The Magnetic Advantage

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The Magnetic Advantage Page 3

by Pascha Kelley

  Magnetic Leaders are the ones who stand the tests of time. We’ve all seen those leaders who fly high for a while, then a scandal takes them down. These are the cheaters in life, those who only think of themselves and hurt other people. Ultimately, it catches up with them. No matter how much success they achieved initially, they lose it all.

  “He who walks with integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will become known.”

  — Proverbs 10:9

  We had one of those scandals where I live (Birmingham, Alabama) that rocked the financial world in the early 2000s – the $2.8 billion accounting scandal at HealthSouth. Incidentally, HealthSouth offices were located only about a half-mile from Scandipharm. HealthSouth is a healthcare company that had phenomenal success and grew quickly to a Fortune 500 company within ten years. The company was founded and led by Richard Scrushy, who is widely known for his greed, lies, mistreatment of employees, and selfishness. Scrushy demanded that company employees falsely report grossly exaggerated company earnings in order to meet stockholder expectation and control the price of company stock. Scrushy sold a large amount of personal stock right before HealthSouth reported a loss in 2002. The SEC (U.S. Security and Exchange Commission) caught up with him, and the accounting fraud was revealed. In the end, Richard Scrushy went to jail and was ordered to pay HealthSouth $2.9 billion in restitution. Clearly, Scrushy was not a Magnetic Leader and did not have long-term success.

  Zig Ziglar said,

  “Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.”

  (ZIGLAR Z., 1990)

  This is proven true time and time again. As I’m writing this book, there are numerous sexual harassment allegations against politicians and media leaders. Most of these allegations took place in the distant past. Women have been afraid to speak out against these powerful men, but some women found the courage and it has been a snowball effect. Currently, media moguls are dropping like flies as they are fired for sexual misconduct, and politicians are being disgraced. It is a shocking time as people who were formerly respected are having their true characters revealed.

  As my mama always told me, “You reap what you sow.” I want to encourage you to sow good seeds every day, so that you will receive a rich harvest of lasting success in your work and personal life.


  How to Become a Magnetic Leader

  BASED ON THE CHARACTERISTICS DISCUSSED in the previous chapter, being a Magnetic Leader probably sounds like a tall order for anyone. However, I believe that most leaders with a strong moral compass can acquire a majority of the qualities. Zig Ziglar said,

  “You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be, you must plan to win and prepare to win. Then and only then can you expect to win.”

  (ZIGLAR, 2012)

  How do you plan and prepare to be a Magnetic Leader? First, you must have the willingness to commit to your own personal development on an ongoing basis. Tom Ziglar says, “Change starts with you, but it doesn’t start until you do.” (Ziglar, 2012) Being a Magnetic Leader starts on the inside of a person – at his or her very core.


  To determine a course of action, assess your strengths and weaknesses. I’ve created a simple chart using the foundational qualities of a Magnetic Leader. This chart is available for download on my website Beside each quality, indicate whether each one is a strength or a weakness for you. The last column can be used to make notes related to your answer and ideas for development.

  First, look at all of your strengths. You probably have a nice list. Reviewing your strengths gives you encouragement. If you only look at your weaknesses, it is easy to get discouraged. Also, you can leverage your strengths to build up or overcome your weak areas.

  Now, for your weaknesses. Check out the list and think of ways that you can create long-term improvement in those areas. In the next sections, I’ll discuss two of the most important ways to develop your leadership skills: Mental Input and Community.


  Your mental input determines how you think, influences your view of the world, and impacts your emotions and your actions. Research has found that mental input even affects our physical health. We receive input in many different ways. The primary categories are reading, watching, and listening; our community (e.g., family, friends, work associates, coaches) also provides input.

  In this age of technology, we’ve become inundated with input, some good and a lot bad. The opportunity to develop the qualities of a Magnetic Leader involves selecting the right input and blocking out the bad. Zig Ziglar said,

  “You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind, but you can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.”

  (ZIGLAR, 2012)

  To be a Magnetic Leader, you must be willing to expand your mind and constantly grow. Zig Ziglar read a minimum of three hours a day, and he took speed reading classes to be able to consume more information. Charlie Wingett not only read leadership books, he shared them with other people. When Charlie found a business book that he really liked, he would give a copy to all of his employees.

  Even a small amount of reading each day is beneficial. I find that it helps to block off a certain time each day for personal development. Currently, I have several hours blocked out each morning for personal development. However, that wasn’t always the case.

  When I was a working mother in the corporate world, it was next to impossible to find time to read. This is when I started searching for other ways to learn while juggling responsibilities.

  I discovered that I could listen to audiobooks while getting dressed in the morning. I particularly liked Joel Osteen audiobooks because they gave me encouragement and strength to face the day. I would listen to the same books over and over because I really needed that encouragement to just get through the day.

  Eventually, I noticed that I was doing more than just making it through the day. My relationship with God was growing, and I was being shaped into a better person. Also, I started encouraging others with what I was learning. I’m a natural encourager, but filling my mind with encouragement brought my gift to a whole new level.

  While driving to work and kids’ activities, I listened to audiobooks from business leaders like Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, and Dave Ramsey. Zig called this form of learning “automobile university.” Instead of focusing on the frustration of traffic, I was using that time to improve my skills and the way that I think.

  I love to read, but I simply do not have time to sit down and read all of the books that I want to read. Listening to audio books gives me the opportunity to “read” those books while doing other things. Now that my kids can drive themselves and I work from home, I still listen to tons of audiobooks. However, now I listen to them on my iPhone while getting dressed, exercising, and working around the house.

  I eventually learned about podcasts, which are FREE, and they opened up a whole new world of learning for me. The great thing about podcasts is that the information is current and forward- thinking. I’ve learned a lot about internet marketing and personal development from podcasts. I even learned about the Ziglar Legacy Certification program from the Ziglar podcast (my personal favorite), which launched a whole new career for me!

  While there is a lot of good information on many podcasts, not every podcast is beneficial. Remember, anyone can do a podcast, and it is reflective of only one person or one group’s opinion. So, you need to be careful about which podcasts you listen to. You can also pick and choose which episodes to listen to. You don’t need to listen to all the podcasts from a certain person. I find that it is good to listen to podcasts from several different people to get the most balanced information.

  I’m actually a visual learner – not an audio learner. However, I still learn a lot from audiobooks a
nd podcasts. I may not catch every word they say, but I can always go back and listen to them again. I think that it is better to learn something instead of nothing at all.

  Now that I work from home and my children are older, I have more time for learning. I start my day with a cup of coffee while watching Joyce Meyer on TV. You see, I’m NOT a morning person. I really need encouragement (and a lot of coffee) in the morning, and Joyce gives me that, plus a swift kick in the pants to get moving!

  Joyce also teaches core competencies on how to be a Magnetic Leader. She doesn’t call it that, but the majority of what she teaches strengthens my foundational stones. Listening to Joyce also helps me draw closer to my true source for success, which is God.

  Now that I’m a speaker, I also watch Joyce to learn about her teaching and speaking style. Why do hundreds of thousands of people tune into her TV broadcasts and attend her conferences to see her speak? I want to figure that out so that I can be a great speaker too.

  Finally, the woman is currently 74 years old! Despite having cancer and two hip replacement surgeries, she is still making an impact around the world with her teachings. She also seems to get better looking every year. How does she do that? Joyce places an emphasis on her personal health and fitness. She walks five miles a day and works out with weights 3 times a week. She also watches what she eats. Joyce is my role model for getting older!

  Now, I know that Joyce Meyer is not everyone’s cup of tea, which is perfectly fine. In fact, my husband tries to get up before me so that he can have control of the TV first because he doesn’t like watching Joyce. However, he does appreciate that I watch her program, because it makes me a better person.

  I use this example of watching Joyce Meyer in the morning to show how I constantly develop myself. I found something that works for me, and I’ve made it part of my morning routine. I record her shows so I can watch them at my convenience and re-watch them if needed (I am very sleepy in the morning). When I’m traveling, I can watch her shows on my laptop.

  I encourage you to find ways to learn that fit into your lifestyle so you can adopt them as habits. I have found that if I try to force something into my schedule that doesn’t work for me, I won’t do it for long, and I don’t benefit from it. As an example, my church has a powerful event twice a year called 21 Days of Prayer. This involves having prayer meetings at 6:00 a.m. on weekdays. My husband and friends who attend receive great benefit from the prayer meetings. I’ve tried to go to these prayer meetings at 6:00 a.m., but it just resulted in me being irritable for the rest of the day. Additionally, I felt guilty that I hated going, which is the opposite of the intent of those prayer meetings. (Note: my church doesn’t condemn people for not going – it is simply an opportunity for growth. The guilt came from me.)

  While the church’s prayer meetings are great for a lot of people, the timing goes against my very nature and doesn’t provide benefit to me. Plus, I have my own time of spiritual growth each morning that works well for me. After I watch Joyce, I read my Bible, pray, and plan my day. Trying to implement something that worked for other people, but not me, threw off my daily time of spiritual growth.

  Be careful of trying to fit into someone else’s mold for your personal development. Just because something works for other people does not mean that it will work for you. Zig Ziglar said,

  “Success is not measured by what you do compared to what others do. Success is measured by what you do compared to what you could have done with the ability God gave you.”

  (ZIGLAR Z., 2009)

  You are unique! God created us all differently, and our schedules are different too. In this day and age, there are a multitude of ways to develop yourself. In addition to the ways listed above, there are online classes, webinars, and many other ways to learn. Find what works for YOU and incorporate it into your daily life. Make it a habit!


  You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

  — JIM ROHN (GROTH, 2012)

  For purposes of this book, “community” means the people with whom you interact on a regular basis. It includes your family, friends, work associates, mentors, coaches, and people in groups in which you are involved. Some people you choose to be around; others you are forced to associate with.

  First, let’s look at those you place in your community. To be a Magnetic Leader, you need a lot of support. Surround yourself with people who are encouragers and mentors, who understand your dreams, and will help you accomplish them. You have to be intentional about finding these people. They are truly gems.

  I’ve found those gems at Ziglar, Inc. What an amazing group of encouragers and leaders! Even though I do not work in the corporate office in Dallas, I am encouraged through weekly video meetings, emails, and social media. Plus, Julie Ziglar Norman, Zig’s daughter, is my personal mentor, and I can call her when I need encouragement and guidance. Julie’s personality is a lot like her dad’s personality – upbeat and positive. I can’t help but smile the whole time that I’m talking to her, and I always feel better after speaking with her.

  A lot of people have asked me why I chose the Ziglar speaker program over other larger programs. I simply tell them that is where God led me. I investigated a lot of speaker programs, but I just knew deep down that I was supposed to go to Ziglar. And I’m so glad that I did! Being part of the close-knit Ziglar community is an incredible blessing to me.

  While going through Ziglar training, I met Howard Partridge and learned about his small-business coaching program called Inner Circle. I joined immediately because I knew that I needed coaching, support, and encouragement to make my new business successful.

  Howard gave me a personal coach, Rick Jones, who had previously worked with Dale Carnegie Training for thirty-five years. In fact, he built the Dale Carnegie business in Houston. Rick is an incredible coach! It seems like every time he opens his mouth, wisdom comes out. He is also a caring person with good character.

  The Inner Circle also provides me with online resources, and the ability to ask questions and get answers quickly from one of the coaches. Howard provides weekly training via webinar on Tuesdays. The following day, I meet with my small group via video, which is led by Rick, to discuss the lesson. It is a solid coaching program. If you want to learn more about it, go to

  When looking for your personal coaches and mentors, look for these seven characteristics (Ziglar, 2012):

  They have good character.

  They have a good track record of success.

  They are good listeners.

  They are good decision makers.

  They tell the truth (even when it hurts).

  They have good personal relationships.

  They celebrate the success of others.

  At the same time, you need to get away from people who complain, have bad attitudes, and bring you down. These people generally have lives that are a mess, and they want you to roll around in the pigpen with them. Zig would say these people have “stinkin’ thinkin’” and need a “check-up from the neck up!”

  Remember, you don’t have to keep these negative people happy by continuing to be their friend or in their circle of influence. These stinkers are hindering your ability to be a Magnetic Leader. Further, you are not responsible for them (unless they are family), so carefully slip away from their clutches.

  Now, there are some of these life-suckers with whom we have to work and live. The situation is what it is. When I’m dealing with these kinds of people, I limit my interaction with them as much as possible and try to put more good in my mind than the negative that they spew out.

  I also ask for God’s protection and read a lot of Psalms. This book of the Bible is my go-to when haters are after me, because it talks of trials and God’s deliverance from those trials. I think of it as building an invisible barrier between that person
and me so they can’t drag me down.

  While you can’t choose everyone in your environment, when you can – choose well! Surround yourself with people who will build you up and help you achieve your dreams.


  Build the foundation

  of a great culture

  and bring it to life


  Culture Defined

  EVERY COMPANY HAS A CULTURE. You can feel it when you walk in the doors – or maybe you heard about the culture before you even entered the doors. A company’s culture is its personality. It is created by:

  Leadership styles

  Guiding principles and goals – or lack thereof

  Attitudes of the workforce

  Company policies and procedures

  What is considered “acceptable” and “unacceptable” behavior

  Work environment

  Some companies have good cultures, and some have bad cultures. Culture creates a feeling, which is not easily described. When someone talks about a company’s culture, he or she generally places it in either the “good” or the “bad” category.

  I want to introduce you to another culture term: Magnetic Culture. This type of culture is specifically designed to attract, retain, and engage employees. I use the word “magnetic” because this is what the culture felt like at Scandipharm. It was the culture that attracted me to the company and held me there for so long.

  A Magnetic Culture is a powerful tool for creating competitive advantage. It attracts the right people and ejects those who are wrong for the company. A Magnetic Culture motivates employees to do their best and go the extra mile. It retains employees, which reduces turnover costs. Overall, employees are engaged, customers are more satisfied, costs are reduced, and the company is more profitable. I think that Peter Drucker, the late business management expert, said it best: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” (Hyken, 2015)


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