Catch Me If I Fall

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Catch Me If I Fall Page 19

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  I watch her go inside then I go back home to do a little search on this Lucas guy.

  I watch a few interviews with the guy and the girl who sings with him - Carly. In one of them, they are asked if they wrote that particular song.

  “Nah,” he says. “It was written by a girl named Skylar.”

  The interviewer jokes around. “Is that a smile I see? Please tell me you are the guy responsible for her writing it.”

  He laughs. “No. I’m not that lucky. She is a really amazing girl.”

  “Really?” says the interviewer. “I don’t know, but I get the impression there is something you are not telling us,” she teases, and I feel my stomach drop.

  Lucas grins and shakes his head. “Yeah, she turned me down,” he says and just like that, he has the attention of all the girls in the crowd. ‘Maybe it is just a marketing ploy to get fans to be all over him,’ I think to myself, but deep down, I get the feeling that is not the case.

  I feel like I’m about to explode. I have to win her back.



  I had to get out of there. I meant what I said. I can’t do the long distance relationship thing right now and being near him was complicating things. I need time to process everything that I just found out. I keep wondering where we would be today if he had just told me what really happened. He is right though, I probably wouldn’t have believed him; but it is disappointing that he didn’t even try to save what we had. He didn’t try to come after me, or to explain.

  The whole drive home I kept thinking about it. I always knew Lizzie was manipulative. Why was I so quick to assume things? But no matter what thoughts crossed my mind, the end result was always the same. He didn’t try to explain. He left me thinking the worst.

  I get back to Atlanta in the afternoon and I have the house to myself. Uncle J won’t be back for another few days.

  I lie down on the couch and call Lucas back. There is a lot of background noise. I hadn’t accounted for the time difference and just realized they have a concert starting soon. Lucas says he will call me right after so we can talk more.

  I keep staring at my phone, and finally give into my urge to text Alec.

  ‘Hi,’ I text.

  There is no answer, and I know he is probably hanging out with the guys. I call Jenny and invite her over. I hate being home alone.

  Jenny gets here with a bag full of junk food and some movies she picked up on the way. She hates scary movies, so I agree to watch a romantic comedy.

  My phone vibrates on the coffee table and she looks over at it. “There is a really cute guy calling you,” she says as she looks over and sees Alec’s picture on the screen.

  “That is Alec,” I tell Jenny.

  I let it go to voicemail and text him.

  ‘Hey. Sorry. Watching a movie with a friend.’

  She sits up on the couch and pauses the TV. I told Jenny bits and pieces about Alec and I. I just had to have someone to vent to.

  “So, you finally talked, huh? Are you getting back together?” she asks. “Because that is going to break Lucas’ heart.”

  I laugh. “No, we are not back together, and it would definitely not break Lucas’ heart. He is probably going on a different date every night while he is on tour.”

  She shrugs, “Does he still call you every day?”

  I look down at my phone as it buzzes when another text comes through.

  “Yeah,” I tell her. “He does.”

  She grins. “He is really into you.”

  I shake my head and open the text, ‘Is that friend Lucas?’ he asks and I grin at the thought that he might be a little jealous.

  ‘No. HER name is Jenny. Lucas is overseas.’

  ‘So Kyle and I don’t have to be back at school until tomorrow. We could come and hang out with you for a bit.’

  I bite my bottom lip and just stare at the phone. I didn’t even realize that Jenny still has the movie paused and is just staring at me.

  “Everything okay over there?” she asks.

  “Yeah. It’s just that… he wants to come over.”

  “What do you want?” she asks.

  “I don’t know.” I put the phone down while I think about it. I tell Jenny all about what happened while I went back home, and the whole thing with Lizzie, and how I felt about him not even trying to explain what happened. “What do you think I should do?” I ask.

  “Honestly?” She says and I nod. “Make him fight for you. It sounds like that was the problem before. I’m not saying it to be mean or to play games, but play hard to get for a while. And that gives you time to figure things out. Long distance relationships don’t work unless both sides are a hundred percent committed to fighting for one another. Let him prove that you should re-consider the long distance relationship thing again.”

  I nod. Another text comes in.


  “So, let’s say I tell him to come over--”

  She interrupts me. “I will be your shadow. I will make sure you don’t give into his hotness,” she laughs.

  I text him back. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Really?’ he asks. ‘We are giving James and one of his friends a ride back to school after. Is it okay if he comes along?’


  ‘We’ll be on our way shortly.’


  I regret not driving myself home for the weekend. I would already be out the door, but now I have to wait on Kyle to go get his things. Luckily, he is at my house, so I can rush him.

  “Did she say yes?” he asks.

  I grin. “Yep. Call James and tell him to be ready.”

  “Sweet!” he says as he texts James.

  We swing by Kyle’s house and a few minutes later, we pick up James and Chris.

  Kyle drives, as no one is allowed to even think about driving his new car. For the first time, I’m not even bothered by his country music. All I think about is hurrying up and getting there.

  We get to Atlanta a few hours later and go straight to her house.

  It’s already dark outside. A girl opens the door. She smiles cheerfully.

  “Alec, right?” she asks and I nod.

  “I’m Jenny.”

  I introduce the other guys. “Come on in,” she says. “Skylar is out back. I was just grabbing some sodas.”

  “I can help you with that,” says James, and I already know where this is going.

  I go toward the backyard and stop at the door. Her back is to me, and she is playing her guitar and singing. I slowly walk toward her and whisper in her ear, “You sound amazing.”

  She stops playing but doesn’t turn around right away. Kyle walks past me, stands in front of her, and says, “You have some explaining to do.”

  “Kyle!” she quickly gets up and gives him a hug that makes me jealous.

  “I missed you, too,” he says before she pulls away, “But you still have some explaining to do! First, you ignore my calls, and now, I hear that you and your guitar have been cheating on me with some guy named Lucas.”

  She bursts out laughing. “Only because it’s part of my job description,” she says. “I would never do that to you, Kyle.”

  He smiles. I stand here, with my hands in my pockets, just watching them.

  “So, do I get one of those hugs?” I ask, and she hesitates.

  Kyle comes toward me with his arms wide open.

  “Seriously, man. Not from you,” I laugh, but he breaks the tension and I’m thankful for that.

  “Where is Jenny?” she asks.

  “In the kitchen with James and Chris,” says Kyle.

  “So much for being my shadow,” she mumbles.

  “So you need a shadow now, huh?” I ask.

  She shakes her head as if surprised she actually said that out loud.

  Chris, James, and Jenny, come out and we introduce Skylar to Chris.

  “Hey, Is the pool heated?” James asks and she nods. “Can we get in?” he asks.

“Sure,” says Skylar.

  They take their jeans and shirts off right where they stand, down to their boxers, and jump in.

  “Sorry,” I say. “They have no shame.”

  Jenny laughs and rolls her eyes. “Boys…”

  She ends up getting down to her shirt and jumping in the pool right after them.

  “She seems nice,” I tell Skylar. I’m glad she has a friend she seems close to, and I’m even more glad that said friend is a girl.

  I glance over at the hammock where we spent so much time together. I can’t help it. “Come lay down with me,” I say.

  “Alec!” she warns me.

  “What?” I play stupid. “As friends. I won’t try anything.”

  She gives me a warning gaze and starts to walk toward the hammock. Her phone rings. She looks at the screen and I make the mistake of doing the same.

  “Sorry,” she says. “I have to take this.” And she gives me this look like she is truly sorry she has to take his call in front of me.

  She goes toward the chairs by the pool and sits down, and I go lay down in the hammock.

  I start out by looking up at the sky, but I can’t help myself. Eventually, I look toward her and watch her as she talks on the phone. I hate that he can make her laugh like that.


  Lucas couldn’t have picked a worse time to call. Yes, we are just friends, but I felt bad answering it in front of Alec. I noticed the look in his eyes when he glanced at the screen. But I had to answer it after telling Lucas that I would call him back and then calling when he couldn’t talk. Not to mention that he is calling from overseas.

  “Hi. How was the concert?” I ask.

  “Amazing, as always. You should tour with us next time. You have no idea how awesome this tour has been.”

  “Maybe,” I say.

  Jenny screams from the pool as James picks her up.

  “Was that Jenny?” he asks.

  I laugh. “Yeah. She is in the pool with some of my friends from back home.”

  “Oh. Well, sounds like you all are having more fun than I am.”

  I laugh again.

  I glance over at the hammock where Alec is lying down, and see that he is staring at me. He doesn’t even turn around when I notice it. He has this intense look, and keeps his eyes locked on me.


  “Sorry,” I say to Lucas without taking my eyes off Alec. “I should go. Can I call you back tomorrow?”

  “Sure,” he says. “Sweet dreams.”

  I hang up the phone and walk toward Alec. When I get to him, he moves over to make room for me.

  “What is on your mind, Alec?” I ask and he closes his eyes at the sound of the question I haven’t asked him in so long. He opens his eyes again and looks into mine. “I know it’s none of my business, but is there anything there? Between you and Lucas?”

  I shake my head.

  “This might make me sound like the creepy ex, but I watched some of his interviews,” he says. “He seems to have a thing for you.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about, Alec. Besides, you and I are just friends,” I wink at him. He moves from his side to his back and turns his head to look at me, “Sorry,” he says. “I know you asked for space and I’m probably sounding pushy.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. This is new, and difficult, but I need to just be friends for now.”

  “Okay,” he says and he looks back up.

  I slide my hand to the side until I reach his hand. I slip my hand into his and we lay here, watching the stars.

  When everything gets quiet, I sit up and find Kyle and Chris passed out on the chairs by the pool, and Jenny making out with James.

  “See if I trust her to be my shadow ever again,” I laugh.

  “What is the deal with her being a shadow?” he asks. “That is the second time you mentioned it.”

  “She was just making sure I stuck to my plan.”

  He sits up, “Do you think you need a babysitter around me?” he asks.

  I laugh. “Oh. I know I do.”

  “So, what would happen if I kissed you right now?” he asks and I blush as I look away for a split second before looking back at him.

  “Alec, this is obviously not going to work. Maybe it’s best if we just stick to phone calls for a while.”

  “Okay,” he agrees. “We can do that after I go back to school,” he says.

  “Thank you, for understand—” He closes the distance between us and kisses me.

  When he pulls away, he whispers against my lips, “Do you want me to stop?”

  I hesitate and he kisses me again.

  “Oh Crap,” says Jenny. “You two better stop that right now!” She yells from across the yard. Kyle and Chris wake up and try to figure out what is going on.

  Alec is mad, and I find this humorous.

  I get up and start to walk toward Kyle and Chris, with Alec following me. Jenny and James get out of the pool and Alec looks at him. “Seriously, James. All those rumors about you and you can’t keep the girl distracted for longer?”

  “Hey! He is a damn good kisser. Leave him alone.” Jenny smiles. “However, I’m on a mission so I’m officially kicking everyone out. Time to go!”

  Alec looks at me and I just shrug.

  Within a few minutes, they are all in the car and on their way back to college.

  “Thank you,” I tell Jenny.

  “Uh-huh,” she says.

  Over the next few weeks, Alec is busy with finals and I’m busy with work. We talk, but not every day. For the most part, this being friends thing is starting to work. Some days I miss him more than others, but one thing is for sure: I made the right decision by not jumping back into a long distance relationship, especially since we both have so much going on.


  The big day gets here and between Christmas and wedding decorations, the house is insane! And with the entire wedding party at the house, Alec included, I disappear to Jenny’s house with no intentions of showing up until the wedding.

  That morning, I appreciate the fact that I’m just sitting on Jenny’s couch, wearing yoga pants and a tank top, and eating a huge bowl of cereal, while everyone else is probably freaking out about everything.

  My suspicions are confirmed when I get a text from Alec, ‘Where are you? It’s a madhouse here. Your uncle has me running all kinds of errands while my sister has me picking up the last two bridesmaids from the airport.’

  ‘Ha. I’m sitting down watching TV and relaxing. Have fun though,” I close my phone, but can’t stop grinning.

  “Alec?” asks Jenny.


  “Still just friends?”


  She nods. “You know that Lucas got in last night just for the wedding, right?”

  “What?” I ask surprised. We never really talked about the wedding again. “I thought they were staying another week to go sight seeing.”

  “Carly is. Did you really think he would stand you up?”

  “I guess not. We just didn’t really talk about the wedding since that night.”

  “Well, maybe he was afraid you’d change your mind if he brought it up.”

  “Still just friends with Alec?” she asks… again.


  “Good. Then that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Hmmm. Do you think I should warn Alec that I’m going with Lucas?”

  She tilts her head to the side. “Did at any point Alec ask if you were going to the wedding with someone? Or to go with him?”

  I shake my head.

  “There is your answer,” she says, and she is right.

  The wedding will start at sunset, so I start to get ready early afternoon. Jenny does my hair and makeup. I then put on the short, sleeveless blue dress. I didn’t think this through and I’m probably going to freeze the entire night. Luckily, Jenny lets me borrow a black wrap that matches the dress perfectly.

  Jenny wears a long black dress that makes her red hair look even brighter.

  We are ready to go shortly before Lucas comes to pick us up. He is wearing a nice suit, no tie. His hair has the messy look, as always.

  He comes in and gives us both hugs, and tells us he bought us something from overseas but left it at the apartment.

  “Ready?” he asks. “Did I mention that you two look gorgeous?”

  “Thank you,” we both say at the same time.

  In a way, I’m glad Jenny is going with us. It makes us look more like a group of friends going together.

  We get to the house right on time. We go outside to take our seats, and as soon as I step out, I see Alec watching me. He smiles at me then his smile turns into a frown just as I feel Lucas’ hand on the small of my back. Not that Alec can see that from where he is, but he recognizes Lucas.

  Alec looks away, and Jenny, Lucas, and I find a place to sit. The yard looks amazing. There are rose petals and small clear glass bowls with candles in the pool, and there are blue Christmas lights hanging from the trees and above the pool. There are rows of chairs leading up to the side of the pool, where there is a bamboo alter setup just inches away from the water.

  I look at Alec again and he avoids looking at me. Lucas leans in and whispers, “I assume that is the ex?” And I nod without taking my eyes off Alec.

  The music starts. I look at Lucas and smile as soon as I recognize the song as one of his - one of the ones I wrote.

  “Did you know about this?” he whispers.

  “No!” I grin from ear to ear.

  We are all standing and everyone is looking at the bride. Amanda looks gorgeous. When she is almost to Uncle J’s and I face that direction, I see that Alec is watching me again.

  The ceremony is short and sweet, and then the reception starts. The DJ announces the bride and groom’s first dance, but Uncle J stops him. He looks around until he finds me among the guests, and asks the DJ for the microphone.

  “I would actually love if my niece did the honors,” he says as he winks at me.

  “There are way too many people here! I can’t do this,” I say to Lucas.

  I look around nervously and everyone seems to be looking at me and waiting. I glance toward Kyle and he takes a step forward. For a split second, I think he is going to come to my rescue and sing with me, but Alec stops him.


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