Tasting the unfamiliar concoction, he is pleasantly surprised.
LUKE How far away is Yoda? Will it take us long to get there?
CREATURE Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him.
(tasting food from the pot) Rootleaf, I cook. Why wish you become
Jedi? Hm?
LUKE Mostly because of my father, I guess.
CREATURE Ah, your father. Powerful Jedi was he, powerful Jedi, mmm.
LUKE (a little angry) Oh, come on. How could you know my father? You
don't even know who I am. (fed up) Oh, I don't even know what I'm
doing here. We're wasting our time.
The creature turns away from Luke and speaks to a third
CREATURE (irritated) I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Luke's head spins in the direction the creature faces. But
there is no one there. The boy is bewildered, but it gradually
dawns on him that the little creature is Yoda, the Jedi
Master, and that he is speaking with Ben.
BEN'S VOICE He will learn patience.
YODA Hmmm. Much anger in him, like his father.
BEN'S VOICE Was I any different when you taught me?
YODA Hah. He is not ready.
LUKE Yoda! I am ready. I...Ben! I can be a Jedi. Ben, tell him I'm
Trying to see Ben, Luke starts to get up but hits his head
on the low ceiling.
YODA Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years
have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be
trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious
mind. (to the invisible Ben, indicating Luke) This one a long time
have I watched. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was
doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these
things. (turning to Luke) You are reckless!
Luke looks down. He knows it is true.
BEN'S VOICE So was I, if you'll remember.
YODA He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training.
Luke thinks he detects a subtle softening in Yoda's voice.
LUKE But I've learned so much.
Yoda turns his piercing gaze on Luke, as though the Jedi
Master's huge eyes could somehow determine how much the boy
had learned. After a long moment, the little Jedi turns toward
where he alone sees Ben.
YODA (sighs) Will he finished what he begins?
LUKE I won't fail you -- I'm not afraid.
YODA (turns slowly toward him) Oh, you will be. You will be.
The Imperial fleet around Vader's ship is surrounded by the
asteroid storm. Asteroids big and small pelt the vast
exteriors of the menacing ships. One of the smaller Imperial
vessels is hit by a huge asteroid and explodes in a brilliant
flash of light.
The cockpit is quiet and lit only by the indicator lights
on the control panel. Princess Leia sits in the pilot's seat.
She runs her hand across the control panel as she thinks of
Han and the confusion he has created within her. Suddenly,
something outside the cockpit window catches her eye. The
reflection of the panel lights obscures her vision until a
soft suctionlike cup attaches itself to the windscreen. Leia
moves closer to see what it might be. Large, yellow eyes flash
open and stare back at her. Startled, she jumps back into her
seat, her heart pounding. There is a scurry of feet and a loud
screech, and in an instant the eyes are gone. The young
princess catches her breath, jumps out of her chair, and races
from the cockpit.
The lights go bright for a second then out again. Threepio
and Chewbacca watch as Han finishes with some wires.
THREEPIO Sir, if I may venture an opinion...
HAN I'm not really interested in your opinion, Threepio.
Leia rushes into the cabin just as Han drops the final
floor panel into place.
LEIA (out of breath) There's something out there.
HAN Where?
LEIA Outside, in the cave.
As she speaks, there comes a sharp banging on the hull.
Chewie looks up and barks anxiously.
THREEPIO There it is. Listen! Listen!
HAN I'm going out there.
LEIA Are you crazy?!
HAN I just got this bucket back together. I'm not going to let
something tear it apart.
He and Chewie grab their breath masks off a rack and hurry
out. Leia follows.
LEIA Then I'm going with you.
THREEPIO I think it might be better if I stay here and guard the
ship. (hears another mysterious noise) Oh, no.
It is very dark inside the huge asteroid cave, too dark to
see what is attacking the ship.
Leia stamps her foot on the floor of the cave.
LEIA This ground sure feels strange. It doesn't feel like rock at
Han kneels and studies the ground, then attempts to study
the outline of the cave.
HAN There's an awful lot of moisture in here.
LEIA I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this.
HAN Yeah.
Chewie barks through his face mask, and points toward the
ship's cockpit. A five-foot-long shape can be seen moving
across the top of the Falcon. The leathery creature lets out a
screech as Han blasts it with a laser bolt.
HAN (to Leia) Watch out!
The black shape tumbles off the spaceship and onto the
ground in front of the princess. Han bends down to investigate
the dead creature.
HAN Yeah, that's what I thought. Mynock. Chewie, check the rest of
the ship, make sure there aren't any more attached. They're chewing on
the power cables.
LEIA Mynocks?
HAN Go on inside. We'll clean them off if there are any more.
Just then, a swarm of the ugly creatures swoops through the
air. Leia puts her arms over her head to protect herself as
she runs toward the ship. Chewie shoos another Mynock away
with his blaster. Several of the batlike creatures flap their
wings loudly against the cockpit window of the Falcon. Inside,
Threepio shudders at their presence.
THREEPIO Ohhh! Go away! Go away! Beastly thing. Shoo! Shoo!
Han looks around the strange, dripping cave.
HAN Wait a minute...
He unholsters his blaster and fires at the far side of the
huge cave. The cavern begins to shake and the ground starts to
Chewie barks and moves for the ship, followed closely by
Leia and Han. The large wings of the Mynocks flap past them as
they protect their faces and run up the platform.
As soon as Han and Leia are on board, Chewie closes the
main hatch. The ship continues to shake and heave.
HAN All right, Chew ie, let's get out of here!
The Wookiee heads for the cockpit as Han, followed by
Threepio, rushes to the hold area and checks the scopes on the
control panel. Leia hurries after.
LEIA The Empir
e is still out there. I don't think it's wise to...
Han rushes past her and heads for the cockpit.
HAN (interrupting) No time to discuss this as a committee.
And with that he is gone. The main engines of the Falcon
begin to whine. Leia races after him, bouncing around in the
shaking ship.
LEIA (angry) I am not a committee!
Han is already in the pilot's seat pulling back on the
throttle. The cave-quake has greatly diminished.
LEIA You can't make the jump to light-speed in this asteroid field...
HAN Sit down, sweetheart. We're taking off!
As the ship begins to move forward, Chewie barks. He
notices something out the window ahead. Threepio sees it too.
HAN I see it, I see it.
Suddenly, a row of jagged white stalagmites and stalactites
can be seen surrounding the entrance. And as the Falcon moves
forward, the entrance to the cave grows ever smaller. Han
pulls hard on the throttle, sending his ship surging forward.
THREEPIO We're doomed!
LEIA The cave is collapsing.
HAN This is no cave.
LEIA What?
Leia's mouth drops open . She sees that the rocks of the
cave entrance are not rocks at all, but giant teeth, quickly
closing around the tiny ship. Chewie howls.
The Millennium Falcon, zooming through the monster's mouth,
rolls on its side and barely makes it between two of the
gigantic white teeth before the huge jaws slams closed.
The enormous space slug moves its head out of the cave as
the Falcon flies out of its mouth. The monster tilts its head,
watching the starship fly away.
The Falcon races out of the asteroid crater and into the
deadly rain of the asteroid storm.
With Yoda strapped to his back, Luke climbs up one of the
many thick vines that grow in the swamp. Panting heavily, he
continues his course -- climbing, flipping through the air,
jumping over roots, and racing in and out of the heavy ground
YODA Run! Yes. A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of
the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of the Force
are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you
start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny,
consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.
LUKE Vader. Is the dark side stronger?
YODA No...no...no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
LUKE But how am I to know the good side from the bad?
YODA You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses
the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
LUKE But tell me why I can't...
YODA (interrupting) No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I
teach you today. Clear your mind of questions. Mmm. Mmmmmm.
Artoo beeps in the distance as Luke lets Yoda down to the
ground. Breathing heavily, he takes his shirt from a nearby
tree branch and pulls it on.
He turns to see a huge, dead, black tree, its base
surrounded by a few feet of water. Giant, twisted roots form a
dark and sinister cave on one side. Luke stares at the tree,
LUKE There's something not right here.
Yoda sits on a large root, poking his Gimer Stick into the
LUKE I feel cold, death.
YODA That place...is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain
of evil it is. In you must go.
LUKE What's in there?
YODA Only what you take with you.
Luke looks warily between the tree and Yoda. He starts to
strap on his weapon belt.
YODA Your weapons...you will not need them.
Luke gives the tree a long look, than shakes his head "no."
Yoda shrugs. Luke reaches up to brush aside some hanging vines
and enters the tree.
Luke moves into the almost total darkness of the wet and
slimy cave. The youth can barely make out the edge of the
passage. Holding his lit saber before him, he sees a lizard
crawling up the side of the cave and a snake wrapped around
the branches of a tree. Luke draws a deep breath, then pushes
deeper into the cave.
The space widens around him, but he feels that rather than
sees it. His sword casts the only light as he peers into the
darkness. It is very quiet here.
Then, a loud hiss! Darth Vader appears across the
blackness, illuminated by his own just-ignited laser sword.
Immediately, he charges Luke, saber held high. He is upon the
youth in seconds, but Luke sidesteps perfectly and slashes at
Vader with his sword.
Vader is decapitated. His helmet-encased head flies from
his shoulders as his body disappears into the darkness. The
metallic banging of the helmet fills the cave as Vader's head
spins and bounces, smashes on the floor, and finally stops.
For an instant it rests on the floor, then it cracks
vertically. The black helmet and breath mask fall away to
reveal...Luke's head.
Across the space, the standing Luke gasps at the sight,
wide-eyed in terror.
The decapitated head fades away, as in a vision.
Meanwhile, Yoda sits on the root, calmly leaning on his
Gimer Stick.
Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer moves through space,
guarded by its convoy of TIE fighters.
Vader stands in the back control area of his ship's bridge
with a motley group of men and creatures. Admiral Piett and
two controllers stand at the front of the bridge and watch the
group with scorn.
PIETT Bounty hunters. We don't need that scum.
PIETT Those Rebels won't escape us.
A second controller interrupts.
SECOND CONTROLLER Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star
Destroyer Avenger.
PIETT Right.
The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of
galactic fortune hunters There is Bossk, a slimy, tentacled
monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face;
Zuckuss and Dengar, two battle-scarred, mangy human types;
IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrome war droid; and Boba Fett,
a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit.
VADER ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds
the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but
I want them alive. No disintegrations.
BOBA FETT As you wish.
At that moment, Admiral Piett approaches Vader in a rush of
PIETT Lord Vader! My lord, we have them.
The Millennium Falcon speeds through deep space, close
followed by a firing Imperial Star Destroyer. A large asteroid
about the same size as the Falcon tumbles rapidly toward the
starship. The tiny Falcon banks to avoid the giant asteroid as
smaller rocks pelt its surface. Then the small craft roars
under the asteroid which explodes harmlessly on the hull of
the vast Star Destroyer.
The ship shudders as flak explodes near the cockpit window.
Threepio checks a tracking scope an the side control panel
while Leia watches tensely out the window.
THREEPIO Oh, thank goodness we're coming out of the asteroid field.
Chewie barks excitedly as the rain of asteroids begins to
subside. A bolt from the Star Destroyer sets up a fiery
Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Page 7