Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies... Oh My!: A Dark Lair Short (Dark Lair Shorts Book 1)

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Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies... Oh My!: A Dark Lair Short (Dark Lair Shorts Book 1) Page 4

by Sky, Carman

  I left the bathroom and went upstairs to see Derrick already sitting at a small table eating some eggs and Maggie at the stove making more. They both looked the same as the night before. Derrick had on the same black t-shirt and jeans outfit. Maggie had on a floral print dress that was belted at the waist and was down to her mid-calf.

  As I ate in silence slowly the others came up the stairs showered and dressed in the same outfit of black t-shirt and jeans. James strolled in from the cafe. He had been setting up for the day. "So how as everyone's night?" He asked.

  Vampire Cat Girl

  I rose from my coffin and stretched. Choosing what to wear for the night always took me forever. Tonight after an hour I picked out a cute black mini skirt with a mermaid tail type ruffle, fishnet stockings, and a tight scarlet shirt. I brushed and styled my long jet black hair and applied my make-up artfully. I was on the short side at 5’ 2”, but my 3” black knee high boots helped add extra height. My midnight blue eyes stared back at me from the mirror. I looked gorgeous!

  I snapped a picture with my iPhone for my blog. I was VPIRCGIRL500. My blog had over 500,000 hits a night. Having lived over 500 years I had advice on everything, from the best fashions to the best make-up tips. I was a unique breed as well. My Daddy was a vampire and my Momma was a Weretiger. I know everyone says that’s impossible, but I am living proof. I visit my parents every half century.

  Tonight was going to be a special video blog and I wanted to look my best. I had promised my followers a question and answer session. They send in the questions and I would answer in a video. I checked myself in the mirror again. I fussed with my hair only succeeding in putting it out of place. I checked the clock, 8:30pm. I had time so I took the time to redo my hair. I took another picture and this time left it alone. I often fidget when I am waiting.

  I check the time again, 8:55pm. Almost show time. I take the printed out questions and laid them in front of me at my desk. I skimmed the questions quickly and one stands out to me, “What in your life has been worth living for?”

  I freeze. I go over my life and there are only 3 things that come to mind. One walked out on me centuries ago.

  The user name on the question was BLKSHDW350A. It wasn’t much help. Many had thought that was a cool user name. I checked the time 9:01pm. I’m late!

  I turned my computer screen on and adjusted my webcam. I entered my login to my blog page and select the Video Blog button.

  “Hi, everyone! Vampire Cat Girl here. Tonight, as promised, I’m going to answer your questions. First up from user XJ32 asks, ’What kind of hair products do you use?’ Well XJ32 I use the VampStyle hair Care line. They have all sorts of shampoos, conditioners, and different kinds of styling products for undead hair like mine. If you’re human I think there are some brands out there that would work great for your hair, you just have to experiment with different brands.

  “Next up SunnyG asks, ‘Vamp Girl, how do I get my BF to take me out more?’ Well SunnyG the best approach is the direct approach, I always say. Most guys don’t get subtle hints so you have to come out and say it. Though I also find that nights in are fun too! Hahaha!”

  I continue down the list and get to BLKSHDW350A’s question.

  “This next one is a hard one. Black Shadow 350 A asks ‘What in your life has been worth living for?’ Well, Black Shadow, I have 3. My loving parents, whom I visit every half century, and are very supportive of me. Then,” I had to clear my throat at this part, “then there is a certain Werelion out there somewhere whom I still love. If you ever see this know I still love you. I always have. We were separated a long time ago,” I added softly.

  I sat for a moment looking into my webcam and realized I had started to cry. Red-tinted tears slid slowly down my cheeks. I blink and thank the mascara company for making waterproof mascara. I wipe the tears away and say in a thick voice, “Sorry guys that has always been a sore subject. But on a happier note I will be uploading the details of a giveaway tomorrow! So be sure to check in tomorrow to see what I will be giving away and how! Till then guys drink responsibly and be safe!”

  I shut the webcam off and check my email dreading the comments about me crying. I was worried for nothing because everyone was sympathetic. That is all, but Mr. BLKSHDW250A. When I opened up his email it said,

  Vampire Cat Girl,

  I really don’t believe the answer to my question that you gave. You still are in touch with your parents? I don’t buy that. And you’re still pining over a long dead ancient love? I don’t buy that either. Let’s meet. I’d like to look you in the eye as you tell me your real answer. Let’s say… 2:00AM tonight. Meet me underneath the willow in the park.

  See you there,


  I was frozen in shock. This user wanted me to meet him, alone, in the middle of the park. Don’t get me wrong, I can take care of myself, but I was scared. Who knew what this BLKSDW350A wanted with me?


  Promptly at 2AM I waited under the big willow in the park. I crouched in the branches listening for the sound of footsteps. I watched and waited. He kept me waiting for an hour. I saw him approached from downwind. His feet were light upon the ground. He wore a black hoodie that covered his face and black jeans and black running shoes.

  When he was under the tree I called down to him, “I’m here. I’ve been here for an hour. Where the hell have you been?”

  He looked up at me and his eyes shone green, like a cat’s. I climbed up a branch. Fear coursed through me.

  “Who are you?” I demanded.

  He chuckled deep in his throat. In one cat like leap he grabbed the bottom branch and started climbing.

  I climbed higher into the tree as high as I could go. He was fast. He moved like a full blooded Werecat. Soon he was upon me. I had no choice I jumped and caught a lower branch.

  He was there grabbing my arm as I dangled from the branch. “Damn it woman!” he gritted through his teeth as he hauled me up.

  I gasped. I knew that expression, and I knew the voice that spoke it. When I had my feet on the branch I turned to the hooded figure before me.

  “Rex? What the hell, Rex?! You scared the hell out of me! Why all of this…” I trailed off waving my hands in the air.

  He chuckled again and threw off the hood. He shook out the golden blond hair and it fluffed out around him. The gold/green of his eyes twinkled in the starlight.

  “I always did have to chase you down,” he said with a smirk.

  “Do you know how long it’s been? And do you have any idea what you put me through? What you’re outing me through now?” I asked sitting down on the tree limb.

  “Hey, I came back, because I owe you an explanation. I came back, because I missed you, Sapphire Eyes,” Rex said using his old nickname for me. He sat next to me, his feet dangling in the night air.

  “You scared the shit out of me when you left. I thought I’d never see you again,” I said softly.

  He reached over and caressed my cheek. “Hey now, I told you I’d always come back for you. It just took me a little longer than I planned to cut myself loose from my father’s plans. He had high ambitions for me,” Rex replied.

  I looked at the horizon. It was pushing 4AM and the light was beginning to show in the predawn. I sighed and looked at Rex.

  “We have much talking to do, but I don’t have much time, Rex. Let’s go back to my place,” I said and started weaving my way down the tree.

  Rex had reached the bottom before I did. He reached his hand out to mine. I took it and the tingle that went up my arm had me blushing. His hand still did the same things to me as centuries ago. My heart fluttered.

  I lead the way back to my underground penthouse suite. We talked a lot on the way. I had learned that Rex had been caught up in some scheme his father had started and it took him centuries to get out of it. He had left me because he didn’t want me to get hurt.

  We both cried about the time lost between us. Rex said he did
n’t really believe that I would still love him after all this time. I told him my heart refused to let me forget about him, and even though there were others, he still held my heart.

  “I’ll be here when you wake, Sapphire Eyes. Nothing is ever going to separate us again,” he said as he tucked me into my coffin and kissed my forehead.

  “No, nothing will separate us again. And I also have a good story for my blog tomorrow night!” I said giggling.

  I smiled as my soul left my body knowing that Rex was going to be there when I rose.

  Terror in the Night

  He walked hurriedly towards home in the last rays of the setting sun. His house was still miles away. He was visiting a friend and had no car. He loved getting out into the night air and get the exercise. But tonight something was different. He felt the need to hurry. He was not a fan of horror flicks or vampire novels. Such things did not exist in his mind.

  In another minute the sun would be gone completely and true dark would be here. His skin felt like it was crawling down his body and the fine hair on the back of his neck stood to attention. He tried to brush the sensation off as he rounded the next turn. His house still seemed so far away in the impending dark. He started to jog. He had to get home so the feeling of being followed would stop. The fear made him stumble on the sidewalk. He wanted to get home. The lights that lined the street didn't seem nearly as bright as usual and the shadows loomed closer than normal.

  He usually felt no fear. He was fearless, but the panic grew and he hurried his pace. The dark was pressing in closer and the sun was gone. Terror sped his heart and his feet, spurring him on into a full sprint. He was not a runner though and he tired easily. The street lights flickered as he tried to keep moving. He stumbled over his tired feet and caught himself from falling several times. Half way home and the lights still flickered.

  He kept pushing himself on. Panic clawed at him and wanted him to freeze. He knew if he stopped whatever was in pursuit would have him. He chose flight instead of fight and the adrenaline got him back into his run. Something swooped overhead and he screamed. He kept his feet moving, fear dragging him on. He didn't dare look to see what was there. He knew to look back would mean his death.

  Only a quarter of the way left and he turned onto a better lit street with many people. He slowed to a quick walk trying not to look panicked. Everyone ignored him. They went on about their business as if he weren't there. His house was getting closer with every step. He conserved the last of his energy to make the sprint to his house for it was on a dark street. The town still had yet to fix the street light that had been out for a week. His house was at the middle of it on the right. He got his breathing under control, willing the panic to subside.

  The thing that chased him stayed high above the lights and street waiting almost patiently to resume the hunt. It had all night. He could feel the press of its gaze on his back, like a cat watching a mouse. Or was that predator waiting to catch the prey?

  He soon arrived at the turn to his street and waited a moment. Then he took off like a shot sprinting with all he had, which wasn't much. He hoped it was enough to get him in his house. The thing was not welcome in his home and he knew he would be safe. A few more steps and he reached the door. Now he fumbled with the keys in the lock and it swooped down to catch him. He could hear it coming and just as he fell inside the house as the door opened the thing screamed as it hit the barrier protecting the house.

  He looked as saw a beautiful, yet terrible monster as she lay stunned on his porch. The barrier that had protected him was not for her to pass as she was uninvited. His hair was like pearls and her skin was like snow. He bet it would feel just as cold. She blinked her pure pale blue eyes at him and his full red mouth pouted. She sat up and said in a voice like wind chimes, "I have much to offer you human. You just have to invite me in and I will pass all my secrets on to you. Immortality, strength, speed, and knowledge."

  He looked at her beautiful long hair and eyes and body hidden under the white dress that was long the sleeves started at her upper arms. The red lips made redder with lipstick that was a shade darker than blood. He was tempted, very tempted. A small nagging thought entered his mind that made him shake off the temptress. A small thought just 3 years old cornflower blue-eyed girl and then to her dark brown-eyed mother. If her invited that evil in she would have not only him, but she would have them as well.

  He spoke one simple sentence before he closed the door on the face of eternal beauty and eternal evil. He said, "You the deliverer of evil will not now nor not ever be allowed into this home no matter who gives the invitation you will never be welcome."

  He sagged on the closed door and heard her screams of rage. They disappeared and he looked out the window to be sure she was gone.

  Tomorrow he would look into getting a car and to find more crosses and holy objects to keep her away from him and his family. He knew she would try to take him again.

  About the Author

  Carman lives in a small city in Western New York with her loving husband, who has been with her for over a decade, her 2 young and active kids, and her wild imagination. She has been writing stories ever since she started to read in 3rd grade and she started writing her own. Her first short story was about a mystery solving bunch of kids. Throughout her teens she was always writing stories by hand, and may someday share those stories too. Maybe one day soon she will have her own fur baby too! Bianca is just the first of the White Lady Series. Soon to follow will be The Dark Mistress series. Also in the works is a compilation of short stories and maybe another series as well. You can go here for more:

  You can find more about Bianca here:’

  And for more about Carman, you can go to these sites

  @CarmanASky on Twitter

  And on her blog here:




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