Shouldn't Have Asked: A New Adult Romantic Comedy Novel

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Shouldn't Have Asked: A New Adult Romantic Comedy Novel Page 25

by Mara Lynne

  I just don’t know how he does it.

  --To be continued--

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  Chapter One

  Stepping out of the airport and placing my black heels on the pavement, I smiled happily. It felt so good to be home. The Bahamas was truly one of the most beautiful places I had ever visited, from the crystal blue oceans and sandy white beaches to the relaxed Zen-like atmosphere, but I just had to say it… there truly is no place like home.

  Home for me is London, a bustling and vibrant city full of life, and I love it here. I did need a break from the realities of life like everybody does at times, but I was happier now than ever to be back.

  I pulled my heavy suitcase along the pavement and made my way to the private car park where my baby had been waiting for me for the past month— my car. Some people thought my car, a white range rover, was too big for me, but I loved it, and I didn’t care how people thought my obsession was weird.

  When I reached my car, I got out my keys, unlocked the door and placed my suitcase on the back before sitting behind the wheel. Switching on the engine, I was greeted first by a satisfying sound of ignition, and then my favourite radio station came to life, playing the latest chart hit. I smiled to myself before starting the journey back to my apartment.

  I wasn’t driving for long before my phone started ringing. Looking at the caller ID, I couldn’t help but let my face break out with a big, wide smile. I quickly put my phone in the holder and pressed loud speaker.

  “I’ve only been back in London for roughly thirty minutes, and you’re ringing me already, must have missed me, you big softy,” I teased my best friend over the loudspeaker. “Although, I’m surprised it took you this long.”

  “Hello to you too, Miss Sophia May! I’ve been trying to ring you for the past hour but haven’t been able to get through. I’ve missed you. Don’t leave me again! I hardly picked up any girls while you were away because I was so depressed.” I heard his deep voice say over the phone in a joking manner.

  I chuckled internally when I heard his response. Caleb Black was definitely living and loving the player’s life.

  “I’m glad that’s all I’m good for, making sure you get laid seven nights of the week,” I replied, laughing as I did. I never realised how much I had missed my best friend over the past month. I don’t know how I had survived without him. “It’s two in the morning. Why aren’t you asleep?” I questioned, pulling into the motorway.

  “I’m awake for you, Soph. I had to make sure my most favourite person got home safely, didn’t I?” he said in a teasing yet genuinely caring voice.

  “Aww, well, aren’t you a sweetie? I’m on the motorway now about ten minutes away from my apartment. When I get home, I’m going to get all the sleep I can before work on Monday.”

  I peered into my rear-view mirror when I suddenly noticed some imbecile in a sports car driving ridiculously fast. Stupid boy racers, I thought, mentally rolling my eyes, idiots.

  “Yes, and I’ll always be sweet for you. Don’t sleep too much. We can meet up tomorrow, get some dinner, go out and have a drink, okay? I’m not taking no for an answer. You aren’t staying in bed all day. I’ll come around and pick you up about twelve.”

  I had barely heard what Caleb had said. I was way too focused on the idiot who kept speeding increasingly fast behind me on the motorway.

  “Sophia, Soph, you there? Is twelve okay? What’s wrong with you? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen asleep at the wheel.” He jokingly remarked but with a hint of worry in his voice.

  “Caleb, twelve is fine. I’m going to have to go because some idiot is driving their sports car on the motorway too fast, and I need to concentrate so that he doesn’t run into the back of my baby,” I said into the loudspeaker, trying not to let Caleb know how worried I was.

  “You and that bloody car, why don’t you marry it? If you ever get a boyfriend, they should be concerned,” he quipped. “Seriously, though, Sophia, what’s going on? Just pull over into the side lane and wait for it to pass you if you’re that worried.” Caleb’s voice was serious. I hated it so much. I hated whenever he was serious with me even though it showed he deeply cared.

  “Psssh, a boyfriend, you’re the only guy I ever want or need in my life. Caleb, I’ll call you when I get home okay. I need to focus. I nee— AHHH!” I screamed. I couldn’t help it. I quickly slammed the break on my car, not caring that I was in the middle of the busy motorway.

  “Sophia, what happened?” Caleb screamed from the other side of the phone. I couldn’t even respond as my heart was beating so damn fast. Caleb was still shouting down the phone when I finally managed to answer him.

  “Caleb, calm down, I’m fine… I’m fine. I just got scared. That stupid car went straight past me, and I got frightened because it was so fast. I’m so tired. I just… I’m sorry. I really need sleep. I overreacted,” I answered and tried to calm my best friend’s nerves and at the same time, my own. Taking a deep breath, I restarted my car and carried on down the rest of motorway.

  “You scared the bloody shit out of me, I swear. Soph, get home safe. I don’t want any accidents. I want to see you tomorrow in one piece. You know what? I’ll see you tonight. I’m packing my bag and coming to yours.” Caleb expressed with some annoyance in his voice. I turned off the motorway and pulled onto a small road just minutes away from my apartment.

  “Caleb, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine now. I’m literally five minutes away. No need to str—.”

  I never got to finish my sentence because I suddenly felt my body being forcefully pushed to the right-hand side of my car and into the glass, but my body didn’t stop there. It was launched out of the window, hard. I didn’t even have time to scream before my body hurtled out and hit the pavement brutally.

  I didn’t even register the pain.

  I felt a warm and sticky liquid on my face, and I could faintly hear a voice bellowing for someone to call an ambulance, which was only followed by the sound of people's panicked voices.

  I ached all over, and drowsiness hit me like a tidal wave. A male face hovered over me, his amazingly emerald eyes reflected nothing but panic.

  “No, stay awake! Do not close your eyes! Please, no! This shit cannot be happening to me again!” I heard the man hovering over me shout. His voice sounded just as scared as I was feeling. I felt his hands grab onto my shoulders, shaking me gently.

  My whole body felt heavy, and it hurt to even breathe.

  “No! Please no!” The male voice boomed before starting to fade out. “Please stay awake, please. This can’t happen again. I won’t let it!”

  I gave in to my body’s wishes, and my eyes closed as the darkness pulled me in.

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  I would like to express my sincerest and heartfelt gratitude to the people who saw me through this book. First and foremost, my readers in Wattpad who gave me endless support and who made me feel important, my readers who have become my greatest and valued critics, and to some of them whom I established a friendship beyond virtual reality. To my sister, my first ever reader, who cried and l
aughed with me with the different stories I wrote, and who makes nasty remarks to make me a better writer, I understand why you have to be like that. I’ve made my dream come true, now is your time to make yours. And to my family, my Mom and Dad especially, thank you for not giving up on me and for not making me stop writing. I know how proud you are of me.

  I would like to thank Le-an Lacaba for enabling me to publish this book. Indeed, there are angels on earth, and you are one of them. To Aycee Perral, I thank you with all my heart for editing the book, for making it look and sound like a real book. I don’t know what you’ve been through editing this, but it must have been a headache. Thank you for the patience. Lastly, to the marketing team and to BLVNP Publishing in general, thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for letting people know about what Mara Lynne can offer. Thank you for making me one of your writers.

  Author’s Note

  Hey there!

  Thank you so much for reading Shouldn’t Have Asked! I can’t express how grateful I am for reading something that was once just a thought inside my head.

  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to email me at [email protected] and sign up at for freebies!

  One last thing: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads because I just love reading your comments and getting to know YOU!

  Whether that review is good or bad, I’d still love to hear it!

  Can’t wait to hear from you!

  Mara Lynne

  About the Author

  Other than reading and writing stories, Mara Lynne loves to daydream . Sometimes she would have a hard time falling asleep because of the many stories going on around her head. Unusual characters and twisted plots keep her company each night, and would only leave her once she had breathe life to them. She discovered the passion for writing when she was eleven years old–the time when she met the well-loved red-haired Anne Shirley. She fell in love with the kindred spirit Anne because she sees herself in her. There was a time when she even thought she was Anne of Green Gables! Seriously! It was like a mild case of identification, a defense mechanism for wanting to be somebody you adore or worship but whom you can never be. After Anne Shirley, she fell in love with all of Jane Austen heroines, with Anne Elliot as her most loved. She just loved everyone whose name is Anne!! When she is not writing, Mara Lynne works as a full time registered nurse in England. She hailed from a city in the southern part of the Philippines.




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