Game of Temptation

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Game of Temptation Page 6

by Anda J. Santoso

  One moment, it felt as if something were playing with her intimate place, then at the next blink, it was gone. It was on and off and Alethi all but threw herself on the bed, tempted to touch herself to ease the torture. Earlier, she found out that the only way for her urges to ebb was to let go. It was a glorious feeling, but the only way to get there was through constantly feeling whatever it was so intensely and continuously. And right now, it was apparent that these bursts would not get her there.

  She writhed stilling her hands as she held onto the sheets, wanting to have her release so badly. "Arun…please…" she panted, not knowing what she wanted. What she did know was, she wanted to feel Arun's soothing touches as well. She wanted his golden hair, gliding on her as his lips and hands drew a trail of artwork on her body. She wanted those green eyes that always looked at her as if she were prey to gaze at her now. For his deep, husky voice to tell her things that only they would share.

  They might have only been dreams, but they calmed and comforted her. And right now, her body was screaming for his touch and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Chapter Nine

  Typical nights for Arun were becoming more and more difficult to bear. Sleeping beside Alethi was torture and equally torturous was she was now naked behind him and he could not even take a peek as she took a bath. The first and last time he tried, she was ready with a stone and had barely dodged it. He did not get the sense behind it, but there was something about her forbidding him to look that made him eager – and lewd – to see her without clothing. He was certain other female elves would be more worth to look at, but he did not care for those. He wanted to see her.

  Instead, he here he was, sitting on a rock, playing with a broken twig between his fingers, looking away from the lake into the thicket. Not a gratifying sight, but it was not ugly enough to settle remove his arousal either.

  It was hell to know she was always in his reach, but he could never grab her. He knew he brought it upon himself, but how was he to know she would prove to be too difficult? Even if he did manage to succeed, what good would that knowledge do? As of the moment, he knew more about her country than she did.

  He had to let her go. She was useless to him and she was proving to become a weakness. But he could not – or rather, would not let her go. He did not want to. It was unreasonable, but something about her inspired possessiveness in him. He did not want her to marry some other lesser creature, and – heaven forbid! – he would kill any elf who would try to take her.

  He knew those feelings should not exist in him, but they did. Could this be the infatuation that the elders were talking about? No, it could not be. Or at least if it were, it would go away. He hoped it was before he could have any reason to be grief-stricken.

  Let her go, Arun. He told himself. Let—

  Alethi's scream shook him from his thoughts and, without thinking, he rushed to her. She was at the edge of the water in a shallow part, eyes wide and frantic.

  "What is it?"

  "Give me my towel! Something's in the water!"

  Arun could only think of it as one of two things of the creatures in the water, brave enough to get near an elf – or a human. And one of them was deadly.

  He pulled out his dagger and dove in, faintly hearing Alethi call out to him. If he was going to keep her, he had to, at least, keep the waters safe for her to swim in. He opened his senses and darted to a wave of movement. He stopped, seeing a luminous green ball and smiled as it rushed to him. Its tiny feet crawled up to his arms, up to his neck and snuggled there. He felt the water for any more movement and, satisfied that there was none, he went back to shore.

  Alethi crouched over the edge of the lake, peering in the dark for him. Her eyes held a deep concern that warmed him. She had a towel draped around her loosely, her hand clinging to the edges at the front to close the sheet around her. He petted the green fluff clinging to his neck, no longer luminous out of the water. Perhaps the saffi would remove the worry from her face.

  "Arun?" she called out tentatively. "Is that you?"

  "Yes," he said closing the distance. "It was nothing."

  "Nothing? But, it crawled on me!"

  "Nothing that would harm you, I mean." He sat next to her on the edge, careful not to let her see the creature just yet. "Cup your hands, like this," he demonstrated, "And close your eyes."


  "Just humor me," he smiled.

  He saw her blush through his heightened senses. "Will one hand be enough?"

  "Yes," he said, remembering that she had not wrapped the towel around herself well. "Just promise me you would not scream and throw whatever I'm putting there."

  "You are scaring me."

  "I promise you, it is not something you should be afraid of. Do you trust me?"

  "Yes…" she said and closed her eyes and held up her hand. He gently placed the saffi in her hand and she gasped in surprise. "Arun…"

  "Open your eyes," he whispered in her ear.

  Alethi's eyes brightened seeing the small ball of fur and smiled as its big, moss eyes looked at her. It quickly climbed up to her neck, sending her into a fit of giggles as she was tickled, until it snuggled between her neck and her shoulders.

  "Was this it?" Alethi asked him.

  He nodded. "We call it a saffi. Very rare. There is a saying among the elders that a saffi brings blessings. And it has not been seen for at least two thousand years."

  "Then how do you know what it is? You have not lived that long."

  "We just know." He smiled.

  She petted it for a while, enjoying the feel of the rare creature on her skin. "Maybe I should return it to the water." Without waiting for an answer, she took it gently and bent over to put it back gently in the lake.

  Arun did not see what had happened or why Alethi giggled as he stared transfixed at her back, exposed by the low drooping of the loosely draped towel. He watched water droplet trace the contours of her back and longed to do so himself. When she straightened, his gaze settled on her eyes, then on her lips, transfixed.


  The next moment, he found his lips touching hers. They were as soft and as enslaving as the first time, but this time, she was aware and she did not move. And he did not care. He would not pull away unless she—

  Her tentative response surprised and excited him. Her own response was so unsure, her kiss felt virginal. He continued to coax and guide her as he became bolder, his palm reaching up to caress her jaw as his fingers gently massaged the nape of her neck.

  He was loving every moment of it, but he wanted more. The tip of his tongue touched the line between her lips and they parted slightly. Not yet enough. He coaxed and coaxed, teasing her as he did so before he went in.

  Arun was no stranger to kisses, but this one pulled a groan from deep within him as he reveled in the ecstasy she was giving him. The familiar ache within him forced him to pull away. He muttered the counter-spell for both of them mindlessly as he watched her eyes flutter open as if coming out from a trance. Her breathing was quick and he could detect the beginnings of an arousal stirring within her.

  By the gods! He would take her, and the elders could shove whatever they thought down their throats.

  "Arun…" she began breathlessly, "I don't think…we should…"

  He did not want to hear any more and covered her lips with his again. She responded, following his lead. The damn woman was kissing him like it was her first time and it drove animalistic lust to rise within him. Oh, her kissing was not bad. Definitely not bad.

  His kisses traced down her jaw and her neck as he replaced the towel she was clutching with his own hand. The heat from her body was unmistakable and her uncontrolled responses to him gave him confidence.

  "Arun…we cannot…" she sighed as one hand traced just at the edges of her chest.

  "I do not see the problem," he whispered and nibbled at her hear eliciting a whimper.

  "My father…and Orrin…" she tried to explain breat
hlessly, "They would not approve." She moaned as he suckled on her collarbone and branded her. His. "Arun? Please…I'm scared."

  Arun stopped and pulled away, confused. He looked into her eyes and found genuine fear. "What's wrong?"

  "I've never done this before. They say it hurts the first time." She said quickly taking her hand and pulled the towel to cover herself, her head bowed. "And I have always wanted my first time to be with someone I marry."

  Arun felt like he was gutted. She was not playing virginal. She did not have to because she was! He felt his insides turn. What had he done to her? He had robbed her of her innocence and forced himself on her. He was disgusted at himself – at what he had done to her. She was fresh and saving herself for the one who would promise and dedicate their whole lifetime to her. And he almost broke that purity. Perhaps not almost. He did.

  "I'm sorry," he croaked and shut his senses. By the gods, he was despicable! But more importantly, his heart twisted at the thought – was there someone waiting for her back in her kingdom? He never knew if she was promised.

  Alethi stood to change and he turned away. He was wicked and wretched already and he would not add to his sins. It must have been a great effort to stay chaste for so long as a human, and he did not think it was possible. But there she was. The object of his desires untouchable but for the one she chooses to marry.

  "Arun?" he turned to her, pain evident in her eyes. He steeled himself though the pain that stabbed at him blaming him for causing her that pain. "This is a night we should both forget," she continued, her voice steady, "Let us carry on, as always."

  He nodded, but knew he could not do that. He could no longer touch her in her sleep or notice her arousal. No. It was no longer going to be the usual situation for them.

  "Alethi," he said as they reached his room. "There is something I need to say. It is about your country. But perhaps I should tell you when you feel better." Arun shook himself mentally for suddenly saying it. He should not have, but he was not thinking straight.

  "No!" she said forcefully. "Tell me now. I need to hear it. It has been too long. Is my father well?"

  Arun thought of how he would say it, but his prolonged silence made it clear to her.

  "Gods no!"

  Chapter Ten

  It had been three days since she left Rehanathi and she was several hours into Dosalam territory. She hated Arun for keeping things from her, but she hated him even more for wanting to keep her and break their agreement just because of rumors of Dosalam's massing of forces.

  She knew her life would be in danger if she went back, but she did not have to tell Arun that. It would only give him more legitimacy to keep her. But she had to do something. She would never let that bitch witch Niraya to take over Dosalam and ruin everything. She would not let another massacre take place.

  One hope was still in her, though – Orrin. Arun did not know if he was still alive, but Alethi was almost certain he still was. The man was a pillar to all who can take arms in Dosalam – from the army to the guerilla warriors. His support of her would mean that Niraya would coalesce all the fighting men of the country, and in his death, the guerillas would start attacking the capital. And there have been no reports of such a threat yet.

  Another thing that she was certain of was that Niraya would not hesitate to kill her. She would be a stumbling block to her newfound power.

  Her hand involuntarily went to the diamond necklace Arun had given her as if seeking its protection. He had all but pleaded for her to take it so that when she was in dire straits, he could aid her as he could channel his magic through it.

  "And I will see whatever you see, if you permit it," he had said in a tight voice.

  The knowledge that precious stones were used to channel magic and see things shocked her. Although he swore that he never looked into his room through the crystalline ornaments that decorated it, the thought that he could have seen her in the throes of passion had made her blush. And she was still blushing at the thought.

  No! She shook her head violently. How could she even think of such things when he kept from her what he knew for three days? Who knew how much damage the bitch witch had done in the days she had not acted? It was what was important. Not Arun and his eyes that could have been voyeuristically savoring her. Not his maddening touches or the kisses that put her body on fire and made her burn with feverish need for him.

  She stopped her horse as two soldiers came galloping on their horses toward her. She held herself high and recognized them as two of her father's loyal retainers. They jumped down from their horses as soon as they were three spans away and bowed.

  "It is good to see you are safe, Princess," the first one said

  "And it is good to be back. What of Dosalam?"

  "Niraya has claimed herself regent until your return," the other said. "Come, we shall escort you back to the palace."

  Alethi nodded but her eyebrows furrowed. Regency? The only reason the thought that Niraya had not taken the throne was…She bit her lip. The woman had thought a step ahead. It was easy to read what she was going to do next. She was going to welcome her and be gracious to her, but before power could truly be transferred to her, the bitch witch would expose her to be a traitor and an elfin sympathizer. That would help her consolidate a flimsy hold on the warriors of the land. She knew she would be playing right into the hand of the bitch witch, but if she did not, she would not know exactly what she would be up against.

  What she could not fathom was why she would risk so much to wage war against Rehanathi? There would be pointless bloodshed on both sides and neither would win or give way. What did she stand to gain from it? A woman like Niraya would not do something unless she had calculated her gains for doing it.

  She smiled and nodded involuntarily as people on the streets cheered for her return. She kept up her façade as she assessed the situation. Niraya had not won the people over yet, if the relief in the people's faces were any indication. People loyal to her father still remained loyal or she would not be walking through the streets unharmed. That, and Niraya would have held the throne now and have her killed.

  The servants in the castle crowded behind her whispering excitedly as she walked through the marble floors into the throne room. She kept herself still as representatives from many of the major noble houses stood present with differing expressions – those nearer in line to the throne, frowning at her sudden appearance.

  Sitting on the throne in front of the balcony whose curtains were drawn open was Niraya. Her eyes gentle and glad. A perfect act to match the perfect set-up. Alethi knew she could do very little from her vantage point. The room to maneuver was very small, she did not think she would come out unscathed.

  Her fingers closed around the diamond pendant then released it. She was not going to show a sign of weakness to these animals. She stood in the middle the symbol of House Cathak near the throne itself. It was a sapphire circle representing eternal peace and in the middle was the ruby sword of Dosalam with the emerald vine of Rehanathi, symbolizing the unity of the two races.

  Niraya stood up and bowed her head slightly. Not too much to defer, not too shallow to offend. "Princess Alethi Cathak."

  Alethi could hear her title emphasized. The bitch witch did plan to take the throne and make her a traitor in front of witnesses. "Niraya." She did not bow and met the woman's eyes.

  "We are all glad that you have arrived," she stepped down and hugged her. "We were afraid the elves have killed you."

  Alethi stepped back politely. "They have honor still, Niraya. Thank you for holding the throne in my absence."

  "Of course. I expect you will preside over the plans on how we will infiltrate Rehanathi, then."

  Alethi cursed in her head. The bitch witch was quick. "An attack? What for Niraya? And where is Orrin?"

  Niraya sighed, her face looking distraught. "He had returned to us saying that you have traded yourself for the Imreal, but droplets of it spilled over the king and he died because o
f it. We are afraid it was poison and not the essence of Imreal and now, we are looking to see if he is part of this terrible assassination plot from the elves."

  "Imreal's essence is blue. Perhaps he had changed it. Was the liquid blue?"

  "I am afraid it was clear, princess. We did not know what it looks like."

  Alethi clenched her teeth and showed anger as appropriate, but not for the reasons everyone thought. Imreal was the blood of the world and the blood of her father. The damned thing was red and she had not seen it yet. Orrin was alive and he was probably kept alive for the bitch witch to know where the Imreal was. The bitch witch used them to get the Imreal's magic to use for herself!

  "I see."

  "What do you want us to do with the traitor?" Niraya asked keeping her face straight.

  "Nothing. We cannot prove that he is indeed a traitor."

  "He killed the king! He should be sent to the gallows!" A noble burst out while another said, "Only he knew what the true Imreal was and he switched it!"

  Alethi cursed herself once more. In finding out Niraya's intentions and Orrin's condition, she had boxed herself into ordering Orrin's death as a traitor. She knew she had no chance of winning now. The nobles and Niraya would force her to kill her birth father and launch an attack against Rehanathi – both of which she could not and would not do. If she did not, she would be branded as a traitor herself.

  She glared at Niraya and the bitch witch looked at her astonished.

  "My dear," she put her hand over her heart and stepped back. "Do not tell me that you are not going to sentence Orrin or go to war against those who sought the king's life!" She shook her head with a look He sof disbelief on her face when she did not answer. "What have the elves done to you…Gaurds!"

  It all happened too quickly as she heard swords sliding out of their scabbards and rhythmic footfalls grow louder. Above her, she saw a glint of an arrowhead pointed at her. An arrowhead of elfin design. And then a flash followed by silence and the rustle of leaves and a wayward chirp of a bird.


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