Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies... Oh My!: A Dark Lair Short (Dark Lair Shorts Book 1)

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Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies... Oh My!: A Dark Lair Short (Dark Lair Shorts Book 1) Page 1

by Sky, Carman

  Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies… Oh MY!

  By: Carman A. Sky

  Published by Carman A. Sky

  Printed by CreateSpace

  ©Carman A. Sky

  Under the blogger name catkay1984

  All persons, places, names, characters, and ideas used in this novel are a works of fiction and are a product of the authors own mind. Any resemblances to and persons living or dead, places, events or locals are entirely coincidental.

  Edited by: Kaila’s Editing

  Cover art designed by: Carman A. Sky

  Table of Contents

  Roses’ Decision

  A Werecat’s Tale

  Zombies Come Back to Life

  Haunted House

  Her Chosen One

  The Silent Watcher

  The Meeting

  Full Moon Night

  Vampire Cat Girl

  Terror in the Night

  Rose’s Decision

  Rose was 800 years old. She had lived a long time. She had struggled to survive in a dark underworld mainly alone all her life. Oh don't get her wrong she had had many lovers, but it wasn't the same as being in love. She knew what love was. She had been in love before the accident, as she called it, the night when she was kidnapped and turned into a vampire. Before that night she had been engaged to the most wonderful, most handsome man she knew and loved. When she had awoke from the seemingly all too terrifying nightmare she went to go find him. David had searched day and night for her for a week. He had thought her truly dead and gone and gave up hope of ever finding her.

  Rose knocked on David's door. When he opened it and saw her at first he light up like a Christmas tree when he saw her, but the light soon faded as he took in the all too pale skin, the wide hungry eyes, and the glimmer of fang when she opened her mouth to speak. It was too much for David. He had rather have found Rose dead than turned into a monster. He told her to leave and never return.

  Rose hesitated on his doorstep not sure where to go. David returned shoving a cross in her face and she turned away and hissed. "Be gone foul monster!" David had yelled and Rose ran. She had no trouble finding her way through the woods. No weeds or downed trees made her stumble. Her swift feet carried her farther than she had realized.

  The sun was going to rise soon and Rose needed a place to hide. She frantically searched for a deep cave or cellar to keep out of the sun. Someone moved up behind her and said, "Do not fear, Little One, I know where we can go."

  Rose turned and saw a tall dark man, not a man, but vampire behind her holding out his hand. Should she dare trust him? What else was she to do? The sun would soon be up and she'd be dead.

  Rose hesitated, but then took his hand quickly and he led her to a hidden underground mausoleum. He helped her into a waiting open casket. "Who are you?" She whispered as if afraid to wake the dead.

  "Samuel. Now in you go before it's too late." Samuel closed the casket lid gently and soon she was dead only to rise with the dark of night.

  After some time she had met many different vampires and had led a very different sort of life until it was the only thing she knew. Blood, sex and night were her only needs. As long as these were met nothing else mattered. But one day she had been getting ready to go out and hunt and she had been brushing her long chocolate brown hair, staring into the round face with large blue eyes and a button nose, with the dimple in her chin. She shouldn't have looked as beautiful as she did. The lipstick was a stark red against the pale skin and only served to her reminded her of the blood that would soon be draining down her throat. She slammed her brush down and yelled "I can't do this anymore!"

  She meant she couldn't handle being alone, giving into the need for blood, and sex. She needed to choose to find a mate, a love companion, or she needed to choose to fade away. There was only a few ways she could die, but the only way of killing herself was to refuse blood and reduce herself to little more than a shadow. Of course she could walk into the sun, but she didn't like the thought of burning to death. Rose put her head in her hands and cried. Her tears were like acid burning trails down her cheeks. She felt well and truly alone.

  After she dried her tears and let her face heal she checked herself in the mirror again and left her apartment to go out for the night. Nothing would ever change if she wallowed in her own self-pity. She had on a slinky blue dress that only served to bring out her enchanting blue eyes. Her heals were high and she walked proudly into the night, not betraying anything about her fears.

  As Rose sashayed down the side walk she knew she was turning heads. The thrill of it lifted her spirits a little. The he caught her eye. Tall, blond and blue eyes with a long lean muscular body to match. He was leaning against the wall by the alleyway. The pout of his lips drew her gaze. Soft kissable lips set into a masculine face. Dear God he was handsome! Humans never looked that good to her. And he stood staring at her as if he were waiting for her. His leather coat framed that hard body as his t-shirt and jeans clung to him like a second skin.

  For the first time in 800 years she stumbled. His gaze made her body vibrate the way it never had before. She regained her composure and sauntered over to him. Damn! He looked even hotter up close. Rose stopped just short of touching him and said, "Kiss me...."

  He wrapped his hands around her slight waist and pulled her close bending down to meet her lips. Even in high heels he was taller than her. He placed a soft feather light kiss and whispered, "I know what you are and I don't care. Take me home, baby."

  She wrapped her arm around his waist and led him back the way she had come. "If you know what I am, why aren't you scared?" She asked in his ear.

  "I have seen you before and have admired your work. That tight little body of yours has been the star of my dreams," He replied.

  Just as they reached her door he bent down to kiss her again and this time he left her breathless. "What's your name?" Rose said as she fought to catch her breath.

  "Rick, the names Rick," He replied just as breathless.

  She got them in the door and kicked it closed behind her and locked it. Rick reached for her again and soon there was a trail of clothes leading to the couch. She straddled him and had her head thrown back. She gasped as she felt the wooden tip of a stake pressed against her chest over her heart. She stilled and stared wide eyed at Rick. "Why?" She whispered.

  Rick rolled her over and said, "I was sent to kill you. I am a vampire hunter."

  Then he dropped the stake and kissed her passionately. "I can't," he said when he came up for air.

  Awash in the afterglow, both needs for blood and sex satisfied Rose whispered, "I love you, Rick."

  "I love you too, Rose," Rick replied. He had chosen life and love for Rose when he could have and should have killed her. Now it was too late, or was it?

  A Werecat’s Tale

  It was the night of the full moon. I was with my pack in our place of transformation. I could feel the calling of the moon and my cat purred in delight. We were waiting until the moon rose high enough in the sky that our Alpha Queen would be satisfied enough to make that call to change. My cat was pacing as the moons call got stronger and just when I thought I could no longer bear it the cat-call of our queen echoed in the night and soon the air was charged with something close to magic.

  Along with the rest of our clan I dropped to the ground and writhed in agony as my cat poured out of my skin. Only the new shifters cried out as those of us who had several years of ch
anging were used to the pain. Bones snapped and rearranged themselves as shadow black fur slid over my body. Teeth growing, nose elongating, claws breaking through the freshly formed paws. I looked at my fellow pack-mates and saw the wonderful spots in their orange/yellow fur and yellow/green eyes. I looked down at my own shadow black fur. A panther among leopards. The only color was my brilliant dark blue eyes.

  Our queen called for our attention. She was beautiful. Black ringed spots decorating her snow white coat. Her eyes were a shade darker than mine. She called for our attention one more time. Tonight was her night to pick a king. She had made her way to the top of the pack alone, but she couldn't keep that position alone. She had to choose a mate and king to help secure her position. She could call any of the males to fight to see who is the strongest. They would fight until one drew blood first. It could take all night.

  The first challengers were chosen. The fight lasted a mere two minutes. The next challenger came forward. One after another, each male called either defeated or was defeated. The wounded were cared for by the females who licked the wounds clean with their tongues and rubbed themselves on the males to give comfort.

  I stayed to the back, hiding in the shadows. I had no place here. I had no place anywhere, but yet this was my pack and pack always stands together. Oh, they would defend me from outside threats, but anyone in the pack could essentially do what they wanted to me. I stayed hidden to keep myself safe.

  Minutes blended into hours and soon dawn was approaching, and yet the queen seemed unsatisfied with the performance the males were giving. She seemed bored and uninterested. I slowly made my way closer to the show. I kept to the shadows. I was almost to my only friend when I felt a set of eyes watching me. I stilled instantly willing myself to disappear into the shadows. I heard and smelled her approach before I saw her. She stood before me in all her white and spotted glory. I stayed low to the ground and rolled belly up to show my submission. I didn't want to her to have any reason to be mad at me.

  The queen growled low and bared her teeth and I offered her my throat. I was hoping she wasn't going to tear it out of me. She slowly bent down and took my throat in her mouth. I stilled and waited, barely breathing. She dug her teeth in gently. Then she licked me.

  Taking that lick as a sign I rolled over slowly and she stepped back so I could stand up. I wondered quickly what I had done to earn this honor. The queen nudged me to her place of honor up on the flat rock. I walked over to it and she nudged me again so I jumped up and she followed. I settled down only after she did.

  The Queen wanted me to help choose the next king?! I could not believe what this implied of our queen. Either she trusted my judgment or she was going crazy. I was betting on the former. She was not very powerful as wereleopards go, but she had the know-how to plan out strategy.

  I watched the performance with her, but I could hear the growls of the other females behind me. Suddenly the queen stood and turned fast letting out the loudest, meanest roar I ever heard from any of my kind. All the females bowed low and then rolled onto their backs to show their queen their bellies in that submissive gesture. After she was satisfied she laid back down on the flat rock.

  The fights continued, until one wereleopard started to win fight after fight after fight. He was powerful and he had enough control not to keep tearing at the fallen pack members like some of the victors had. There was one who had to be forcibly removed by four females.

  I purred low sounding out my approval. This leopard had all the makings of a king. Queen Snow Leopard glanced at me and sounded out her approval before the next fight began. All the cats bowed low on their bellies to show that they honored their new king. He was a big male, with deep green/brown eyes. His fur was covered with those ringed spots almost to the point that the orange/yellow color barely showed. I wondered what he looked like in human form. I had been with the pack for a few years and I still didn't know all of the members.

  The queen stood and leaped to the ground near her new king. She bared her teeth and growled. It was customary for the king and queen to fight before consummating the matehood.

  I was left on the rock alone and I knew as soon as the show was done the others would be on me fast. I took the opportunity to slip back into the shadows while everyone's attention was not on me. Soon the dawn would come and I'd be back to my other life, one that didn't involve the pack. I wanted to get back to my college. I wanted to get back to my dorm. I wanted to get away from them.

  I hid until the first light of dawn called my human form from my feline body. The bones broke and reversed into human bones and the fur melted away. The only thing that stayed was my long shadow black hair and my brilliant dark blue eyes.

  I found my pack with my spare clothes and dressed quickly. I was just getting into my car when a figure walked up to my window. She had short spiky white/blond hair and eyes a shade darker than mine. I stilled instantly. My breath caught in my throat.

  "Your name's Sapphire right?" She asked.

  "Yeah... Yes, my queen," I said and bowed my head.

  "Cassie, call me Cassie in this form," She replied.

  "Cassie," I said with my head still bowed.

  "Sapphire, I want to thank you for helping me choose a king for the pack. Garrett is a great choice for us, for the pack," Cassie said.

  "I'm glad I could help," I said quietly still not looking at her.

  "Sapphire, look at me. Never look away from me in this form. You are not a sub. You are not an omega. You could be an Alpha. You are stronger than you let on. You could be my rival," Cassie said firmly.

  "Cassie I would never....I....I don't want to be an Alpha!" I said. The frustration apparent in my voice.

  I didn't imply that you would. I just said you could, but not unless you accept what you are. I have been a leopard for over 12 years know what it is like being different. That's why I fought my way to the top. You could be my second, if you wanted," Cassie said softly.

  A tall man with shoulder length sun-dyed blond hair. His eyes were green with a yellow tint to them. That must be Garrett I thought.

  "I'm sorry Cassie. I've got to go. I've got to get back to school," I said as I turned the engine over in my car. It sputtered to life and Cassie backed up.

  "Think about it!" Cassie called to me as I pulled away. Garrett had his arms wrapped around her from behind.

  I drove and drove until I had to stop. The tears were blinding me too much. Could I really even entertain the idea of being second in the pack? Was I that strong? I had been turning furry for a little over two years now. I still hadn't come to terms with it. I dealt with it every month like I did my period and when it was done I went back to my routine, studying, reading books and more studying. My major was in English Literature.

  I had been so sure of what I wanted three years ago when I graduated high school. Now I wasn't sure anymore. After I had been attacked two years ago I lost touch with my friends and family because I didn't want them to know what I had become. I knew I had to stop fighting this. It was done and now I was a freak even among the monsters.

  I slammed my palms into the steering wheel. I screamed, all the anger pouring out. What did I want out of life now? I was living a lie now, pretending I could go on with my life the way I did before. I screamed again. Why did this happen to me? To me? Miss Goody-two-shoes, who followed all the rules ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and now I was a monster trying to hide in my human skin.

  Could I accept what I was? Did I want to accept what I was? I took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. I turned around. If anyone could help me she could, and not because it was her job, but because she knew what I was going through. Cassie had accepted what she was and now she was queen of the pack. Did I want to be queen? No, but I wanted to learn how to accept myself.

  I pulled in the drive, and got out of the car.

  "I knew you'd be back," Cassie said she was sitting on the porch steps. I was thankful she was by herself.

ou know why too, don’t you?" I replied.

  "Yeah, I do. I can help too," Cassie said.

  I sat down next to her and she gave me the first lesson.

  Zombies Come Back to Life

  I was once alive. Somewhere in what was once a fully functioning brain I had some foggy memories. I don't know how long I have been dead. At one point in my existence I had a companion join me. In my half rotted brain I perceived this companion as a male. He grunted his name one day and we traveled together finding our next meal and places to hide. We couldn't let the humans find us or they'd chop us up. I had watched that happen a few times. Only two things mattered flesh and survival. I had no idea why I had those two compulsions. I just did. My companion, or friend, or whatever he was to me helped me achieve them.

  In my foggy memories I could make out a girl, I think was me, with dark almost black hair and ocean blue eyes. The girl had a slightly upturned nose and rounded chin. Her lips were a perfect Cupid’s bow mouth. Now gazing back at me were empty pale blue eyes and tangled dull dark hair. My once peaches and cream skin was now a dingy grey and had pulled apart in some places to show things that weren't meant to be seen. My clothes were tattered and had holes. My stomach showed. My knees wore through the jeans.

  We had fed the night before. I wasn't entirely sure the flesh we ate was human. It was sweet and the blood that flowed was like wine. It hinted of something, but my half missing brain couldn't figure it out. We moved on and found an abandoned barn to hide out in. I glanced around and saw my hands when I looked down. I raised them and saw that they were not quite so grey. There were even some patches of white. I looked at him and saw that it was the same with him. His dull brown eyes had a shine to them that had never been there before.

  He grunted and we settled for the day hidden under some old straw. We don't necessarily sleep, but we do rest. We close our eyes and slow our breathing. Sometimes we even stop our breathing. Time was incomprehensible to our rotted minds. We just knew the difference between sun up and sun down and our need for flesh.


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