The Big Book of Bondage

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The Big Book of Bondage Page 14

by Alison Tyler

  They pulled her to her feet, then yanked her toward the wall where there was a mural of a man riding a serpent, the great thunderbird in the background—a legend of Ruby’s people. Jansey felt limp in their arms, like she couldn’t possibly stand without them.

  “What are you doing?” Jansey asked, panting. She was so turned on her legs scarcely supported her.

  Nakesha quickly untied her arms. “Oh, you’ll see, little girl.” Beatriz raised them up above her head as Nakesha wove the red rope through an iron hoop plunged deep into the concrete wall. The school surely used it for stringing up a volleyball net or something, but these girls had other ideas. Nakesha and Beatriz secured her to that hoop in the wall, tying her wrists so tight she was sure her hands would turn purple.

  Meanwhile, Ruby collected two more skipping ropes and brought them over. All three whispered, pointing to the iron hoops near the floor, one on either side of each foot, but at a distance. That must be where the gym teacher tied up the kiddie goal nets for indoor soccer and floor hockey.

  “Open those legs, little girl.” Nakesha’s command, but it was Beatriz who stepped up and slapped the insides of Jansey’s thighs. The smack of those flat hands rang out against her spandex, and it stung a little, but not as bad as flesh on flesh. How she wished they would strip her bare and spank her all over: slap her naked thighs and her tits, smack her cunt over and over again.

  “Open wider,” Ruby instructed, kneeling to tie one of Jansey’s ankles with a red rope. Even through her sock, it felt tight.

  Beatriz did the same on the other side, and that was even tighter. The confinement made Jansey feel like Godzilla, and when the girls secured her ankles to those metal rungs, her ass clenched and her pussy rang out. If it wasn’t for the spandex, Jansey knew her juice would be dripping all the way to her knees by now.

  Her legs were spread, her arms above her head, and she watched that pack of wolves lick their lips in unison. They wanted her—she could see the lust in all six of those dark, gleaming eyes. And what they wanted, they could have, they could take, devour.

  “Please…” Jansey didn’t know quite what to ask for. Her head was buzzing with desire. “Just take me. Do anything.”

  For a long moment, nobody moved. Nakesha was the first, and she only ran to her gym bag, returning with a Swiss Army knife. Jansey’s throat went dry as she watched the blade flip up, its sharp edge gleaming against the fluorescent lights in cages on the ceiling.

  “What’s that for?” Jansey stammered.

  “For this.” Pulling on the top of Jansey’s one-piece, Nakesha sliced the spandex down the middle, all the way to her belly button. “And also…for this.” When Nakesha’s hand touched down on the crotch of Jansey’s one-piece, she nearly fainted. She was so needy, so chock full of arousal, that even the quick brush of fingers weakened her knees.

  As the other girls looked on, Nakesha pulled the spandex away from Jansey’s body and cut a jagged hole. She never wore underwear with her one-piece, since it had a sort of built-in crotch, and now not only did her tits swing free, but her pussy lips were kissed by the humid gymnasium air. She’d shaved her pussy that morning, and she was so tender and bare Nakesha’s firm touch made her shudder with so much pleasure it was almost painful.

  “Oh god…” Jansey backed into the cool painted wall when Nakesha’s long fingers slipped between her pussy lips. Through rivers of juice, Nakesha stroked Jansey’s clit, already so throbbing and distended it protruded rudely beyond her naked outer lips. She felt like she had her very own cock down there, and it was getting hard as she imagined what might come next.

  “Turn on the music,” she heard herself pleading. She wasn’t sure where that request had come from, but the idea made her quiver.

  “Why?” Nakesha asked, rubbing her clit in tight circles. “You want to visualize the routine while I’m eating your cunt, little girl?”

  Jansey’s knees buckled. If it wasn’t for the skipping rope binding her to the iron ring in the wall, she would have fallen right to the ground. “Yeah,” she said, fuzzy-headed, desperate. Her arms strained and she forced her spread legs to hold her upright. “Music…”

  Ruby turned it on, and the bass line rode up her thighs, rocking her pelvis. She’d felt it stronger when her core was closer to the ground, of course, but now Nakesha’s deft fingers seemed to guide the beat straight into her pussy.

  “Yes,” Jansey moaned, holding that s until she ran out of breath.

  It was a club beat, a remix, and it got her so hot she wanted to dance. She swayed a little as Nakesha watched her, amused, stroking her sopping wet pussy slowly now.

  “Come on,” Nakesha shouted over the music. “Suck our little girl’s tits while I lick her sweet pussy.”

  Jansey’s heart thumped like crazy, like she’d been shot up with epinephrine or something. She watched Nakesha sink to the floor until that tall beauty disappeared behind a cascade of black hair.

  Ruby and Beatriz closed in fast, tearing sliced spandex away from her chest and locking on to her tits. The pleasure was so immediate and so vast, Jansey didn’t know what to concentrate on: Sweating hands cupping her breast? Plump lips encircling her nipples? Tongues licking those hard buds, mouths sucking them? Or maybe just the expressions of pleasure in the girls’ eyes as they gazed up at her? Jansey watched the stress lines disappear from their foreheads, and she felt as though she’d given them something good.

  And then Nakesha’s tongue touched her clit, and the world went black.

  Jansey felt herself slipping down on Nakesha’s face, and she tried to pull herself back up but her arms and legs were weak with arousal. Nakesha gripped her thighs hard, pushing her ass flush to the wall, licking Jansey’s clit as the sliced-open spandex at her crotch retreated, curling around her naked pussy lips, pushing them together. She could feel the pressure on her clit and she found herself rocking, though she wasn’t sure how she was doing it. Maybe the music had her in its grips. No, that was Nakesha, grasping her ass now and swaying her body with the beat.

  Just like Ruby and Beatriz, Nakesha locked her mouth down on Jansey’s body. When Jansey closed her eyes, she could see that mouth clamped around her shaved pussy through that jagged hole in her leotard. She still couldn’t believe Nakesha had ruined her uniform, but this pleasure was definitely worth buying a new one.

  Nakesha was sucking now, just like Ruby and Beatriz, like everybody was giving her body one big blow job—tits, clit, pussy lips, everything was getting sucked inside somebody’s warm, wet mouth.

  She was going to come so fast like this, all strung up from above, legs parted, feet tied to the wall. If her hands had been free, she would have cupped Ruby and Beatriz’s heads, pressing them harder against her chest, forcing them to choke on her tits. As it was, she found herself bucking against Nakesha’s face. She didn’t mean to. Her hips moved to the music, thrusting into Nakesha’s mouth like she was fucking the woman’s throat, faster and faster.

  Any minute now, she would explode with cum—at least, that’s how it felt. Their routine hadn’t even crossed her mind, but this was no time for work. Sex was the sport of queens, and she writhed with her teammates, the girls who’d taken regionals, who would one day hold the cup. Her body moved like a wave against their mouths.

  That familiar sensation rested deep in her belly, wanting, waiting to come out. It liked Ruby and Beatriz. It liked Nakesha even better—Nakesha whose fingertip slid easily up inside her pussy. God, she was wet. She was so damn wet Nakesha’s slim, long fingers slipped right up there.

  All the girls kept licking her, sucking her skin, savoring her body. Nakesha finger-fucked her, petted her insides, fucked her again. Swift alternation. She couldn’t keep up with everything that was happening to her body. It was like a whirlwind, a tornado of lust tearing her apart. The sensations blew Jansey’s mind. Her whimpers turned to yelps and hollers as Beatriz nipped at her tits.

  “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she kept repeating to hers
elf, and to Nakesha, whose fingers gave her such intense pleasure—not that anyone could hear her low growls over the loud music.

  It was getting to be too much now. Jansey fucked Nakesha’s face while Nakesha fucked her pussy. Ruby sucked hard on one tit while Beatriz bit the other. Hopefully that security guard really had passed out from the booze, because if not, her screams would surely summon him. She didn’t exactly want to be caught strung up like this, but she couldn’t stop. She didn’t want to. Her whole body bucked against the girls, writhed against the wall, back and forth, rapid fire.

  And then she popped.

  The buzz in her belly overwhelmed her and she screamed until her throat felt as raw and red as her poor little pussy. Jansey pushed forward and pulled down until her arms strained, muscles blazing. She pushed against her heavy orgasm, bore down on the fingers and tongues, and all at once it was too much, too much, too much. It was more than she could handle. She would have kicked them all away, but her feet were still tethered to the wall. Instead she hollered, “Stop!”

  And they did.

  “You okay?” Ruby asked. Her lips were all red and swollen from the sucking. So was that small stretch of skin between the top of her lip and the bottom of her nose. Beatriz looked much the same, but Nakesha… Wow! When she stood, her face was gleaming with juices, and when she wiped them with the back of her hand, Jansey’s knees went weak for about the fortieth time tonight.

  It wasn’t just Nakesha’s chin that gleamed, though—her eyes did too. When Ruby had inched away to turn down the music, Jansey said, “That was amazing.”

  Nakesha replied with a simple “Yeah.”

  “You think you can concentrate on the routine now?” Beatriz untied her hands first, while Ruby worked at her ankles. Their presence hardly registered at the moment. Jansey was too wrapped up in Nakesha’s loving gaze. It took a few moments before she even realized she was loose again. There were new ties binding her now, and they weren’t made of jump ropes.

  “We might have to do that again,” Jansey said, gazing into Nakesha’s depths.

  How could everything change so fast? But it could. It could.

  “Any time, little girl.” Nakesha peeled off her one-piece and shoved it down to her ankles, pressing her small, dark tits against Jansey’s bare chest.

  They’d seen each other without clothes before, but Jansey knew this was the first time she was seeing Nakesha naked. And when this woman, her teammate and leader and lover and friend, kissed her with all the sizzling sensuality a pair of lips could pack, Ruby and Beatriz cheered from the sidelines.


  Stella Harris

  Lana sees the two striking men across the room and decides to take a chance. If she doesn’t do it now, she’ll never work up the guts. She’s been fantasizing about them for months, since the first day she saw them on set. Sean Mitchell and Jason Crane, daytime heartthrobs. On their own Sean and Jason are intimidating enough; together they are almost unapproachable. Lana screws up her courage and marches forward.

  “I know what you guys are up to,” Lana says, cocky grin in place, eager to display a confidence she doesn’t actually feel. Hot men, like dogs, can smell fear, she tells herself. Lana’s met with matching looks of innocence, Sean’s joined by a raised eyebrow. “Oh, come on. Everyone knows,” she insists, not willing to be deterred so easily. She’s gone over this conversation in her head countless times, determined to be ready for every contingency.

  “What’re you fishing for, Lana?” Jason asks, like he couldn’t care less about what she’s hinting at, but there’s an undercurrent of wariness. She knows they have to be carful, that Jason and Sean are worried about their professional reputations. A sad truth of the business is that gay, or even bisexual, men don’t get cast in leading roles.

  “I was just wondering what a girl had to do to get in on it,” she answers, not quite meeting either of the men’s eyes. But even her indirect gaze can’t miss the way Jason almost chokes on his sip of beer and the way Sean goes stiff and a little pale.

  They look at each other, a silent exchange as though they can read each other’s minds. And hell, maybe they can. That would explain why they work so well together, why their presence is larger than life when they’re on the screen, as if the energy between them jumps right out to grab the viewer. After a pause, Jason speaks. “If we’re gonna do this, we’re doing it our way.” Though he says our, he clearly means my. It hasn’t escaped her notice that Jason is the type of guy that likes to take charge. Not that Sean isn’t strong in his own way, but he seems to like letting Jason take the lead, especially in social settings.

  True to form, Sean doesn’t speak, but the look he gives her is a challenge. She hadn’t expected it to go this far, she thought she’d have to pass the whole thing off as a little harmless teasing. But if they’re serious, she certainly isn’t going to back down.

  Lana arrives at the hotel room not knowing what to expect. She’d received an email from Jason telling her where to be and when, and reminding her to be prepared to do as she was told. She’s afraid she’ll find out this is all a big joke, but her curiosity won’t let her walk away. She has to knock on that door.

  Jason answers, predatory smile firmly in place. If she didn’t already know him and trust him, she’d be worried. A man of his size with that look on his face? Trouble. He’s dressed to his best advantage, the way he always is. Or maybe it’s just that anything would look good on him. He’s tall and muscular, with big strong hands that Lana can’t tear her eyes from as he waves her in.

  Sean is across the room, leaning against the sturdy hotel desk with a drink in his hand. He doesn’t speak, but the look he gives her is appraising. His silence and scrutiny make her nervous. Sean is as attractive as Jason, though in his own way. Sean isn’t as tall as Jason but he’s still a tall man; both of them tower over Lana. Sean’s features are softer than Jason’s—she imagines he would have looked almost feminine when he was younger. Maybe he still would if he didn’t cultivate a five o’clock shadow at all times.

  Jason moves into the room to stand next to Sean and picks up a drink of his own. Neither of them offer her anything. She’s not sure if she’d want it, anyway. Her nerves are on edge, but she wants to be sharp for this, doesn’t want to miss anything. Lana knows this is a one-time thing.

  “Strip,” Jason commands from his place by the wall. She knows he wants to be in charge of this encounter, but hadn’t fully realized what that would mean.

  “Excuse me?” Lana’s surprised, not used to being addressed in that tone. She kind of likes it. Jason exudes confidence and authority. Something deep inside her longs to obey. But this is so far from the fun-loving Jason she knows that she’s taken aback.

  “I told you this would be on our terms, so if you want to stay, then strip,” Jason explains in an even, firm tone, like it’s the most reasonable thing in the world. She eyes them again, thinking that maybe this was a bad idea—a terrible idea—maybe she should just turn around and leave now. But when her glance reaches Sean’s eyes, she stops. The look he’s giving her, it’s… hungry, and that’s enough to get her in the game.

  Lana drops her purse and starts to strip as instructed. She’s too aware of being watched to make it sexy, so she settles for trying not to fall over herself. She’s always been clumsy, it’s one of many things she’s self-conscious about. She toes off her shoes, then pulls off her shirt. In just jeans and a bra she glances at the men and sees that they haven’t moved. They offer no word or gesture to encourage her, but Sean licks his lips, and intentional or not, it gets her moving again. She unclasps her bra and lets it drop unceremoniously to the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  Lana pops the button on her jeans and unzips her fly. She looks up to meet first Jason’s gaze and then Sean’s. They’re still watching her as she slides her jeans and underwear down. Once she’s done undressing they break eye contact and let their eyes roam over her body.

  She stands totally nud
e in the middle of the room while the boys are still fully dressed. It seems unfair, but she does her best to stand proudly, chin raised, and not look uncomfortable. She makes a living on her looks and yet has never achieved the confidence most people assume goes along with that. Lana finds herself not only waiting for the next instruction but even eager for it. The wait is terrible. She wants to fidget, to ask questions, to take action.

  Perhaps deciding she’s suffered enough, Jason finally speaks. “Get on the bed, on your back.” His tone is a little softer this time, but it’s still an order, and her heartbeat quickens at the sound of it.

  This is the last step. If she does this, does as he says, this becomes real. She lets herself take one last moment to think, to compose herself. But, she reasons, she’s come this far, she may as well take it all the way. Lana moves over to the bed and climbs on. It’s one of those high hotel beds, the edge nearly reaching her waist. These beds always make her feel young, make her want to swing her legs over the edge.

  Lana positions herself in the middle of the bed and lies flat on her back. Her heart is pounding with anticipation and it’s difficult to resist asking questions. But even without being told she knows they’d be unwelcome, so she lies there and waits.

  She doesn’t have to wait for long. Jason sets his drink aside. The sound of the glass hitting the wood of the table fills the silence, and Lana tries not to flinch. Jason reaches into a bag on the floor that Lana hadn’t noticed before and his hand comes out holding a strip of black cloth. It takes her a moment to realize that this is a blindfold. She opens her mouth to protest, but a look from Jason is enough to silence her before she’s begun. Lana closes her eyes in submission and tingles from the tip of her head all the way down to her toes in anticipation of giving up her sense of sight.

  Jason fastens the blindfold across her eyes and ties it to the side of her head, so she’s not resting on the knot. His hands move with an assurance that makes it clear he’s done this kind of thing before. Lana is suddenly plunged into darkness. It’s a strange feeling when she knows that all the lights are on in the room and that she is still perfectly on display.


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