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Player in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 3)

Page 4

by Alex Wolf

  A candle too close to the curtains upstairs would be enough to get the fire started…


  I haven’t slept for shit after looking at the flash drive. She documented everything. The bruises on her skin had me balling my hands into fists. I was such a bastard to her at the office. It was shitty of her to leave me, but I never wished that kind of pain on her. Sure, I wanted her to hurt the way I did but what that bastard did to her—I want to kill him.

  I’ve never been an angry person. I’m always the calm and collected one who thinks rationally.

  But, a rage I’ve never felt before courses through my veins and I don’t know what to do about it. There’s nothing I can do but try to burn it off in my home gym. I run five miles on the treadmill, practically sprinting the whole time, and I still can’t get the pictures out of my head. I almost wish she hadn’t shown them to me. There’s no way I’ll ever trust her again, but I’ll still keep her safe. Get her away from that piece of shit.

  She said he was in Vegas but what if he comes home early? What will he do once he finds out she’s filed for divorce?

  It’s a crazy idea, but I want to bring her to my building.

  He can’t get in without a code and we have great security. She’ll be safe here.

  I don’t owe her anything. I know that, but I can’t look the other way. I can’t walk away when she needs me. She may have left me hanging, but that’s not my style. I still care about her as a person.

  She sought me out for a reason. Maybe it was a last-effort cry for help. I’m a damn good attorney. I can get this fixed for her.

  I can still guard her heart even though she didn’t guard mine.

  I want to laugh when I see all that her father had left. He lost everything because he was an idiot. It should make me happy, but it doesn’t. I can’t revel in it because it’s Jenna’s livelihood.

  I haven’t looked at her husband much yet, but I bet the fucker’s dirty. Something doesn’t sit right about the whole thing. The date of her marriage puts it a short amount of time after I left. There’s no way Jenna could’ve hidden another relationship. People surprise you, but there’s just no way—something happened.

  I know Jenna loved me. I was too proud to look back, but I can’t help but think about what would’ve happened if I’d gone back for her. Would things have turned out differently?

  What’s done is done. I can’t change that.

  She wanted to explain at the office, but I don’t know if I want her to. What if she says things I don’t want to hear? What if I could’ve had her?

  I flick off the lights in the gym and head for a shower, knowing I probably won’t sleep again tonight.

  Days have passed.

  I tried to call Jenna a few times and it keeps going to voicemail. I don’t want to leave a message in case her husband checks her phone. If her evidence is any indication, I wouldn’t put it past the dude. Abusive husbands are always controlling and do shit like that. I should’ve passed her case off like I said I would. It’s too personal.

  But, I just—can’t.

  I don’t know what to do. Do I drive out to her place to check on her? Pretend I need her to sign paperwork? I don’t want to tangle with her husband but I’m worried. What if he knows she was here and he did something to her?

  I can’t sit here not knowing.

  Knocking on Weston’s office door I let out a breath. He isn’t going to like this shit at all. I never let personal feelings get in the way of a case, but this is different.

  It’s Jenna.

  “Got a minute?”

  “Sure. Come in.”

  I take a seat across from him and just dive in head first.

  “Remember the time I got drunk back in college and told you about the girl?”

  “The one you were pussy-whipped over that left you behind? Yeah, how could I forget?”

  I stare off at the wall. “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Your life was a country song.” He laughs. “What about her?”

  “She came in yesterday.”


  I sigh. “Yeah. Hadn’t seen her in thirteen years.”

  “You okay?”

  I should lie. I look weak as fuck right now. I can’t, though. Weston’s the only one of the assholes in the office I’d trust with this. If anyone understands, it’s him. Especially now that he’s settling down. “Honestly…” I blow out a breath and run a hand through my hair. “I don’t know. She’s petitioning for divorce. It’s bad.”

  His eyes narrow. “And she sought you out for counsel?”


  I lay out the story for him about the files she brought in.

  “I don’t like it. Won’t end well for you. Telling you this as a friend and a colleague. You’re too invested emotionally. You’ll be tempted to step in and play hero. I don’t want you working it.”

  “I can handle the shit.” It’s a lie. We both know it. Fucking Jenna. She has me lying to my best friend and partner.

  He eyes me for a few seconds that feel like forever. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, so I won’t waste my breath. You didn’t come in here to ask, you came in here to apprise me of facts, and I appreciate that even if I think it’s stupid.”

  “It’s not—”

  “Don’t interrupt me. Anyone else I’d tell to fuck off right now. That says something about you. It’s your decision. You know it’s personal, but I trust your judgment. Keep me informed.”

  “I need to check on her. She hasn’t answered my calls. I need to see her. I think I should move her into the empty apartment on my floor to keep her safe.”

  He glares across the table. “Jesus, how bad did this woman fuck you up? Are you insane?”


  “She could be fine. Could just be another client. What are you going to do? Drive to her house? Kick the shit out of her husband? We’re not twenty-one anymore. Fuck. You need to grow up.”

  “Of course I’m not going to go in swinging. I can make something up if he’s there.”

  “This is just—fucking stupid. Are you listening to yourself?”

  I rub my face with my palms and stare right back at him. “I have to do this. I need to know she’s not hurt.”

  “Fucking hell.” He stands up and starts pacing. “Did you stop to think maybe she changed her mind. It’s not uncommon. She’s a battered woman. A lot of them never have the courage to leave.”

  “Even more reason for me to go.”

  “Oh, bullshit. You’re not a professional at helping abused women. You can’t force help on someone like that. They have to want it.”

  “She filed for divorce.”

  “And if she did it willingly, she’ll be in touch.”

  “I’ll talk to her. Fuck, I’ll get Brooke to talk to her. She deals with that stuff.”

  “You’re not bringing my wife into this shit. If you need to see her go do it, but man—you can’t put your career on the line for her. She dumped you. Remember? You just saw her once, for the first time in thirteen years. You wouldn’t do this for another client without all the information up front.”

  I know that shit. I don’t need fucking reminders. Maybe I’m being an idiot, but I’ll never forgive myself if something is wrong.

  I should’ve already gone. I won’t make that mistake a second time.


  It’s gone. I burned it to ashes.

  There’s nothing left but the frame and a few walls. They ruled it an accident.

  I didn’t do it on purpose, even though I’d thought about it. When I lit Leonard’s stuff on fire the wind blew the flames back on the house. I was extremely lucky. It happened after I went to sleep. I can’t believe I was that stupid. I drank a little too much and passed out before putting it out. Several hours later I woke with the roof already threatening to fall in.

  Fortunately, a neighbor saw the blaze on his way home and called for help. I’ve been in the hospital for
two days from the smoke inhalation. They’ve treated me with oxygen and an IV. There are a few first-degree burns on my left arm, but other than that I came out pretty much unscathed.

  Revenge nearly killed me.

  A cab dropped me off about an hour ago. I’m sitting on a stump, pondering my life. I need to find somewhere to stay. We had insurance but I’m sure Leonard will find some way to get the money.

  I wonder what my mother would think of all this. God, I wish she was here. I could really use one of her hugs.

  Leonard doesn’t know about the fire. Has no clue. I don’t want to deal with him yet.

  I should probably call Jaxson. He’s my attorney, after all.

  Just as I think about it a black SUV pulls in the driveway and Jaxson gets out.

  God, he’s beautiful in his suit. I probably look like a hot mess. I know I feel like one.

  My hair needs brushed, and my clothes smell like smoke. I’m wearing the same thing I wore to his office. I was lucky I left my purse in the car and the important paperwork in the fireproof safe.

  So many things rush through my mind right now. I’m scared.

  I really want Jaxson to take me in his arms and tell me everything is going to be all right. I just want to be held for a few minutes. Forget about the world for even a second.

  “Jenna.” Nothing in the world sounds better than my name on his lips right now.

  There’s something about him that just makes me feel—safe. Protected.

  “Over here.” I wobble a little when I stand up and didn’t realize how lightheaded I was.

  He stares at the charred shell that was once my house. “What happened?”

  I fight against the tears. I don’t want him to see me like this. “Long story.”

  “I’ve got time.”

  It’s hard to be strong with him staring at me the way he does, but I don’t want to look weak. I’m not weak. Not anymore. “Walk with me?”

  He holds out an arm for me to take. I accept it without even thinking.

  He has no idea how much I need his support right now, but I refuse to beg for anything.

  We walk around the house and I confess everything. I know it was stupid, but he doesn’t seem to judge. It’s like the old Jaxson is back, not the hard-ass lawyer. It’s hard not to smile. Jaxson gets me like no one ever has.

  When we walk past the barn Jaxson stops in his tracks and looks inside. “We spent a lot of time up there.” A fleeting smile flashes across his face for a split-second.

  I take his hand and lead him to the ladder.

  He stops in front of it and shakes his head. It’s like he’s holding back everything. Like he’s pushed our past way down inside and doesn’t want to open that box. “I don’t know.” He shakes his head, slowly.

  “Please?” I give him a long, hard stare, and step onto one of the rungs.

  “I just—”

  “I’ve never seen you at a loss for words before.”

  “I’m not sure this is something I want to revisit.”

  “I just want five minutes.”

  “Look, you don’t owe me—”



  “I need this. Please?”

  Something about the way he stares at me, the whole situation—I can’t fight back the tears any longer. They stream down my cheeks.

  Jaxson moves at lightning speed and wipes the tears from my face. “Okay.” He nods lightly and holds the old wooden ladder steady. “Okay.”

  He follows me up once I reach the top.

  The hayloft is empty other than a few old boxes.

  I open one of them and find an old horse blanket, then spread it on the dusty floor.

  His suit is dirty, and he has a smudge on his cheek, but seems oblivious.

  “This is how I remember you.” I wipe the dark line away.

  His smooth fingers grasp my hand. “What happened to us?” His gorgeous brown eyes lock onto mine.

  I lose all train of thought as he just stares.


  I blink. “Sorry. Just—sorry.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

  No! I have him up here and I may never get another opportunity. I look away and start the story before he can change his mind. “That night ruined my life.” I wipe a tear from my cheek. “There are things you don’t know. Things I’ve been ashamed to tell anyone. Especially you.”

  “I’m in a hayloft. There’s not really anywhere for me to escape. Just tell me what I did.”

  I shake my head and cup a palm over my mouth. “You d-didn’t do anything.”

  He grabs me by the hand and leads me to the blanket so we can sit.

  I try to smile through all the pain and rub my thumb over his knuckles. “Your hands used to be so rough.” I miss the callouses on his hands from days of working the ranch and mending broken fence posts. “Things didn’t turn out so bad for you, right? You’re doing well for yourself, like you said you would. I’m so proud of you.”



  “We both know that’s not why I’m up here.”

  “Right.” I shake my head to try and snap out of the daze that forms around my brain any time he’s around. “I wanted to go with you so bad.” My voice tries to crack. I hate this. I hate crying. It’s not me. But with Jaxson it’s just—different. “I was waiting. I was right over there in my room, staring out the window, waiting.” I burst into tears.

  “What were you waiting for?” He takes my hands in his. “Just breathe for a second. Take your time.”

  “I was waiting to sneak out my window. We were so close. So close to the life we wanted.”

  “So why didn’t you come?”

  “My mom. She came to the door and said Dad wanted me in the office.”

  Jaxson’s head angles to the ground and he just stares at the floor, silent.

  “He knew. He knew what we were doing.”

  Jaxson’s face holds no emotion as I tell him everything that happened.

  After a few long seconds that feel like an eternity, he shakes his head and looks up at me. “Jesus.” He stands up and laces his fingers behind his head, pacing around the loft. He keeps looking at me and then out toward where the house was. “You should have told someone.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks. “I know, but I was scared. He was going to throw your family on the street. They would’ve had nothing.”

  His jaw clenches and he stares. “That wasn’t a burden meant just for you. You had a phone.”


  “No, Jenna. That’s what caused all this. You made me hate you. The woman I loved more than life. All the evil thoughts that drove me for years. Yeah, your old man was a prick for what he did. But we could’ve figured something out. I would’ve waited for you. I would’ve done—something.”

  “I know.” I stand up and try to get him to look at me. “You were stronger than me. It’s why I wanted to follow you anywhere. You always were.”

  He sighs and seems to loosen a little.

  “I can’t fix that. But I need help now and you’re the only person I knew to turn to. You saw the pictures I’m sure. He’ll be back.”

  Jaxson whips around with rage on his face that I’ve never seen. “He won’t touch you again.”

  “I just need to be divorced and done with him.”

  Jaxson stalks over and grips my hand. “You won’t see him again unless I’m in the room. I have an apartment next to mine. Fully furnished. You’ll stay there until this is done. There’s security at all hours.”

  I shake my head nervously, but I’d be lying to myself if I wasn’t screaming on the inside for him to take me there right now. Jax has always been protective and assertive. He’s just, it for me. “You don’t have to take care of me.”

  “This is happening. I won’t lose you…” He looks away and catches himself for a moment.

  I want to melt into his arms, but I can’t. Not until this is all
behind me.

  “History isn’t going to repeat itself. You’re going.”

  “There was no way for you to know. It wasn’t your fault. I was just doing…”

  “It was my fault. I should’ve come back. I should’ve known something…”

  Brushing his thumb over one of the scars on my arm, he bends his head down and kisses the raised skin.

  Looking into his eyes, I feel transported back in time to the last time we were in the loft. He still stares at me the same way he did then.


  I want nothing more than to kiss Jenna so hard that she agrees to my demands. “I’ll be there for you this time.”


  “We both know what’s going to happen.” I slant my mouth over hers and claim what should’ve been mine all these years. I tell her with the kiss that she’s going with me and there’s nothing she can do about it. I won’t have her homeless, running around like a target for her ex. It’s not gonna happen.

  “Okay.” She breathes out the word after our lips part.

  I take her by the hand. “You’ll love the place. It’s comfortable and secure.”

  She gives me a brief nod like she’s ready to leave this nightmare behind.

  I just want her to feel safe, protected. We walk outside, and I guide her into the car and buckle her seatbelt. “I’ll have someone come for your car.”

  She nods again.

  I walk around to the driver’s side and glance over at the charred house. I just shake my head and try to fight back a snicker.

  I can’t believe she burnt the fucking house down.

  She’d always seemed to love the place growing up. Hell, I loved it too, but only because it was her place. I guess after what she’s gone through in there, the feelings can easily change.

  I take her hand in mine as we pull away. My fingers brush over her knuckles just to see her smile for even a brief second. I can’t remember the last time things felt so—right.

  “What’s this?” I glance down.

  She has my class ring on her finger.


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