opportunities they’d had over the past three months to make love or sleep together through a different filter. What if Jim had some kind of problem? Could she marry a man who couldn’t make love to her? At her age she didn’t necessarily want children, but she’d always enjoyed a robust sex life until she moved here.

  Jim was so good to her. He offered to pay her bills, buy her another car when hers broke down last month, and anything she looked at too long in a store, he’d either offer to buy or simply buy. Where would she meet someone else who listened to her and remembered things she’d told him? Sex partners were one thing, having someone to love another.

  Shower complete, she walked into her bedroom, pulled a short purple dress out the closet and laid it on the bed. She stared at the simple V-cut, sleeveless dress for a few seconds as she dried off. “We’re going to talk.” She pulled it over her head and sighed as the silky-soft material fell into place hugging her breasts and waist before falling mid-thigh. Turning side to side, she looked in the mirror. “Not bad for 38.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Vanessa fingered her hair into place. Putting on a large pair of multi-colored hoop earrings, she then slipped on a couple bracelets, and slid her feet into a pair of heels. Prepared to battle for her heart and future, she headed for the front door.

  Jim blocked most of the waning sunlight from her view when she opened the door. “Hi,” she said, waving him inside. His large palm fell on her waist. He pulled her close against his hard, solid chest, tipped up her chin and brushed his lips against hers.

  A shiver of need ran down her back.

  “Missed you so much,” he whispered against her lips, and then kissed her. Hard. His tongue swept inside her mouth, stealing her breath. She held onto his arms, afraid she’d fall if she let go. This. This was what she needed. His fiery passion for her.

  They broke apart, gasping for air. One arm left her waist, she missed his warmth until she heard the door close and looked up.

  “God, you’re so damn beautiful,” he whispered and kissed her again.

  Her thoughts scattered as he lifted her in his arms and walked forward without breaking contact. How long had she dreamed of him taking control? Her stomach clenched and heart raced as she placed her hand behind his head to keep them joined.

  When they broke apart she remained close to his lips, needing more. One large palm rested on her back, the other on her thighs. Would he inch forward? Could he tell she didn’t wear a bra or panties? That she was primed and ready for him?

  Jim placed a kiss on her forehead and replaced his lips with his chin. His heart beat faster than hers. His chest expanded as he took several large gulps of air. He had to feel what she felt, right? Shyla was wrong. His hard cock pressed against her bottom, he had to want this just as much.

  “We’re going to be late for dinner,” he whispered, his warm breath drifted across her head.

  “This is better than food, I want more.”

  He groaned. “So much better.” He leaned back and kissed her again, this time he pinched her nipple. She moaned into the kiss and opened her legs. His hand fell between her thigh and she rocked against him. When his fingertips brushed against her mound, she gasped and thrust her hips forward.

  “So wet,” he murmured against her lips.

  No talking, she thought. Give me more.

  He thrust his finger inside her heat and she arched her back, pulling away from his mouth.

  “You like that?”

  “Um hmm.” Delicious tingles flew from her core. He added a finger and deepened his thrusts.

  “Baby, come for me, I’ve wanted you for so long,” he murmured, holding her tightly in position. He grazed her nipple with his teeth, sending little jolts of electricity straight between her legs. The combination of his fingers inside and out, coupled with needing release so badly, sent her crashing over the edge. Her body shook with her release. Breathing became a necessary chore as wave after wave of bliss filled and flowed through her.

  “I could watch that all day.”

  Vanessa opened her eyes and met Jim’s tender gray gaze. Her heart clenched at the sincerity she read there. “Huh?”

  “You. You’re so sexy and when you cum…” He shook his head. “Like I said, I could watch you do that all day. Your body, it’s like you glow. Woman, look what you do to me.” He lifted her slightly and she felt the dampness on her butt.

  “You came? By watching me?”

  He nodded and pulled her close against his chest. “Yes, it was hot.”

  Flattered, she smiled and lay against his chest.

  “Sanders and his lady are expecting us at the restaurant, I need to change.”

  Disappointment stole the bliss she’d basked in moments before. “Can’t we stay here tonight, order pizza or something?”
  His hand tightened on her thighs for a brief second and then he rubbed them. “We could. I’ll call and let him know. I just thought you’d like to show it off.”

  It took a few seconds for his words to penetrate before she looked up at him. “What?”

  He lifted her from his lap, placed her in front of him and got down on one knee.

  Vanessa’s heart leapt to her throat as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a light blue box. When she saw the huge diamond surrounded by a smaller cluster she bit her lip to stop the scream from erupting.

  “We haven’t known each other long, but my heart knows you and wants to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me, Vanessa Prince, and I promise your life will never be the same.”

  Tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks. A ball of joy blocked her throat and all she could do was nod. “Yes,” she croaked, and watched him slide the ring up her finger. Holding it so the light hit it, she stared spellbound that anything could be so beautiful, so perfect, so romantic.

  Jim stood, pulled her close and held her tight. “I love you, Vanessa.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 5

  Vanessa walked inside the school and headed toward the library. Last night she hadn’t called Shyla after Jim left. They’d had dinner with his friend Sanders, who came alone. He appeared happy for Jim and kept congratulating him. Considering the two were best friends and war buddies, it shouldn’t have bothered her that it all seemed one-sided. As if Jim was the only one involved.

  Shyla stood at the circulation desk, looking at the monitor. She looked up as Vanessa walked toward her. Dressed in a black and white geometrical print dress, Shyla looked and carried herself with a regalness Vanessa envied. Her friend always looked so polished.

  “Morning, reporting with the news as ordered,” Vanessa said as she put her purse and bag on the desk. She held out her left hand to Shyla.

  “Nice, that’s really nice, at least three or four carats. The man has good taste and a decent wallet,” Shyla said. Her voice lacked enthusiasm.


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