The Elf, the Cat, and the Human

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The Elf, the Cat, and the Human Page 5

by Sasha L. Miller

  "I don't—I was arguing with him?" Edrin frowned, not willing to admit what about. "I really don't like him."

  "You keep saying that," Teric said, lips quirking in amusement. "You know, if you had wanted him, I would've given him up."

  "I don't!" Edrin protested immediately, flushing. "And you were there first."

  Teric laughed, his tail snaking along the bed to wrap around Edrin's wrist. The fur was soft against his skin, and Edrin almost froze, endeavoring to seem casual.

  "It was … I liked him, I admit." Teric shrugged. "But I've liked other people before and not done anything about it."

  "Oh?" Edrin asked, curious even though that wasn't the issue.

  "Yes." Teric smiled mischievously. "Haven't you ever had a crush?"

  "Yes," Edrin said, sighing. "So much trouble."

  "Aren't they?" Teric asked rhetorically. "But it was really only sex and a bit of affection. I wouldn't have been—if you wanted a chance, I could've put in a good word."

  "Teric!" Edrin said, scowling. "I hate him."

  "You kissed him," Teric said, repeating himself patiently. "That has to count for something."

  "But he's a snob. A spoiled brat with a bad attitude and the only thing he has going for him is his pretty face—" Edrin cut off, horrified, and Teric laughed.

  "He's a good lay, if you can talk him into it," Teric said thoughtfully, his tail winding and unwinding around Edrin's wrist.

  "Teric!" Edrin protested, wondering if Teric was joking or not. Probably a bit of both; Akeid looked like he'd be a good lay, and definitely acted like it, and what in the world was he thinking?

  Teric laughed, shaking his head. "Just don't kiss anyone I really am dating."

  "I'm sorry." Edrin said again, not really feeling any better about the whole thing. He didn't deserve to feel better, though; he'd screwed up and needed to take his lumps.

  "Edrin, really." Teric jabbed him in the leg hard. "Cheer up or I'll make you kiss me too, to even things out."

  Edrin flushed, scowling. "That's not funny."

  "What? You wouldn't want to kiss me?" Teric teased, his ears flickering with amusement. Edrin hesitated too long, and Teric raised an eyebrow, his tail stilling where it was still fidgeting around Edrin's wrist. "Edrin?"

  "I would," Edrin said quietly, leaning back. Staring at the floor, he wasn't surprised when Teric's tail untwined and slipped away, leaving his wrist feeling empty. "That's why—I was so mad at him." Edrin sighed, meeting Teric's eyes. "He said he was only using you."

  "What?" The word slipped from Teric's lips quietly, his eyes wide with surprise.

  "Akeid," Edrin said miserably. He might as well come out with it all now. "He didn't like me or had wanted to cut me off from you or torment me more or something. He figured out that—that I liked you. Like you. So he … took you away and tormented me with it. But I couldn't tell you because I couldn't tell you that and I'm sorry."

  Teric blinked twice, looking bewildered. "You like me?"

  "Only if it doesn't kill our friendship," Edrin replied tentatively.

  "Um," Teric said, still looking confused as he said, "But I like you. Um. I have, for a while."

  "But Akeid—" Edrin said, staring at Teric. Was he dreaming? Or had Teric actually said he liked Edrin in a non-friend way?

  "I like—liked him too." Teric frowned. "He really was nice, and he could be really sweet. He brought me coffee. But I liked you before that. I don't know, we don't—you can ignore this, sorry." Teric bit his lip, his amber eyes hooded.

  Edrin scowled. "No."

  "No?" Teric echoed, meeting his eyes.

  "No," Edrin repeated, shoving himself off the bed. He moved to stand in front of where Teric was sitting, frowning down at Teric belligerently. "I'm not."

  "You're not?" Teric asked thoughtlessly, before shaking his head. "Then—"

  Edrin shut him up with a kiss, since Teric had said it himself—he liked Edrin, which meant Edrin could do things like shut him up with kisses. Edrin didn't want to chance him taking it back, which was another perk to the whole kissing thing. Teric kissed back immediately, like he'd been waiting years to do just that. He wrapped an arm around Edrin's neck, nearly pulling Edrin down on top of him when Edrin lost his balance.

  "Ah—" Teric broke away, and Edrin did tumble, catching himself on the mattress and nearly doing a faceplant into Teric's lap. "Are you sure?"

  Edrin growled. "Yes."

  Teric's eyebrows rose, and his chest shook.

  "Stop laughing," Edrin commanded, pushing himself upright and making a face at Teric.

  "I bet you're glad you kissed Akeid now," Teric said, mostly keeping a straight face; the way the corners of his mouth twitched gave him away though. Edrin scowled, kissing Teric again so that he couldn't say anything more.


  Akeid was fighting a headache and was in a bad mood by the time he dragged himself into his French class. Edrin wasn't there, at least, and that helped. He couldn't even begin to think what he'd say to the stupid human. Frowning at the room, Akeid took his usual seat towards the left, behind where Jenai sat.

  Setting out his notebook for this class and a pen, Akeid wondered if he could get away with skipping at this point. He really shouldn't have come, but he really shouldn't have gotten completely smashed last night either. Jenai would expect him to be here, too.

  Akeid smiled bitterly. He loved the way he got to fashion his life around what his father thought was best, with Jenai the watchdog there to report Akeid's every move back just in case he set half a toe out of line. Flipping open to the next clean page in his notebook, Akeid watched with as Jenai walked up the aisle and sat down in front of him, easily hiding the resentment he felt.

  "Akeid," Jenai said, not looking up as he set about arranging his notebook. "How did things go?"

  "Fine," Akeid said flatly, striving for bored. He fell short of the mark, though, and Jenai looked up curiously.

  "You look like shit," he said, looking smug. When didn't he, Akeid thought uncharitably. "I told you, you got too attached."

  "I did not!" Akeid snapped. "Leave it, Jenai."

  "Akeid—" Jenai cut off as the professor walked in, chattering animatedly to one of their classmates in French. "We'll discuss this after class," Jenai promised, causing Akeid to scowled. Such fun. Jenai probably had another lecture in mind, all about how Akeid should strive to uphold the posterity of the elven class and the dignity of their family.

  Glancing around the room with a scowl, Akeid deliberately skipped past Edrin. He didn't want to look at the human. He'd managed to show up for class too, so it was a good thing Akeid had. He didn't want to seem like any of it was affecting him. Except that Jenai said he looked like shit. Fabulous.

  "Bonjour," the professor greeted, causing the class to settle. Akeid scowled, staring at his paper and willing the class period to go faster. He wanted to go home already. He had a second date with his bottle of whiskey.


  "Akeid—" Jenai said, grabbing his arm when Akeid went to walk away instead of hanging around for Jenai's latest lecture.

  "Unhand me," Akeid snapped, jerking his arm free with a dark look.

  "You're not behaving well," Jenai said stiffly. "Pull yourself together, Akeid—"

  "This isn't any way for a proper elf to behave," Akeid mimicked. "Shut it, Jenai. I did what you said."

  "It shouldn't have affected you," Jenai snapped, apparently irked that Akeid had taken the words from his mouth. Akeid sneered at him.

  "Don't show your anger, Jenai," Akeid taunted, glad that the hallway had vacated quickly, so there was no danger of anyone overhearing their argument.

  "Don't show your heartache," Jenai retorted sharply.

  "I'm not," Akeid said flatly, despite being sure the opposite was true.

  "Then why do you look like death warmed over?" Jenai demanded, glaring. "Father won't be happy."

  "Because of course you'll tell him everything," Akeid said, rolli
ng his eyes. "You need to get a life."

  "Yes, because yours is going so well for you." Jenai crossed his arms, looking remarkably pissed off. Usually Jenai was unflappable in these arguments, assured of his superior stance.

  "It was," Akeid said, scowling. "Who gives a shit if I got a little attached?"

  "Humans don't deserve your attention," Jenai said coldly. "And neither do lesser creatures."

  "Teric was not a lesser creature." Akeid said it before he could stop himself. Freezing, his eyes widened. He hadn't said that, had he?

  Jenai looked about ready to explode, so yes, he had. "You—" Jenai shook his head. "Akeid, you don't mean that."

  "No. I did," he replied slowly, a smile inching its way across his face. It was probably the hangover talking, but Akeid had had enough of Jenai and his father. "He's not. I suppose Edrin isn't either—fuck." Akeid stared as the classroom door opened and Edrin walked out with another student. Edrin looked stunned, while the other student just looked annoyed, pushing past them with a scowl.

  "Akeid." Jenai's voice was a pitch higher than it was supposed to be, and wavering slightly. "Take it back."

  Akeid scowled. "No."

  "You know what father will do," Jenai said, looking as though Akeid's fate—being disowned, his father wouldn't do less than that—was the most terrible fate he could conceive of.

  "Get lost. Go tattle." Akeid glared, whirling and stalking down the hallway. He wanted his whiskey now that he was done making stupid decisions like alienating his family.

  "Akeid." It was Edrin. Damn nosy human had probably been hanging around inside the classroom eavesdropping. "Akeid." Akeid ignored him. Maybe if he ignored Edrin, he would go away. "Akeid!" Edrin grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop. Akeid stumbled briefly before regaining his balance. He yanked his arm away from Edrin, shooting him a withering look. What was it with people and the unwanted touching today?

  "What?" Akeid demanded. Edrin gaped at him for a moment, and Akeid scoffed, turning to walk way.

  "You're not—" Edrin started, and then he grabbed Akeid's wrist, pulling him back the way they'd come. "You're coming with me."

  "No. Unhand me," Akeid said coldly, jerking his arm to try and free it. Edrin didn't let go though, just allowed himself to be tugged closer to Akeid. Edrin frowned at him, and Akeid stared for a moment before deciding it was probably easiest to scare Edrin off. Leaning closer, he smirked. "Let go. Or else," Akeid purred, hooking his fingers in the waistband of Edrin's jeans.

  "You're coming with me," Edrin said, snagging Akeid's hand before he could get any further. He was apparently unfazed by Akeid's attempt at scaring him off, which was disappointing. "Teric—"

  "Not going," Akeid said immediately. He didn't need to deal with Teric's heartbreak on top of the mess with Jenai and his father, and then having to deal with Edrin manhandling him.

  "Do it, or I'll make you walk home in your underwear," Edrin threatened and Akeid laughed, amused.

  "You could try it, human," Akeid said darkly, absolutely sure Edrin couldn't make good on that threat. The next thing Akeid knew, he was pressed against the hallway wall and Edrin was kissing him again. Akeid groaned, because Edrin's kisses were just as hot and consuming as he remembered. Akeid kissed back wholly without his permission, sliding his legs apart as Edrin shifted a thigh in—

  Jerking back, he scowled, shoving Edrin away and quickly doing up his slacks.

  "Fine," he snapped, because it really wouldn't do to be walking home in his underwear. Edrin smirked at him and Akeid scowled, crossing his arms over his chest and following Edrin towards his and Teric's dorm.


  Teric glanced up expectantly when the door opened, surprised when Edrin shoved Akeid in first. Akeid scowled, looking as impeccably groomed as always except for the paler-than-normal color of his skin and the circles under his eyes. Teric sat up straighter, his ears perking curiously.

  "Repeat what you said," Edrin said to Akeid, and Teric wondered what he was supposed to be feeling. It hurt more than he thought it would, seeing Akeid, but Akeid was obviously not having the best time of it either, which was odd since he had been just using Teric.

  "What? The 'let go' part?" Akeid sneered, jerking his arm out of Edrin's hold.

  "No. What you said to your brother," Edrin said, making Akeid scoff.



  "Or what, you'll kiss me again?" Akeid demanded crossly and Teric sighed, wondering what Edrin was thinking, bringing Akeid here.

  "No," Edrin replied menacingly, "I'll post a notice letting people know you're looking for a new human lover."

  "Oh, ouch. Color me convinced." Akeid ducked under Edrin's arm and headed for the door. Edrin reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt, dragging him back in. Akeid stumbled over a gym shoe, tumbling to the floor.

  "Edrin." Teric sighed, drawing a leg up onto the desk chair with him. "What are you doing?"

  "Trying to get you … happier?" Edrin said hesitantly.

  Teric shook his head ruefully. "A coerced apology isn't going to do that." He smiled, because it was sort of thoughtful even if it was also odd.

  "It's not an apology. Not really." Edrin offered a hand to Akeid. Akeid ignored him, standing up with much less than his usual grace even as he scowled at the refuse littered on the floor.

  "It's not," Akeid said, brushing off his slacks and then nonchalantly kicking Edrin in the shin, hard. Edrin grunted, but ignored it. "Just—yes, it is. I'm sorry. Goodbye." Akeid turned and headed for the door again. Edrin caught him around the waist this time, dragging him back despite Akeid's attempts to free himself.

  "You're sorry, as well?" Edrin said, smiling, and Teric really couldn't fight his confusion. Edrin seemed to be the only one who knew what was going on here. Akeid might, but he didn't seem to be telling.

  "Stop grabbing me," Akeid growled, elbowing Edrin in the stomach.

  "Oof." Edrin let him go, then said shortly, as Akeid eyed the door speculatively, "Don't."

  "Heavy-handed human," Akeid grumbled, shooting Edrin a dark look. "I want my whiskey."

  "He said you weren't a lesser creature," Edrin told Teric, ignoring Akeid completely. "I thought—he likes you."

  "What?" Akeid's eyes widened. "What the hell?"

  "Edrin—" Teric frowned. "I can't pick him over you."

  "You don't have to," Edrin said, looking nervous. "I mean. If we—you, and me, and him—because I like you and he likes you and me and I like you and him and you like me and him."

  "Threesomes don't work," Akeid said coolly. "I'm going home."

  "No," Edrin denied. "It's up to Teric."

  "Teric," Akeid said flatly, giving Teric a cold look that did nothing to disguise the way his voice wavered. "Let me go home."

  "I—no." Teric shook his head, standing up and fighting the way he felt kind of shaky. "You—why did you kiss Edrin?"

  "To hurt you," Akeid said promptly, sneering.

  "Liar," Edrin said, glancing nervously at Teric before yanking Akeid close again. Akeid scowled, opening his mouth to protest, but then Edrin was kissing him. Teric fought a smile as Akeid submitted immediately, kissing back without thinking. Edrin broke it a moment later, and Teric flushed, because maybe he shouldn't have been watching.

  "Dammit, no," Akeid snapped, pushing Edrin away. "Stop doing that."

  "You don't have to kiss back." Edrin said, looked pleased with himself, and Teric laughed, smiling as he stepped closer.

  "Let go of me," Akeid said crossly, yanking at the wrist Edrin had trapped in his grip.

  "No," Edrin denied, then looked at Teric.

  Teric touched Edrin's cheek lightly, Teric smiled again as he turned to Akeid. Akeid scowled at him, but it was faltering as Teric stared at him solemnly.

  "Edrin told me that you were sleeping with me to get at him," Teric said quietly. "You owe me."

  "Not like this!" Akeid protested, but probably just because he wasn't used to being pushed around. He d
idn't seem that upset by the prospect, though, if the flush to his cheeks and the way he wasn't really trying to get away from Edrin were any indication.

  "Anyway I want it," Teric said firmly. "I want it this way."

  "No," Akeid said, but it was weak. "It won't work."

  "I want to try," Teric said, stubbornly. "If it doesn't work, then we'll have tried. I want you, still, even though I shouldn't, you bastard."

  Akeid jerked arm free of Edrin's grip suddenly, but he didn't take off for the door. "Dammit," Akeid cursed, and pulled Teric forward to kiss him clumsily. Teric kissed back, pressing close because he'd missed Akeid, even if had only been a day. Groping blindly with his tail and right arm, Teric snagged Edrin and dragged him close too, breaking off kissing Akeid to kiss him instead.

  Edrin responded enthusiastically, and Teric decided that maybe last night's upset had been worth it, since he got this tonight, and hopefully for many more nights to come.


  About the Author

  Sasha has been writing slash ever since she began writing awful fanfiction in her freshman year of college. She grew up in the boonies of Northern New York (nowhere near NYC) and then branched out for college in a different part of the boonies of NNY. She then spent a few years in Vermont before finally landing in Cincinnati, where she shares a house crazy roommates and crazier cats.

  She loves to hear from her readers, and can be found on her website, twitter, and livejournal. If you liked this story, check out her other works in the LT3 Book Market.




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