Slow John

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Slow John Page 26

by Petit, C. J.

  Father Ryan could see the pain in John’s eyes when he spoke of what he had to do, and knew that there was little law out west and John was providing justice for those who could find it no other place. He again absolved John and told him that he was acting as a protector of the innocent and that no man has the right to take the life or to harm an innocent.

  John felt immensely better after his confession, which is what its true purpose is. He was impressed with Father Ryan’s ability to shift from interested listener the night before to a solemn judge of motive and remorse today.

  After they intense confessional period, they resumed a more light-hearted conversation about tomorrow’s wedding.

  Kate made some food and when they had eaten, John provided a horse and saddle for Father Ryan while Kate stood by with Bow. Cross was already saddled, so they all mounted and rode out to the Flynns, where John and Kate had the honor of being godparents to the two young children who bore their names.

  After the baptisms, John had to return to the town to do his job as sheriff, figuring Father Ryan would be busy hearing long overdue confessions for the next three hours.

  At the Flynn home, Father Ryan was doing just that, and his last confession of the day was Eliza. He listened to her confession, and then, after hearing how she felt guilty about things concerning her deceased husband, explained that she had no reason for guilt at all, then talked to her about her baby and was happy that she planned on loving the child despite the maliciousness of the father.

  Father Ryan gave her no penance for anything associated with sins related to her marriage and seemed thoroughly enchanted with Eliza.

  It was a quiet day in North Platte, which was now normal with Sheriff Slow John Flynn on the job. He balanced his day with time in the office and walking the town to let everyone know he was there.

  The rest of John’s evening and night were spent with Father Ryan and James Bigelow, and again, they shared stories of all sorts. He did avoid any talk about Melissa, for some reason or another.


  Most wedding days were hectic, and this one was to be no different, especially considering the early hour.

  Father Ryan, James and Slow John all were up before dawn. Father Ryan had to gather all his things for the Mass and the wedding ceremony. John had already placed a large, heavy table under the trees to act as an altar.

  Each man took a bath and shaved, John asking Father Ryan if he was old enough, which he must have heard often, but usually it wasn’t just before he was going to shave.

  John dressed in his new suit, but intentionally left the jacket off until just before he left so no one would notice that he was wearing his pistol. He just didn’t want anything to ruin this day.

  John made some coffee, but they all needed to fast for the Mass, so no breakfast until after the ceremony.


  It was a real circus at the Flynn and Walsh homes, with everyone scurrying about getting properly dressed for the early wedding. Kate had priority for the bath, so her hair would be dry in time, and then, it was a short dip in the tub for the remaining families in both houses.

  One wagon would leave from the Walshes and another from the Flynns.

  Kate’s dress was an emerald green with a cream sash around her waist, and wore a matching emerald green ribbon in her hair. The women were all curious about whether they had to wear hats as they would in the church, but decided to play it safe and donned their required head covering.

  Kate wore a veil, but it did nothing to disguise her excited blue eyes or radiant face. Kate was so extraordinarily happy, and knew that she would stay this way for the rest of her life.

  Just fifteen minutes after seven o’clock, the Flynn and Walsh houses emptied, and Kate took her place with her mother on the seat of the wagon. It wasn’t the grand carriage that some couples insisted on, but it was taking her to John and that was all that mattered.

  Father Ryan was already there, and had set up and sanctified the altar. He watched with a smile as the two wagons bumped across the rough plains. Then he spotted Slow John and James walking from the house.

  It was a glorious late spring day, and he was thoroughly happy with their decision to have the wedding here, where everyone could enjoy a beauty that no carved stones or stained glass windows could ever match.

  The two men arrived before the wagons did, and it was Father Ryan who spotted the tip of John’s holster protruding from under his jacket.

  When they reached the designated spot, Father Ryan leaned forward with a smile, and asked, “Expecting trouble, Slow John?”

  John, without a pause replied, “Always.”

  The one piece of trouble he had already avoided was forgetting the rings as he absent-mindedly tapped the small box in his right jacket pocket.

  As he and James were walking toward the temporary altar, John had been watching the approaching wagons, spotting his Kate easily in her emerald green dress and matching hair ribbon. He could see the smile on her face as he was sure that she could see his.

  It had been just six weeks since he had first seen the filthy, bedraggled and abused woman standing barefoot in the deep shadows of that sod cabin. She had been so thoroughly damaged by all that had happened to her, that to see her so content astounded him. There had been difficult times, and one devastating time, but she had persevered, and Catherine Mary Walsh had fought her way back. Soon, they’d be together for the rest of their lives and Slow John would dedicate his life to making sure that she was happy for the rest of hers.

  The squeaking, rumbling wagons finally reached the grove and the families and Melissa all piled out and began straightening out clothes after the mile-long ride. There would be no long walk up the aisle or organist playing any hymns, it was all about John and Kate. Kate had remained on the wagon seat as John drew close.

  John stepped up to the wagon, offered Kate his hand, and helped her down. Everyone knew she could have gotten down easily on her own, but without a word of discussion about it, both Kate and John seemed to know it was the first step in their life together.

  Once Kate’s feet were on the prairie, she and John shared a ten-second pause lost in their own world before they turned and, hand-in-hand walked slowly toward Father Ryan.

  The Mass began and despite the prairie grass and dew-covered earth, everyone knelt when required, even little John Michael made an effort.

  After the Mass was concluded, Father Ryan began the marriage ceremony. Despite his smiling eyes and already demonstrated mischievous nature, he avoided any gentle barbs or witticisms and presided over the event reflecting the joy of the couple about to be married.

  When John said his vows to Kate, with their blue eyes locked together, each word was presented with meaning and power, “I, John Michael Flynn, take thee, Catherine Mary Walsh, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to honor and protect, until death us do part.”

  Kate had been so taken by the strength of John’s presentation, her vows were spoken in a much softer, soothing voice, but with the same conviction and firm belief in their importance.

  John reached into his pocket and opened the small box. He took out Kate’s ring and slipped it onto her finger, before holding out the box for her to remove his ring. After she slid it onto his finger, they continued to hold hands and let their eyes speak to each other for twenty seconds before Father Ryan cleared his throat to get their attention.

  They both turned to face a grinning Father Ryan, who said those life-changing words loudly, “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  He didn’t even have to add ‘you may now kiss the bride.’

  John lifted Kate’s light veil and held her perfect face in his big hands and kissed his wife, his Kate.

  They shared a short smile and turned to face the smiling Flynns and Walshes plus two.

  Unlike most wedding, there was little time for celebrating. The couple, John’s father and Kate’s mother all went back to the altar where F
ather Ryan had already restored it to just a table on the plains, and completed the legal forms. Then, Kate and John, with arms locked, led the crowd down to their new home, as Dennis and Patrick drove the two wagons behind them after putting the table and all of Father Ryan’s things in the beds.

  When they reached the house, the mothers began to cook a late breakfast for everyone before Father Ryan, and Melissa and James had to go to the train station.

  Father Ryan separated John from his wife and walked out to the porch with him, and they took seats on two of the four rocking chairs that John had requested when they put in their furniture order.

  “John, I know I’ve only been a priest for a short time, but I can’t imagine I’ll ever marry another couple that has been through so much and still be so deeply in love and share that level of happiness. It’s been an honor to be part of your lives.”

  “Father Ryan, I can’t begin to express my appreciation for the compassion and humor you’ve shown in helping to begin our married life together. I know Kate feels the same way.”

  “Thank you, John. I know that you guided and assisted Kate through her difficulties and helped to restore the goodness and happiness to her soul, but Eliza told me of her one lingering concern that you may have to help her through. Eliza said that she felt that she was barren, and she would be depriving you of being a father. I was torn about mentioning it to you, but thought if you knew about it and if she ever seemed troubled in the future, it was most likely the cause.”

  After the joy of discovering she wasn’t pregnant by the Murphys, John had suspected that she might be worried about that very thing, but it was good to know for certain.

  “Thank you, Father. I had already suspected she might see that a problem, but I’ll do everything I can to help her.”

  “I know you will, Slow John. I wish my older brother, Ian, had the ability to help himself as much as you’ve helped Kate. And then, I see marvelous, sweet Eliza, so concerned about her sister and not dwelling in her own problems.”

  “I’ll help Eliza as much as I can, too, Father.”

  He smiled and said, “She mentioned that as soon as you arrived, you were thoughtfully bringing her baby things.”

  John nodded as both he and Father Ryan stood, shook hands, and then returned to the main room, where he was quickly reclaimed by his perfectly happy wife.


  Two hours later, a reduced number of Flynns, consisting of the newest Flynn couple, the Flynn parents, and the only two remaining Walshes, stood on the train platform with Father Ryan, Melissa and James Bigelow.

  The train was just arriving from the west, and time was short.

  Father Ryan shook everyone’s hand, as did James. John gave Melissa a kiss on her cheek and she smiled at him.

  “Slow John, I know I’ll be happy with James, but you’ll always have a place in my heart.”

  John smiled back and replied, “And you’ll be in mine, Melissa. Always.”

  Kate and Melissa shared a quick sisterly kiss as the conductor called for everyone to board, and the three visitors waved as they stepped onto the passenger car’s platform and then disappeared inside.

  Ten minutes later, the train was receding into the eastern horizon and the Flynns and Walshes walked back to John and Kate’s honeymoon home.

  Neither sets of parents even went into the house, but simply walked around the eastern edge of the house and climbed into the one remaining wagon. It was the Walsh’s wagon, so Michael and Mary Flynn sat on the bed with their feet dangling above the ground. They all waved at the newlyweds as the wagon began turning and then rolled away.

  Kate and John lowered their arms from waving and stood there for a moment watching their parents return to their homes.

  John looked down at his wife and said, “Let’s go to our home, Kate.”

  Kate felt a flood of warmth and love with that simple statement and took her husband’s arm.

  They entered the back door and John closed it behind him and locked the door, as he looked at Kate’s devilish face.

  “Mr. Flynn, have you abducted me?” she asked in a sultry voice that surprised, but pleased John.

  “Oh, no, Mrs. Flynn, you are free to depart these premises at any time. I was just ensuring that no mischievous Irishmen try to sneak back in and interrupt us.”

  Kate’s mouth dropped, and her eyebrows shot up, as she said, “Surely, Mr. Flynn, you aren’t proposing to consummate our marriage at two o’clock in the afternoon with sunlight filling the house.”

  John stepped close to Kate, wrapped his arms around his now smiling wife and said softly, “Beginning at two o’clock, but lasting well into our wedding night. Now, kiss me, Kate.”

  Kate wrapped her arm around his neck and buried her lips onto his. This time, there was no worries about restrictions or prohibitions.

  John quickly began kissing her neck as Kate exulted in sensations she had never felt before. She let herself go as John began to feel her, and she did the same.

  John finally just picked her off her feet, carried her the twenty-five feet to their new bedroom, and gently laid her on their new bed.

  “John,” she whispered as he continued to touch her and drive her passions higher, “you don’t have to be Slow John now.”

  John replied in a normal voice, “You’re wrong, Kate. If ever there was a time for me to be Slow John, it’s now. I want you to feel every bit of love that I have for you.”

  Kate thought it was impossible for John to hold back. She knew how much he wanted her, because she wanted him every bit as much, and she wanted him now.

  But Slow John had learned from Melissa just how to take his time and make a woman feel every bit pleasure possible. Now, John had Kate in their bed and wanted to share that knowledge.

  Kate was already breathing quickly as John began to explore the marvel that was his wife. She wanted to say things, to ask him to do things to her, but held back at the start. But when John slipped off her dress and then undressed in front of her, her inhibitions dropped away even as his clothes dropped to the floor.

  John began kissing Kate again, beginning with her lips, and Kate hungrily responded. He slipped along her neck, as Kate held onto the back of his head, feeling her toes curl as she pressed her feet into the quilt.

  Then, John began talking to her, which surprised Kate at first, but when he said what he was going to do, she added her voice to the lovemaking. Soon, Kate found she wasn’t just asking John, she was begging him to please do this or that in ever increasing volume and intensity, and John did more than just do what she implored him to do, he expanded on them.

  Kate couldn’t believe she was so out of control, but didn’t care anymore. Slow John was driving her mad as he continued to touch and kiss her everywhere. She began to plead with him to take her, something she had never done before, but knew she’d be doing again. This was making love, and for the first time in her life, Catherine Mary experienced the difference.

  John, knew that each kiss or touch that he bestowed on his beloved Kate was pushing his own restraint to the limit. After the first relatively quiet period on her part, Kate began to revel in their lovemaking, which only excited him more. By the time they had been pleasuring each other for thirty minutes, Kate was totally immersed, and was using the language of a wanton woman that she was surprised she even knew.

  Kate was writhing on the bed and demanding that John take her as she began to clutch at his hips. John looked into her wild, passionate blue eyes beneath him and knew it was time, if for no other reason than he couldn’t last another moment himself.

  When John finally answered her final demand, Kate felt a surge of pleasure that she didn’t believe possible, and yet Slow John somehow managed to still begin slowly, extending and even magnifying her sensation of absolute delight.

  But even Slow John Flynn couldn’t maintain that tempo, and soon he and his bride were frenetic in their race to consummation.

  Kate found herself screaming wit
h the incredible levels of released passion as her eyelids fluttered and she dug her fingernails into John’s broad back. This can’t go on! Yet it did, and Kate finally thought she would simply pass out from the unrivaled pleasure. Suddenly, instead of passing out, Kate felt herself explode in a sudden release of massive, and unexpected joy and physical satisfaction.

  She wrapped her arms around John and began to kiss him all over his face until he met her lips with his and then pulled her over to her side and held her close.

  Kate was absolutely spent, yet extraordinarily content. She couldn’t imagine ever feeling that way before they had begun, and doubted if she would ever feel it again. John had made her his wife in so much more than name.

  As John lay with his wife, laying partially on his left side, her face just three inches from his, he was still stunned by what had happened. He had begun thinking that maybe he should be careful with Kate the first time to let her know the difference between being loved and just being bedded. But Kate had thrown that idea out the window soon after they started. With each passing moment, his Kate had increased her level of involvement and her requests for more attention from John. And the last ten minutes were like something he had never come close to experiencing before. He thought that it was because with Kate, he knew he loved her and that made all the difference. Whatever the reason, he knew without a doubt, that he could make her even happier.

  Kate finally had enough breath to talk, and asked, “John, I wasn’t too vulgar, was I?”

  John laughed lightly, ran his fingers across Kate’s naked skin and replied, “No, Kate. You were extraordinary. No husband could ever be more pleased with his wife than I am with you. Everything that we just enjoyed was as it was supposed to be.”

  Kate sighed happily and pulled herself onto John a bit more.

  John leaned over and kissed his Kate on the forehead.

  True to his word, John ensured that, only interrupted by a quick dinner on leftovers from lunch, they managed to stretch their wedding afternoon well into their wedding night, and Kate, to her intensely happy surprise, found that John made the first time, that out-of-worldly time, that she thought she’d never experience again, to be just the starting point. By the time they finally fell to exhausted sleep just before midnight, she had to admit, it had only gotten better.


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