His Virgin Bride

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His Virgin Bride Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Kurtis paused, and she wriggled on his dick to try to get him to move.

  “Do you want my dick, baby?”

  “Yes. I want your dick.”

  He pulled all of the way out of her, and then slammed back inside. She gasped at the fullness, and the pleasure that shook her body to the core.

  “Push up against me, baby. Let me feel you try to ride my cock.”

  Tillie did what he instructed, and fucked up toward him. It was amazing, mind consuming, and so damn hot. She whimpered as her orgasm started to build once again.

  “I’m not going to last, baby. I’ve been wanting inside you for so damn long. I can’t take much more.”

  “Please, Kurtis, I need to come.”

  He released one of her hands, to slide it between her thighs. He began to tease her pussy taking her over the edge, into her second orgasm. With a final thrust, Kurtis followed her into bliss, and they collapsed together on the bed, panting.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she basked in having his weight over her.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “I knew you’d be amazing, I just didn’t know you’d fuck with my head like that.”

  She smiled. He always seemed to make her smile just lately.

  “So, the first time is supposed to be awful for the woman.”

  “You consider that awful?” he asked.

  “Well, it was my first time, and I thought it was amazing. I can’t wait to see what our next time will be like.”

  “You want me again?”

  “I’ve been out of practice for a good three years. I think it’s time I caught up, don’t you? What’s the matter, Kurtis? Am I too much for you to handle?” She raised her brow, trying to give him an innocent look, but she didn’t for a second believe that she’d succeeded.

  He pulled out of her, removing the condom. “I’m going to take care of you first.” Kurtis climbed off the bed, and made his way toward the bathroom, returning seconds later with a cloth, he pressed the warm fabric against her pussy, and Tillie moaned. She saw the specks of blood on the cloth and groaned. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  She spoke to the empty room. Kurtis didn’t make her wait long before he was back in the room.

  Climbing into the bed, he turned her over, and she was shocked to see that he was already hard again. She heard him tear into another condom, rolling it over his dick, before finding her once again. He slid deep inside her, and she moaned, gasping as the pain and pleasure mixed together, startling her with the depth of his penetration.

  His hand landed on her stomach, and he kissed her neck.

  “You know, I’ve just realized something,” he said.

  “What’s that?”

  She’d couldn’t even think let alone realize something.

  “Well, we’re now a married couple, and we’ve got a year of college left. Some people are going to think you’re pregnant with my kid. I can’t wait to prove them wrong, but that’s not the only thing I’m realizing.”

  “What else?” she asked, gasping as he swiveled his hips, fucking her harder.

  “That for the rest of our lives I’m going to be taking care of you. When you’re on your menstrual cycle, I’ll be here to rub your stomach. When you’re ill or in bed, I will be there to feed you soup, and to love you.”

  “You want to do that?” she asked.

  “Yes, I want to do that, and I can’t wait.”

  She pushed back against his cock, moaning as he filled her to the point of pain. The hand on her stomach slid down to cup her hip.

  “I can’t wait until you’re pregnant with my kid and waddling along like a penguin. I’m going to be there to rub your feet.”

  He started to pound away inside her, and when that position wasn’t enough, he pulled her to her knees before him, and found her once again, sliding his cock deep within her.

  She moaned, and they fucked as if their lives depended on it.

  Tillie was grateful their friends had left the house so that they could enjoy their wedding night alone. She wasn’t staying quiet, and she doubted she ever would.

  By the early hours of the morning, they’d made their way to the beach, and were wrapped together in a blanket. Neither of them had slept, and they’d spent the whole night making love, and fucking.

  They watched the sunrise together, and Tillie rested her head against his shoulder. “If Brandon hadn’t decided to ask me out, do you think we’d be here now?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m pleased he tried.”


  “It forced me to get my head out of my ass. I don’t know if I was ever going to do so. He made sure I had no choice but to see what I wanted, and to go for it.”

  She closed her eyes, sighing.

  “What are you thinking, baby?”

  “I’m so happy. I know it’s crazy, and we’ve only really had the summer together, but I’m so happy, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.” She looked up at him, and saw him smile.


  They were silent for several seconds, watching the sun rise over the ocean. It was one of the most beautiful sights to behold.

  “How did you get my brothers here without killing you?” she asked, curious.

  “I told them I was going to marry you, and that you were still a virgin.”

  “What? You told them that?”

  “I said you were going to take advantage of me, and if they wanted me to keep you a virgin for your wedding night, they had to get their ass down here,” he said.

  She gasped, so angry and embarrassed.

  “I’m kidding, baby. I told them that you were the love of my life, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I begged them, on my hands and knees, to let me keep you for life.”

  “On your hands and knees?”

  “I paid to have them stay a couple of days ago. I was in their hotel room, and they could have killed me, and hid my body. I think they were impressed that I was prepared to face death to have you.”

  “You really do love me.”

  “Yes. I’ll take whatever they have to throw at me for you. I love you, will always love you, and it’s never going to change.” He kissed her neck. “So, Mrs. Spencer, what do you want to do with the next fifty years?” he asked.

  She stared out over the ocean.

  “I don’t know what I want to do with the next fifty years, but I want to spend it with you, even if people in college believe I’m pregnant.”

  “Then get ready, Tillie, I’m going to give you the time of your life.”


  Ten years later

  “Lindsey, Tyler, stop fighting now, I mean it,” Cynthia said, shouting over the noise as they all entered the beach house. Kurtis held his one month old baby daughter in his arms as Tillie herded their two sons and daughter through the door. They had been married ten years so far, and even though they’d spent their entire last year of college convincing their peers she wasn’t pregnant, the year later she fell pregnant with their first son.

  Collette and Steve rushed in, chasing after their twins, while Cynthia and Danny were separating their two kids, who always seemed to be fighting.

  Kurtis couldn’t help but laugh as his kids were angels, and sat on the carpet in front of the television. What their friends didn’t know was he and Tillie had bargained with their kids that if they behaved, and helped them win the bet of being finished first, he was taking them out for ice-cream, and then they could do whatever they wanted.

  “How do you do it?” Danny asked, holding Tyler captive.

  “I just think it’s in the genes, you know. Kids know how to be cool.”

  His three kids looked toward him, and smiled. They were just as mischievous as their parents.

  Tillie came for their daughter and moved toward the privacy of their bedroom. Kurtis used the time to quickly grab their bags. Just like he predicted, with the help of his angels, he was finished un

packing, which meant he and Tillie got the first night out together.

  “We won,” he said, entering the bedroom to see his wife feeding their daughter.

  “I knew we would. They don’t suspect that we’ve bribed our kids, do they?” she asked, whispering the words.

  “Not at all.” He moved toward her, and stared down into his beautiful daughter’s eyes as she nuzzled her mother’s breast. “I love you, baby.”

  “We’ve got to take the kids wherever they want to go.”

  “We know they’re going to want to go that fun world place. You know the one with the rides and games,” he said.

  Ten years they’d been together, and yet when he stared into Tillie’s eyes, it transported him back to the first time he met her. She was the love of his life, and fifty years together was never going to be enough.

  Their friends had married the night of their graduation. They had all gone to Vegas, and of course, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Their friends were all happily married, and that night he and Tillie conceived their first son.

  Later that night they were all sat around the pool drinking sodas as they reminisced about the old days when they were younger.

  “Damn, can you remember that year when you two married?” Steve asked.

  “I remember,” Tillie said, her face heating.

  “You two rarely ever separated,” Danny said. He raised his can of soda. “You two are the best. Watching you both over the years helped me to believe it was possible to have a happily ever after.”

  Danny and Cynthia had hit a rocky patch their first year into their marriage when they spent so much time away from each other. Kurtis and Tillie had helped stage an intervention, and brought them closer together.

  “I love you all, and I hope we’re back here in another ten years.”

  Kissing Tillie’s neck, he knew he’d be wherever she was.

  Ten years later, Danny made the same speech, and said for another ten years.

  After that ten years, they were all back together. They were rarely parted, and the love that had gone from simmering to blooming never, ever died.

  The End


  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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