Catch Me If I Fall

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by Daniele Lanzarotta

  Catch Me If I Fall

  A Sudden Hope Novel

  By Daniele Lanzarotta


  Written by

  Daniele Lanzarotta

  Edited by Amanda Sorrells-Larsen

  Cover Design by Daniel Haefner

  Art Direction by Rebekkah Dreskin

  Front cover photography © Chari Curtis

  Published by Rocket Science Productions

  © Copyright 2016 Daniele Lanzarotta

  All rights reserved

  ISBN-13: 978-1-945355-47-9

  eISBN: 978-1-945355-48-6

  Library of Congress Control Number 2016953518

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents, are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events, locales, persons living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.


  To Sydney, and all other beautiful souls gone way too soon.


  Writing about human characters is never easy. When writing about paranormal fictional characters, I can easily make things up as I go, but the same rules don’t apply to humans. Not to mention that my characters insist on having hobbies that I don’t know anything about.

  With that said… THANK YOU, Jennifer Holcomb and Greg Larnerd for answering my questions about baseball and thank you, Cliff Roebuck from the band Distress Call for answering my guitar questions.

  Thank you to Chari Curtis and Kennedy for the amazing cover photography.

  Thank you to Daniel Haefner for the amazing cover design, and to the entire staff at Rocket Science Productions for the continuous support.

  A special thanks to my editor, Amanda Sorrells-Larsen for going above and beyond, for loving these characters as much as I do, and for keeping some of them alive. *laughs*

  Being strong for someone else is easy.

  Being strong for yourself, is an entirely different story.



  The Fourth of July used to be my favorite holiday. We’d go to Uncle J’s house in Atlanta for the weekend. We would spend the day by the pool. Dad and Uncle J would fight over who was in charge of the grill, and at night, we would all lay by the pool and watch the fireworks. That was my favorite part of the weekend.

  When dad said we were going to leave for Uncle J’s house on the Fourth of July and come back that same night, I didn’t think anything of it. My first question was if Alec could come along. In only a few weeks, he will be leaving for college and I won’t see him often, especially during baseball season. I just want to spend as much time with him as possible while I can.

  Dad gave me a hard time about it, saying that we are too attached… that school is starting soon and that we need to get used to being apart now that he will be hours away. I don’t like to sound like a whiny teenager, and I’m not proud to admit it, but that is exactly how I sounded. Finally, dad gave in.

  The ride to Uncle J’s house is quiet. Alec sits next to me in the backseat. He slips his hand into mine, and I lean my head against his shoulder, close my eyes, and enjoy the music, trying yet again to keep my mind off the fact that he is leaving.

  We get to Uncle J’s a few hours later and get ready to get in the pool. When I come out of the house, Alec is already waiting on me. I don’t even have time to think. He comes toward me, scoops me up, runs toward the pool while I scream my head off, and jumps in.

  I rise up from under the water and notice that mom and dad are watching us, and they don’t seem too happy.

  I try to look like I’m mad at Alec, but I can’t even do that. I burst into laughter. “What did you do that for?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Just following old advice. Do you remember what I told you the first time we were here?”

  I shake my head.

  “Don’t think. Just have fun,” he winks and I smile at him. “Come on,” he says.

  We swim toward the side of the pool and get out.

  I look around and we are now the only ones here. I figure that mom and dad must be helping Uncle J get the food ready.

  Alec grabs my hand and leads me to the hammock where we both lay down.

  “You know,” I say, “last time we got caught on this thing, we were in a world of trouble.”

  “Well, we got caught sleeping here and it was way past midnight. We are awake and just talking. I think we are safe,” he laughs.

  I lay on my side and stare at him.

  “What is on your mind, Sky?” he asks.

  I bite my bottom lip then take a deep breath before answering. “I was just thinking about how I can’t wait to finish high school. These next two years are going to be hell without you around.”

  He smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I know this is as hard on him as it is on me. He moves his arm over my waist, places his hand on the small of my back and pulls me closer. “Do you think your parents will have a problem with us living together when you finish school?”

  I shrug. “I’d rather not worry about that part yet. I just want to keep that to ourselves for now. You know… just enjoy having something positive to look forward to without everyone expressing their opinions about it.”

  He tenses and I already know the reason.

  I laugh. “You told Kyle, didn’t you?”

  He nods. “Sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I know you tell him everything.” I take a deep breath. If Kristi were still here, I’d have done the same. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have seen signs that she needed help; that I don’t wish she had talked to someone instead of taking her own life.

  I don’t have to say anything. Alec knows exactly where my mind went just now.

  “Hey,” says Alec. “There is nothing you could’ve done differently.”

  I sigh. “I know.”

  “Sky, I want you to promise me something.”

  “What is that?” I ask and I feel my stomach churn. I hate conversations that start with asking me to promise something… that is usually a sign that something bad is coming.

  “If things get too hard,” he pauses and looks down for a second before he looks back up and into my eyes. “If you ever feel like this long distance stuff is not working out for you, I want you to tell me. I won’t think twice before moving back here.”

  “Alec, you have a full scholarship. And we know it is going to be hard, but we will make it work. Right?” I ask, not sounding as sure as I did before.

  “Of course, we will,” he says. “But it will make me feel better if you promise me that.” He leans in and whispers against my lips, “Can you do that for me?”

  ‘This is not even fair’, I think to myself. “I promise,” I whisper back and he kisses me. One of those long kisses that makes you forget all of your problems.

  I get lost in that kiss, until I hear someone clearing his throat.

  We quickly pull away and see Uncle J standing next to the hammock. I look around, but don’t see anyone else.

  “Cool it, kids. Your mom is practically holding your dad hostage in the house to keep him from coming out here.”

  “Sorry, Uncle J,” I say.

  “Yeah… yeah… Seriously. Get in the pool and cool off. We are about to start cooking.” He turns around and goes back toward the house as Alec helps me up and we go toward the pool.

  We jump in the pool as dad and Uncle J fight over the grill. Although, I notice that dad is not as persistent as usual. In fact, he spends more time glancing over at Alec and me than toward the food.

  Alec is uncomfortable and I don’t blame him. We end up getting out of the pool and, after we eat, Alec goes off to talk to Uncle J about baseball.

sit by the pool and watch them talk. I love seeing the smile on Alec’s face when he is talking about baseball. And then, my world gets dark. It only takes one sound to destroy me, taking me right back to that day. As the fireworks go off, I go into panic mode. I sit on the ground, right where I am, put my head down, and my hands over my ears, and I rock back and forth, praying to God that the noise stops. It doesn’t take long before I feel Alec’s arms around me, but that doesn’t stop me from trembling, or the tears from running down my face, and it definitely doesn’t take the sound or the memories away. Right here, right now, as the fireworks go off, I’m thankful that dad gave in and let Alec come along.

  “Everything will be okay, Sky,” he says over and over again, loud enough so I can hear it over the fireworks.

  When the fireworks finally stop, I find the strength to open my eyes. By the look on dad’s face, I know that he is thankful for Alec’s presence too. He looks helpless; but, for the first time, I think that maybe he finally understands what Alec and I have. Mom runs outside holding a glass of water and with shaking hands, I take it from her and drink it, but that doesn’t help much. I’m still out of it. Alec takes the glass of water from my hand and puts it on the ground. He then grabs my hand and puts it against his chest. “Close your eyes and feel my breathing,” he says. I do and I can feel his chest slowly rise and fall. Then I take a deep breath and open my eyes. “I’m okay. I will be okay,” I say it more to myself than everyone else. I just needed to hear it out loud. Another firework goes off and it makes me jump. Alec’s arms instantly pull me closer.

  “Sorry,” I say.

  “You don’t have to apologize for this, Sky,” he says.

  “Do you mind if we go inside?” I ask him.

  He grins, stands up, and helps me up.

  Mom and dad start to follow us.

  “You can stay here. I’m okay,” I say, but I still sound shaken up.

  They both still look pale. I give them a reassuring smile. “I’m okay. Really.”

  I’m thankful for Uncle J, who gets their attention by talking about grilling a couple more burgers. Alec, holding my hand, leads me to the living room, where we both sit on the couch. We both sit quietly for a while.

  “What is on your mind, Sky?”

  “I—” I clear my throat. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t expect this to happen. I have always loved Fourth of July fireworks, but when they started to go off, it took me right back to the day of the shooting. I just lost it.” I say as I stare at the floor.

  “Look at me, Sky,” says Alec as he brushes his fingers over my chin and slowly moves my chin up so I look at him.

  “It’s okay, you know… to let your guard down… to break down every once in a while. What happened at school was too much, especially for you.”

  I know what he means. People out in town still talk about how insane it was that I took a bullet for Alec, a bullet that was shot by my then best friend – Mike.

  I give him a sad smile. “Thank you,” I say. “For being here.”

  “Always,” he winks at me, and this time I give him a real smile.

  That is the thing about Alec and me. We are there for one another through these insane situations that no one should ever have to go through, and that only brings us closer and closer together.

  We leave Uncle J’s a few hours later.

  The summer ends up being the best of my life. Although there are the weekends when Alec has to go to college for orientation, to look for a job, and to set things up, he is never gone for more than two days. It is a summer of late night talks on the roof, of laughter as we hang out at the waterfall, and of kisses that I wish could last forever. But time goes by fast, and the day I dread the most, comes way too soon.


  His last weekend before leaving for college gets here. I wake up Saturday morning to the sound of people yelling outside. I look out the window and see practically the entire baseball team on Alec’s front lawn, followed by them getting in their cars and taking off. I see Alec reach for his phone as he is practically dragged to Kyle’s car, then my phone rings.

  I go to my desk to grab my phone.

  “Hey. I say. What is going on out there?” I laugh.

  “They woke you up, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay.”

  “The guys want to play one last game with the entire team before some of them leave. Do you want to come watch us play? I was going to come get you, but I was practically abducted from my room.”

  I laugh. “Nah. Have fun with the guys. I will see you later.”

  I hear one of the guys yell, “Phones off!”

  Alec laughs. “I should go. I will see you soon, okay?”

  We hang up and I sit on my bed. I grab my guitar and start playing a song that Kyle and I were working on.

  “Is that a new song?” I look up and see mom standing against the doorframe.

  “Oh. That. Yeah. It was a song I was working on with Kyle.”

  “I like it,” she says.

  “Thanks,” I say and I try to give her a smile, but I just know that this weekend is going to suck.

  “So, I was talking to Alec’s mom earlier and we were wondering if you would like to throw the guys a going away party.”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “Really?” I ask.

  She nods excitedly. “I can’t say it was our idea though. Grayson’s grandpa called. He said that Grayson always had these big plans for a going away party at the farm, with a bonfire and all. His grandpa said he would like to still make that happen. He misses the guys being around.

  “Oh wow.”

  “Is that a yes?” she asks.


  She smiles. “I had a feeling you’d agree. Grayson’s grandpa said he would take care of inviting everyone and their parents. Don’t worry. The parents won’t stay long,” she laughs. “Any way, Alec’s mom said that she can get the food and drinks, and we will go get the decorations and set everything up. Are you ready?”

  “I will be in 10 minutes,” I say excitedly.

  “Mom,” I stop her before she leaves my room. “Thanks for doing this,” I say. This summer alone, mom and I had more talks than we have had our whole lives. She is worried that Alec and I are too attached and that we won’t handle a long distance relationship well. And moments like this make me believe that maybe she is coming around to the idea that Alec and I are forever.

  While shopping, mom says that the guys are being told they are just stopping by to have dinner with Grayson’s grandpa; after all, they all practically grew up at that farm.

  We go over, setup all the decorations, and I’m back home before Alec texts me to let me know that they are done playing and he wants to take me to the waterfall before he and the guys meet up to go to Grayson’s farm later.

  ‘Okay,’ I text back. ‘Is Kyle going too?’

  ‘No. Just us.’

  I put on my bathing suit and a dress. He picks me up almost an hour later. His hair is wet. He is wearing cargo shorts, a white shirt, and his favorite baseball cap.

  “Ready?” he asks as he grins.

  On the way to the waterfall he asks if I want to tag along to dinner tonight. It is hard to lie to him, but I say that mom has something planned and that I can’t.

  When we get to the waterfall, he clears his throat when I reach for the door handle. I laugh. He always stops me from opening the door; yet, I can never get used to this. He rushes over to the other side and helps me down. We walk the trail leading to the waterfall and sit on top of the rock where we usually sit.

  “How was the game?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Bittersweet. It was fun, but weird knowing that this team has been together since middle school and now, most of us are all going off to different places.” He pauses. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you while we were playing though.”

  I blush and can’t stop smiling. “Shouldn’t you be focusing on the game?”

  He seems
serious now. He reaches for my hand and looks into my eyes.

  “Sky, while playing today I realized I never thanked you.”

  I give him a puzzled look.

  He leans in and gives me a quick kiss before he continues. “I never thanked you for encouraging me to play. I always told myself I would never play again. It was so hard to give up playing while I was sick, and I told myself that I didn’t want to have to deal with that pain of loving something and having to let it go, ever again. In my mind, it would be easier to let it go that one time and forget about it. Only, I didn’t forget. I missed playing, and you made me realize that.”

  I look down. “Alec, you are giving me way more credit than you should. You would’ve played again, eventually. That is who you are. You love playing too much to not do it.”

  He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t have started to play again if I didn’t have you in my life. I guarantee it. You may not realize it, but you force me to see the positive side of things. You motivated me to play, to take this scholarship, to look forward to having a future, instead of being afraid of what could happen.”

  “Alec I—”

  He interrupts me with a kiss and lowers me on the rock, leaning on top of me. When he pulls away, he says the words that I’ve needed to hear, “We are going to be okay, Sky. You and I are forever and I won’t allow anything to get in the way.” And I can see it in his eyes that he means every single word.

  After we leave, I know he won’t have time to take me home before people start getting to the farm, so I say that I changed my mind about crashing his dinner, and I text mom to let her know that I will meet her there. We are already right by the farm, so I take my time walking the trail out to the truck.

  On the way to the farm, mom sends me a couple of texts saying the parents will be inside the house and they are leaving the guys out until I get there.

  When we get to the farm, some of the guys are already there and knocking on the door.

  “I wonder what is going on,” says Alec, “We are a few minutes late as it is.”


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